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Bailey Wang

Professor Gupta

Homework 4

The Hawks are roughly located at the center of the map. The Hawk 105928 (gold) and all
concentrated toward the north, while the Hawk 105930 (green) are in the center except spread
throughout the entire map. The Hawk 105936 (blue) and Hawk 117527 (purple) are located in
the same entire, however, it appears that the purple hawks are migrating away since the blue
hawks entered. The Hawk 105923 (red) are located in the southern area. None of the hawks
appear to live in the downtown area.
The Hawk starts in the area near the river and flies within the area. It flies south more
often than going far north which it did a few times. The heights are mostly low when in the
southern area, and it starts to increase as the hawk flies further north. The Hawk’s ranges
throughout the spectrum. In the end, the hawk is roughly in the same area from where it started.

​ he hawk starts on the west side of the river. It flies out toward the east and never goes to
the south. It has flew to the north a couple of times. Majority of its heights are within the 50s,
however, it has hit higher heights as well. Its speed also ranges across the spectrum. In the end,
the hawk returns to the same area.

The graphs with the blue dots represent the birds that returned to their nests, while the
graphs with the red dots represent the birds that left their nests. The distance at “0” represents the
birds’ home nest. A bird is considered to have left their home by flying “x” distance away from
the nest and never coming back (down to zero). The graphs in blue clearly shows that the birds
returned to their nest (since the distance at the end of the graph returns closely to or at zero).
In the red graphs, it is obvious for hawk 105928 that it leaves their nest forever. However,
in the case for hawk 105936, it is debatable whether it has left its nest or not. Hawk 105928
shows a single moment where it has the largest distance, while Hawk 105936 has a moment
(where it is not the final flight) which is the largest distance away from its nest. If we measure
the hawks leaving their rest by furthest distance, then Hawk 105936 is considered to have not left
its nest. Compared to the other Hawks that returned home, they traveled further than Hawk
105936 final flight, however, it still traveled away from its nest and never came back.

For Hawk 105928, it starts its final flight on 09-12-2012 at 23:00 and flies till 09-14-2012 at
03:00 which is roughly 2 days.For Hawk 105936, it starts its final flight on 08-05-2012 at 02:00
and flies till 08-06-2012 at 02:00 which is roughly 1 day.

The Hawk starts on 09-13-2012 at 18:00 around the 100 height and low speed. It flies
south staying roughly at the same height. On 09-13-2012 at 22:00, it starts to increase its height
and around 09-14-01:00-02:00 is the hawk’s most south location. The final location on 09-14-
2012 on 03:00 is the hawk reaches its new nest.
​ he Hawk starts on 08-05-2012 at 02:00 around the 30 height and low speed. It also flies
south increasing in both height and speed on 08-05-2012 on 16:00. Afterwards, it returns north-
east and low speeds and high heights. On 08-06-2012 at 02:00, the hawk reaches its new nest.



loc1.1 = sapply(data[c("lon","lat")], function(x)median(x,na.rm=TRUE))
ggmap(m)+geom_point(aes(lon,lat, color=factor(tag)),data, alpha=.5, na.rm=TRUE)+
xlab("Longitude")+ylab("Latiude")+ggtitle("Hawk Map for each Tag")+scale_color_discrete(name="tag")

#Function created to find the center of the map using median

#Get_map used to create the map of the location using known cordinates
#Map plotted

gg=ggmap(m)+geom_point(aes(lon,lat, color=factor(tag)),data, alpha=.5, na.rm=TRUE)+

xlab("Longitude")+ylab("Latiude")+ggtitle("Hawk Map")

subsetdata = subset(data,stage == "arrival" )

ggmap(m)+geom_line(aes(lon,lat, color=factor(tag), alpha=.5, na.rm=TRUE),subsetdata)+

xlab("Longitude")+ylab("Latiude")+ggtitle("Hawk Map")

subsetdata28 = subset(subsetdata, tag==105928)

loc1.2 = sapply(subsetdata28[c("lon","lat")], function(x)median(x,na.rm=TRUE))
ggmap(n, base_layer = ggplot( subsetdata28, aes(lon,lat)))+
geom_point(aes(color=speed,size=height),alpha=.5, na.rm = TRUE)+
xlab("Longitude")+ylab("Latiude")+ggtitle("Hawk Map on Height and Speed for 105928")+
geom_segment(aes(xend = c(tail(lon, n=-1), NA), yend=c(tail(lat, n=-1),NA) ),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, "cm") ) )+
color='red',point.padding = .5,segment.color = 'red')+
color='red',point.padding = .5,segment.color = 'red')

subsetdata36 = subset(subsetdata,tag==105936)
loc1.3 = sapply(subsetdata36[c("lon","lat")], function(x)median(x,na.rm=TRUE))
ggmap(o, base_layer = ggplot( subsetdata36, aes(lon,lat)))+
geom_point(aes(color=speed,size=height),alpha=.5, na.rm = TRUE)+
xlab("Longitude")+ylab("Latiude")+ggtitle("Hawk Map on Height and Speed for 105936")+
geom_segment(aes(xend = c(tail(lon, n=-1), NA), yend=c(tail(lat, n=-1),NA) ),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, "cm") ) )+
color='red',point.padding = .5,segment.color = 'red')+
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, "cm") ) )+
color='red',point.padding = .5,segment.color = 'red')+
color='red',point.padding = .5,segment.color = 'red')

#Data subset to only include "arrival" stage

#Functions similar to the first plot is done once again
#Includes the direction using the geom_segment and the start and end location using geom_label_repel

subsetdata3=subset(data, speed == 0)
loc1.4 = sapply(subsetdata3[c("lon","lat")], function(x)median(x,na.rm=TRUE))
ggmap(p)+geom_point(aes(lon,lat, color=speed,size=height),subsetdata3, alpha=.5, na.rm=TRUE)+
xlab("Longitude")+ylab("Latiude")+ggtitle("Hawk Map")

subsetdata3.1=subset(data, data$tag == "105923")

subsetdata3.2=subset(data, data$tag == "105928")
subsetdata3.3=subset(data, data$tag == "105930")
subsetdata3.4=subset(data, data$tag == "105936")
subsetdata3.5=subset(data, data$tag == "117527")

loc3.1 = sapply(subsetdata3.1[c("lon","lat")], function(x)median(x,na.rm=TRUE))

loc3.2 = sapply(subsetdata3.2[c("lon","lat")], function(x)median(x,na.rm=TRUE))
loc3.3 = sapply(subsetdata3.3[c("lon","lat")], function(x)median(x,na.rm=TRUE))
loc3.4 = sapply(subsetdata3.4[c("lon","lat")], function(x)median(x,na.rm=TRUE))
loc3.5 = sapply(subsetdata3.5[c("lon","lat")], function(x)median(x,na.rm=TRUE))

subsetdata3.1 = subsetdata3.1 %>%

mutate(dist = by(subsetdata3.1, 1:nrow(subsetdata3.1), function(row){distGeo(c(row$lon,row$lat),loc3.1)}))
subsetdata3.2 = subsetdata3.2 %>%
mutate(dist = by(subsetdata3.2, 1:nrow(subsetdata3.2), function(row){distGeo(c(row$lon,row$lat),loc3.2)}))
subsetdata3.3 = subsetdata3.3 %>%
mutate(dist = by(subsetdata3.3, 1:nrow(subsetdata3.3), function(row){distGeo(c(row$lon,row$lat),loc3.3)}))
subsetdata3.4 = subsetdata3.4 %>%
mutate(dist = by(subsetdata3.4, 1:nrow(subsetdata3.4), function(row){distGeo(c(row$lon,row$lat),loc3.4)}))
subsetdata3.5 = subsetdata3.5 %>%
mutate(dist = by(subsetdata3.5, 1:nrow(subsetdata3.5), function(row){distGeo(c(row$lon,row$lat),loc3.5)}))


#Using distGeo function to calculate the distance between points

#However, the data is transfromed into a different data class and we change it back to a numeric data

ggplot(subsetdata3.1, aes(x=1:nrow(subsetdata3.1),y=subsetdata3.1$dist/1609) )+
geom_point(color="blue")+ggtitle("Hawk Map for 105923")+xlab("Time")+ylab("Distance")+geom_line()
ggplot(subsetdata3.2, aes(x=1:nrow(subsetdata3.2),y=subsetdata3.2$dist/1609) )+
geom_point(color="red")+ggtitle("Hawk Map for 105928")+xlab("Time")+ylab("Distance")+geom_line()
ggplot(subsetdata3.3, aes(x=1:nrow(subsetdata3.3),y=subsetdata3.3$dist/1609) )+
geom_point(color="blue")+ggtitle("Hawk Map for 105930")+xlab("Time")+ylab("Distance")+geom_line()
ggplot(subsetdata3.4, aes(x=1:nrow(subsetdata3.4),y=subsetdata3.4$dist/1609) )+
geom_point(color="red")+ggtitle("Hawk Map for 105936")+xlab("Time")+ylab("Distance")+geom_line()
ggplot(subsetdata3.5, aes(x=1:nrow(subsetdata3.5),y=subsetdata3.5$dist/1609) )+
geom_point(color="blue")+ggtitle("Hawk Map for 117527")+xlab("Time")+ylab("Distance")+geom_line()
#Plot the distance vs time


#Convert time into a date variable

subsetdata3.2$time=parse_date_time(subsetdata3.2$time,"y-m-d H:M:S")
date1= parse_date_time("2012-09-12 23:00:00", "y-m-d H:M:S")
subsetdata3.2.1=subset(subsetdata3.2, subsetdata3.2$time >= date1)
#2012-09-12 23:00:00
#2012-09-14 03:00:00
subsetdata3.4$time=parse_date_time(subsetdata3.4$time,"y-m-d H:M:S")
date2= parse_date_time("2012-08-05 02:00:00", "y-m-d H:M:S")
subsetdata3.4.1=subset(subsetdata3.4, subsetdata3.4$time >= date2)
#2012-08-05 02:00:00
#2012-08-06 02:00:00

#Subset the data for the final days while leaving its nest

ggplot(subsetdata3.2, aes(x=(subsetdata3.2$time),y=subsetdata3.2$dist/1609) )+
geom_point(color="red")+ggtitle("Hawk Map for 105928")+
xlab("Time (months)")+ylab("Distance (miles)")+geom_line()
ggplot(subsetdata3.4, aes(x=(subsetdata3.4$time),y=subsetdata3.4$dist/1609) )+
ggplot(subsetdata3.2, aes(x=(subsetdata3.2$time),y=subsetdata3.2$dist/1609) )+
geom_point(color="red")+ggtitle("Hawk Map for 105928")+
xlab("Time (months)")+ylab("Distance (miles)")+geom_line()
ggplot(subsetdata3.4, aes(x=(subsetdata3.4$time),y=subsetdata3.4$dist/1609) )+
geom_point(color="red")+ggtitle("Hawk Map for 105936")+
xlab("Time (months)")+ylab("Distance (miles)")+geom_line()

#Plot the graphs for the hawks that left their nests

loc4.1 = sapply(subsetdata3.2.1[c("lon","lat")], function(x)median(x,na.rm=TRUE))

ggmap(t, base_layer = ggplot(subsetdata3.2.1, aes(lon, lat)))+
geom_point(aes(color=speed,size=height), alpha=.5, na.rm=TRUE)+
xlab("Longitude")+ylab("Latiude")+ggtitle("Hawk Map for 105928")+
geom_label_repel(aes(label=times), box.padding=3, segment.size = .2 )+
geom_segment(aes(xend = c(tail(lon, n=-1), NA), yend=c(tail(lat, n=-1),NA) ),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, "cm") ) )

loc4.2 = sapply(subsetdata3.4.1[c("lon","lat")], function(x)median(x,na.rm=TRUE))

ggmap(u, base_layer = ggplot(subsetdata3.4.1, aes(lon, lat)))+
geom_point(aes(color=speed,size=height), alpha=.5, na.rm=TRUE)+
xlab("Longitude")+ylab("Latiude")+ggtitle("Hawk Map for 105936")+
geom_label_repel(aes(label=times), box.padding=3, segment.size = .2 )+
geom_segment(aes(xend = c(tail(lon, n=-1), NA), yend=c(tail(lat, n=-1),NA) ),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, "cm") ) )

#Plot the final days the hawk leaves its nest similar to before
#Using geom_label_repel to label the points with their date and time
#Using geom_segments to connect the points together

#Collabrated with Huong Vu

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