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Cutting EDGE

Applied Artificial Intelligence-Machine Learning L1

Course Overview
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field that has been around for long and has a history. It is growing over
days and changing too. This course will introduce you to the basics of modern AI as well as basics of
statistics and supervised machine learning-linear regression model. Applications of AI-machine
learning in industry will be demonstrated.

Basic knowledge of Python will be helpful
Enthusiasm and willingness to adopt a new approach to solve business problems

Learning Objective
An introduction to basics of Artificial Intelligence, statistics and linear regression modeling and
applying the learnt concepts using Python programming language.

Table of Contents
1. Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction.
2. Applied Statistics:
a. Descriptive Statistics
i. Central tendency measure
ii. Data Spread
iii. Association
b. Inferential Statistics
i. Probability
ii. Probability Distribution
iii. Sampling & Sampling Distribution
3. Supervised and unsupervised Learning
4. Regression and Classification – Provide and workout examples with hand
5. Applied Machine Learning - Linear Regression
6. Natural Language Processing
a. Introduction to NLP
b. Applications of NLP
c. Develop a simple Spam detector using python
d. Develop a Sentiment analyzer using python
e. Overview and usage of NLTK (Natural Language Tool Kit)
i. POS Tagging
ii. Stemming and Lemmatization
iii. Named Entity Recognition
7. Classroom Exercise
a. Classification
b. Regression
c. NLP
Case study: Design & Implementation
Participants will be assigned practical exercises to work on as a group or individual.

Class room - 2 days (Including Hands on session) OR
Webex – 2 hours 6 days (Including Hands on session)
For more details, please contact:
Snehalatha N from Architect Academy
Anil Kumar TG from Architect Academy
Arthi Venkataraman DMTS-Senior Member, MIT from CTO Office

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