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Lemus !

Jose Lemus

Professor Granillo

English 101

26 September 2018

The Best Way to Spread Diversity in College.

The article "Minority Students Clubs: Segregation or Integration?", Gabriela Moro uses

rhetorics to strengthen her view on minority clubs. Rhetorics has always been used since created

by Aristotle, it is defined as ways of persuasion. Depending on what rhetorics are used,

determines how the information is processed by readers, and how it will influence what the

readers think on the topic. Some information is filed under logos, ethos, and pathos. Ethos is

information that is ethical and it can vary from different topics but always contain ethical views.

Pathos deals with information that relies on emotion, different emotions are used such as

sadness, anger, happiness, etc. The emotions used are meant to connect with the readers. Logos is

information that contains facts, statistics, and other research information that proves the author's

argument is true. In the article, Moros's uses the rhetorics ethos, logo, and pathos, with the goal

to use them to make her argument about multicultural clubs as persuasive as possible; she

believes multicultural clubs will help bring diversity.

The motivation for the article is expanding diversity. "Minority Students Clubs:

Segregation or Integration?" is about diversity in college and if minority clubs are helping or

hurting diversity. The author states a question, that is at the core of the argument , "However, do

these minority groups amplify students' tendency to interact only with those who are similar to

themselves?" (Moro269). The point of the article is to find the perfect way to spread diversity in
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college with out any unwanted consequences. Self-segregating is the enemy of diversity and is

what Moro is trying to prevent from happening in college. That means people will become dived

and diversity will not take place. She wants students to be prepared for diversity. She gives

information on both sides of the argument on minority clubs, to try find a way. She is not biased

when introducing others ideas. She gives a fair chance to show both sides of the argument. Some

believe that minority clubs are helping colleges diversify, that minority clubs bring people of

different ethnicities to college. Some people believe that those type of clubs are self segregating.

They believe people will only communicate with other people who are similar to them. She

believes that multicultural clubs will help to diversify and she uses rhetorics to get her message

across. And that is why ethos is mostly use, to explain a want for all ethnicities to be with each


Ethos is a main factor of this article. This means most of the information is ethical. The

author speakers about the need for diversity . The author states what colleges need "Minority

representation on US college campuses has increased significantly in recent years, and many

schools have made it a priority to increase diversity on their campuses in order to prepare

students for culturally diverse US democratic society" (Moro269). Diversity is a very important

topic in today's American society. This is ethos because it shows how diversity is wanted in

college. Being able to operate in a diversified society is a very important skill to learn. Diversity

is a ethical topic. She uses the information of a higher need for minority students as a way to tell

the readers, that being is diversified community will students to adapt and prepare them for the

future. The author wants it be well known that students being prepared for diversity outside of
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college is very important. It makes readers aware that diversity is something that will impact

many people's life's, and people should be ready for it.

The ethos is used by showing what she believes will bring more diversity . The author

states her opinion on minority clubs, "While minority clubs have proven to be beneficial to

minority students in some cases, particularly on campuses that are not very diverse , my research

suggests that colleges would enrich the educational experience for all students by multicultural

clubs as well." (Moro270). Multicultural clubs are what she believes will bring different

ethnicities together. This brings a ethical view to the article. The author tries to find the best way

to bring people together. She wants the readers to believe that her way is the most productive

way to bring diversity and make a community in college where people can thrive. She want

people to support the idea of multicultural clubs, because those clubs are the best way to make a

divers community in college. Other rhetorics are used to pursued the readers to believe what the

Moro is saying such as Pathos.

Pathos is motivation in this article. It is not seen a lot in the article. It is not shown as

much as ethos, but it is still a part of the writing. It is shown by students that are in student clubs.

Some emotions that are shown are happiness and sadness. The emotion is used to let the readers

know how students are affected. Pathos is also used in this article. It is used to connect with

people emotionally. The author shows the opinion of a student regarding minority clubs, "As

Delgado put it,"I thought [cultural clubs were] something I maybe didn't need, but come

November, I missed speaking Spanish and I missed having tacos, and other things like

that." (Moro272) Pathos is used by the author by showing information on how minority clubs are

viewed by others emotionally. This quote shows the sadness a student felt before joining a club.
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It's purpose is to move people to support clubs. When the emotion of sadness is used, it is meant

to make people sorry for something and want to change it. Pathos is used to show the importance

of the clubs. Pathos does have a place in this article. Logos is also used in the article to add


Logos is used to show information that is factual and has statics. Her reason to use logos

is to give the reader of sense of awareness on the argument of minority clubs. They feel they can

trust what she has to say. The logos used is to provide evidence to support her claim. Logos is

used to provide information. Logos does have small portion in this article. The article shows

answers from different studies. "A study by Samuel D. Museus in the Journal of College Student

Development found that minority student programs help students to stay connected with their

culture in college and help ease first-year minority students' transition into the college

environment" (Moro 271) . Logos is used to let the readers know that she is aware of other

people's views. In this quote she introduces what another person study showed. She introduces

new ideas. The evidence agrees with her statement that a type of club that expresses ethnicities

should be made. That helps people to adapt to a divers community.

In conclusion the author uses rhetorics to strengthen her argument about minority clubs.

Different rhetorics can be seen in the article placed by her. She uses logos, ethos, and pathos.

This article mostly consists of ethos information, because it talks about minority clubs, but all

three rhetorics are used. Pathos and logos are less used but still add to the article. People need to

be willing to react with people of different culture. More effort should be given to spread

diversity. All people should be open minded to others belief and respect the differences of others.

People should be involved with activities that better the school towards.
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Work Cited

Moro, Gabriela. Minority Students Clubs: Segregation or Integration?. They Say I Say, Gerald

Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, Russel Durst, edition 4, Published in Fresh Writing, 2015,

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