Saving Your Life - Chapter 16 Pancreatic Cancer

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Chapter Sixteen Pancreatic Cancer Pancreatic Cancer “Natural healing has the power to cure pancreatic cancer. But usually, before I see the patient, medical treatments — not the disease — have destroyed the patient’s body.” SCHULZE: I had a lady who had a pancreatic cancer. It was also blocking her duct — her pancreatic duct. She couldn't digest any food, either, because the pancreas creates the hydrochloric acid. Doctors didn’t suggest anything. They just said, “Go home,” because the tumor was big, it was malignant. Very few survive pancreatic cancer. Even in our practice, patients may die of this because they waited too long before using herbs and natural healing. If we had to pick a type of cancer that we had the least results with, it would be either leukemia or pancreatic cancer. That's because these cancers multiply and progress so quickly. The disease only has a 6 months prognosis, People waste 4 to 5 months of this with doctors and vitamins, then they come to me. By the time people come to me after finishing with the doctors, there’s nothing left. Their pilot light is so low that they can’t turn around. The doctors have really done a number on people, like cut out a kidney and a lung and a piece of a liver, radiated them 5 or 6 times, implanted radium seeds in their uterus, and just beyond what we can imagine, so I can't turn all that around, sometimes. ‘There is just so much damage been done. It’s like standing at ground zero when the nuclear bomb goes off, and then saying, “Can you help me Page 276 / Sam Biser’s SAVE YOUR LIFE Collection with my radiation exposure?” It’s a little late. So, people with these cancers have to act fast and get right on the incurables programs without delay. BISER: But how bad was her pancreatic cancer? SCHULZE: It was bad enough where they gave her 3-6 months to live. BISER: Did she look emaciated to you? SCHULZE: No, she looked great. She looked fine, but she was depressed. BISER: What are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer? Do yout feel it? SCHULZE: She didn't have a lot of symptoms. Well, she didn't think she had a lot of symptoms. She had — nobody ever gets that sick without ignoring a thousand symptoms. BISER: How did she know she had it in the first place? SCHULZE: She finally went to a doctor because she had no energy, but she had also had digestive problems for 10 years and was also having blood sugar problems. The body gives you all these warning signs, and you just keep ignoring them. I think she was even taking some insulin, but in the tablet form, not intravenously. BISER: Her prognosis was a lot worse than how she looked. SCHULZE: Oh, yeah. They just said, “You're dead.” ‘They had done some light chemo with her and then they just said, “Get your papers in order.” She did everything that she was supposed to do. She bought her plot, and everything was all ready to go. She even had picked out her tombstone, and carved it with her date of birth and was just waiting for her second date. She was 45 years-old and still single because she had this urinary incontinence, and she never really had a relationship. Pancreatic Gancer/ Page 277

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