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Chapter Seventeen Leukemia Leukemia Oat cell leukemia: the man had a clean bill ofhealth within one year of starting incurables program. SCHULZE: All the people who T tell you about, everybody who continues on the program, always get better. I can't think of anybody who comes to mind in the last 20 years who I have worked with, who we kept working with, and who did not respond. People just have to learn to turn up the volume on their programs. And to keep going in that direction. The man with oat cell leukemia had one of the leukemias that is considered terminal. The biggest problem with that type of leukemia is that they have heard from everybody that they are dead. He came to see me just to get his blood numbers in line, he did not believe the leukemia was something he could deal with. BISER: He knew he was dying, but be just wanted to improve his cholesterol? It doesn't make sense. SCHULZE: A lot of people do that because they are feeling so horrible. It was not necessarily his cholesterol, but that he was overweight. BISER: J mean, they just want to die in a better state? SCHULZE: They have endured so much. He was breathing very heavy, a lot of abdominal pain, just aching, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. He was miserable and also had leukemia. BISER: What does it feel like when you have leukemia? SCHULZE: A lot of times, you don’t feel anything. Eventually, you start getting anemic and then you have a loss of energy. Of course, a lot of people Page 284/ Sam Bisers SAVE YOUR LIFE Collection don’t think they feel anything, but they have ignored symptoms for years like constipation, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and high weight, BISER: Did he get out of the leukemia?. SCHULZE: Absolutely. The doctors didn't even suggest any treatment because he was in such horrible shape they thought the treatment would kill him. They were worried his heart would give out in the treatment. ‘When doctors give a patient chemotherapy, it is taxing to the body. It takes your energy away, it depresses you further. On the other hand, a juice fast is energizing to the body. It is supplying the body with vitamins, minerals, enzymes. It's just what the body needs but it takes 60% or more of your energy to digest food. So, when you stop eating food, you have more energy, and then of course, you add in the enzymes, vitamins and minerals from the juices. ‘This is one thing people don't get about the incurables program. They think if they stop eating they will get weaker. When they stop eating, they wet stronger. And of course, it happens immediately. BISER: Did he get stronger? SCHULZE: Absolutely. Immediately, his blood pressure started going down, his blood cholesterol started going down. He was very overweight and very constipated. He had a bowel that was almost not working at all. We were working immediately on getting his bowel movements happening every day or even more than once a day. The side effect of the first couple of weeks was the constipation was gone, the cholesterol level was sturting to come down, his blood pressure was normalizing, In about 30 days ill his numbers were normalizing. He was still overweight. Leukemia / Page 285

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