Saving Your Life - Chapter 18 Leukemia

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Chapter Eighteen Curing Children of Cancer Curing Children of Cancer. The programs in this SAVE-YOUR-LIFE Collection cure children. whom medicine cannot help. They cure children who would be killed by barbaric “anti-healing” drugs and surgical programs used in hospitals. On videotape Volume Twelve, you learned how to adjust an adult dose downward for children. You also learned that, in serious cases, the child may have to get onto the adult dose as fast as possible. In some cases, procedures have to be modified for children and for the elderly. That is the purpose of this chapter. Childhood leukemia and garlic. BISER: Have you had any children with leukemia? SCHULZE: Yes, and children are harder because Dr. Christopher said you are paying for the sins of the parents. Children are born so genetically weak that they have leukemia or something that started genetically back with the parents, Thave had a lot of child survivors, I think one of the reasons is that the kids don’t buy into all of the negativity. They are not so affected by what the doctors say. That is a great blow to older people when doctors tell them they are going to die. The toughest part with the children is getting them to absolutely make a 100% change in their food program. I've had a lot of three and four-year- olds with leukemia who were pretty much given the death sentence who have pulled out, who responded — but this is the key here — an absolute change. We are talking fruits, vegetables, juice therapy. It’s very powerful and the parent has to take everything away from the child. No treats, no junk food, Page 290/ Sam Biser’s SAVE YOUR LIFE Collection no animal foods. And, of course, the herbs. The herbs are so powerful for changing the blood. And garlic is a big one and you have got to get it into the kid. Garlic is specific for leukemia. SCHULZE: One of the big things is getting that garlic in large amounts into the kids. BISER: What kinds of amounts? SCHULZE: At least 3 cloves a day — even for a four-year-old, You have to chop it up and put it into gelatin capsules and get it down them. Garlic absolutely inhibits the growth of leukemia in the body. It stops the white blood cells from clumping together, which increases the spread of leukemia. A lot of people lighten up too much with the kids. T almost think it’s worse with the kids because they didn’t start with a chance. They were crippled by what their parents did before them. These kids die really quickly of leukemia. Medicine has a very low success rate with them. BISER: I hought medicine was successful with childhood leukemia? SCHULZE: Oh no. Not like you think. They are killing them left and right. Otherwise, why would parents bring their kids to me with childhood leukemia? Sometimes it’s because the prognosis is so horrible. Other times, all they have to do is walk into the Ronald McDonald wing of Children’s Hospital to these cancer centers, and see the nightmares that ire going on in there. That makes them want to do something different. Curing Children of Cancer / Page 291

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