Saving Your Life - Chapter 19 Aids

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Chapter Nineteen AIDS AIDS To cure AIDS, it’s a total life-style change — not a drug or a pill. AAs you will learn from the videotapes and from this manual, natural healing can cure AIDS. But if you are looking for one special anti-viral herb to solve this disease, you're as nuts as the doctors. How stupid can these experts be (and the patients, too), to believe that a single drug, a chemical on its lonesome, can cure a total body breakdown? We don’t need any more research money to cure AIDS. The answers already exist in this Collection, thanks to the work of Dr. Richard Schulze, who was not afraid to work with dying patients. You want a cure, fine! How bad do you want it? Are you willing to go through the natural healing programs in this SAVE-YOUR-LIFE Collection for 14-16 hours a day? If so, you can be cured, just like the people we talk about in this Collection. In case you are groggy or dense and didn’t get my point, I will repeat it: AIDS can be cured. Right now. Forget the DNA research. Forget the emotional fund-raisers. They're not necessary. The information in this Collection is not just for healthy people who are HIV-positive. It can also save those who are skin and bone and sores and diarrhea. If you follow all this information, you can end up cured and HIV-negative. Sympathy and understanding cannot cure AIDS. This information will cure — but only if you use it with all your heart and soul. Page 306 / Sam Bisers SAVE YOUR LIFE Collection If people would live right, eat right, think right, use natural healing, and stop taking all drugs, the AIDS epidemic would end. — Sam Biser SCHULZE: Referring back to that AIDS case we discussed on the videotapes, he was in the hospital. He had a T-cell count of 1 or 2 — and had about a week to live. He was one of my most dramatic recoveries with AIDS, and the reason | say that is that he was the most far gone. He was in the absolute, end stage — they have that wing in the hospital where they have given up on you. You can smoke pot and do anything you want. They had given up on him. He was the sickest. He was just skin wrapped around bones. I've had people with Karposi’s sarcoma, and I've had people with pneumocystic lung fibrosis, but he was one of the only ones I had that had both lungs diseased — full-blown, advanced. BISER: He Aad red blotches all over his skin. SCHULZE: All over his body. Most people — usually it’s more prevalent on the feet. BISER: But he had them all over? SCHULZE: He had them on his head, his face, his arm, his chest. BISER: Don’t you ever get scared that you, yourself, could get something from them? SCHULZE: Again, not that I am perfect, but it’s another great motivation to take care of myself and eat right and live a fairly clean life. But I also feel ~ I've always felt pretty impervious to this stuff. You know how it is being an Aries. RISER: Ob, you feel rugged. AIDS / Page 307

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