Data Presentation and Analysis

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A. Data Presentation

1. Description of the Data

The purpose of the research was to obtain the students reading

habit and writing in narrative text and also to know the correlation between

students reading habit and their writing ability of narrative text at senior

high school 2 Tambang Kampar Regency.The writer got the data through

questionnaire and test. This chapter presented the research finding dealing

with the data analyzed and interpretedwhich had been taken from

questionnaire and test.

The independent variable (X) is students reading habit it was using

questionnaire to the eleventh grade students of SMAN 2 Tambang Kampar

Regency. There were 15 items. The dependent variable (Y) is students

writing ability of narrative text conducting by a writing test to the eleventh

grade students of SMAN 2 Tambang Kampar Regency. The test is writing

narrative text in a short story.


2. Presentation of the Data

Table IV.1

4.1 Reading Habit Result

No Score Category
1 52 Good
2 54 Good
3 49 Good
4 43 Fair
5 41 Fair
6 51 Good
7 46 Fair
8 54 Good
9 51 Good
10 52 Good
11 43 Fair
12 46 Fair
13 46 Fair
14 36 Fair
15 57 Good
16 52 Good
17 51 Good
18 47 Fair
19 51 Good
20 43 Fair
21 52 Good
22 54 Good
23 50 Good
24 54 Good
25 32 Bad
26 60 Good
27 51 Good
28 47 Fair
29 45 Fair
30 44 Fair
31 48 Fair
32 59 Good
33 51 Good
34 60 Good
Total 1671
Mean 49.17647 Good

From the data above we can see that there are 2 students got score

60, it is categorized as very good, 20 students get score 59 – 50, these are

categorized as good, there are 12 studets get score 48 – 41, these are

categorized as fair , and 1 students get score 32, these are categorized as

bad.Total score of reading habit is 1671 and the Mean of reading habit is

49.17647 can becategorized as Good.


Table IV.2

4.2 Students’ Writing Ability Result

No Score Category
1 65 Average
2 72 Good
3 85 Very Good
4 63 Average
5 74 Good
6 81 Very Good
7 62 Average
8 72 Good
9 83 Very Good
10 74 Good
11 60 Fair
12 70 Average
13 78 Good
14 47 Poor
15 85 Very Good
16 74 Good
17 80 Good
18 69 Avergae
19 81 Very Good
20 70 Average
21 75 Good
22 72 Good
23 79 Good
24 80 Good
25 58 Fair
26 82 Very Good
27 79 Good
28 70 Average
29 70 Average
30 57 Fair
31 70 Average
32 73 Good
33 81 Very Good
34 77 Good
Total 2468
Mean 72.58824 Good

From the recapitulation of writing ability above there are 7 students

who get score 81- 85, categorized as ‘very good”, 14 students who get
score 72-80, categorized as “good”, 8 students get score 62-70, categorized
as “average”, 3 students get score 69-57,categorized as “fair”, 1 students
get score 47, it can be categorized as “poor”. Total score 2468, mean of
the writing ability is 72.45455, it can be categorized as “good”.


4.3 Students’ Achievement Result of Reading Habit

The distribution of the students’ reading habit result

Percentage Criteria Frequency Achievem

Interval ent
81-100 Very Good 0
61-80 Good 20 58.82
41-60 Fair 13 38.23
21-40 Bad 1 2.94
Sum 34 100%
Highest 77.5%
Lowest 33.75%
Average 61.1%

4.4 Students’ Achievement Result of Writing Narrative Text

The distribution of the students’ writing achievement result

Percentage Criteria Frequency Achievement

91-100 Excellent 0 0
81-90 Very Good 7 20.59
71-80 Good 14 41.18
61-70 Average 9 26.47
51-60 Fair 3 8.82
41-50 Poor 1 2.94
Sum 34 100%
Highest 85
Lowest 47
Average 72.4

4.5 Table Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

x 48.4118 6.64292 34

y 72.5882 8.78745 34
The table above shows that, mean of reading habit 48.4118 and the

std. deviation is 6.64292. Mean of the writing ability 72.5882 and the std

deviation is 8.78745.

4.6 Table Analysis of Pearson correlation in SPSS


x y

x Pearson Correlation 1 .592**

Significance(2-tailed) .000

Sum of Squares and Cross- 1456.235 1139.765


Covariance 44.128 34.538

N 34 34

y Pearson Correlation .592** 1

Significance(2-tailed) .000

Sum of Squares and Cross- 1139.765 2548.235


Covariance 34.538 77.219

N 34 34

**. Correlation at 0.01(2-tailed):...

From the table above, it showed that significant corrrelation was

found of students reading habit score to their writing ability in narrative


text. so, in the conclusion p was 0.000, the 2-tailed value was smaller than

0.05 (p<0.05). the result showed that the score did correlate between

students reading habit score to their writing ability in narrative text at

senior high school 2 tambang. based on the analysis, the hyphotesis Ha was

accepted and Ho rejected. so, it can be concluded “There is significant

correlation between students reading habit and their writing ability in

narrative text at senior high school 2 tambang.

3. Validity and Reliability of the Instrument

Reliability of the Instrument

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 34 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 34 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables

Table 4.7
Cronbach Alpha Table
Reliability Statistics

Cronbachs Alpha N of Items

.848 20

From the table above, it can be seen that the value of

Cronbach’s alpha is that 0.848. It means that the itmes were reliable, in

which the value of internal consistency was .9> 0.848 ≤ .8, so the

reliability of the questionnaire was good.


Item Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Correlated Item- Cronbachs Alpha

Item Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation if Item Deleted

item1 46.76 51.458 .294 .846

item2 47.18 51.665 .337 .845

item3 46.18 48.877 .471 .839

item4 46.74 48.807 .610 .835

item5 46.68 48.589 .549 .836

item6 46.85 50.857 .440 .842

item7 46.06 50.845 .321 .845

item8 46.09 49.416 .406 .842

item9 46.88 49.198 .329 .847

item10 45.79 50.714 .227 .851

item11 46.91 51.416 .315 .845

item12 46.18 47.301 .533 .836

item13 45.68 47.922 .416 .843

item14 46.71 47.668 .515 .837

item15 46.47 49.590 .455 .840

item16 45.97 45.545 .663 .829

item17 46.29 48.638 .480 .839

item18 46.50 48.985 .580 .836

item19 46.26 50.019 .301 .847

item20 46.03 48.454 .489 .838


Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 34 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 34 100.0

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 34 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 34 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables

To analyze the validity of data, the writer analyzed by inter item

validity used SPSS17 program. Table showed the criteria of items validity.
Table 4.9
The Validity of instrument

Item R Interpretation of validity status

1 0.37 High Valid
2 0.58 Average Valid
3 0.78 High Valid
4 0.86 Very High Valid
5 0.41 Average Valid
6 0.44 Average Valid
7 0.48 Average Valid
8 0.32 Low Valid
9 0.58 Average Valid
10 0.58 Average Valid
11 0.47 Average Valid
12 0.45 Average Valid
13 0.44 Average Valid
14 0.86 Very High Valid
15 0.63 High Valid
16 0.23 Low Valid
17 0.48 Average Valid
18 0.44 Average Valid
19 0.69 High Valid
20 0.34 Low Valid

Based on the test instrument validity to the 20 items, it showed that

all of the ites were valid. it means that the instrument can be used in this

research. in the following table is the result of the instrument validity.

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