Constitutional Law Ii Atty. Jose Adrian Bonifacio Eknmaguilar 2018

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CONSTITUTIONAL LAW II  The rights mentioned in Article III are also
afforded to foreigners who sojourn in the
3. CONSTITUTION OF LIBERTY “First Generation of Human Rights”
Constitutional Law II primarily deals with the constitution - The Philippine Bill of Rights was merely borrowed
of liberty from western legislation such as the US Bill of
Rights and Declaration of Independence.
The Constitution of Liberty deals with the clash between
the three inherent powers of the government and the
Constitutional Rights granted by the Constitution
Human Rights are rights which are inherent to human
Constitutional Law II therefore is a study of the
beings and without which, we cannot fully live as
inherent powers of the state and the basic constitutional
human beings.
Even in the absence of a law, human rights can be
 Police Power
 Eminent Domain
 Taxation In Republic v. Sandiganbayan, it was held that during
the interregnum (February 25-March 25, 1986), there
Even in the absence of constitutional provisions was no operative constitution because a de facto
detailing such, any state can invoke these powers. revolutionary government is not bound to follow the
 Liberties include constitutional rights and basic constitution of the previous regime. As such, no Bill
and political rights of Rights was operative. However, by virtue of the
 Constitutional Rights are not limited only in Philippines’ agreement to the International Covenant
Article III Bill of Rights in the 1987 Constitution; on Civil and Political Rights and the Universal
it also includes, among others, Declaration of Human Rights, the Filipino People enjoy
1. Right to a balanced and healthful ecology (Sec. the same rights in the Bill of Rights by virtue of the
16, Art. II; Oposa v. Factoran) ICCPR and UDHR. The declaration is an international
2. Right to Vote (Art. V) customary law which the Philippines has the obligation
3. Right to Citizenship (Art. IV; Llamanzares-Poe to uphold, and that as human beings, they are proper
v. COMELEC) subjects to the rules in the covenant.

The Rights in Article III are negative rights because A. GENERAL PRINCIPLES
they are designed to prevent abuses from the
Similarities and Differences
government. They include negative duties on the part
of government. 1. As to who can exercise:
Generally, police power is exercised by the
We are also bound to follow International Customary
legislative but can be delegated to
Law by virtue of the Incorporation Clause under Art.
administrative/executive bodies and to Local
II Sec. 2.
Government Units (Sec. 16, LGC)

Taxation can be exercised by the legislative, and

the Local Government Units, but the executive can
exercise it by imposing tariff rates

Eminent Domain involves a multitude of processes

involving different departments: it involves the
Executive in determining the purpose of the property
II. HIERARCHY OF RIGHTS taken, the judiciary to hear an expropriation
proceeding, and the legislative to pass an
appropriations law for just compensation
2. As to the rights affected:
CIVL/POLITICAL RIGHTS In Police Power, life, liberty and property are
SOCIO-ECONOMIC RIGHTS subject to the power of the state.
In Eminent Domain and Taxation, property is being
subject to the power of the state.
3. As to payment:
In Philippine Blooming Mills Employees Organization v. In Eminent Domain, payment of just compensation is a
Philippine Blooming Mills, the court said that Civil sine qua non requirement as provided for in Sec. 9
Liberties are superior to Property rights because Civil of Art. III.
Liberties allow individuals to be fully-functioning
citizens of a democratic state. In taxation, the payment for property is the
improvements made on public utilities

In police power, the payment is an intangible, functions in the creation of Implementing Rules and
altruistic feeling of contributing for public Regulations.
For Local Government Units, Sec. 16 of RA 7160 (Local
4. Police Power and Taxation is strictly exercised by
Government Code of 1991) provides for the General Welfare
the government.
Clause where it provides that local legislative bodies
may enact ordinances deemed to serve the General Welfare
In Eminent Domain, Quasi-Public Corporations may
exercise as long as it is for public welfare (i.e. II. EMINENT DOMAIN
5. The invocation of Eminent Domain and Taxation The Power of Eminent Domain may be validly delegated
involves confiscation of private property is to Administrative Bodies, Local Government Units and
wholesome and devoted for public use or purpose. Quasi-Public Corporations
Quasi-public Corporations are private entities who
In police power, the confiscation involves a provide for basic needs or wants. It includes
property that is noxious, or intended for a noxious corporations which provide for electricity, water
purpose, and thus may be destroyed supply, etc., including corporations who develop
expressways, etc.

B. DELEGABILITY OF POWERS OF THE STATE For Local Government Units, Sec. 19 of the LGC
provides that:
General Rule: The Inherent Powers are primarily
exercised by the legislature. a. There must first be an offer to the private property
owner before an expropriation proceeding may be
b. Should the owner refuse, it is the only time where
Police Power may be validly delegated to the President,
an expropriation proceeding may be filed.
to Administrative Bodies, and to Local Government Units.
c. The purpose of the expropriation for Local
However, there must be a law providing for such.
Government Units must strictly be for the poor and
For the President, Police Power may be delegated in the landless, as compared to the National Government
exercise of his emergency powers as provided by the where it requires that the purpose must merely be
Congress in times of National Emergencies. for public purpose.
For Administrative Bodies, they can exercise police power
by virtue of their quasi-legislative and rule-making

For taxation, the Implementing Rules and Regulations will delegated to the President in the exercise of
be drafted by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, which is an emergency powers, to Administrative Bodies in the
administrative bodies drafting of IRRs, and to Local Government Units under
the General Welfare Clause.
The power of taxation is also delegated to the President
in his power to enact tariff bills. III. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF POLICE POWER
 Police power is the most pervasive, most demanding
Police Power is the power of the state to regulate life, and least limitable power of all three powers of the
liberty and property for the purpose of promoting general state
or public welfare.  It is wide in coverage because it can touch almost
all human activities
 Eminent Domain may be used to implement a police
1. Salus Populi es suprema lex (the welfare of the  Taxation may also be used tom implement police
people is the supreme law) power.
2. Sic Utere Tuo Ut Alienum Non Laedas (exercise your  Police Power prevails over a contract; and as such
rights in the manner that it will not affect the it shall prevail of the non-impairment of contracts
rights of others) rule under the Bill of Rights
This provides that rights are not absolute. There is  Police Power cannot be waived by a treaty and cannot
an abuse of rights when the exercise of a right comes be bargained away by a treaty.
at the expense of other people’s rights.
3. Parens Patriae
It means the state as the protector of the rights of
the people, especially those who cannot protect 1. Should not primarily be in contravention with the
themselves or the vulnerable sectors which includes Constitution
Women, Children, Elderly, PWDs, and the Poor. It is 2. Should always abide by due process and equal
also called as Social Justice legislation protection of the laws
3. Any police power legislation is subject to the
II. WHO CAN EXERCISE POLICE POWER? rational basis test, compelling state interest test,
and the due process and equal protection test
General Rule and exceptions: Police Power is generally
a legislative function, however, it may be validly
Rational basis test involves a question of It also means that it should be backed up by law or
reasonability. The means employed must be ordinance.
In the case of Ermita-Malate Hotel and Motel
Compelling state interest test involves a question Operators v. City of Manila and Dela Cruz v. Paras,
of whether or not there is a state interest involved it was held that an outright prohibition and closing
in a particular legislation that the state must be of Hotels and Motels because these places are
able to answer/fulfill, i.e. health, morals, welfare “places of immorality” already infringes upon the
or national security. constitutional right of owners to own and utilize
their property. While public morals is a valid
Due Process and equal protection test involves a subject under police power, there is now lawful
question on whether or not Due process and equal means when there is outright deprivation of property
protection has been afforded by the subjects of the rights. This means that the achievement of the
police power legislation, especially people who are police power objective does not need to go to that
affected by deprivation or regulation of life, extent, it rather just needs mere regulation of the
liberty and property. exercise and use of their properties, not to totally
ban them.
1. Lawful Subject In Mirasol v. DPWH, it was held that the court’s
Lawful subject means that the police power power of inquiry is only limited to reasonability
legislation must carry with it a public purpose of and not on whether or not the policy is the best way
promoting general or public welfare. to enforce the police power objective. This means
that the court will only decide on whether or not
If there is no public purpose for which it is the policy is reasonable; because choosing among a
intended, the exercise is not valid. plethora of options to enforce a police power
objective is left to the legislature who passes and
It is not necessary that a direct benefit may be creates laws.
given; it is enough for as long as the is public
purpose intended.
2. Lawful Means Eminent Domain is the power of the state to take away
Lawful Means involve a reasonable necessity of the private property for public use, upon just compensation.
means employed to attains such police power
Eminent Domain- power of the state
Expropriation- proceeding filed by the state in courts
I. Constitutional Provisions justifying Eminent  Anything that can be a subject of legal ownership;
Domain: anything within the dominion of man
1. Sec. 9 of Art. III Examples: airtime (TELEBAP v. COMELEC);
“Private Property cannot be taken without just advertisement space (Phil. Press Institute v.
compensation” COMELEC)
2. Sec. 18 of Art. XII  However, like Police Power, one of the basic
“The State may, in the interest of national welfare limitations of Eminent Domain is the constitutional
or defense, establish and operate vital industries, guarantee of due process and equal protection of the
and, upon payment of just compensation, transfer to laws.
public ownership utilities and other private
enterprises to be operated by the Government.” V. Elements
3. Sec. 4 and Sec. 9 of Art. XIII 1. Necessity
Sec. 4- On Agrarian Reform Program 2. Private Property
Sec. 9- on Urban land reform and housing 3. Taking
4. Public Use
II. Who can exercise Eminent Domain? 5. Just Compensation
1. Legislative 6. Due Process
2. LGUs
3. Quasi-Public Corporations Necessity
4. Administrative Bodies There must be an expedient and urgent need to
When exercised by the Legislature, the power of eminent expropriate for the benefit of the public.
domain is a political question while if it is exercised Private Property
by any delegates of the power, it is a justiciable
question. Private Property should be definite.
Question: Can Public Property be further expropriated?
III. Rules of Construction of the Power of Eminent YES
 When invoked, and in case of doubt, it shall be While the Republic may not compel the PLDT to
liberally interpreted in favor of the private celebrate a contract with it, the Republic may, in the
property owner, and strictly construed against the exercise of the sovereign power of eminent domain,
state require the telephone company to permit
interconnection of the government telephone system and
IV. What can be expropriated? that of the PLDT subject to just
compensation. (Republic v. PLDT)
Taking If only a portion of the property expropriated (except if
there are already improvements in the whole property i.e.
a house), the following formula is followed:
1. The expropriator must enter a private property
BV + (CD-CB) where:
2. Entry must be for more than a momentary period
3. Entry must be under a warrant or color of legal BV= Basic Value
authority CD= Cost of Destruction
4. Property must be for public use or purpose. CB= Cost of Benefit
*The commonality is that it must have an intent to oust The payment should be paid in cash but it can also be in
the private property owner the form of
Public Use Cash Bonds (Association of Small Landowbers v. Secretary
of Agrarian Reform)
Any use directly available to the general public as a
matter of right Stocks (Hacienda Luisita Inc. v. PARC)
Indirect public purpose is justified as long as it is The actual value which should be considered is the value
public in nature of the property during its actual taking and is entitled
to legal interest
Just Compensation
VI. Notable Jurisprudence
Full and Fair equivalent of the property taken, under the
perspective of both the state and the private property The amount of just compensation is purely a judicial
owner. function upon the appointment of the judge in the
expropriation court of commissioners who will assess
the fair market value of the property sought to be
Property owner cannot, however, demand exorbitant expropriated, and not by any fixed law (EPZA v. Dulay)
When a franchise of a government-created institution
When there is already Writ of Possession, (according to or authority ceases at the pendency of an
Atty. Bonifacio), tendency is the private property owner expropriation proceeding, the case does not terminate
cannot anymore refuse to sell the property because by virtue of the loss of the juridical personality of
usually, the amount has already been deposited. the institution, because in expropriation proceedings,
it is the state which is deemed as the party. (Iron
Fair equivalent means the basic value or price that and Steel Authority v. CA)
pareties are willing to consider in a contract of sale.
Only upon payment of full compensation that the 1. Necessity Theory
property expropriated be considered as fully owned by - Taxes are a need of the government; without it, it
the government. (Estate of Salud Jimenez v. PEZA) cannot function
2. Benefits Protection Theory
Tourism purposes is considered as public use. (Heirs
- In exchange for taxes that citizens pay, citizens
of Ardona v. Reyes)
can expect benefits, protection and security
TAXATION provided by the state.

Taxation is a mode of raising public revenue for Inherent Limitations to the Power of Taxation
public purposes; it should ultimately boil down for
1. For a public purpose
public purposes.
2. Territoriality
Taxes are enforced contributions impelled by an - Taxes will only operate within the particular
element of compulsion to pay such contributions. territory of a state.
3. International Comity
Elements of Taxation - Foreign jurisdictions are not taxed, particularly if
1. Mandatory Contribution it involves properties located in the Philippines
- The power to tax is mandatory in nature, as it is which are owned by foreign jurisdictions in pursuant
the price we pay for a civilized society to their sovereign powers i.e. Consulates,
2. Proportional Embassies, etc.
- Taxation must be based on one’s ability to pay. The - This is subject to the PIL Principle of Reciprocity
Constitution mandates a progressive system of 4. Exemptions
taxation, meaning tax increases as the tax base - The government itself is exempt from taxing itself
increases. - Any Religious, Charitable and Educational purposes
3. Levied by authority of the law are exempted from taxation, i.e. income taxes, real
- Taxation is only possible if there is a law granting property taxes
such 5. Delegability
4. Taxes are collected in support of the Government - General Rule: Non-delegation
- Exceptions- President’s tariff powers, LGC
Lifeblood Doctrine
Constitutional Limitations to the Power of Taxation
-Taxes are essential for the existence of the
government, thus its prompt collection is an 1. Due Process and Equal Protection
imperative need.
2 theories why there is a need for taxation
CJ Marshall, US Supreme Court: “The Power to tax is Tax Evasion are illegal ways to lessen or evade the
the power to destroy” payment of taxes, which is a criminal offense.

CJ Holmes, US Supreme Court: “The Power to tax is

not the power to destroy while this court sits” THE BILL OF RIGHTS

This means that while taxes are burdensome in the SEC. 1- No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or
eyes of citizen-taxpayers, the power to tax cannot property without the due process of law, nor shall any
destroy their inherent right to property and its person be denied of equal protection of the law.
enjoyment thereof because the power to tax is not DUE PROCESS
absolute; it is always subject to the constitutional
limitations of Due Process and Equal Protection. Due process means that the law must hear before it
2. Uniformity or Equity condemns.
- All persons or things similarly situated shall be The protected aspects of due process include life,
treated alike liberty, and property, with the exception of unlawful
3. Non Imprisonment for non-payment of poll tax items.
- Poll Tax- Cedula
4. Non-impairment of obligations in contracts 2 aspects of due process
5. Taxes should not offend religious freedoms a. Procedural Due Process
6. Taxes should not be allotted for sectarian purposes b. Substantive Due Process
7. Exemptions to traditional exemptees
- Religious, Charitable, Educational institutions are
exempt from income taxation Real Property Tax, as
long as such are within their respective purposes.
8. Congress can only provide tax exemptions by majority - procedures which the government must follow or
vote of all members of congress undertake in the application of laws.
Procedural Due Process in Judicial Proceedings

 Taxes are always personal to the taxpayer. Tax Elements:

liabilities cannot be inherited 1. The Court of Tribunal Must possess judicial power
 Taxation can bring in criminal liability 2. The Court must have jurisdiction to hear and decide
Tax Evasion – Tax Avoidance the case
Tax Avoidance are legal ways to lessen tax burdens 3. There is an opportunity to be heard
4. Judgment be rendered only upon a lawful hearing or 1. Student must be informed of the nature and cause of
trial the accusation against him
2. Student has the right to answer charges against him
Procedural Due Process in Administrative Proceedings with assistance of a counsel if desired
- Does not necessarily require a trial-type proceeding 3. Student has the right to be informed of the evidence
against him
- Two Essential Elements: Notice and Opportunity to be
4. Student has the right to adduce evidence in his own
Elements (Ang Tibay v. CIR) 5. Evidence must be considered in totality
6. Penalty imposed must be proportionate to the offense
1. Right to hearing, which includes the right to
present his own case and submit evidence in support Proceedings without the need of formal hearing
thereof. - Thus, even without hearing, due process is not
2. The tribunal must consider the evidence presented. violated
3. The decision must have something to support itself. - In this case, the Police Power objective is more
4. The evidence used to support a finding or conclusion important
should be substantial. Substantial evidence means 1. Administrative Agencies exercising quasi-legislative
such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might functions
accept as adequate to support a conclusion. 2. Abatement of nuisance per se
5. The decision must be rendered on the evidence 3. The court’s grant of provisional remedies such as
presented at the hearing, or at least contained in TROs, Preliminary Injunctions, Replevin, Attachment
the record and disclosed to the parties affected. 4. Cases of preventive suspensions
6. The tribunal must act on its own independent 5. Cancellations of passport of a person charged with a
consideration of the law and facts of the crime
controversy, and not simply accept the views of a 6. Hold-departure orders
subordinate in arriving at a decision. 7. Suspension of a bank’s operation by the Monetary
7. The tribunal must render its decision in such a Board
manner that the parties to the proceeding can know
the various issues involved, and the reasons for the When an assistance of a counsel Is not necessary
decisions rendered. General Rule: Right to Counsel is Recognized
School Disciplinary Proceeding 1. Katarungang Pambarangay Law (Reconciliation
- The constitutional rights to due process are not Proceedings)
waived upon entering the school 2. Alternative Dispute Resolution

The Right to a Preliminary Investigation is merely a SECTION 2. The right of the people to be secure in their
statutory right, and absence thereof is not a violation persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable
of due process searches and seizures of whatever nature and for any
purpose shall be inviolable, and no search warrant or
Right to appeal is merely a statutory right that warrant of arrest shall issue except upon probable cause
prescribes to be determined personally by the judge after examination
under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the
witnesses he may produce, and particularly describing the
1. Lawful Subject place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.
2. Lawful Means
Section 2 contemplates about rights against unreasonable
Reasonableness demands equity (reason and morality) searches and seizures

VOID FOR VAGUENESS RULE Purpose of the Article:

- If the law is not clear, its constitutionality may Castle Doctrine
be challenged. - Right to the zones of privacy which includes the
Requisites for vagueness. home, body of a person, thoughts, religion and
1. It lacks comprehensible standards personal relationships, which are matters that
2. Men of ordinary intelligence must not guess of its cannot be intruded by the state.
3. There is no uniformity in its application General Rule: THERE MUST BE A DOCUMENT OR A SEARCH
EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAW Exception (which must be construed in strictest terms):
- Equality before the law/legal equality VALID WARRANTLESS ARRESTS/SEARCHES
- Persons or things under like circumstances shall be
treated alike both as to privileges conferred and
liabilities imposed SEARCHES WITH A WARRANT
When is this right violated?
Requisites: 1. Search and seizure with a warrant is unreasonable
1. Substantial Distinction 2. When search and seizure with a warrant is not
2. Germane to the Purpose of the law founded on judicially determined probable cause
3. Must not be limited to existing conditions only
4. Must apply equally to all members of the same class What is a search warrant?
Sec. 1 of Rule 126 of the Revised Rules of Criminal

An order in writing issued in the name of the People of Address is controlling in the execution of a search
the Philippines, signed by the judge, directed to a peace warrant.
officer, commanding him to search for personal property
described therein and bring it before the court. How to Determine if Search Warrant is Valid
1. If there is probable cause
Search warrants are only issued in a judicial proceeding, 2. Whether or not the signatory is a judge
upon criminal cases, which include pending cases and 3. The affidavit of the applicant must be under oath
cases about to be filed. 4. Warrant must particularly provide the place to be
searched and the persons/things to be seized
1. Particularity of the person to be searched - Yes, provided that the person with unknown identity
2. Particularity of the place to be searched may be particularly described by the complainant.
3. Particularity of the things to be seized 5. Warrant must be issued in connection with a specific
1. Only a judge can issue a search warrant in the place Common Rules in order to avoid the abuse of Search
where the crime is committed. The search warrant is Warrants
territorial in nature, and to avoid forum-shopping. 1. A Search Warrant is valid only for 10 days
If judge is not available within that particular 2. While there is no law providing the time of search,
jurisdiction, any court within the same judicial daytime search is preferred
region shall suffice. 3. Knock and Announce Rule
4. Witness to search rule
Exception: In Continuing crimes, a search warrant (2-witness rule, if the person who owns the house is
may be applied in the place where the case has been not present, coordination with the community is also
filed preferred)
2. Searching Questions to be conducted by the judge; 5. Conduct and inventory of the things seized.
witnesses must be personally examined by the judge 6. Miranda Rights
3. Determine Probable Cause 7. Report to the court what happened, and give the
- Established by searching inquiries seized items to the court or evidence custodian.
- Probable Cause “such facts and circumstances which Victims of violations against this right can invoke the
would lead a reasonably discreet and prudent man to exclusionary rule or the Doctrine of the Fruit of the
believe that an offense has been committed and that Poisonous Tree
the object sought in connection with the offense are
in the place sought to be searched. WARRANTLESS SEARCHES AND SEIZURES
1. Probable case-oriented searches
a. Warrantless searches incidental to lawful arrest

b. Plain View Doctrine - The search is valid as long as there is anything
c. Automobile Search that would incite suspicion by means of ascertaining
d. Searches during emergency situations configurations, etc.
2. Regulatory-oriented searches
a. Stop and frisk search Automobile Search
b. Customs and airport searches
c. Checkpoints Carroll Doctrine (Carroll v. US)
d. Inspections of structures and buildings for fire, There is no necessity that the automobile is moving,
sanitary, tax and environmental regulations engine must only be on to justify warrantless search.
3. Consensual Search
“The guaranty of freedom from unreasonable searches and
PROBABLE CAUSE ORIENTED SEARCHES seizures is construed as recognizing a necessary
difference between a search of a dwelling house or other
Warrantless Searches incidental to lawful arrest structure in respect of which a warrant may readily be
obtained and a search of a ship, motorboat, wagon, or
Examples: automobile for contraband goods, where it is not
a. There should be a lawful arrest followed by a search practicable to secure a warrant, because the vehicle can
(i.e. caught in flagrante delicto) + search be quickly moved out of the locality or jurisdiction in
b. Escapee of a penal/psychiatric institution + search which a warrant must be sought.”
c. Hot Pursuit- a crime has just been committed and
arresting officer has probable cause in personal Qualifications:
knowledge that the person to be arrested has 1. Must be moving/engine must be on and there is an
committed the crime opportunity to stop
2. Limited to visual search/ flash and point search,
Plain View Doctrine and may not open compartments

Elements: Searches made on emergency circumstances

- Must be premised upon genuine necessity and exigency
a. Private intrusion
b. Evidence was inadvertently discovered
c. Person was not purposely looking for evidence REGULATORY-ORIENTED SEARCHES
d. Evidence must be immediately apparent to be evidence
of a crime Intrusion of Privacy as a violation of this right may
e. Seizure of evidence will be justified with only be committed by state agents, not private
conducting further search individuals (People v. Marti)

Exception: Zulueta v. CA where husbands and wives outside Compliance with fire/sanitation/tax/environmental
the family home may violate privacy. Marriage does not standards
dissolve one’s right to privacy outside the family home. - Administrative searches, in the guise of police
Stop and Frisk Search
(Patty Search and Arrest/Terry Search and Arrest, based
Purpose is to prevent harm, i.e. against armed and - Personal right to refuse
dangerous person. - Consent should be categorical and clear
- Mere silence cannot be automatically construed as
People v. Solayao consent
A civilian wearing a camouflage outfit is a reasonable Requisites:
suspicion to justify stop and frisk search 1. The Right exists
2. Person had actual knowledge about the existence of
Manalili v. CA his right
A suspicion of having red and wobbling eyes is a 3. Person had actual intention to relinquish the right
reasonable suspicion to justify stop and frisk search
The constitutional immunity against unreasonable searches
Malacat v. CA and seizures is a personal right which may be waived. The
There should be actual imminent danger on the life of the waiver may be either express or implied. No express
police officer to justify arrest waiver has been made in the case before us. It is urged,
however, that there has been a waiver by implication. It
is well-settled that to constitute a waiver of a
Checkpoints constitutional right, it must appear, first, that the
- No bags/compartments may be opened. right exists; secondly, that the person involved had
- Limited to flashlight searches/flash and point knowledge, either actual or constructive, of the
searches existence of such right; and, lastly, that said person
- Police and Military Checkpoints included, in the had an actual intention to relinquish the right. The
interest of public security. constitutional Immunity from unreasonable searches and
- Compartments may only be searched with clear consent seizures, being a personal one, cannot be waived by
anyone except the person whose rights are invaded or one
Customs and Airport Searches who is expressly authorized to do so in his or her
- Purpose is to prevent the smuggling and imposition behalf. Garcia vs. Locsin., 65 Phil. 689, No. 45950 June
of customs and tariff laws 20, 1938

The failure on the part of the petitioner and her
bookkeeper to resist or object to the execution of the SECTION 3. (1) The privacy of communication and
warrant does not constitute an implied waiver of correspondence shall be inviolable except upon lawful
constitutional right. It is but a submission to the order of the court, or when public safety or order
authority of the law. As the constitutional guaranty is requires otherwise as prescribed by law.
not dependent upon any affirmative act of the citizen, (2) Any evidence obtained in violation of this or the
the courts do not place the citizen in the position of preceding section shall be inadmissible for any purpose
either contesting an officer's authority by force, or in any proceeding
waiving his constitutional rights; but instead they hold
that a peaceful submission to a search or seizure is not Zones of Privacy
a consent or an invitation thereto, but is merely a 1. Personal Privacy- “personal space”
demonstration of regard for the supremacy of the law. 2. Psychological Privacy- includes what you feel
Garcia vs. Locsin., 65 Phil. 689, No. 45950 June 20, 1938 3. Informational Privacy- includes those which are
considered privileged communication i.e. Atty-Client
However, it must be seen that the consent to the search Relationship, Marital Disqualification, priest-
was voluntary in order to validate an otherwise illegal penitent privilege, doctor-patient communication,
detention and search, i.e., the consent was unequivocal, media privilege, voters’ privilege, industrial/trade
specific, and intelligently given, uncontaminated by any secrets.
duress or coercion. The consent to a search is not to be 4. Decisional Privacy- includes important decisions in
lightly inferred, but must be shown by clear and life.
convincing evidence. People vs. Nuevas, 516 SCRA 463,
G.R. No. 170233 February 22, 2007 When can the right to privacy be impaired: 1) upon lawful
order of the court 2) when public safety or order
Neither can it be presumed that there was a waiver, or requires otherwise as prescribed by law
that consent was given by the accused to be searched
simply because he failed to object. To constitute a Exclusionary Rule: Evidence obtained in violation of this
waiver, it must appear first that the right exists; [right to privacy] or the preceding article [right
secondly, that the person involved had knowledge, actual against illegal searches and seizures] shall be
or constructive, of the existence of such a right; and inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding
lastly, that said person had an actual intention to
relinquish the right (Pasion Vda. de Garcia v. Locsin, 65 Writ of Habeas Data:
Phil. 689). The fact that the accused failed to object to
the entry into his house does not amount to a permission Ephemeral Communications- Electronic Communications, also
to make a search therein (Magoncia v. Palacio, 80 Phil. covered by the right to privacy.
770). People vs. Burgos, 144 SCRA 1, No. L-68955
September 4, 1986

In Disini v. Secretary of Justice, the Supreme Court said
that, “Computer data may refer to entire programs or lines US v. Jones The Government obtained a search warrant
of code, including malware, as well as files that contain permitting it to install a Global-Positioning-System (GPS)
texts, images, audio, or video recordings. Without having tracking device on a vehicle registered to respondent
to go into a lengthy discussion of property rights in the Jones’s wife. The warrant authorized installation in the
digital space, it is indisputable that computer data, District of Columbia and within 10 days, but agents
produced or created by their writers or authors may installed the device on the 11th day and in Maryland. The
constitute personal property. Consequently, they are Government then tracked the vehicle’s movements for 28
protected from unreasonable searches and seizures, whether days. It subsequently secured an indictment of Jones and
while stored in their personal computers or in the service others on drug trafficking conspiracy charges. The District
provider’s systems”. Court suppressed the GPS data obtained while the vehicle
was parked at Jones’s residence, but held the remaining
In People v. Enojas, the Supreme Court ruled that “As to data admissible because Jones had no reasonable expectation
the admissibility of the text messages, the RTC admitted of privacy when the vehicle was on public streets. Jones
them in conformity with the Court’s earlier Resolution was convicted. Held: A search warrant is necessary;
applying the Rules on Electronic Evidence to criminal tracking vehicles still constitute a search.
actions. Text messages are to be proved by the testimony
of a person who was a party to the same or has personal Kyllo v. US Suspicious that marijuana was being grown in
knowledge of them.” Even if the text messages were lamented petitioner Kyllo's home in a triplex, agents used a
to be inadmissible because of the lack of a search warrant, thermal-imaging device to scan the triplex to determine if
the police, nevertheless, had the personal knowledge about the amount of heat emanating from it was consistent with
the crime that was committed. the high-intensity lamps typically used for indoor
marijuana growth. The scan showed that Kyllo's garage roof
In relation to this, US Jurisprudence laid down in Riley and a side wall were relatively hot compared to the rest
v. California, “Cell phones, however, place vast quantities of his home and substantially warmer than the neighboring
of personal information literally in the hands of Court units. Based in part on the thermal imaging, a Federal
individuals. A search of the information on a cell phone Magistrate Judge issued a warrant to search Kyllo's home,
bears little resemblance to the type of brief physical where the agents found marijuana growing. After Kyllo was
search considered in Robinson. We therefore decline to indicted on a federal drug charge, he unsuccessfully moved
extend Robinson to searches of data on cell phones, and to suppress the evidence seized from his home and then
hold instead that officers must generally secure a warrant entered a conditional guilty plea. The Ninth Circuit
before conducting such a search.” ultimately affirmed, upholding the thermal imaging on the
ground that Kyllo had shown no subjective expectation of
Privacy in Government Computers is expected when such privacy because he had made no attempt to conceal the heat
computer is of personal use to an employee. But if it is escaping from his home. Even if he had, ruled the court,
communal, there is no reasonable expectation of privacy. there was no objectively reasonable expectation of privacy
because the thermal imager did not expose any intimate What is Protected Speech? It includes every form of
details of Kyllo's life, only amorphous hot spots on his expression
home's exterior. Held: Where, as here, the Government uses
a device that is not in general public use, to explore Qualifications:
details of a private home that would previously have been 1. Prohibition against Prior Restraint
unknowable without physical intrusion, the surveillance is 2. Prohibition against Subsequent Punishment
a Fourth Amendment "search," and is presumptively
unreasonable without a warrant.
Prior Restraint
The [Anti-Wiretapping] law refers to a “tap” of a wire or Governmental restrictions on the press or other forms of
cable or the use of a “deviee or arrangement” for the expression in advance of actual publication or
purpose of secretly overhearing, intercepting, or dissemination.
recording the communication. There must be either a
physical interruption through a wiretap or the deliberate Example: Movie Censorship
installation of a device or arrangement in order to In movie censorship, absolute censorship is not
overhear, intercept, or record the spoken words. An allowed per se because it is a lawful trade, except
extension telephone cannot be placed in the same category obscenity.
as a dictaphone, dictagraph or the other devices enumerated MTRCB Regulation is enough.
in Section 1 of RA No. 4200 as the use thereof cannot be Except during times of war, where absolute censorship
considered as “tapping” the wire or cable of a telephone may be implemented due to a compelling state interest
line. The telephone extension in this case was not to protect national security.
installed for that purpose. It just happened to be there
for ordinary office use. Gaanan vs. Intermediate Appellate Subsequent Punishment
Court, 145 SCRA 112, No. L-69809 October 16, 1986 Freedom of speech includes freedom after speech. Without
this assurance, the citizen would hesitate to speak for
The Compelling State Interest Test is used to determine fear he might be provoking the vengeance of the officials
whether or not there is an interest of the public that the he has criticized [UP Reviewer].
state ought to protect over private interest in order to
justify an intrusion to the right to privacy. Different Tests

SECTION 4. No Law shall be passed abridging the freedom of 1. Dangerous Tendency Test
speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right of Consider whether or not there is a rational connection
the people peaceably to assemble and petition the between the speech and the evil sought to be
government for redress of grievances. apprehended.
2. Clear and Present Danger Test

There should be clear and present danger that the
words used are in such nature as to create a clear Right to Peaceably Assemble
and present danger that bring about the substantive There is a right to peaceably assemble as long as a permit
evils that the state has a right to prevent. This test is secured for the rally. However, according to Pros.
is oftenly used. Sagsago, no permit is needed in designated Freedom Parks.
3. Balancing of Interest Test
Courts should balance public interest and freedom of SECTION 5. No Law shall be made respecting an establishment
speech, as to what bears the greater weight of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The
free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and
Core Expressions- Political Ideas, Rights, Religious worship, without discrimination or preference, shall
Speech; they are given maximum protection because they are forever be allowed. No religious test shall be required
at the core of democratic exercise. for the exercise of civil of political rights.

Commercial Speeches do not enjoy automatic protection. In *note: this part is sooo cases-based so read the cases
Order to enjoy protection, they must:
1. Not be false or misleading Components of the Freedom of Religion
2. Should not propose illegal transaction. 1. Non-establishment Clause
Basis of Regulation of Commercial Speeches 2. Free Exercise Clause
1. Government has the substantial interest to protect 3. Right to believe or not to believe.
2. Regulation directly advances interest of the state
3. Regulation promotes public welfare. NON-ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE
2 kinds of Unprotected Speech This clause prohibits excessive government entanglement
1. Libel- written defamation with, endorsement or disapproval of religion.
2. Obscenity

Obscenity (Miller Test) Doctrine of Benevolent Neutrality

1. When the work appeals to prurient interest There exists a legal wall separating the church and state.
2. Depicts/describes sexual conduct in a patently Religion should not be justification in the pursuit of a
offensive way government policy, and the state shall neither promote nor
3. Lacks serious, literary, artistic, political or inhibit in religious matters.
scientific value.

This right is protected because the media is said to be The benevolent neutrality theory believes that with respect
the third estate and is a necessary check and balance, to to these governmental actions, accommodation of religion
freely report the conduct of public officials and the may be allowed, not to promote the government’s favored
government. form of religion, but to allow individuals and groups to
exercise their religion without hindrance. The purpose of for Muslim Filipinos, and the exception of Muslims from
accommodations is to remove a burden on, or facilitate the the provisions of the RPC relative to the crime of bigamy
exercise of, a person’s or institution’s religion. As would all be rendered nugatory because of strict
Justice Brennan explained, the “government [may] take separation. The exception of members of Iglesia ni
religion into account . . . to exempt, when possible, from Cristo from joining a union or the non-compulsion
generally applicable governmental regulation individuals recognized in favor of members of the Jehovah's Witnesses
whose religious beliefs and practices would otherwise from doing certain gestures during the flag ceremony, will
thereby be infringed, or to create without state all go down the drain simply because we insist on strict
involvement an atmosphere in which voluntary religious separation.
exercise may flourish.” In the ideal world, the legislature
would recognize the religions and their practices and would That the holding of masses at the basement of the QC Hall
consider them, when practical, in enacting laws of general of Justice may offend non-Catholics is no reason to
application. But when the legislature fails to do so, proscribe it. Our Constitution ensures and mandates an
religions that are threatened and burdened may turn to the unconditional tolerance, without regard to whether those
courts for protection. Thus, what is sought under the who seek to profess their faith belong to the majority or
theory of accommodation is not a declaration of to the minority. It is emphatic in saying that "the free
unconstitutionality of a facially neutral law, but an exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship
exemption from its application or its “burdensome effect,” shall be without discrimination or preference." Otherwise,
whether by the legislature or the courts. Estrada vs. accommodation or tolerance would just be mere lip service.
Escritor, 492 SCRA 1, A.M. No. P-02-1651 June 22, 2006 In Re: Letter of Tony Valenciano March 7, 2017

Justice Cruz: The rationale of the rule is summed up in FREE EXERCISE CLAUSE
the familiar saying, "Strong fences make good neighbors." It affords absolute protection to individual religious
The idea is to delineate the boundaries between the two convictions. However, the government is able to regulate
institutions and, thus, avoid encroachments by one against the times, places and manner of its exercise.
the other because of a misunderstanding of the limits of
their respective exclusive jurisdictions. The demarcation The amendments of the constitution, restatement of articles
line calls on the entities to "render therefore unto Caesar of religion and abandonment of faith or abjuration alleged
the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that by appellant, having to do with faith, practice, doctrine,
are God's." form of worship, ecclesiastical law, custom and rule of a
church and having reference to the power of excluding from
To disallow the holding of religious rituals within halls the church those allegedly unworthy of membership, are
of justice would set a dangerous precedent and commence a unquestionably ecclesiastical matters which are outside
domino effect. Strict separation, rather than benevolent the province of the civil courts. Taruc vs. De la Cruz,
neutrality/accommodation, would be the norm. Thus, the 453 SCRA 123, G.R. No. 144801 March 10, 2005
establishment of Shari'a courts, the National Commission
Doctrine of Conscientious Objector evil to public safety, public morals, public health or any
In case of conflict between the religious beliefs and moral other legitimate public interest that the State has a right
convictions of individuals, on one hand, and the interest (and duty) to prevent" Ebralinag vs. The Division
of the State, on the other, to provide access and Superintendent of Schools of Cebu, 219 SCRA 256, G.R. No.
information on reproductive health products, services, 95770, G.R. No. 95887 March 1, 1993
procedures and methods to enable the people to determine
the timing, number and spacing of the birth of their SECTION 6. The Liberty of Abode and of changing the same
children, the Court is of the strong view that the within the limits prescribed by law shall not be impaired
religious freedom of health providers, whether public or except upon lawful order of the court. Neither shall the
private, should be accorded primacy. Accordingly, a right to travel be impaired except in the interest of
conscientious objector should be exempt from compliance national security, public safety, or public health, as may
with the mandates of the RH Law. If he would be compelled be provided by law.
to act contrary to his religious belief and conviction, it
would be violative of “the principle of non-coercion” Liberty and Travel and Abode
enshrined in the constitutional right to free exercise of - People have the right to go wherever they want to go
religion. Imbong vs. Ochoa Jr., 721 SCRA 146, G.R. No. as they please.
207563 April 8, 2014
Exemption may be accorded to the Jehovah's Witnesses with
regard to the observance of the flag ceremony out of Liberty of Abode- upon lawful order of the court
respect for their religious beliefs, however "bizarre" Who may impair- courts, within the limits prescribed by
those beliefs may seem to others. Nevertheless, their right law.
not to participate in the flag ceremony does not give them The forcible taking of these women from Manila by officials
a right to disrupt such patriotic exercises. Paraphrasing of that city, who handed them over to other parties, who
the warning cited by this Court in Non vs. Dames II, 185 deposited them in a distant region, deprived these women
SCRA 523, 535, while the highest regard must be afforded of freedom of locomotion just as effectively as if they
their right to the free exercise of their religion, "this had been imprisoned. The restraint of liberty which began
should not be taken to mean that school authorities are in Manila continued until the aggrieved parties were
powerless to discipline them" if they should commit returned to Manila and released or until they freely and
breaches of the peace by actions that offend the truly waived this right. Villavicencio vs. Lukban., 39
sensibilities, both religious and patriotic, of other Phil., 778, No. 14639 March 25, 1919
persons. If they quietly stand at attention during the flag
ceremony while their classmates and teachers salute the Liberty of Travel- in the interest of national security,
flag, sing the national anthem and recite the patriotic public safety, or public health as may be provided by law
pledge, we do not see how such conduct may possibly disturb Who may impair- courts, or by the appropriate executive
the peace, or pose "a grave and present danger of a serious officer (such as the DOJ or DOH) as provided by law.

official records, and to documents, and papers pertaining
Bail as provisional liberty to official acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as
- Bail is a necessary restriction of liberty in order to government research data used as basis for policy
to assure that the accused in a criminal case attends development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject to such
the criminal proceeding he is facing. As such, a hold- limitations as may be provided by law.
departure order and watch list order may be justified
at this instance. Right to Information
Who may avail of this right? – Only Filipino Citizens
Statutory Limitations in the Liberty of Travel [Cruz] (Bernas, Cruz)
1. Human Security Act Exception: If the documents directly pertain to them.
2. Philippine Passport Act
3. Anti-Trafficking of Persons Act Limitations:
4. Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act 1. National Security Matters
5. VAWC 2. Trade Secrets
6. Inter-country Adoption Act 3. Banking Transactions
4. Diplomatic Correspondence
Right to return to one’s country 5. Executive Sessions by Congress
The right to return to one’s country is not among the 6. Supreme Court Deliberations
rights specifically guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, which
treats only of the liberty of abode and the right to travel, Like all the constitutional guarantees, the right to
but it is our well considered view that the right to return information is not absolute. The people’s right to
may be considered, as a generally accepted principle of information is limited to “matters of public concern,” and
international law and, under our Constitution, is part of is further “subject to such limitations as may be provided
the law of the land [Art. II, Sec. 2 of the Constitution]. by law.” Similarly, the State’s policy of full disclosure
However, it is distinct and separate from the right to is limited to “transactions involving public interest,”
travel and enjoys a different protection under the and is “subject to reasonable conditions prescribed by
International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights, law.” The Court has always grappled with the meanings of
i.e.,against being “arbitrarily deprived” thereof [Art. 12 the terms “public interest” and “public concern.” x x x a
(4)]. Marcos vs. Manglapus, 177 SCRA 668, G.R. No. 88211 particular information is of public concern there is no
September 15, 1989 rigid test which can be applied. “Public concern” like
“public interest” is a term that eludes exact definition.
Writ of Habeas Corpus is the proper remedy in violation of Both terms embrace a broad spectrum of subjects which the
this right. public may want to know, either because these directly
affect their lives, or simply because such matters
SECTION 7. The right of the people to information on naturally arouse the interest of an ordinary citizen. In
matters of public concern shall be recognized. Access to the final analysis, it is for the courts to determine on a

case by case basis whether the matter at issue is of SECTION 10. No law impairing the obligation of contracts
interest or importance, as it relates to or affects the shall be passed.
public. We have also recognized the need to preserve a
measure of confidentiality on some matters, such as Contracts Clause
national security, trade secrets and banking transactions, - Stems from the “Autonomy of Contracts”
criminal matters, and other confidential matters. Antolin - Entering to a contract is a necessary exercise of the
vs. Domondon, 623 SCRA 163, G.R. No. 165036 July 5, 2010 right to liberty.
- Only protects valid contracts
SECTION 8. The right of the people, including those When is a contract impaired?
employed in the public and private sectors, to form unions, 1. Law changes the terms/conditions of the contract
associations, or societies for purposes not contrary to and contrary to the agreement of the parties
law shall not be abridged. 2. Law changes the time/mode/performance of
Right to Association 3. Law will impose new conditions not agreed upon
- Foreigners may form associations in the Philippines 4. Law will disregard conditions imposed upon by
as long as it is not contrary to law, or aimed to parties
contravene the law. 5. Law will allow satisfaction of an obligation
different from that provided in the contract.
Q: Public Employees join associations? Police Power and National Economy and Patrimony prevails
A: Yes, but does not include the right to strike. Resort over Section 10.
to the intent of the framers of the organic law becomes
helpful in understanding the meaning of these provisions. RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED
A reading of the proceedings of the Constitutional
Commission that drafted the 1987 Constitution would show The Rights of the accused are precisely crafted to protect
that in recognizing the right of government employees to the innocent. Sections 11-21 are precisely crafted as such.
organize, the commissioners intended to limit the right to 18 RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED
the formation of unions or associations only, without
including the right to strike. Social Security System 1. Right to adequate legal assistance
Employees Association (SSSEA) vs. Court of Appeals, 175 2. Right to be informed of Miranda rights
SCRA 686, G.R. No. 85279 July 28, 1989 3. Right against torture, force, violence, threat,
intimidation or any means which vitiate the free will
SECTION 9. Private property shall not be taken for public 4. Right against secret, incommunicado, or similar forms
use without just compensation. [Constitutional Basis of of detention facilities
Eminent Domain] 5. Right to bail and right against excessive bail
6. Right to criminal due process
7. Right to be presumed innocent
8. Right to be heard by himself or his counsel
9. Right to be informed of the nature and cause of SECTION 12. (1) Any person under investigation for the
accusation against him commission of an offense shall have the right to be
10. Right to speedy, impartial and public trial informed of his right to remain silent, and to have
11. Right to meet witnesses against him face to face competent and independent counsel preferably of his own
12. Right to compulsory process to secure attendance choice. If the person cannot afford the services of
of witnesses and production of evidence counsel, he must be provided with one. These rights
13. Right against self-incrimination cannot be waived except in writing and in the presence
14. Right against detention for political of counsel.
15. Right against excessive fines Section 12 has to parts:
16. Right against cruel, degrading, or inhumane 1. Miranda Warnings
punishment 2. Rights of the Accused in a Custodial Investigation
17. Right against death penalty, except if the crime
is serious/heinous Miranda Warnings
18. Right against double jeopardy From Miranda v. Arizona (1964)
Why are there so many rights in favor of the accused? Upon arrest, the accused must be informed of these
1. A criminal proceeding is an uneven contest between rights:
the state and the accused, where the resources of the 1. Right to remain silent
state will be used by the prosecutors to convict the 2. Right to Competent and Independent Counsel,
accused preferably of his own choice
2. Seriousness of Criminal Proceedings, and its chilling 3. Right to be informed of these rights
3. To protect the innocent People v. Mahinay- expanded Miranda Rights
SECTION 11. Free access to courts and quasi-judicial *according to Atty. Bonifacio, no need to memorize;
bodies and adequate legal assistance shall not be denied isapuso lang
to any person by reason of poverty.
1. The person arrested, detained, invited or under
Free Access to Courts and adequate legal assistance custodial investigation must be informed in a language
shall not be denied by reason of poverty. known to and understood by him of the reason for the
arrest and he must be shown the warrant of arrest, if
A right to counsel is an inherent right in all types of any; Every other warnings, information or communication
proceedings, except in Katarungang Pambarangay Law. must be in a language known to and understood by said
A de oficio counsel may be provided for indigent and person;
pauper litigants. It is a collective responsibility of
lawyers to make legal services available.
2. He must be warned that he has a right to remain silent 8. In addition, if the person arrested waives his right
and that any statement he makes may be used as evidence to a lawyer, he must be informed that it must be done in
against him; writing AND in the presence of counsel, otherwise, he
must be warned that the waiver is void even if he insist
3. He must be informed that he has the right to be on his waiver and chooses to speak;
assisted at all times and have the presence of an
independent and competent lawyer, preferably of his own 9. That the person arrested must be informed that he may
choice; indicate in any manner at any time or stage of the
process that he does not wish to be questioned with
4. He must be informed that if he has no lawyer or cannot warning that once he makes such indication, the police
afford the services of a lawyer, one will be provided may not interrogate him if the same had not yet
for him; and that a lawyer may also be engaged by any commenced, or the interrogation must cease if it has
person in his behalf, or may be appointed by the court already begun;
upon petition of the person arrested or one acting in
his behalf; 10. The person arrested must be informed that his initial
waiver of his right to remain silent, the right to
5. That whether or not the person arrested has a lawyer, counsel or any of his rights does not bar him from
he must be informed that no custodial investigation in invoking it at any time during the process, regardless
any form shall be conducted except in the presence of of whether he may have answered some questions or
his counsel or after a valid waiver has been made; volunteered some statements;
6. The person arrested must be informed that, at any 11. He must also be informed that any statement or
time, he has the right to communicate or confer by the evidence, as the case may be, obtained in violation of
most expedient means—telephone, radio, letter or any of the foregoing, whether inculpatory or
messenger—with his lawyer (either retained or exculpatory, in whole or in part, shall be inadmissible
appointed), any member of his immediate family, or any in evidence. People vs. Mahinay, 302 SCRA 455, G.R. No.
medical doctor, priest or minister chosen by him or by 122485 February 1, 1999
any one from his immediate family or by his counsel, or
be visited by/confer with duly accredited national or When are these rights available?
international non-government organization. It shall be
the responsibility of the officer to ensure that this is During Custodial Investigation; when law enforcers start
accomplished; asking incriminatory questions to the accused; when in
the mind of the law enforcement, the accused is the
7. He must be informed that he has the right to waive possible suspect of the crime; when the questioning
any of said rights provided it is made voluntarily, ceases to be a general inquiry of an offense.
knowingly and intelligently and ensure that he
understood the same; CUSTODIAL INVESTIGATION

When the investigation is no longer a general inquiry Who is a Competent and Independent Counsel?
unto an unsolved crime but has begun to focus on a
particular suspect, as when the suspect has been taken There is no hard and fast rule in identifying such, but
into police custody and the police carries out a process these are generally considered:
of interrogation that leads itself to eliciting 1. That there is no collusion between law enforcers and
incriminating statement. the counsel
Who may conduct custodial investigation? 2. There is clear consent coming from the accused that
he wants to be represented by the lawyer
Primarily by state agents- public officials trained to 3. Experience of the lawyer
conduct investigations.
Waiver of the Miranda Rights
Hence, in Custodial Investigation, an accused has the
right to remain silent, right to counsel and right to be If the Miranda Rights are explained, these rights may be
informed of these rights. waived. The waiver must be express.

Exceptions: 1. Must be in writing

2. Must be in the presence of a counsel.
1. Police Line-Up or Show-Up
Generally, in an out-of-court identification such as However, the right to be informed of such rights may not
a police line-up, the right to counsel is not be waived.
necessary. However, if the identification already The waiver, however, may be revoked anytime.
becomes accusatory where investigators already tend
to elicit admissions or confessions, right to counsel Extra-Judicial Confessions
is already necessary. It is the admission of a crime made out of court.
2. Mechanical Acts
Miranda Rights are not necessarily available in Generally, Extra-Judicial Confessions must be in writing
Mechanical acts; they are generally available to and in the presence of a counsel in order to be admissible,
testimonial evidence compulsion. However, in a case if these confessions are made to state agents/authorities.
of falsification, and a signature sample is being
asked, even if it is a mechanical act, such act must
be accompanied by a counsel. 1. Media Confessions- if there are confessions made in
Right to Remain Silent the media/media interviews, such are admissible even
if they are not in writing or executed with the
There can be no adverse inference or conclusion if an presence of a counsel
accused remains silent, especially when these rights were 2. Confessions made to a private person- admissible
explained to him. 3. Confessions made to the mayor- admissible
*note= it is only admissible when the accused, prior to General Rule: All persons before conviction under the
his/her confession to a private individual, was informed custody of law are entitled to bail. At this point bail is
of his/her Miranda Rights a matter of right.
Exception: If punishable by Reclusion Perpetua, Life
Imprisonment or death, bail is not available, especially
SECTION 13. All persons, except those charged with offenses if the evidence of guilt is strong.
punishable by reclusion perpetua when evidence of guilt is
strong, shall, before conviction, be bailable by sufficient Exception to the Exception: Even if the crime is punishable
sureties, or be released on recognizance as may be provided by reclusion perpetua, life imprisonment or death, bail
by law. The right to bail shall not be impaired even when may be available if the evidence of guilt is not strong.
the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is suspended. This is not a right, but a matter of discretion of the
Excessive bail shall not be required. courts.
What is bail? Bail on Appeal is also a matter of discretion.
Security given by the accused to the courts to ensure A bail does not waive the challenge to the
attendance in a criminal case particularly when his constitutionality of the arrest.
presence is needed or mandatory
However, the Enrile case is odd: He was given the right to
When can there be no Trial in Absentia? bail even if his crime is plunder and evidence of guilt is
strong because according to the Supreme Court:
1. Arraignment Process- referring to the official stand
of the accused in the criminal case 1. There are instances in his life in the past where the
2. Identification Process- referring to the senator exercised respect to the courts, and being a
identification of the witnesses of the prosecution on statesman
who the accused is. 2. Due to health/humanitarian reasons.
3. Promulgation of the decision- if the accused is absent
on the promulgation of the decision, the right to bail (Question to myself: can this be a valid precedent?)
and the right to appeal is forfeited. Factors to consider in bail
Types of Bail Excessive bail shall not be required.
1. Recognizance- for minor offenses Rule 114 Sec. 9 states- Amount of bail; guidelines- The
2. Property Bail judge who issued the warrant or granted application shall
3. Cash Bail fix a reasonable amount of bail considering, primarily,
4. Surety Bail but not limited to, the following factors:
When is an accused entitled to bail? (a) Financial liability of the accused to give bail;

(b) Nature and circumstance of the offense; accused provided that he has been duly notified and his
failure to appear is unjustifiable.
(c) Penalty for the offense charged;
(d) Character and reputation of the accused;
1. Right to Due Process
(e) Age and health of the accused; 2. Presumption of Innocence
3. Right to be Head
(f) Weight of the evidence against the accused; 4. Informed of nature and cause of accusation
5. Speedy, Impartial and Public Trial
(g) Probability of the accused appearing at the trial; 6. Meet the witnesses face to face
7. Secure the attendance of witnesses
(h) Forfeiture of other bail;
Due Process- conviction may only be given if the accused
(i) The fact that the accused was a fugitive from justice is tried under established rules of procedure.
when arrested; and
Right against a Bill of Attainder- a law that bestows
(j) Pendency of other cases where the accused is on bail. conviction even without the benefit of a trial.
Excessive bail shall not be required.
Due process must include the consideration of all attendant
> Bail may only be posted when the court has already
acquired jurisdiction upon 1) arrest of the accused or 2) circumstances, examination of the plea of guilt, and the
establishment of proof beyond reasonable doubt.
upon voluntary surrender
Presumption of Innocence
SECTION 14. (1) No person shall be held to answer for a
criminal offense without due process of law.
The Presumption of innocence is a rebuttable presumption
(2) In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall be that will be rebutted by proof beyond reasonable doubt.
presumed innocent until the contrary is proved, and shall
enjoy the right to be heard by himself and counsel, to be Q: Do presumptions (such as presumption of malversation)
informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against violate the presumption of innocence?
him, to have a speedy, impartial, and public trial, to meet A: No. Congress may lay down presumptions as long as they
the witnesses face to face, and to have compulsory process are not conclusive.
to secure the attendance of witnesses and the production
of evidence in his behalf. However, after arraignment, Demurrer to Evidence- a motion in court to be filed by a
trial may proceed notwithstanding the absence of the defendant arguing that the prosecution failed to prove the
guilt of the accused by the insufficiency of evidence.
This must be filed With Leave of Court, because if the Q: Can there be a right to cross-examination during a
demurrer is filed without leave of court, the defense preliminary investigation?
waives its right to present evidence.
A: No, because a Preliminary Investigation is not yet the
Right to be heard actual criminal proceeding. It may be waived as well.
The counsel representing the defendant/accused must be Generally, there is no right to cross-examination in
competent and independent so as to assure that he is given administrative cases.
his day in court. An incompetent counsel may be construed
as a ground for lack of due process if counsel is proven SECTION 15. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus
shall not be suspended except in cases of invasion or
to be grossly negligent so as to deprive the person’s right
rebellion when the public safety requires it.
to his day in court.
Right to Speedy, Impartial and Public Trial Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus

Constitutionally, a decision must be rendered in 90 days. A court proceeding requiring a person to produce a person
Because “Justice delayed is justice denied.” It also arrested or detained and to justify before the courts the
creates a placebo effect in the distrust of the courts if reason for the arrest or detention of a person.
justice is denied. Requisites:
Impartiality means the cold neutrality of an impartial 1. Rebellion, invasion, lawless violence
judge. He must be a disinterested person without hostility 2. Public Safety requires it.
towards parties.
SECTION 16. All persons shall have the right to a speedy
Public Trial means the trial must be open for the disposition of their cases before all judicial, quasi-
attendance of the public. judicial, or administrative bodies
Q: Are recordings allowed in public trials All types of cases should afford the right to speedy
A: Yes, as long as there is permission from Clerk of Court disposition of cases.
of the Judge. Delay
Right to meet witnesses face to face Vexatious or capricious such as unjustified postponements.
This presupposes the right to cross-examine the witnesses. These are unreasonable delays.
SECTION 17. No person shall be compelled to be a witness
Direct Examination- establish the facts as narrated by the
against himself.
witness of own party.
Right against self-incrimination
Cross-Examination- destroy the theory of the case, and done
consecutively. Such is demandable during trial. What is Incrimination?
- Compulsion to be a witness against himself, in all shall the death penalty be imposed, unless, for compelling
types of proceedings, including legislative inquiries reasons involving heinous crimes, the Congress hereafter
provides for it. Any death penalty already imposed shall
When is a question incriminating? be reduced to reclusion perpetua.
- When it will tie a person to a criminal act or act
prohibited by law. (2) The employment of physical, psychological, or degrading
punishment against any prisoner or detainee or the use of
It covers testimonial compulsions, not physical acts, substandard or inadequate penal facilities under subhuman
excluding the crime of falsification/forgery when conditions shall be dealt with by law.
compelled to give a sample of signature.
The accused cannot be compelled to take the witness stand. Right against Cruel, Degrading and Inhumane Punishment

If a the accused takes the witness stand, questions should This right is against punishment that offends human dignity
only be related to the crime charged, but if it is an and self-worth. It includes punishments that prolong human
ordinary witness, no limitation. suffering and unnecessary embarrassment.
SECTION 18. (1) No person shall be detained solely by
reason of his political beliefs and aspirations. Q: Is death penalty violative of this right?

(2) No involuntary servitude in any form shall exist except A: No. “Now it is well-settled in jurisprudence that the
as punishment for a crime whereof the party shall have been death penalty per se is not a cruel, degrading or inhuman
duly convicted. punishment. In the oft-cited case of Harden v. Director of
Prisons, this Court held that “[p]unishments are cruel when
they involve torture or a lingering death; but the
Right against involuntary servitude punishment of death is not cruel, within the meaning of
that word as used in the constitution. It implies there
- Slavery and involuntary servitude, together with something inhuman and barbarous, something more than the
their corollary peonage, all denote a “condition of mere extinguishment of life.” Would the lack in
enforced, compulsory service of one to another.” particularity then as to the details involved in the
Exceptions: execution by lethal injection render said law “cruel,
degrading or inhuman?” The Court believes not. Echegaray
- Punishment for a crime vs. Secretary of Justice, 297 SCRA 754, G.R. No. 132601
- Compulsory Military service if national security October 12, 1998”
requires it
SECTION 20. No person shall be imprisoned for debt or non-
SECTION 19. (1) Excessive fines shall not be imposed, nor payment of poll tax.
cruel, degrading or inhuman punishment inflicted. Neither
Non-imprisonment for debt Form: all elements of the crime charged is alleged, the
date, time, place, the means to identify the accused,
A person may be held civilly liable for a debt, but not signed by the same authorities, and filed before a court
criminally liable. of competent jurisdiction.

This presupposes that the only liability is the debt, and IMPT: THERE IS ONLY FIRST JEOPARDY WHEN THE ACCUSED ALREADY
that the debt is not tainted with fraud, unless it becomes VALIDLY EXECUTED A PLEA IN ARRAIGNMENT
2. Termination of the First Jeopardy
Poll Tax
Ways of termination:
Tax imposed on adults regardless whether or not they are
employed e.g. community tax (cedula) 1. Acquittal
2. Conviction
This provision prevents a tax law that would allow 3. Dismissal of the case without the express consent of
imprisonment for non-payment of such. the accused (because if with express consent, it is
merely provisional dismissal, which does not
This is different from Tax evasion where there is terminate the case)
deliberate and willful intent not to pay taxes. 4. Demurrer to Evidence
5. Motion to Quash
SECTION 21. No person shall be twice put in jeopardy of - questions the validity of the information, before
punishment for the same offense. If an act is punished by arraignment. In this case, no termination of first
a law and an ordinance, conviction or acquittal under jeopardy.
either shall constitute a bar to another prosecution for 6. Withdrawal of the information
the same act. - within the prerogative of the prosecutor. If
prosecutor will ask before arraignment, no
Right against double jeopardy- a person/accused cannot be termination of first jeopardy. If withdrawn w/o
vexed twice in a criminal case. consent, after arraignment, there is attachment of
fist jeopardy.
Elements of a Double Jeopardy
3. Existence of the second jeopardy
1. First Jeopardy
- A new information was filed, and there is exact
A valid criminal information or complaint sufficient in identity of the first and second jeopardy.
form and substance.

- There is same identity if there is the same accused, ###
same charge, same facts, or that the offense is
necessarily included in the new information/
- There is second jeopardy when: 1st case- rape,
terminated, 2nd case- acts of lasciviousness or 1st
case: homicide, terminated, 2nd case- attempted

General Rule: No Appeal on Acquittal

Exception: When there is an appeal by the state through
the Solicitor General grounded on Grave Abuse of
Discretion. The OSG will be the one who will issue

SECTION 22. No ex post facto law or bill of attainder shall

be enacted.

Ex Post Facto Laws

1. Makes an act criminal although it was not criminal

when it was committed
2. Aggravates the crime or makes it greater than when it
was committed
3. Changes the punishment or inflicts greater punishment
that that which the law prescribes when it was
4. Changes the rules on evidence to secure easier
5. Calls for the retroactive application of penal laws
6. Prohibits remedies like probation, parole or amnesty

Bill of Attainder

- A legislative act which inflicts punishment without

the benefit of a trial. It violates due process.


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