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RESEARCH, DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES ISSUED Guidelines on Design and Construction of Reinforced Earth Structures (for trial application in Railway Sidings) ME vide letter No. 2014/LMB-11/13/5, dated:15.07.14 had desired that Reinforced Earth Wall trial should be done in sidings. Accordingly, "Guidelines on Design & Construction of Reinforced Earth Structures (for Trial applications in Railway Sidings); No. RDSO/2014/GE:G-18, August 2014” has been prepared and issued to Zonal Railways vide letter no. RSIFIST/Geosynthetics, dated: 02.09.2014 4 Indian Railway Tunnel Manual The above project has been taken up with IT/Dethi in January 2014. The scope of work includes ‘Preparation of Indian Raiway Tunnel Manual’ and “Training on the developed Manuf. A presentation was made in Railway Board on 46.12.2014 on Draft Manual. Based on suggestions made during the presentation, the Manual was divided in two parts viz, Manual and Guidelines. The revised draft of the manual was circulated to PCEs & CAOs on 03.02.15 & reminder on 19.02.15 for submission of comments by 25.02.15. As no comments have been received from PCEs and CAOs, the Manual and Guidelines are being finalized forsubmission to Railway Board. TRAINING Regular training courses on "Formation Rehabilitation & Quality Control” of duration 5 days each are being conducted for Field Officers and Supervisors of, Open Line and Construction Organization of Zonal Railways. During the year 2014-15, total eight (8) training courses were organized on "Formation Rehabilitation and Quality Control for Railway Projects” for officers & supervisors of Construction & Open-Line organization of Zonal Railways. Hands-on training in soll testing is regularly being Provided to the participants, which will give technical support to them in addressing the geotechnical field problems of Zonal Railways. Total 127 trainees including officers & supervisors altended the above course, CONSULTANCIES/INSPECTION REPORTS ISSUED During the year 2014-15, nine (9) consultancies were (<) ; = aTinwSe ee ——— GEO-TECHNICAL ENGINEERING issued to different Zonal Railways for various track formation related problems at different locations which will lead to reduced cost of maintenance of track and, ‘saving in running time of the trains also. Besides, the riding quality of track will also improve significantly. The details of Consultancy Reports issued have been given in Appendix PUBLICATIONS During the year 2014-16, three (3) technical papers were presented by officials of Geotechnical Engineering, Directorate. The details have been given inAppendix-I SEMINARS/CONFERENCES/PRESENTATIONS/ MEETINGS ATTENDED Presentation by Japanese Delegation at Conference Hall, RDSO Japanese delegation, Prof, Fumio Tatsuoka, Dr, Watanabe, Dr. Tateyama and Dr. Ducttine visited GE DirectoratelRDSO from 12.03.2015 to 13.03.2016. ‘Two presentations were made in conference hall, RDSO. Details of presentations are given below: = "Design & Construction and Performance of Geosynthetic Reinforced Structures for Railways. in Japan’ - by Prof Fumio Tatsuoka. = ‘History of High Speed Railway and Railway Earth Structures in Japan" - by Dr. Kenji Watanabe. ADG, officers of GE & other Civil Engineering Directorates and officials of GE Directorate attended the presentation. The presentation was well ‘appreciated by the participants. ‘ Workshop at Institution of Engineers (India), Roorkee EDIGE & Dir/GE4 attended the workshop on “Innovative Designs for Ground Improvement Techniques for Challenging Hilly Regions" held at Institution of Engineers (India), Roorkee Local Centre at Roorkee from 28.02.2015 to 01.03.2015. During workshop, one of recommendations made by representatives of various departments was to have BIS Code for promoting use of Geosynthetics. ‘ Special Course on Geotechnical Aspects at N.WRailway, Jaipur On request from Construction Organization of North Western Railay, two days special course on "Geotechnical Aspects’ was organised at Jaipur from 08.05.2014 to 09.05.2014. A presentation cum wR SS ‘Re oreregsy Transerming Ratraye workshop on "Slope Stability Analysis" was also conducted by officials of G.E, Directorate, Presentation was attended by fifty (50) officials of Construction Organization of Jaipur including CAOICon himself. The presentation was well appreciated by CAO/Con and an appreciation letter has been givento the GE Directorate officials. Participation in “Fifth Annual Conference on Tunnel Construction in India” Director/GE-lI participated in "Fifth Annual Conference on Tunnel Construction in India" held at * New Delhi on May 21-22, 2014. A paper titled as “Tunnel Construction on Indian Railways: Issues and Challenges” co-authored by EDIGE & Director/GE-II was presented by Director/GE-llin the Conference. ‘Symposium cum Training Course on Application of Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering ASymposium cum Training Course on “Application of Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineerin was organized by Indian Geotechnical Society, Delhi Chapter at Central Soil and Materials Research Station, New Delhi from 01.05.14 to 02.05.14. GE officials attended the training course. Presentation on “Use of Weathered Steel Slag as Rail Track Ballast’ ‘A presentation on "Use of Weathered Steel Slag as, Rail Track Ballast” was made by FICCI at GE Lecture Hall on 04.07.14, In the presentation, production of various types of stee! Slag, their physical & chemical properties and applications as track ballast along with their other uses were also discussed in detail. The presentation was attended by Officers of Civil Engineering Directorates of RDSO besides GE Directorate Officers and technical staff Session No.14410- Special Course on Railway Formation & Geotech investigations at IRICEN, Pune Aspecial course on "Railway Formation and Geotech Investigations" was held at IRICEN, Pune from 11.08.2014 to 14.08.2014. RDSO officials delivered lectures on 11.08.2014 & 12.08,2014. The topics of the lectures delivered are "Stabilization of cutting slopes including case studies", Development in formation rehabilitation including case studies", Design of formation including bank profile, slope stability analysis and provisions of berms and development in blanket design” and "Raihvay alignment through poor subsoil including case studies" @ GE Technical Workshop on Computer Ai of Tunnels, Rock Fall Barriers and Slopes — “Technical Workshop on Computer Aided Design of Tunnels, Rock fall Barriers and Slopes” was organised on 23.07.2014 in GE Directorate Lecture Hall. Presentations on "Tunnel Design’, 'Design of Rock fall Barriers’ and ‘Slope Stabilty Analysis’ using RocScience Suite of software were made during the workshop. Participants included members of Tunnel Manual Committee and officials of GE Directorate. Presentation on "Geosynthetics in Railway Construction" ‘A presentation on "Geosynthetics in Railway Construction" was organised on 12.08.2014 in GE Directorate Lecture Hall by representative of M/s Bauberatung Geokunststoffe GmbH & Co.KG Presentation covered mainly the general aspects of geosynthetics application in Railways including various case studies and future prospects of geosynthetics in Railways. Participants included officers of Civil Engineering Directorates of RDSO. Participation in Global Geosynthetics Summit on “Enhancing the application of Geosynthetics in Infrastructure Sector" at Ahmedabad, Gujarat Government of Gujarat in association with Confederation of Indian Industry (Cll) and Indian ‘Technical Textile Association (ITTA) organized Global Geosynthetics Summit on the subject "Enhancing th application of Geosynthetics in Infrastructure Sector fon Sth & 6th September 2014 at Ahmedabad. Executive Director/GE & olher GE officials attended the summit Executive Director/GE made a presentation on "Geosynthetics for Railway Application". Various points were covered in the presentation on application of Geosynthetics in Railways, such as Challenges at present, Scope for Geosynthetics, Functions of Geosynthetics, Applications in Railway Formation, Experiences on Indian Railways, Constraints and Apprehensions ete, Officials from various Government sectors! Institutions such as Railway Board, RDSO, Cll, Govt, of Gujarat, IIT/Madras, lIT/Delhi, NHAl, CRRI, CSMRS, PWD/Govt of Karnataka, National institute ‘of Rock Mechanics, National Jute Board, Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Ltd., Gujarat Mineral Development Co, Lid, BRO and various private/other sectors such as The Geosynthetics Institute USA, Asian Development Bank etc. participated in the ‘summit and shared their views on application of Gecayatsin theirrespective fields. This provided _ an excellent opportunity for interaction with Manufacturers, Suppliers and Users from india as wellas abroad, ‘ Participation in 85th meeting of Track Standard Committee at Ernakulam 85” meeting of Track Standard Committee was held at Ernakulam from 13.11.2014 to 15.11.2014. The meeting was attended by delegates from various Units of Indian Railways. Executive DirectoriGE & Director/GE-IIattended the meeting, ‘Presentation on “Indian Railway Tunnel Manual” A presentation on Draft Manual was made by Director/GE-Il on 16.12.2014 in Railway Board; which was attended by AM/Civil Engg., Advisor/Bridges, Chief Engineers from Northern Railway besides EDs of Railway Board and Tunnel Manual committee members. Based on suggestions made during the presentation, the Manual was divided in two parts viz. Manual and Guidelines. The revised draft of the manual was circulated to PCEs & CAQs on 03.02.15 for submission of comments. As no comments have been received from PCEs and CAs, the Manual and Guidelines are being finalized for submission to Railway Board. Prior to this, a presentation was made in GE Directorate Lecture Hall on 10.12.2014. Presentation covered mainly the design, construction and safety aspects of Indian Railway tunnel. Participants included officers of Civil Engineering Directorates of RDSO andoffcials of GE Directorate. + Presentation on use of Geosynthetic Products in Railway Application A presentation on use of geosynthetic products in Railway application was made by Mis Geo Constech on 02.02.2015 in Rallway Board which was attended by officers of Railway Board, EDIGE & Director/GE. ‘The presentation was appreciated by all participants. After the presentation, ME had directed to invite EOL from interested agencies and to study the possibility of reducing the ballast cushion by use of Geosynthetics. In compliance to ME's instructions, EOI has been invited with opening date as 30.04.2015, SITEVISITS ‘ Visit of RDSO Team to N.F. Railway for Association in Trial Run for Opening of Lumding- Silchar Gauge Conversion Project: In reference to GMIN.FRailway's D.O. letter no. @o rR SS Ret STEregET Transforming Ratings ZiSecy.J06/Engg./2015, dated: 03.02.15, Director/GE-I along with other GE officials inspected the tunnels in Lumding-Silchar Section having steep gradient (from Km 65 to 102/053) on 14.03.15 & 16.03.15 with reference to three items relevant o this, Directorate (viz. track maintenance & inspection inside tunnels, ventilation and lighting and safety in case of staling of train inside tunnels). The observations made during inspection will be submitted to the Railway. Visit of RDSO Team to North Western Railway for Inspection of Proposed Retaining Structure Site Botwoon Madar & Daurai Stations of Ajmor- Ahmedabad Section CAO/Con/N.W.Raiiway during IPWE seminar at New Delhi on 29.01.2015 & 30.01.2015 had a discussion with EDGE/RDSO regarding land constraints ata site near Ajmer, where three lines (including two lines of DFCC) are to be constructed parallel to existing single line. CAO/Con/NWR had desired for deputing a team from RDSO for inspecting the site to explore the possibilities of providing Reinforced Earth Structures. The line between stations Madar & Daurai is a goods bypass line connecting Chittorgarh and ‘Ahmedabad. Proposed site lies in this block section. ‘Accordingly, Director/GE-| along with other GE officials and Dy. CE (Cons. /Ajmer, XEN/Ajmer and other railway officials inspected the stretch between Madar(MD)-Daurai(D0Z) stations of Ajmer- ‘Ahmedabad Section, North Western Railway on 24.03.2018. Apparently the site is suitable for Reinforced Earth Structures. NWR officials have been advised accordingly Review of Provisions of “Guidelines and Specifications for Design of Formation of Heavy ‘Axle Load, GE:G-14 During review meeting on 30.08.2014, ME had instructed to review the requirement of blanket layer. Vide Railway Board's lettorno. 2011/CE-UTK(4)/4/1 dated:08.10.2014, the minutes of Railway Board's meeting were circulated in which it was instructed to review the requirement of blanket vis-8-vis type of soils In compliance to ME's instructions, the matter was discussed with EDCE(P)Railway Board in several meetings. Accordingly, the modifications in provision of blanket layer thickness as contained in Guidelines GE:G-14 were proposed and sent to Railway Board vide this office letter no

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