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Report on Tree Population

June 22, 2017

A total of 692 forest trees and 154 fruit trees were survived in the school premises.
The forest tree species includes Talisay, Eucalyptus, Gmelina, Acacia, Caimito, Pine
Tree, Acacia Mangium and Mahogany. Most of these trees particularly mahogany and
eucalyptus are already 25-35 years old. Twelve (12) species of fruit trees which are of
bearing likewise planted in the school orchard. Aside from fruit trees and forest trees, 119
malunggay are also being maintain.
Table 1. Population of forest trees and fruit trees planted with in school premises
Forest Trees Fruit Trees
Species Population Species Population
1. Talisay 28 1. Coconut 11
2. Eucalyptus 6 3. Caimito 25
4. Gmelina 55 5. Mango 90
6. Acacia 8 7. Santol 7
8. Pine Tree 4 9. Jack fruit 3
10. A. 2 10. Guyabano 2
11. Mahogany 589 11. Atis 4
12. Duhat 4
12. Guava 6
13. Sampalok 2
14. Calamasi 24
Sub- Sub-Total= Grand Total=870
Total=692 178

Prepared by:

Ma. Daisy Boncalon

T.L.E Coordinator

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