Lesson Plan 2 2

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Date Subject Number of students Grade

11/11/2018 English 25 KG 2 i

PDP -Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order grow professionally?)
I want to manage the classroom and make the student the story by making for them activity.

Learning Outcomes: Resources/Materials

(Link to the ADEC K-5 curriculum document)
The students will be able to know the color of The students will be sitting in the carpet I will ask them
about the shape that they will learn in this week.I will read
rainbow and they organize the story of planting a
for them planting a rainbow story.
After we finish the story, I will ask them what happen in
the story.

Conclusion :
Lesson Introduction
Whole group activity: Time___15 minutes____

Opening/Introduction (warm up): (Bullet points) Links to real life: (Bullet points)
I will read for the students a story then I will sit with • I will ask the students where they see a plant and
them and ask them '' what happen in the story''.

Active Engagement: (Bullet points)

I make different activity for the students to making them
be active in learning for example using a real flower and
make them become in different colour using colourful food
also using a printing colour.

Guided experience ( whole group activity ) language instructions

1-i will ask the students about the shape that they will take in this week.
2-while reading the story I will ask them what will happen next.
3-also I will ask them if they plant any of plant in their home and where they see a plant.
4-after reading the story I will ask them what happen in the story.
5-while they doing the story I will ask them questions about the activity.

Individual experience - Small Group Learning Centers: Time15 – 20 min.

Flowers printing: Rainbow roses:
The student will use printing colour and use a sponge 1-first I will bring bottle of water and white roses and
in flower shape and print it in the white paper. colourful food.
2- I will ask the students to put colour in the water.

3- then the students will put the flower and wait for

4-- after that the student will see that the white rose
its change to red colour or anther colour.

ordering the story: Shape of Rectangle:

1-i will give the students a picture of story events. 1-i will give the students a white paper and straw.

2- the student will order the story and glue it in the paper. 2- then I will ask the students to make a rectangle using
the straw then glue it in the paper and colour it.

Closing activity: Time: 5-7 minutes

1-I will tell the students to clean up and I will count to ten to make them set in the carpet.
2- then I will ask them what they learn from the story.

Assessment for Learning:

When the students do the activity, I will ask them questions to make sure that they understand the story.

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