Phonetics Lesson Plan Autorecovered

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Grade/Class Level: Beginner Time required: 10 days, 3 sessions a

day, 1.5hrs a session with a 10 min


Lesson focus (Content, Context and Purpose):

Content: Phonics

Context: ABC’s, Fruits and Animals

Purpose: To teach some basic English or phrases

Background knowledge necessary for this lesson:


Connection to previous learning:


Conceptual knowledge learned from this lesson:

Main language standard(s)/ benchmark(s)/ outcome(s) addressed in this lesson:

Language learned in this lesson:

Vocabulary Grammar Sentence Frames
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, Verbs, Nouns, Pronouns, I like, I don’t like
Hello, Goodbye, Happy,
Sad, Apple, Aligator,
Butterfly, Crocodile, Like,
Hop, Horse, Sheep,
Chicken, Dog, Flower, Big,

Language objectives:

Materials/ visual aids/ resources needed for this lesson:

● Flash Cards /
● Speaker /
● Whiteboard /
● Dry erase markers /
● Printer /
● Printing paper /
● Alphabet chart to put on classroom wall /
● Stamps /
● Crayons /
● Water based paint /

● 蘑菇钉 /

● Parachute /
● Big inflatable beach ball /
● Small rubber balls /
● Small toys
● Small Plastic fruits /
● Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See Book /

● Stationery

● Workstations

● Stickers for prizes /

● Glue sticks /

● Popsicle Sticks /

Procedures (including Instructional Strategies/ Activities and Assessments):

Day 1 Hello and Goodbye the letter A and B

● Introductions by teacher’s emphasis on “hello”
● Teach hello. (5 - 10mins)
○ Introduce the word to the students by demonstrating using body language.
■ Play “hello song”.
■ I will wave to Miss Ji and say hello Miss Ji.
■ Miss Ji will wave back and say hello Mr Young.
■ We will both wave to the kids and say “Hello everybody”.
Hello Activities (10mins)
Incorporate student interactions through activities.
● Activity 1:Parachute Game.
● Activity 2: Hello’s for everyone.
○ Molly and I will take the time to say hello to each student.
■ cooperation is not expected.
○ We will partner the kids up into pairs.
○ They will say hello to each other.
● Activity 3: Sing along.
○ Play “Hello Song” again.
■ Try to get students to sing along .

The Letter A
● Teach the letter “Aa”. (5 – 10mins) Alligator, Apple
○ Introduce the letter “A” by drawing it on the whiteboard.
○ Explain uppercase “A” and lowercase “a”.
○ Say the letter short /a/ repeat 3-4 times.
○ Have students repeat after you while pointing to the letter “Aa”.
Letter “A” activities (10mins)
● Activity 1: Follow the lines worksheet.
● Activity 2: Coloring in the letter worksheet with crayons.
● Activity 3: Letter Stamp - Students will use paint stamps to make the letter
outlined on the worksheet.
● Activity 4: 蘑菇钉 - Using蘑菇钉 Students will make the letter in groups.
The Letter B
● Teach the letter B. (5 – 10mins) Ball, Bird
○ Introduce the letter “B” by drawing it on the whiteboard.
○ Explain uppercase “B” and lowercase “b”.
○ Say the letter short /b/ repeat 3-4 times.
○ Have students repeat after you while pointing to the letter “B”.

Letter “B” activities (10mins).

● Activity 1: Across the room word Match - Mix and Match flash cards will be put
on two seperate sides of the room. The students will have to go from one side of
the room to the other flipping cards over trying to match them.
● Activity 2: Follow the lines worksheet.
● Activity 3: Coloring in the letter worksheet with crayons.
● Activity 4: 蘑菇钉 - Using蘑菇钉 Students will make the letter in groups.
● Teach “Goodbye”. (5 - 10mins)
○ Introduce the word to the students by demonstrating using body language.
■ Play “Goodbye Song”.
■ I will wave to Miss Ji and say “Goodbye” Miss Ji.
■ Miss Ji will wave back and say “Goodbye” Mr. Daryl.
■ We will both wave to the kids and say “Goodbye”.

Day 2 How am I feeling, Letters C and D

How am I feeling
● Hello Song.
○ Play the “Hello” song follow the body motions.
○ Wave at the students.
● Teach “Happy and Sad”.
○ How am I feeling introduction.
○ After the song Teachers should interact.
■ How are you feeling today?
■ I am “Happy” / I am “Sad”.
■ Draw two faces on the board “happy”/ “sad”.
■ Point to each face say the word three times.
How am I feeling activities.
● Activity 1: Draw a face - Students will get two blank faces, they will draw and
decorate a happy face and sad face. Glue the faces to a stick and sit them aside
to dry.
● Activity 2: Make a face Peek a Boo - Teacher will demonstrate by covering their
face with their hands. Revealing happy face and saying happy face. Repeat with
sad face. After repeating this process twice get the children to repeat.
● Activity 3: If your happy and you know it - Sing the if your your happy and you
know it song include if your sad and you know it stomp your feet.
● Activity 4: Happy/sad face sorting - Using the happy and sad faces made in the
last activity, students will be shown pictures of people randomly some happy
some sad. Once they are shown the pictures the students will raise the correct
face for the picture.
Letter C
● Teach the letter “Cc”. (5 – 10mins) Cat, Cake
○ Introduce the letter “C” by drawing it on the whiteboard.
○ Explain uppercase “C” and lowercase “c”.
○ Say the letter short /c/ repeat 3-4 times.
○ Have students repeat after you while pointing to the letter “Cc”.
Letter “C” activities.
● Activity 1: Candy Grab - Two students stand at a distance with a candy/toy in
between them on the count to three the students will race to the candy. Winner
gets a prize.
● Activity 2: “C” flashcards.
● Activity 3: Cat Colors - Students Color in a blank cat face.
○ Can also include happy or sad faces.
● Activity 4: Letter “C” dotted line sheet.

Letter D
● Teach the letter “Dd”. (5 – 10mins) Dog, Duck,
○ Introduce the letter “D” by drawing it on the whiteboard.
○ Explain uppercase “D” and lowercase “d”.
○ Say the letter short /d/ repeat 3-4 times.
○ Have students repeat after you while pointing to the letter “Dd”.
Letter “D” Activities.
● Activity 1: Dog tail wag: Students and teachers pretend they have tails wiggle
them like dogs.
● Activity 2: “D” Flash cards
● Activity 3: Duck coloring worksheet

Day 3 Song and ABCD Review and Friday Story Time:

Song Review
● Sing along “Hello Song” One time.
● Hello how are you.
● Parachute Game.
ABCD Review
● Flashcards
○ Letter recognition game.
Story Time
● Read (Brown Bear What Do You See) to the kids.
● Activity 1: Teach the colors as you read the book
Goodbye Song Review
● Sing along “Goodbye Song” one time.
Day 4 Itsy Bitsy Spider, Up and Down, E and F
● Teach the direction “Up”.
○ Introduce the word “Up”.
○ Repeat several times with body language.
○ Have the students repeat.
○ (printable arrows)
● Teach the direction “Down”.
○ Introduce the word “Down”.
○ Repeat several times with body language.
○ Have the students repeat.
Up and Down Activities.
● Activity 1: Stand up and Sit Down.
● Activity 2: Itsy Bitsy Spider Song.
● Activity 3: Spider coloring sheet
The Letter E
● Teach the letter “Ee”. (5 – 10mins) Egg, Elephant
○ Introduce the letter “Ee” by drawing it on the whiteboard.
○ Explain uppercase “E” and lowercase “e”.
○ Say the letter short /e/ repeat 3-4 times.
○ Have students repeat after you while pointing to the letter “Ee”.
The letter E Activities
● Activity 1: Coloring Egg
● Activity 2: Elephant Trunk: Students use their arms as elephant trunks. Spin
around two times and race to the teacher for a high five.
● Activity 3: Letter “E” dotted worksheet.
The Letter F
● Teach the letter “Ff”. (5 – 10mins) Frog, Flower
○ Introduce the letter “Ff” by drawing it on the whiteboard.
○ Explain uppercase “F” and lowercase “f”.
○ Say the letter short /f/ repeat 3-4 times.
○ Have students repeat after you while pointing to the letter “Ff”.
The letter F Activities
● Activity 1: Flower Coloring sheet.
● Activity 2: Frog jumping
● Activity 3: Paint flowers
● Activity 4: Ring around the Rosie

Day 5 Animals
● Teach Animals.
○ Show Picture or Flashcard or Draw the animal
○ Say name of animal and the sound that the animal makes
■ Cow (Mooo)
■ Pig (Oink)
■ Duck (Quack)
■ Horse (Neigh)
■ Sheep (Baa)
■ Chicken (Cluck)
Animals Activity
● Activity 1: Old MacDonald had a farm - The song will play and teachers will use
body language to represent each of the animals while getting the students to
follow along.
● Activity 2: Picture book reading - Using the “First Words” picture book the
teacher will read and allow students to try and identify the animals under the flap.
● Activity 3: Classroom farm - Children will pretend to be animals and when we
draw a random card the child representing that animal will make its’ signature
● Activity 4: Lead the heard (Rehearsal) - The teacher will be the farmer leading
the students around the class as they hold onto each other clothes “Old
MacDonald Had a Farm” should be playing while this is happening.

Day 6 B.I.N.G.O
● Teach B.I.N.G.O the dog.
○ Draw/Show a picture of a Dog.
○ Introduce him as bingo.
○ Go over each letter and have the kids repeat.
BINGO Activities
● Activity 1: BINGO Song and Dance.
● Activity 2: BINGO Dog coloring sheet.
● Activity 3: BINGO Musical Chairs.
● Activity 4: BINGO Up BINGO down.
The letter “G”
● Teach the letter “G” Goose, Grape,
○ Briefly go over “G”.
Letter “G” Activities
● Activity 1: Duck Duck Goose Game.
● Activity 2: Walk like a Goose.
● Activity 3: Letter “G” coloring sheet
The letter “H”
● Teach the letter “Hh”. (5 – 10mins) Hug, Hop,
○ Introduce the letter “Hh” by drawing it on the whiteboard.
○ Explain uppercase “H” and lowercase “h”.
○ Say the letter short /h/ repeat 3-4 times.
○ Have students repeat after you while pointing to the letter “Hh”.
The letter “H” Activities
● Activity 1: Hopping around up and down.
● Activity 2: Hopping horse high five - Children pretend to ride horses while high
fiving each other.
● Activity 3: Letter “H” coloring sheet.

Day 7 Big things and Small things

Big Things
● Teach “Big”
○ Use body language to demonstrate big.
○ Draw a huge circle to represent big.
○ Show big Animals.
Big Activities
● Activity 1: Get big - Children and teachers will hold their arms as wide as
possible and walk around the classroom slowly trying to avoid contact with each
● Activity 2: Big beach ball - Students will pass around a big inflatable beach ball
trying to keep it from touching the ground.
Small Things
● Teach “Small”
○ Use body language to demonstrate small.
○ Draw a small circle to represent small.
○ Show small Animals.
Small Activities
● Activity 1: Hide and seek toy - One child has a small toy or ball then closes their
eyes. Another child takes the toy and hides it behind their back, and lines up
along the wall with the other kids. The first child has three guesses to find out
who has their toy. The child calls out small and points to a student and they
reveal what’s behind their back.
● Activity 2: Small walk - Children walk around the classroom with music playing.
Once the teacher say small and stop the music all the students should squat
Big and Small Activity
● Activity 1: Big circle, small circle - Teachers and students holding hands start off
really close in a circle. The teacher will say “Big Circle” and everyone will begin
to make the circle bigger while still holding hands.
● Activity 2: Biggie smalls - Students will stand in a line teacher will either say
“Big” or “Small”. If the teacher say “Big” the students should make their hands
wide, If the teacher say “Small” the students should squat low.

Day 8 Fruits
I Like Fruit
● Teach Fruits
○ Put 8 small plastic fruit in a box.
○ Shake the box to catch students attention.
○ Take out each fruit and ask what is this.
■ Say the name repeat three times.
■ Pretend to eat.
■ Allow the kids to do the same
Fruit Activities
● Activity 1: Fruit fetch - Take enough plastic fruit pieces/flashcards. Throw the fruit
around the classroom. Model the activity: say "(Your name) give me a/an
(apple)". Get up, find the fruit and put it into the box. Now hold the box and
instruct a student to pick up a fruit, bring it back to you and put it in the box. Do
for each student in the class.
● Activity 2: Fruit rope jump - Take a length of rope and lay it across the floor at
one end of the classroom. On one side place the 8 plastic fruit and the box. Have
your students line up on the other side of the rope. Model: "(Your name), put the
(apple) in the box". Run up to the rope, jump over the rope (say "Jump!") select
the correct fruit and put it in the box. Now instruct each student to do the activity.
● Activity 3: Color or Paint fruit.
I like/I Don’t like
● Teach “I like” and “I don’t like”
○ Bring out your box of fruit.
■ Take out a fruit and say “I like (apple) do you like (apples)? I do
■ Sit that fruit to one side of your body.
■ Take out another fruit and say “I don’t like (oranges) do you like
(oranges) I don’t yucky!”
■ Sit that fruit on the opposite side of your body from the other fruit.
I like/I don’t like activities
● Activity 1: Pass the ball - Everyone sit in a circle with the plastic fruit in the
middle of the circle. the teacher should play music and pass the ball around.
Once the music stops the person holding the ball will stand up, grab a fruit/card
and say what fruit they like
● Activity 2: Fruit wall touch - Print off pictures of the 8 fruit. Hold up each picture,
elicit the fruit and walk around the room taping them to the walls (at a height that
your students can reach). Now model the game: Say “What fruit do I like?” and
then run around the room touching each fruit that you like saying “I like ~” as you
touch each fruit. Now get all of your students to stand up and say to them “What
fruit do you like?”. Allow them to run around the room touching fruit (encourage
them to say “I like~” as they touch).
● Activity 3: Fruit fingerpaint - Students will use their hands and paint to make the
fruit they like.
Day 9 Final Review
● Activity 1: Hello song including dance, followed how am I feeling.
● Activity 2: Parachute hello game.
Alphabet A-H Review
● Activity 1: Alphabet Wall touch - Same as fruit wall touch except students will
run around touching the alphabet letters that they colored and pronouncing them
as they touch them.
● Activity 2: Leading the blind - The teacher will close their eyes and make the
phonetic sound of a letter. The students then run to what letter they think it is.
Teacher opens eyes and tell them whether they are correct or not.
Big, Small, Up, Down, and Hop Review
● Activity 1: Itsy Bitsy Spider Song and Dance
● Activity 2: Teacher Says - Like Simon says but the line goes “teacher says”
students will line up and the teacher will say “teacher says” and a word (Big,
Small, Up, Down, Hop) and the students should do the action associated with
the word. If the teacher does not say “teacher says” before the word then the
students should not do the action. First round should be a practice round. After
the first round the students who cannot follow the directions are eliminated.
Animals Review
● Activity 1: Old MacDonald had a Farm sing along - Teachers should sing Old
MacDonald had a Farm show the animals and ask “what animal is this?” and
“what sound does it make?” to elicit student participation.
● Activity 2: B.I.N.G.O song and dance
Fruit Review
● Activity 1: Fruit fetch - Take enough plastic fruit pieces/flashcards. Throw the fruit
around the classroom. Model the activity: say "(Your name) give me a/an
(apple)". Get up, find the fruit and put it into the box. Now hold the box and
instruct a student to pick up a fruit, bring it back to you and put it in the box. Do
for each student in the class.
Goodbye Review
● Activity 1: Goodbye Song - Sing the Goodbye song
Day 10 Summer Graduation
● Favorite Activities
● Story Time
● Fruit tasting
● Favorite songs
Advanced Proficient Partially Proficient Novice
Be able to sing the Be able to follow Can sing the ABC’s, Cannot sing the
ABC’s, Hello song along singing Hello song, and ABC’s, Hello song,
and other nursery ABC’s, Hello song other nursery and other nursery
rhymes without and other nursery rhymes with heavy rhymes without
help. rhymes with little to guidance and heavy guidance and
no help. music. music.
Can accurately
pronounce specific Can accurately Can produce some Struggles to

words and pronounce some words and produce words and

alphabets. words and alphabets. alphabets.

alphabets. Can identify some Cannot distinguish

Confidently and
animals and fruits differences in the
accurately identify Accurately identify
Is able to animals or fruits
most animals and most animals and
understand happy without help.
their sounds along fruits from the
or sad. Has trouble
with fruits from the readings and other
describing their
readings and other activities.
current feeling or
activities. Describe their unable to
Describe their current mood using distinguish happy
current mood using happy or sad from sad
happy or sad without help.
without help.
Lesson plan reflection/ self-assessment: (completed after lesson implementation)

Feed-forward plan: (completed after lesson implementation)

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