War Beach and Ecology Lesson Plan

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Young 1

Lesson Plan

Context: War & Peace, Beach & Waves, Time Requirement: 6 days, 6 hours total,
Ecology & Environment Two 3 hours sessions
Focus: Spoken/Oral
Level: Beginning/intermediate

● Ice Breakers and Basic Skill Building Activities
● Connected Content Activities
● New Materials
● Skill Display Activities


● Ice Breakers and Basic Skill Building Activities

○ Context
○ Overview of Activities
○ SLO’s
○ Materials
○ Step-by-Step Procedures
● Connected Content Activities
○ Context
○ Overview of Activities
○ SLO’s
○ Materials
○ Step-by-Step Procedures
● New Materials
○ Context
○ Overview of Activities
○ SLO’s
○ Materials
○ Step-by-Step Procedures
● Skill Display Activities
○ Context
○ Overview of Activities
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○ SLO’s
○ Materials
○ Step-by-Step Procedures

Day 1-2 War and Peace : Ice Breakers and Basic Skill
Building Activities
○ Context:
■ During the first two days of the program the students English

proficiency levels will be unknown. So the students will be given

activities that will allow them to acquire or practice their basic English

skills, as well as introducing the content of “War and Peace”. These

skills will include introductions, questioning, and key vocabulary. The

use of these skills will provide students with the tools they need in order

to navigate the Arizona Memorial during their first field trip. These

skills will also be useful for the rest of the program inside and outside

the classroom.

○ Activities
■ Who are you
■ Rules of War
■ Class word search
■ Battleships
■ War Planes
■ Preventative Measures
■ Interview with a Warlord
■ Breaking news
○ SLO’s
■ Students will be able to ask and form basic questions using spoken

English. Students should also be able to express an opinion on the topic

of “War and Peace” in regards to Hawaii and Pearl Harbor. They should
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also be able to introduce themselves and identify items that interests

them using English. After this lesson students will have a basic

understanding of English oral discourse, while being able to form

original ideas and opinions towards “War and Peace” based on the

○ Materials
■ Paper
■ Scissors
■ Crayons
■ Colored construction paper (optional)
■ Pencils
■ Markers
■ Large paper or cardboard display
■ Hat or bowl
■ Classroom Rules and Procedures sheet
■ Identity Cards (need to print and cut)
■ Peace Talks Sheet
■ Airplane instructions
■ War Plane Slips
■ Journalist Question
■ Warlord Answer Sheet
■ Name List
■ Stickers
○ Step-by-Step Procedures
■ Introductions
● Teacher should introduce themselves using both hello and Aloha.
○ Explain how Aloha is used in Hawaii.
● During the introduction the teacher should include their name

where they come from and what languages they speak.

○ Try to limit responses because they should be written

somewhere for students to read and mimic the pattern

○ Set up bowl or hat and place names from the <name list>

inside for coming activity.

● Student Introductions: First activity “Who are you”
○ Students will essentially be taking roll with this first

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○ Take turns saying: Name, hometown, and languages they

speak. This should be done in English.

○ Students will now be given a chance to pick local

Hawaiian names out of the bowl or hat. Each name will

come with a brief description of the languages the person

speaks, and where they are from.

■ See <Identity Cards>
○ Once they’ve drawn cards students will be given the

option to exchange their names or toss the name and

come up with their own.

■ Students who decide to choose their own should

be given a sheet of paper similar to the one they

drew from the bowl but just an outline.

■ Help those students fill out the appropriate

○ After all the students have filled out their identity cards

have each one introduce their identity on the <Identity

■ Demonstrate “ Hello/Aloha my name is (Daryl)”

mention all the relevant information from the

name card.
○ Collect the names afterwards to be placed in the hat or

bowl and shuffled.

○ You will draw the paper read off everything except the

name and ask the students to try to identify the

■ Make sure the students do not self identify
● Classroom Rules: Second Activity “Rules of War”
○ Take out the large paper or write the word “Rules” on the
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board large enough for the students to see. This will be

used to display the rules.

○ Students should also take out a sheet of paper.
■ Provide students with paper if needed.
○ Tell the students that you will be making classroom rules

at this point and you want them to help

■ Give them time to write down their ideas in

English (5-10 minutes).

■ The teacher should be going around helping
○ Then have the students produce their ideas through

question and answering to see what rules they agree or

disagree with.
○ Once all the ideas have been heard and agreed upon,

allow the students to come up and write the rules on the

poster board or paper one at a time.

■ If possible demonstrate the rules.
■ If the teacher thinks there is anything that might

have been forgotten or needs to be added refer to

<classroom rules and procedures> that can be

found in the activities folder.

○ Place the completed list somewhere that it is always

● Class Word Search
○ Teacher will hand out <War and Peace word search>

worksheet to each student.

■ The teacher should go around and scaffold this

process of word searching.

○ The teacher should be drawing a larger word search also

as the students fill out their individual word searches.

■ If some students finish early have them help you

or the other students.

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○ Once the students complete the word they will help the

teacher fill out a larger word search as a collective whole.

○ Activity close by going over the words and collecting the

● Battleships
○ This activity will begin with the teacher explaining the

basic rules of the game Battleships.

■ Battleship rules found in Activity folder under

<Battleship rules>
○ Then followed by a practice round of battleships using

actual names of ships that existed in Pearl Harbor.

■ Check <ship list> in activities folder.
○ First and second rounds should played as student versus

student with heavy teacher scaffolding.

○ Final round will be class versus teacher
■ Students should be given time work out their ship

○ After the second round teacher should show the students

the actual pictures of the ships found in activities folder

under <Ships of Pearl Harbor>.

● War Planes
○ Give the students a sheet of paper they can draw on and

■ Students should be given artistic liberty during

this part.
■ The teacher should also be drawing to give the

students an example of what they can draw.

○ Once they finish decorating the paper have them flip the

paper over and then begin making paper planes.

■ If you are not sure how to make the planes, inside

the activities folder will be instructions on how to

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make a paper airplane under <airplane instruction

■ The teacher should make a plane to model for the

■ The teacher should also cut up and place <War

Plane Slips> into the bowl/hat

○ The students will go to the back of the class and race the

planes. Who ever gets closest to the board is the winner.

○ The winner will then be given an opportunity to draw a

<War Plane Slip> of paper from the hat/bowl and will

have to answer the question or complete the action on

that piece of paper.

■ If completed they will receive a tally.
■ If incompleted or unanswered they do not get a

tally. Also the paper goes back into the hat/bowl.

○ Once the hat/bowl has been emptied count the tallies to

determine the winner.

■ Winner should receive a sticker or any other item

deemed acceptable, avoid food because of allergy

■ In case of tie final race and tie breaker question,

located also in assignment folder.

● Preventative Measures
○ Students will be shown a few clips from the movie Pearl

Harbor. <Clips> or links to the movie should be located

in <Clips> folder.
■ After each clip students will fill out their

<summary sheets> a brief summary of what they

had seen.
○ Once all the clips have been viewed and all the
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summaries written the teacher should discuss and explain

what happened in the clip.

○ After explaining the teacher will give an example of how

they would prevent the events that happened in the movie

from happening
○ Following the teachers example there should be a class

discussion on where students will work together

representing China and produce sentences explaining

how China could prevent those incidents from occurring.

○ This activity will be wrapped up by collecting the

students <summary sheets>

● Interview with a Warlord
○ The teacher will play the role of the Warlord.
○ Students will be given < Journalist Question Sheets> to

play the role of the journalists.

■ Teacher should be using <Warlord Answer Sheet>

to answer the questions.

○ Before the activity starts the teacher should go around the

classroom, going over the question sheets to make sure

students can read, understand and ask them.

○ Once all the students understand it is time to start the Q

and A
○ Students will each take a turn asking their questions.
■ The Questions should be prompted with the

phrase “Mr Warlord”

○ This activity will conclude by collecting the <Journalist

Question Sheets>
● Breaking News
○ The teacher examples a Breaking News report including

a picture of the event.

○ Afterwards explain the concept.
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■ Who, what, when and where

○ The teacher will distribute <breaking news articles> and

<Breaking News worksheets>.

■ The students will use the articles to pull out

details about who, what, when, and where.

■ Using those details to fill out the <breaking news

○ The students after filling out the <Breaking news

worksheet> will draw a picture of the incident on the

back of th worksheet.
■ Once the drawing is complete the students will

present their information as breaking news.

○ This activity is wrapped up by collecting the <Breaking

news worksheets>.

Day 3-4 Beach and Waves: Connected Content Activities

○ Context
■ This section is used to build upon or enhance the skills developed during

the “Skill Building/Icebreaker” section. The focus of the activities

during Days three and four will be on Beach & Waves. During the

activities students will be practicing their English language skills. The

use of these skills will provide students with the tools they need in order

to navigate Waikiki during their second field trip. These skills will also

be useful for the rest of the program inside and outside the classroom.
○ Activities
■ Show and tell
■ Preventative Measures
■ Battleships
■ Action Actors
■ Breaking news
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○ SLO’s
■ By building on the developed skills and connecting them to the realia,

students will develop more confidence for listening and speaking. The

goal here is to make students feel more comfortable with the listening to

and speaking the English language. Once the student’s affective filters

have been lowered, introducing new materials should be easier. The

students will be able to gain a deeper understanding on the topic of “War

and Peace”. With that deeper understanding the students will be able to

form more developed opinions.

○ Materials
■ Paper
■ Scissors
■ Crayons
■ Colored construction paper (optional)
■ Pencils
■ Dry erase markers
■ Chinese to English dictionary
■ Timer
■ Television, projector or media viewing device.
■ Description paper
■ Clips
■ Summary sheets
■ Ship list
■ Ships of Pearl Harbor
■ Action Actors pictures
■ Breaking news articles
■ Breaking News worksheets
■ Battleship Rules
○ Step-by-Step Procedures
■ Pair work
● Show and tell activity
○ This activity should start off with an example of how it is

to be completed.
○ The teacher should choose a student partner to model the

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○ Have the student draw a <Description paper> from the

○ On the <Description paper> it will contain a picture of an

object and 3 - 4 key descriptive words along with an open

slot feature or any words that the student wants to add.

○ The student should be allowed to spend some time

studying the words and even using a Chinese to English

dictionary is allowed to better understand the words.

○ The students may also ask his/her fellow classmates to

assist them, but only for this example.

○ The students once they are ready will begin to use the

words on the sheet to explain this object to the teacher

using English only.

○ Using the students description the teacher will begin to

draw the picture. This should be timed (about 5 minutes)

so it does not take too long

○ Once the timer has rang compare the actual picture to the

○ After the practice round it is the students turn. Pair the

students up, have each student pick a paper out of the

hat/bowl and have them repeat the process while the

teacher goes around and scaffold. They should be given

time to study the words but are only allowed to share

with the teacher.

○ Once study time has completed have the students

complete the activity while timing it.

○ After the first round is complete the students should

switch roles, again time it and after the second round

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have the students switch papers and partners.

○ Hold two more rounds before ending the activity.
● Stitched up movie
○ Students will be shown a few clips from the movie Lilo

and Stitch. <Clips> or links to the movie should be

located in <Clips> folder.

■ After each clip students will fill out their

<summary sheets> a brief summary of what they

had seen.
○ Once all the clips have been viewed and all the

summaries written the teacher should discuss and explain

what happened in the clip.

● Surf Contest Bingo

○ Beach words will be taught
■ Waves
■ Docks
■ Shore
■ Swimsuit
■ Sunglasses
■ Volleyball
■ Surfboard
■ Snorkel
■ Sunscreen
○ Bingo Boards should be distributed
○ Game should be demonstrated
○ Then played should be played by showing the picture and

saying the words.

● Action Actors
○ The class should be split into 2-4 groups.
○ Each group should be given one of the <Action Actors>

○ The teacher after distributing the pictures needs to go

around and help explain what is happening in the

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○ After the explaining the groups will have to go up and

silently act out their images for a short (3 secs - 5 secs)

■ The duration can be timed using a desk drumroll

or another music device.

○ Once the duration is up the students will stop completely

and those who are not acting will describe what they see.
■ After a couple of guesses, the actors will reveal

the actual picture and explain it.

● Beach Supplies
○ Students will be gathering supplies to go to the beach
○ There should be one of each item in the class
■ Floaty
■ Slippers
■ Sunglasses
■ Snorkel
■ Dry towel
■ Frisbee
● Class Crossword Puzzle
○ Students will be given a crossword puzzle worksheet that

contains definitions of the words from the Card Matching

■ See <Crossword Puzzle worksheet> in activities

○ This should be done individually, but followed by

making a bigger copy of the crossword puzzle and

enlisting the students to help.

○ This activity finishes by collecting the crossword puzzles.
● Waikiki information Gap
○ Students put together the story of Nalu in Waikiki
○ Pair the students up hand out the two information gap

○ Demonstrate the activity and explain how to solve the
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○ Once this is completed discuss the story as a whole class
● Beach Activities
○ Students will be introduced to activities that are done at

the beach.
■ Volleyball
■ Snorkeling
■ Surfing
■ Swimming
■ Barbecuing
■ Tanning
○ Mix and match cards should be handed out showing the

○ Students have to flip the cards and find two people doing

the same activities.

○ Then describe that activity once they match up.
■ If they can accurately describe the activity then

they take the cards

■ if they cannot then they must flip the cards over

and it’s the next students turn.

Day 5-6 Ecology & Environmental: New Materials

○ Context
■ The “New Materials” section introduces new vocabulary and activities

related to Hawai’i’s Ecological & Environmental protection practices.

By this point the students should have a stable base in order to build new

materials on and reinforce previously taught materials. Students will

learn new vocabulary and at least one new grammar point. This should

be mostly practice while students focus on improving areas of weakness.

Also, the students will be using the new vocabulary and grammar points
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○ Activities
■ Card matching
■ Class crossword puzzle
■ Information gap
■ I say you draw
■ Class word search
○ SLO’s
■ After working with old materials and adding new materials students will

be more comfortable working with English. Students will be able to

form individualized opinions, identify key points, and work together.

○ Materials
■ Paper
■ Crayons
■ Colored construction paper
■ Pencils
■ Dry erase marker
■ Computer Paper
■ Clear sheet protectors
■ Paper towels
■ War and Peace Vocabulary list
■ Crossword Puzzle worksheet
■ War Gap Worksheet
■ War and Peace word search
■ I say you draw wordlist
■ Glue sticks

● Step-by-Step Procedures
○ Plant Matching
■ Teacher will introduce 6 vocabulary words from <Hawaiian plant list>.
■ Discussing and defining each word.
■ Students will be given a sheet of construction paper and <Hawaiian

plant list> they will fold them into 12 parts.

■ Cut the 12 parts into individual cards.
■ On six of the 12 parts students will glue the vocabulary words to the

construction paper. The other will contain the definition of the

vocabulary words.
■ Students will then shuffle the cards and lay them with the writing
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● Students should spend 4 - 5 minutes flipping the cards over two

at a time.
● If they can match the word with the definition those two cards

should be set aside.

■ Once the time has completed the students will use the cards set aside to

make sentences.
■ Activity is closed by collecting the sentences.
○ Class Crossword Puzzle
■ Students will be given a crossword puzzle worksheet that contains

definitions of the words from the Card Matching activity.

● See <Crossword Puzzle worksheet> in activities folder.
■ This should be done individually, but followed by making a bigger copy

of the crossword puzzle and enlisting the students to help.

■ This activity finishes by collecting the crossword puzzles.
○ Invasion of the invasive species
■ Students will learn about the invasive species that came to Hawaii.
■ The teacher will be Hawaii invasive species balls
○ Plant protection conservation
■ Students will learn about Manoa protection of the home plants
■ The teacher will be Manoa conservation
○ Teacher teacher what do you see
■ Same as brown bear game except with plants
○ Class Word Search
■ Teacher will hand out <War and Peace word search> worksheet to each

● The teacher should go around and scaffold this process of word

■ The teacher should be drawing a larger word search also as the students

fill out their individual word searches.

● If some students finish early have them help you or the other

■ Once the students complete the word they will help the teacher fill out a

larger word search as a collective whole.

■ Activity close by going over the words and collecting the worksheets.
○ Hikers guide to Manoa
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■ Students will be taught basic behavior for hiking

● Skill Display Activities
○ Context
■ At this point in the “War and Peace” lesson plan the students will be

combining everything they have learned from the previous sections.

There will be no more new materials taught at this point in order to

avoid confusing the students or raising their affective filters. Students

will have an adequate amount of confidence to use the skills learned in

previous activities to navigate the final activities that will test and

challenge these skills.

○ Activities
■ Overwritten
■ I-Spy
■ Peaceful Solutions
○ SLO’s
■ Students will be using independent thoughts to develop sentences orally

and written that show a deep understanding of the context of “War and

Peace”. They will also be able to draw main ideas and key points from

certain types of realia. While using English students will be able to ask

questions and respond to questions in English.

○ Materials
■ Paper
■ Scissors
■ Crayons
■ Colored construction paper
■ Pencils
■ English to Chinese dictionary
■ Hat or bowl
■ Overwritten Word Sheets
■ Overwritten Orders
■ information articles
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■ I spy coder sheet

■ war reasons

○ Step-by-Step Procedures
■ Overwritten
● Students should be separated into teams and each team will be

given four <Overwritten Word Sheets>.

○ The students can be allowed to cut them into individual

cards or they can be pre-cut.

○ The sheets are who, what, when, and where.
○ There can be more than one member in each group.
● The teacher should also be setting up their order station by

placing the <Overwritten Orders> into a bowl or hat.

○ The <Overwritten Orders> can either be pre-cut or cut up

at the same time that the students are cutting theirs.

● The teacher should demonstrate how the activity works
○ First grab a <Overwritten Order> out of the hat or bowl.
○ Call out the order (Ex. I need a sentence containing who,

what, and when).

○ Then instruct the students from those groups to bring a

completed sentence to the teacher.

○ Read out the sentence to the class.
● After demonstrating the real game should began.
○ The only difference for with this round is that this is

○ Once the timer is up and the students did not provide a

sentence that order goes into the discard pile.

○ There should be a timer for the round and each order.
○ This activity should wrap up with all the sentences being

read out loud.

■ I Spy
● Students will be split into two teams and given <information

● Reading those articles the students must write down the most
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important information who, what, when, and where on a separate

sheet of paper.
● Each team has to write a story on the <I spy coder sheet> using

the selected information without using direct quotes.

● Once the two teams have finished they must exchange papers

and try to figure out the actual who, what, when and where.
○ The other teams answer should be written on the <I spy

coder worksheet> in the space available.

● The session should wrap up with the students swapping papers

back and seeing whichever ever team got closer.

● Discussion and turn in papers
■ Peaceful solutions
● Students will write a paragraph explaining how bad war is and a

make a list of things that China could do to help America and

Japan stopping them before they go to war.

● The teacher will present a list of reasons why America and Japan

went to war in order to help the students get their ideas out and

○ List of reasons can be found in activities folder under

<war reasons>.
● This final assignment will take the remaining duration of the

class or how ever long the students have.

● Followed by collecting the students work.

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