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Martin S.J. van Vliet

Abstract: During 2008, a Special Interest Group was formed out of cost engineers the development of any labor
from the process industry representatives to pick-up the challenge to establish a productivity norm standards; and
globally accepted standard for labor productivity norms for the industry. In Feb- proposes that the DACE labor
ruary 2009, the Dutch Association of Cost Engineers (DACE) published a CD-ROM productivity norms, as an available,
that provides guidance in the use of labor productivity norms for many of the dis- published and comprehensive guideline,
ciplines which are involved in the construction and maintenance of industrial pro- may become the new labor productivity
duction facilities. This article will provide information on the level of information norm standards for the construction
that should be provided for in the development of any labor productivity norm industries supporting industrial
standards; and proposes that the DACE labor productivity norms, as an available production facilities.
published guideline, may become the new “Gulf Coast” labor productivity norm This article contains examples and
standards for the construction industries. This article was first presented as
extracts from the complete publication by
EST.517 at the 2011 Annual Meeting.
the DACE, and will provide sufficient
Key Words: Cost engineers, labor productivity, process industry, and standards information to allow you to obtain a
general impression and the added value
of this initiative.

uring 2008, a Special Interest productivity norm. By definition, each
Group (SIG) was formed out labor productivity norm is a typical or THE USABILITY OF LABOR PRODUCTIVITY
of cost engineering process average number of labor hours required
industry representatives to by the collection of all individuals (i.e.,
pick-up the challenge to establish a crew) associated with the construction
Definition of a labor Productivity Norm
globally accepted standard for labor activity. For simplicity, we define a labor
A labor productivity norm is the
productivity norms for the industry. In productivity norm as, “a number of hours
number of labor hours (work effort)
February 2009, the Dutch Association of for an activity per unit of measurement.”
required to complete a defined
Cost Engineers (DACE), published a CD- The published DACE labor
construction activity, given the specific
ROM that provides guidance in the use of productivity norms provide consideration
qualifications associated with each
labor productivity norms for many of the to activity descriptions, qualifications,
individual labor productivity norm.
disciplines which are involved in the location factors, indirect costs,
By definition, each labor productivity
construction and maintenance of overheads, profit and risk, condition and
norm is a typical or average number of
industrial production facilities. efficiency factors associated with each of
labor hours required by the collection of
For the purposes of this article, a the thousands of individual labor
all individuals (i.e., crew) associated with
labor productivity norm is the number of productivity norms with the intent of
the construction activity. For simplicity,
labor hours (work effort) required to providing clarity to each one.
we define a labor productivity norm as “a
complete a defined construction activity,
number of hours for an activity per unit of
given the specific qualifications This article will provide information
associated with each individual labor on the level that should be provided for in


Figure 1 —Build-Up of a Labor Productivity Norm

Definition of a Unit-Rate You will not find any costs for

A price to be paid and agreed upon A good definition of a labor materials, equipment usage,
for services performed. For example, productivity norm must include all of the warehousing and storing, fabricating,
technical work-hours will be paid for at following: shop setup or overhead. These costs can
the unit-rate agreed upon. Often field be readily obtained by a good estimator
work is assigned to a subcontractor by • general qualifications; who can visualize and consider job
the prime contractor on a unit-rate basis. • direct hours definition; schedule, size, and location. If a material
For simplicity, we define a unit-rate as, “a • activity descriptions (preambles); take-off is available, this cost can be
price per unit of measurement.” • labor rates definition; obtained from the vendors who will
The difference between a labor • productivity definition; and, furnish the materials. These items must
productivity norm and a unit-rate is that • indirect costs definition. be considered for each individual job.
there are no costs involved in a labor According to John S. Page, the most
productivity norm, only hours. This Page and Nations (“Gulf Coast”) important area to be considered before
makes it more usable for different Page and Nations is a commercially calculating labor costs is productivity
industries and practices because costs available labor productivity norms efficiency. This is a must if the many
are very much related to volumes, standard, considered by many to be labor hour tables are to be correctly
economic circumstances, availability, reflective of “Gulf Coast” labor applied. Productivity efficiency in
taxes, etc. labor productivity norms can productivity. conjunction with the production
easily be calibrated to the local elements must be considered for each
circumstances by applying location Also known as the, “Estimator's individual project.
factors. Piping Man-Hour Manual,” by John S. By carefully analyzing many reports,
Labor productivity norms are used Page, this standard is based on he has established an average
for the following. numerous time and method studies, productivity rate of 70 percent. All the
both in the shop and in the field, on labor hours or percentages in the
• cost estimating, planning and cost many piping jobs located on projects in manual are based on this percentage.
control; the US, ranging in cost from $1,000,000 He has found that production
• tendering and contracting; to $5,000,000. percentages can be classified into five
• standardization and world-wide use; This standard can be used to categories and the production elements
• correct definitions using determine more accurately the actual can be grouped into six different
qualifications and preambles; direct labor cost for the complete classifications.
• applying location factors; fabrication and installation of process The six different classes of
• measurement of productivity; piping for a given industrial or chemical production elements include the
• efficiency evaluation; and, plant, and is strictly for estimating direct following.
• benchmarking. labor in labor hours only.


Table 1 — Page & Nations vs. DACE Labor Productivity Norms

• general economy; systems. Table 2 explains the rating

• project supervision; symbols used in table 1.
• labor relations; DACE Labor Productivity Norms
• job conditions; In order to introduce a new
• construction equipment and tools; common labor productivity norms
and, standard for the industry, a
• weather. comprehensive quality framework Table 2 — Rating Method
containing definitions, boundaries,
The five ranges of productivity practical use, etc., has to be defined. To
efficiency percentages include the meet this goal, DACE has established QUALIFICATIONS
following. qualifications and preambles, which
describe the overall conditions and the Multipliers (Correction Factors)
Percentage Range scope descriptions of the labor The DACE labor productivity norms
• Very Low 10-40 productivity norms activities. levels are based on North West Europe
• Low 41-60 (factor = 1.0 location / efficiency /
• Average 61-80 Qualifications and Preambles productivity). Factors can be applied to
• Very Good 81 -90 The purpose of the qualifications is adjust the labor productivity norms for
• Excellent 91-100 to provide guidance in the development other locations. The labor productivity
and application of labor productivity norms are deemed to be all-inclusive.
Page and Nations and DACE Labor norms for estimating. In parallel to the Reference is made to the preambles
Productivity Norms development of these labor productivity of the relevant disciplines where the
In comparison with DACE, the Page norms, consideration has been given to scope of each individual norm is
and Nations publication lacks many of the application of location (productivity) explained. In exceptional circumstances
the elements required for a factors, indirect costs, overheads, profit or special working conditions, a
comprehensive understanding of each and risk, condition factors and/or multiplier (correction factor) may be
individual labor productivity norm. efficiency factors. applied to the labor productivity norm.
One of the biggest disadvantages of Therefore, the user should have a The labor productivity norms can also be
the Page and Nations system is that it common understanding of the adjusted by an efficiency factor related
includes the productivity factors in the terminology used in this process to to the volume of work that is expected.
labor rates, leaving the labor ensure clarity with regard to what is
productivity norm itself unaffected by included in labor productivity norms, Productivity
any of the conditions. So this means, for labor rates, and those items that should Labor productivity is the amount of
example, you will not be able to measure be captured as derived costs (applying services that a craftsmen produces in a
and apply different location and other factors and other adjustments). given amount of time (labor productivity
adjustment factors to the labor The preambles and qualifications to norm), also referred to as the measured
productivity norms themselves. the labor productivity norms are time required to execute a specified
Table 1 shows a comparison table intended to provide the basis for amount of work.
between the principles and completeness and consistency in Productivity is defined as "the ratio
characteristics of the Page and Nations estimates. The preambles and of a volume measure of output to a
and DACE Labor Productivity Norms qualifications are applicable for all types volume measure of input."
of installation work.


Productivity is dependent on a number not limited to: mobile scaffolds,
of factors: warehouse interior, internal Validity
• type of work; transport, and possible climate The labor productivity norms
• discipline; and, regulation. Also included are the assume that the activities can be carried
• location. costs for exploitation, hiring, out under normal conditions. These
maintenance, cleaning, heating, “normal conditions” are described going
Often these factors are included in electricity, gas water and telephone forward in this article. For activities that
the labor productivity norm and thus costs etc. are carried out under unusual
become a local labor productivity norm, conditions, condition factors may be
and the basis for execution. For Overhead applied. (i.e., to condition the activity to
estimating purposed it is assumed that Overhead costs are costs in the reflect the “abnormal condition”).
the “productivity factor” is 1.0. indirect sphere that are relevant to
the implementation of the work. Conditions
Efficiency This includes costs connected to The labor productivity norms can
Worker efficiency is measured in using supervisory, executive and only be realized if the following
physical terms. Efficiency is measured as, coordinating staff. In addition, conditions are met.
"the ratio of planned volume of output overhead can include costs linked to
to the actual volume of output." The obtaining required approvals, • good professionalism;
labor productivity norms can also be drawing and calculating work for the • good work preparation;
adjusted by an efficiency factor related implementation, as-built, • good project organization;
to the volume of work that is expected. management, work preparation, • good instruction and supervision of
permits, reports, material assembly personnel;
Scheduled Overtime and Effect on management, quality control and • timely access to workplace, to
Labor Productivity Norms project controls. Initial safety sufficient good quality materials,
The labor productivity norms are introduction for mobilizing direct tools, drawings, etc.; and,
based on normal working hours. When labor is also included in overhead • normal weather conditions.
overtime operations are deemed costs.
necessary, this can result in decreased Labor Productivity Norms
productivity or loss of efficiency. Profit and Risk The labor productivity norms
When overtime is scheduled for a Profit is the compensation a comprise the following. The measured
longer period of time (for example to contractor receives as a component labor productivity norms are primarily
meet specific planning requirements), of the contract price. Risk is the determined on the basis of the working
the labor productivity norms require a compensation that a contractor methods and safety/environmental
productivity factor correction for the receives as a component of the requirements, as well as on national
inefficiency caused by long working contract price for the risk that the labor studies. The average labor
hours (inefficiency = worked hours / contractor takes with regard to the productivity norms are obtained from
calculated labor productivity norms for a implementation of the work. the following:
specific activity).
Overview of Direct and Indirect • The labor productivity norms are
Direct vs. Indirect Figure 2 gives an overview of how based on the most efficient execution of
Direct costs are costs for materials, the direct hours, direct labor costs and the work task. This means applying the
labor (including working foreman) and indirect costs are applied and the total best work practices, using the correct
allowances that can be assigned to costs are derived. tools, and having a minimal disturbance
specific activities, including the set of during the execution. Therefore the
tools and equipment required to execute Measurement labor productivity norms are only
the work. The units of measurement to be applicable for all work that is executed
Indirect costs are costs occurring used shall be as stated within the labor under normal conditions, with
during the execution of the work that productivity norms and as defined experienced laborers, having a normal
cannot be assigned directly to specific within the preambles. performance, using the correct tools and
activities (for example supervision). For example, for a work item for applying the best working method.
Indirect costs may include the following. which the unit of measure is defined in
meters (m) length, the measurement • Labor productivity norms are
Site Facilities shall be the length measured along the expressed in the labor hours,
Costs for site facilities are costs to central axis of the items. required for the direct personnel to
prepare the construction site, the All items of work are measured complete a work task. A labor
lay down areas, construction offices neat, as fixed in position, with no productivity norm is an indication of
and warehouse. This includes all allowance made in the quantities for cut the level of effort required to
necessary supplies, including but and waste. complete a given work task. It is not


duration. The duration time is the laborers required will need to be preambles. The preambles provide
period between the start of the taken into account. information required to understand each
implementation and the end of a specific work task included in the DACE
task or more tasks. To calculate the Preambles Labor Norms.
duration time, the number of The following sections provide
examples of the discipline-specific

Figure 2 — An Overview of How the Direct Hours, Direct Labor Costs and Indirect Costs are Applied and the Total Costs are


Table 3 — Piping Labor Productivity Norms Table

Note that all the examples use the norms can be applied in a cost estimate
European nomenclature (the comma using a drawing and scope of work. • conserve energy by reducing heat
separates the decimal). loss or gain;
Insulation • control surface temperatures for
Piping Next, let’s look at descriptions for personnel protection and comfort;
This section includes Labor Norms thermal insulation and specific • facilitate temperature control of
and allowances (correction factors) for requirements and recommendations for process;
piping activities according to ASA and external thermal insulation of above • prevent vapor flow and water
DIN. Pipe sizes included in the labor ground surfaces of equipment and condensation on cold surfaces;
productivity norms range from ⅛” up to piping. • increase operating efficiency of
and including 48,” and includes material This section is based on the heating /ventilating /cooling,
factors for welding. Committee Insulation Netherlands plumbing, steam, process and
The measuring system is intended to Industry (CINI) manual, "Insulation for power systems found in commercial
support the settlement and the Industries." DACE follows the CINI and industrial installations;
assessment of the progress of piping standard as much as possible regarding • prevent or reduce damage to
installation. technical recommendations and equipment from exposure to fire or
The DACE tables specify labor common practices. However, DACE uses corrosive atmospheres;
productivity norms for the different a different interpretation for the method • assist mechanical systems in
nominal bores and wall thicknesses for of measurement than described, meeting criteria in food and
each measured item. Please note that according to CINI, in order to be more in cosmetic plants; and,
the unit of quantity (‘1’, viz. per 1 m, per line with the other disciplines. • reduce emissions of pollutants to
1 piece, per 1 kg etc.) is always The CINI Foundation is an institution the atmosphere.
applicable to this labor productivity in which both principals and contractors
norm. cooperate. The CINI Manual is meant to Layers of Insulation
In establishing the linear meters, serve as a tool for designers, purchasers, Insulation shall be applied in a
allowances are included in the labor installers and inspectors in determining minimum number of layers of
productivity norm to account for the the optimal insulation for all common commercially available thicknesses. The
measurement to be taken from pipe situations. For this purpose, the total thickness shall be as close as
center to pipe center or to flange front. experience of specialists from dozens of possible to the most economic insulation
companies were gathered and thickness required, and shall be rounded
Example of an Estimate Using Labor documented in integrated specifications. off to the next largest commercially
Productivity Norms Insulation is defined as those available thickness.
With the information in figure 3, materials or combinations of materials, To reduce heat losses, insulation
tables 4 and 5, you will be able to see a which retard the flow of heat energy by applied in two or more layers shall have
practical example how labor productivity performing one or more of the following staggered joints. Circumferential joints
functions. between segments in adjacent lengths of


Figure 3 — Piping Isometric


Table 4 — Piping Isometric Scope of Work


Table 5 — Piping Estimate Example


Table 6 — Minimum Insulation Thickness

Table 7 — Minimum Sheeting Thickness

pre-formed rigid insulation shall also be glass reinforced epoxy / glass reinforced Activities Codes
staggered. If economically attractive, a plastic finishing. All insulation work required for the
combination of not more than two The jacketing shall provide execution of activities are classified in
different insulating materials may be protection against water and weather, the following groups:
used. fire, oil spillage, mechanical wear or
other damage. Consideration shall be Code 1: Removal of existing insulation.
Insulation Thickness given to the choice of weatherproofing Activity comprises the removal
Criteria for viewing and in terms of safety, life cycle cost, of insulation material.
understanding table 6 includes the environmental/climate conditions, Code 2: Removal of existing sheeting.
following. vulnerability to corrosion, effectiveness Activity comprises the removal
and maintainability. of metal sheeting.
• ambient temperature: 25°C; and, If metal jacketing is used, sufficient Code 3: Installation of existing
• wind velocity: 1 m / s space and drainage shall be provided to insulation. Activity comprises
avoid internal accumulation of water the installation and marking of
Jacketing caused by condensation, water vapor old, visual inspected and
All insulated equipment (except for diffusion, capillary action and water approved insulation material
Polyurethane (PUR) / Polyisocyanuraat ingress. with preservation of the
(PIR) on tank shells) and piping shall be original insulation value,
protected with a jacketing system, such including marking.
as metal, reinforced mastic, tapes or Code 4: Installation of existing sheeting.
Activity comprises the


installation, marking and Code 6P:Prefabrication of new sheeting. Scaffolding
conditioning of old, qualitative Activity comprises the This section describes the points of
in good shape, visual inspected prefabrication of new metal attention and the activities for
and approved metal sheeting. sheeting. scaffolding. Furthermore, it gives
Code 5: Installation of new insulation. Code 6: Installation of new sheeting. examples for how to measure the most
Activity comprises the Activity comprises the common types of scaffolding using
installation of new insulation installation of new metal sketches and calculation methods.
material. sheeting.

Table 8 — Insulation Labor Productivity Norms Table

Table 9 — Independent Scaffolding Checklist


Together with a general checklist of and components with a service Pre-Cleaning of Surfaces
the points of attention, scaffolding has temperature below minus 20°C or over Prior to the blast cleaning and/or
been classified in types. For each type of 450°C or equipment where thermal prior to any painting operation, the
scaffolding, a checklist for assembling shock may appear when in operation. surface shall be free of any
the scaffolding types is included. This contamination and any excessive rust
covers approximately 90 percent of all Surface Preparation scale shall be removed.
scaffolding. As an aid, the most common General All bolt-holes shall be solvent
selection has been indicated. All edges shall be ground to a cleaned prior to the commencement of
Information regarding scaffolding minimum radius of 2 mm and flame cut blast cleaning. Solvent cleaning shall be
construction can be obtained at the areas may have been ground flush. Blast carried out in accordance with SSPC
association of scaffolding companies in cleaning of surfaces shall, as a general (Society for Protective Coatings), SP1
the Netherlands called, “Vereniging van rule, be performed by blast cleaning as (Surface Preparation) “Solvent Cleaning.”
Steiger-, Hoogwerk- en outlined in ISO 8504-2. Fabrication may
Betonbekistingbedrijven” [VSB], section be complete before surface preparation Cleaning of Surfaces
“Steigerbedrijven.” begins. Blast cleaning shall continue for a
minimum of 25 mm over any adjacent
Independent Standing Scaffolding

See figure 4 which shows a scaffold
where the floor is supported by bracings
(example 1), or suspensions to an
existing construction or existing
scaffolding (example 2). Also review
examples 3-6 in figure 4. To calculate the
method of measurement, round off
upwards to 0.5 m. In reviewing and
understanding figure 4, take into
consideration the following.

• h = height: vertical distance

between foot plate and the top of
upper railing;
• b = width: measured center to
center distance between outer posts
in the transverse plane; and,
• l = length: measured centre to
centre distance between outer posts
in the front view.

This section describes performance-
based coating applicable for painting and
coating. It is intended for all painting and
coating contracts, including both new
construction and maintenance of
onshore facilities. It includes labor
productivity norms for protection
against external corrosion of both
ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
This section includes descriptions
for coating application and surface
preparation and gives labor productivity
norms for prefabrication and field work
in the same manner as piping.
However, it does not apply for
internal coatings, coating of buildings
and other civil installations, equipment Figure 4 — Independent Scaffolding Examples


coated areas to feather the edges of the A Brush-Off Blast Cleaned Surface free of all visible residues and the
existing coating system. For local blast Finish is defined as one from which all remainder shall be limited to the light
cleaning the edges of the existing coating oil, grease, dirt, rust scale, loose mill discoloration, slight staining or tight
system shall be angle-blasted to provide scale, loose rust and loose paint or residues mentioned above.
a feathered overlap. coatings are removed completely, but
Where pitting corrosion has been tight mill scale and tightly adhered rust, Near-White Blast Cleaning (SA 2-1 / 2)
located during cleaning of surfaces, paint and coatings may remain provided Removal of nearly all mill scale, rust,
attention shall be given to the removal of that all mill scale and rust have been rust scale, paint, or foreign matter by the
residual salts. sufficiently exposed to the abrasive blast use of abrasives propelled through
Abrading with sandpaper or light pattern so that numerous flecks of the nozzles or by centrifugal wheels, to the
grinding with a suitable (flexible) disc underlying metal are uniformly degree hereafter specified.
may be used for surface preparation distributed over the entire surface. A near-white blast cleaned surface
where sweep blasting is not possible. finish is defined as one from which all oil,
Commercial Blast Cleaning (SA 2) grease, dirt, mill scale, rust, corrosion
New Construction and Maintenance Removal of mill scale, rust, rust products, oxides, paint or other foreign
The surface of carbon or low alloy scale, paint or foreign matter by the use matter have been completely removed
steelwork for new construction and of abrasives propelled through nozzles or from the surface except for very light
maintenance to existing installations by centrifugal wheels, to the degree shadows, very slight streaks or slight
shall be blast-cleaned to the visual specified. discolorations caused by rust stain, mill
standard in accordance with ISO 8501-1 A commercial blast cleaned surface scale oxides, or light, tight residues of
at the time of coating. finish is defined as one from which all oil, paint or coating that may remain. At
grease, dirt, rust scale and foreign least 95 percent of each square inch of
Hand Tool Cleaning (St 2) matter have been completely removed surface area shall be free of all visible
Removal of all rust scale, mill scale, from the surface. In addition, all rust, residues, and the remainder shall be
loose rust and loose paint that can be mill scale and old paint have been limited to the light discoloration
accomplished by hand wire brushing, completely removed except for slight mentioned above.
hand sanding, hand scraping, hand shadows, streaks, or discolorations
chipping or other hand impact tools, or caused by rust stain, mill scale oxides or Coating Application
by a combination of these methods. The slight, tight residues of paint or coating General
substrate may have a faint metallic that may remain. In general, the requirements for the
sheen and also be free of oil, grease, If the surface is pitted, slight coating systems in this section are
dust, soil, salts and other contaminants. residues of rust or paint may be found in related to the coating application and to
the bottom of pits. At least two-thirds of surface preparation.
Power Tool Cleaning (St 3) each square inch of surface area shall be
Removal of all rust scale, mill scale,
loose paint, and loose rust that can be
accomplished by power wire brushes,
power impact tools, power grinders,
power sanders or by a combination of
these methods. The substrate may have
a pronounced metallic sheen and also be
free of oil, grease, dirt, soil, salts and
other contaminants. Surface may not be
buffed or polished smooth.

Brush-Off Blast Cleaning (SA 1)

Table 10 — Independent Scaffolding Examples
Removal of loose mill scale, loose
rust, and loose paint that can be
accomplished by the impact of abrasives
propelled through nozzles or by
centrifugal wheels. It is not intended that
the surface shall be completely free of all
mill scale, rust, and paint. The remaining
mill scale, rust, and paint may be tight
and the surface may be sufficiently
abraded to provide good adhesion and
bonding of paint.
Table 11 — Coating Services SS Requirements


Table 12 — Painting Labor Productivity Norms Table

Before commencing any painting Coating Surfaces and System example of stainless steel – external is
work, the compatibility with existing Requirements shown in table 11. An example of a labor
coating systems or layers must be An example of Carbon and low alloy productivity norms table is shown in
checked. Existing coating layers may be steels – external is shown in table 10. An table 12.
over coated only with products made by
the same manufacturer.
To ensure that only correctly blasted
surfaces are coated, a minimum of 100
mm around the edges of prepared areas
shall be left uncoated, unless adjoining a
coated surface. When adjoining a coated
surface, a connection to the existing
paint film shall be made. No coating shall
be applied within 50 mm to areas that
will be welded at a later time.

New Construction
Minimum coating requirements for
new construction are specified for each
field of service. Surface preparation shall
be in accordance with listed instructions.
The coatings may be epoxy based.

Figure 5 — E&I Typical Hook-ups


Cable and Bundles Future Development
Electrical and Instrumentation Installing and securing cables At this point in time, DACE has
DACE has based its labor Install and secure cables (using cable initiated phase two of the DACE labor
productivity norms on standard fixings) on cable trays, in cable ducts or productivity norms Special Interest
electrical and instrumentation work in cable cellars, including bringing the Group with the goal to review, enhance,
common to the industry. Beside labor cable to and from the place where the and update the content on the following
productivity norms, DACE includes work is carried out, as shown in table 13. sections.
sketches with their calculations for Pulling cable in conduit with open bends,
typical hook-ups, as shown in figure 5. as shown in table 14. Underground • New section for structural steel
cable installation, as shown in table 15. construction;

Table 13 — E&I Install Cable Labor Productivity Norms Table

Table 14 — E&I Pulling Cable Labor Productivity Norms Table


Table 15 — E&I Underground Install Cable Labor Productivity Norms Table

• New section for equipment international companies have already

installation; embraced the DACE labor productivity 5. ASTM Standards, Latest Edition:
o Static norms as a standard; and are using it to • ASTM A 380, Standard Practice for
o Rotating support their tendering, contracting and Cleaning, Descaling, and Passivation
• New section for maintenance of estimating processes. The DACE SIG is of Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment
equipment; now continuing its efforts, and is and Systems; and,
• Improve and extend the Insulation preparing additional publications which • ASTM D-610, Standard test Method
section with cold and acoustic include new disciplines in order to meet for Evaluating Degree of Resting on
Insulation; the comprehensive needs of the painted steel surfaces-SSPC-VIS-2,
• Improve the general section with industry. ASTM Standards, American Society
better definitions of productivity The ultimate goal remains to for Testing and Materials, 100 Bar
and efficiency; become the new labor productivity norm Harbour Drive, West Conshohocken,
• Improve the painting section by standard for the construction industry PA.
adding fittings to be consistent with and create a globally accepted standard 6. ISO Standards
other sections; and guideline for owners and • ISO 11124 - Preparation of steel
• Improve and expand the electrical contractors. ◆ substrates before application of
and instrumentation sections; paints and related products –
• Improve the scaffolding section; REFERENCES specifications for metallic blast-
and, cleaning abrasives – Part 1 to 4;
• Expand the calculation example 1. DACE Labor Productivity Norms • ISO 11126 - Preparation of steel
with insulation and painting. 2009, Dutch Association of Cost substrates before application of
Engineers, 2009, retrieved from: paints and related products –
DACE published a new issue of the specifications for non-metallic blast-
CD-ROM in the spring of 2011. In order 2. Page, John S., Estimator’s Piping cleaning abrasives – Part 1 to 10;
to achieve this, DACE required additional Man-hour Manual, 5th Edition p. • ISO 11127 - Preparation of Steel
input from the original project team. cm, Golf Publishing Company, Substrates Before Application of
Input from members of the DACE cost Houston, TX, retrieved from: Paints and Related Products - Test
engineering network, contractors and Methods for Non- Metallic Blast-
owners was also be required. 3. Insulation for Industries, Latest Cleaning Abrasives-Part 1 to 7;
Conclusion Edition, Committee Insulation • ISO 12944 - Paints and Varnishes-
DACE succeeded in its primary goal Netherlands Industry (CINI), Corrosion protection of steel
to reduce misunderstanding and dispute retrieved from: structures by protective paint
between clients and suppliers by 4. Vereniging van Steiger-, Hoogwerk – systems-Part-1 to 8; and,
creating a common understanding of en Betonbekistingbedrijven (VSB), • ISO 8501­4 - Preparation of steel
used practices and standards. Many retrieved from: substrates before application of


paints and related products - Visual
assessment of surface cleanliness, CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE - WWW.AACEI.ORG
ISO Standards, Latest Edition,
International Organisation for
Standardisation, Case Postale 56,
CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland


Martin van Vliet is with

the Cost Engineering
Consultancy B.V. He
can be contacted by
sending e-mail to:

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and explore the wealth of information that is only a click away.
Refer prospective members to check out the website as it is a great source
of information and resources promoting the benefits of membership in AACE In-
ternational. ◆


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