Proposal pt2

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uk | Natapong William Collins

From Solomon: Proposal

A young man caught in the harsh trenches of WW1, he is alone on a desolate
battlefield, in a trench. All he has is a gun with no ammo and a dog with no
home. They journey down the down the desolate beaches and the
wastelands of a town that used to be.

Why are you producing this production?

The reason I wanted to do this production is because I had an idea to create
an animation that showed a more intimate and isolated relationship that
soldiers would have had with each other, Due to all of them being enclosed
within a trench with only each other to depend on, I wanted to show that
companionship. So to visually show this easier and show a true bond of
friendship I decided to have it be through a man and a dogs bond because I
feel it visually shows a evident friendship automatically but then also lends
some innocence and vulnerability to them which allows the audience to
connect with the characters more.

My deadline for this project is on the 18th of January. I have 4 weeks to
animate the film

Target audience is
My target audience for this productions is ages 25 – 40. I reason I chose this
was so I could allow myself to show a very true and accurate of the war and
believed I could not do this properly if it were made for a younger age
demographic. This means that I can have a very real and visceral start to my
film showing the horror of the war before silence that would be haunting to
not only the characters but the audience as well Not only that but this will
allow me to show more and not have to censor or soften scenes in the film
which allows me to have more creative and storytelling opportunities.

What they want to see

From looking at my Age demographic I have decided to create an action
drama due to those being the two main genres that the 25 – 40 year age
demographic like to watch.

What you are creating based from that research

Basing off my target research and Focus groups, I found that a large
percentage of the audience didn’t like my original idea that I had for my
action adventure film. They found that they preferred and wanted a more
serious drama. So when I sent out the my survey 80% of responses showed
that they would rather have the animation be a drama and 60% said they
would want it to be set in WW1. | Natapong William Collins

Where the production will be aired (why – based on target audience)

According to my research, and focus groups I have found that people aged
25 – 40 use online service and electronic devices to consume media. This
means that I will be airing my film on YouTube and Facebook to try and
capture a wide reception of my audience.

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