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Dunes International School

Academic Session 2018-2019

Worksheet: Addition and subtraction up to 99

Name: __________________________ Subject: Mathematics

Class: 1 Sec: __ Date:


1. Circle the correct answer

A. 13 + 25 = _______

a. 32 b. 38 c. 45

B. ______

a.7 b. 3 c. 4

2. Mental math

A. What number should be subtracted from 38 to make 30? _____

B. 43 + ___ = 50

C. ____ - ____ = 22

D. _____ + ____ = 30
3. Write ‘A’ for add and ‘S’ for subtract

A. Jill had 25 pencils. She gave 10 to her friend. How many pencils does

She has left?

B. Mary has a garden in which 3 mango trees, 5 papaya trees and 4 apple

trees. How many trees are in her garden?

4. Add the following.

a. 2 5 b. 4 1
+ 3 + 3 8

5. Subtract the following.

a. T O b. T O
8 9 5 6
5 - 4 6

C. 43 from 56 d. 15 from 75

6.Find the sum.

a. 43 and 24 b. 71 and 26

+ +

7. Solve the following word problems.

a. There are 26 red marbles and 20 blue marbles in a box. How many marbles
are there in all?
Number of red marbles: _______

Number of blue marbles: _______

Total number of marbles: ________

b. 25 children are playing football. 22 children are playing cricket. How many
children are there in all?
Number of children playing football: ______

Number of children playing cricket: ______

Total number of children: ______

c. Rahim sells flowers. He had 32 red roses. He sold 21 of them. How many
roses are left with him?

Number of red roses: _______

Number of red roses sold: _______

Total number of roses left with Rahim: ___

Reflection Rubric
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Dunes International School
Academic Session 2018-2019
Worksheet: Addition and subtraction up to 99

Answer key


2. Circle the correct answer

A. 13 + 25 = 38

b. 32 b. 38 c. 45

B. 7

a.7 b. 3 c. 4

5. Mental math

E. 8

F. 7
G. 25-3

H. 20+10

6. Write ‘A’ for add and ‘S’ for subtract

C. S

D. A

7. Add the following.

c. 2 5 d. 4 1
+ 3 + 3 8
2 8 7 9

5. Subtract the following.

a. T O b. T O
8 9 5 6
5 - 4 6
8 4 1 0
. c. 43 from 56 d. 15 from 75

5 6 7 5
- 4 3 - 1 5
1 3 6 0

6.Find the sum.

a. 43 and 24 b. 71 and 26

4 3 7 1
+ 2 4 + 2 6
6 7 9 7

8. Solve the following word problems.

a. There are 26 red marbles and 20 blue marbles in a box. How many marbles
are there in all?
Number of red marbles: 26

Number of blue marbles: + 20

Total number of marbles: 46

b. 25 children are playing football. 22 children are playing cricket. How many
children are there in all?
Number of children playing football: 25

Number of children playing cricket: + 22

Total number of children: 47

c. Rahim sells flowers. He had 32 red roses. He sold 21 of them. How many
roses are left with him?

Number of red roses: 32

Number of red roses sold: - 21

Total number of roses left with Rahim: 11

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