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E.G.S.PILLAY ENGINEERING COLLEGE, NAGAI 2. Find digital filter equivalent for H(s) = 1/ (s+8). [3.

(s) = 1/ (s+8). [3.12] UNIT III FIR FILTER DESIGN

DEPARTMENT OF ECE 3. By impulse invariance method obtain the digital transfer PART-A
EC6502-PRINCIPLES OF DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING function and the differential equation of analog filter
1. Draw the impulse response from the following FIR
Equation. [4.91]
Staff: C.Mathuvanesan/ECE 4. What is meant by Wrapping & Pre wrapping effect? -1 -2 -3 -4
H(z) = 1+ (1/2) z +(1/4) z +2z +(5/2)z
Unit – I Discrete Fourier Transform [3.105]
2. What are the merits and demerits of FIR Filters? [4.90]
5. Distinguish between FIR and IIR. [3.105]
PART-A 3. Write down the equation of Kaiser Window
6. Draw the Direct Form I for a typical second order digital
1. Show the saving in time in performing FFT as against DFT. for 0 ≤ n ≤ M-1. [4.42]
IIR filter. [3.106]
[2.112] 4. Write the equation of Hamming Window. [4.18]
7. What are the features of IIR filters. [3.108]
2. State Sampling theorem. [2.113] 5. Write the magnitude and phase function of FIR filter
8. Find the digital transfer function H(z) by using impulse
Find the Values of WN when N=8 and K = 2. [2.117] when impulse response is symmetric and N is even.
invariant method for the analog transfer function
4. Define DFT & IDFT & give the applications. [2.117, 2.118] H(s) = 1/ (s+2) if T = 0.5 sec & T = 0.1 sec [3.109]
6. In the design of FIR digital filters, how is Kaiser window
5. Define the properties of convolution. [2.123] 9. Give any two properties of Butterworth filter and
Chebyshey filter. [3.109] different from other window? [4.90]
6. Draw the DIF & DIT basic butterfly diagram of radix-2
10. Write the differences between analog and digital filter. 7. Differentiate any combination of windows. [4.89]
FFT. [2.123]
[ 3.108] 8. What are the design techniques for linear phase FIR
7. Find the DFT of the sequence x(n) = {1,1,0,0}. [2.115] PART-B filters? [4.87]
8. Calculate the number of multiplication needed in the 11. Design digital Butterworth filter which satisfies following
9. Define Frequency Sampling Method. [4.46]
calculation of a 512 point radix-2 FFT when compared to specification. Using Bilinear Transformation. -1
10. Realize H(z) = (2/3)z + (2/3)z + 1 [4.43]
direct DFT. [2.115] 0.9 ≤ H(ω) ≤ 1 ; 0 ≤ ω ≤ 𝜋/2
9. Define circular Convolution. How can one obtain linear H(ω) ≤ 0.2 ; 3π/4 ≤ ω ≤ 𝜋 [3.51] PART – B
convolution using it? [2.113] 12. Design a Butterworth low pass filter for the following 11. A LPF is required to be designed with the desired
10. What is Zero padding? [2.118] specification. Use Impulse Invariant Method. [3.54] frequency response. N = 5 [4.21]
PART-B 0.8 ≤ H(ω) ≤ 1 ; 0 ≤ ω ≤ 0.2π jω
Hd(e ) = e
; -0.25π < ω < 0.25π, 0; otherwise
11. Compute the DFT for the sequence {1,2,0,0,0,2,1,1} H(ω) ≤ 0.2 ; 0.6 ≤ ω ≤ 𝜋 W(n) = 1 ; 0 ≤ n ≤ 4
using radix-2 DIF FFT algorithm. [2.83] 13. Design a Chebyshev filter for IIR using Bilinear 12. The desired window response of a High Pass filter is
12. Draw the Butterfly Diagram using 8 point DIT-FFT for the transformation T = 1 Sec. [3.63] [4.23]
following Sequences. x(n)={1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}. [2.86] jω jω –j3ω
0.707 ≤ H(e ) ≤ 1 ; 0 ≤ ω ≤ 0.2π Hd(e ) = e ; -3π/4 < ω < 3π/4, 0; otherwise,
13. 8-point Discrete Fourier Transform sequence is jω
X(n) ={8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} to compute the DIF – H(e ) ≤ 0.1 ; 0.5π ≤ ω ≤ 𝜋 Determine the frequency response of filter for N=7
FFT radix – 2 algorithm. [2.82] 14. Design a Chebyshev filter for IIR using Bilinear using a Hamming window.
14. Compute the 8 point DFT of sequence x(n) = {½, ½, ½, ½, transformation T = 1 Sec. [3.68] 13. Design a Band Pass filter with following the

0,0,0,0} using the in place radix 2 DIF FFT algorithm. 0.8 ≤ H(e ) ≤ 1 ; 0 ≤ ω ≤ 0.2π specification. [4.68]
[2.88] jω
H(e ) ≤ 0.2 ; 0.6π ≤ ω ≤ 𝜋 jω
Hd(e ) = e
; ωc1 ≤ ω ≤ ωc2 ≤ π, 0; otherwise
15. Compute an 8-point DFT using DIF FFT Radix 2 algorithm
X(n) = [1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1]. [2.108]
15. Transfer analog transfer function H(s) in to digital N = 11, ωc1=1, ωc2=2r/s
16. Find the DFT of the sequence "x(n) = 1 for 0 ≤ n ≤ 2 for transfer function H(z) [3.25] 14. Design an ideal low pass filter with a frequency response
the total of 8 number of sequences. [2.15] (i) 2/ (s+1) (s+2) [4.71]
2 jw
(ii) (s+0.1) / (s+0.1) + 9 Hd(e ) = 1, for 0 ≤ w ≤ π/4; 0 otherwise. and find the
Unit – II IIR FILTER DESIGN (iii) 6 / (s+0.1) + 36. value of h(n) for N = 11 using (i) Hamming window,
PART-A 16. Draw the Structures of Direct Form I, II, Cascade & (ii) Hanning window.
1. Draw the response curve for Butterworth, Chebyshev Parallel. [3.9 to 3.23] 15. Design an Ideal Hilbert Transform having frequency
filter. [3.102] response [4.28]
Hd(e ) = j, -π ≤ w ≤ 0 ; -j, 0 ≤ w ≤ π using Blackman system with sign bit and 3 data bits using signed
window for N = 11. magnitude representation and truncation. Determine
16. Design LPF which has the following specifications the new pole locations for direct realization and for
jω –j3ω
Hd(e ) = e ; 0 < ω < π/2, 0; otherwise, n= 7 cascade realization of first order systems. [5.36]
using Frequency Sampling medthod [ 4.48] 16. Find the output noise power of H(z)= H 1(z) H2(z), b=3.
-1 -1
H1(z)=1/(1-0.9z ), H2(z)=1/(1-0.8z ) [5.8]
1. What are the three quantization errors due to finite word PART-A
length registers in digital filters? [5.42] 1. Define sampling Rate Conversion. [6.32]
Most Important Titles
2. What are four important finite word length effects in 2. Draw the block diagram of Quadrature Mirror Filter?
digital filter implementation. [5.42] [6.32]
3. Plot the truncation error for signed magnitude and two's 3. What is a decimator? [6.32] 1.DIF
complement numbers. [5.42] 4. Mention two applications of multi rate signal processing.
4. What is meant by limit cycle oscillations? [5.42] [6.32] 2. DIT
5. Compare the fixed and floating point arithmetic. [5.43] 5. What do you mean by 'sub band coding'? [6.32]
3. Butterworth Filter - IIR
6. Express the fraction (-9/32) in signed magnitude and 6. What is an anti-imaging filter? [6.33]
two's complement notations using 6 bits. [5.44] 7. Write any two applications of multi rate signal processing. 4. Chebyshev Filter – IIR
7. What are the quantization errors due to finite word [6.23]
5. Window Techniques – FIR
length registers in digital filters? [5.45] 8. What is interpolation? [6.6]
8. How would you relate the steady state noise power due 9. Write note about Multi Rate Signal Processing. [6.1] 6. Frequency Sampling method – FIR
to quantization to the 'b' bits representing the binary 10. Write note on Two Channel QMF Filter Bank. [6.30]
sequence. [5.43] PART-B 7. Output Noise Power
9. What is Product Quantization error? [5.12] 11. Explain Briefly (i) Multi Rate Signal Processing 8. Quantization Noise & Roundoff effect
10. Define Quantization Noise. [5.1] (ii) Vocoder. [6.23]
PART-B 12. Discuss the need for multirate signal processing. 9. Applications of Multirate Signal Processing
11. Find out the roundoff noise power for the following Illustrate the decimation by a factor D. [6.25]
10. Decimation & Interpolation.
transfer function H(z)=H1(z)H2(z), 13. Write the applications of multi rate signal processing in
-1 2 -1
Where H1(z)=1/(1-a1z ) and H2(z)=1/(1-a z ) [6.33]
and a1=0.5 and a2=0.6. [5.12] (i) Musical Sound Processing.
12. Explain the limit cycle oscillations due to product round (ii) Sub band coding of speech signal.
off and overflow errors. [5.25] 14. Explain about multistage implementation of sampling
13. Discuss in detail the errors resulting from rounding and rate conversion. [6.33]
truncation. [5.18] 15. Explain polyphase implementation of FIR filter and
14. With suitable diagrams and expressions, describe interpolator and decimator? [6.33]
quantization noise and the round off effects in digital 16. Describe how multi rate Digital Signal Processing
filter. [5.45] concepts are applied to basic music processing. [6.33]
15. The co-efficient of a system defined by
-1 -1
H(z)=1/(1-0.4z )(1-0.55z ) are represented in a number ########Be ready to WIN!!!!

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