The Merchant of Venice

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Antonio, a merchant of Venice has a friend named Bassanio. Bassanio was a

wealthy man. But he often spends money. When he was out of money, Antonio will help
him. One day, Bassanio ask Antonio for help because he wants to marry Portia, a wealthy
heiress. And he needs 3000 ducats for that. Antonio doesn’t have such an amount of
money because all of his wealth was on the sea yet. So, he and Bassanio goes to a
money lender which a Jew, Shylock. Because of some reason, Shylock hates Antonio.
Shylock agrees with one condition. He must pay it within 3 months or else he will cut a
pound of flesh from him. Antonio confidently agrees.

After Bassanio get the money, he and his friend Gratiano leave Venice and went
to Belmont. While Bassanio was preparing to travel, his friend Lorenzo elopes with
Jessica, Shylock’s daughter. In the intervening period of time in Belmont, Portia’s father
left a will. That all of the suitors should choose from 3 caskets. The one who choose the
casket with Portia’s portrait will get Portia. The prince of Morocco and Aragon failed the
test and they were rejected. When its Bassanio’s turn, he chose the lead casket. Which
contains Portia’s portrait. So, Portia was happily married to Bassanio.

A letter from Venice interrupt the happiness of Bassanio. Because it was a letter
from Antonio which says his two ships where gone in the sea and he can’t pay the 3000
ducats. According to the bond, Shylock can cut a pound of flesh from Antonio. So
Bassanio quickly went back o Venice. But before that, they first married. And also, Portia
follows him. She was disguised as a lawyer. When Bassanio wants to give ten times
bigger of money to Shylock, he refuses.

Portia arrived in her disguised to defend Antonio. She decided to let Shylock cut a
pound of flesh without a drop of a blood or else he should surrender all of his wealth. Half
for the Venice and half for Antonio. For sure, Portia won the case.

Antonio forgoes his half of wealth with two condition. First, he must convert to a
Christian. Second, he must will to Lorenzo and Jessica’s love can go long. Shylock agrees
and leave.


Jwynn Feliciano
Divine Dagiuo

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