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Annexure ‘CD – 01’


Course Title: Interpretation of Statutes L T P/ SW/ TOTAL

Course Code: LAW 411 UNITS
3 0 0 0 3
Credit Units: 03

Course Objectives:
 The goals of this course are to provide students with an introduction to the techniques to construe Statutes.
 To understand and appreciate the law and perform critical appraisal of the same.

 Basic knowledge of concept of law, codified statutes and principles of Constitution.

Student Learning Outcomes:

As a result of taking this course, the student will be able to:
 Comprehend the key approaches, rules, principles, definitions to construe a Statute.
 Demonstrate an understanding of tools for analyzing a statute.

Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I : Rules of Interpretation
Meaning and Purpose of Interpretation, Difference between Interpretation and Construction; Commencement, repeal
and revival of a statute; Rules of interpretation: Literal Rule, Golden Rule, Mischief rule and Rule of Harmonious
construction, Purposive Construction.
Module II: Principles of interpretation
Ejusdem of Generis, Noscitur – A Socius. , Reddendo Singula Singlis. , Expressio Unius Est exclusion Alterius, UI Res 20%
Magis Valent Quam Pereat, Contemporanea Espositio Est Optima Et Protissima Lege. Rules of presumption in
jurisprudence, Analysis of General Clauses Act.
Module III : Internal Aids to Interpretation

Module IV : External Aids to Interpretation


Module V: Rules of interpretation for specific statutory domains

Construction of Penal Statutes, Mens rea in statutory offences, Principles to be applied in interpreting the Constitution, 20%
Construction of taxing statutes. Construction of Beneficial Legislation.

Pedagogy for Course Delivery:

The course will be delivered through a combination of theoretical and case study approach. All the leading cases as well as
current cases shall be discussed to clear queries & doubts and to make concepts more clear.

Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio (%) End Term Examination

Theory Assessment (L&T):
Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term
Components (Drop Project and viva Class Test Internship Attendance

Weightage (%) 10% 10% 5% 5% 70%

Lab/ Practical/ Studio Assessment: NA

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term

Components (Drop
Weightage (%)

Text and References:

Prescribed Books:
1. P. St. J. Langan, Maxwell on the Interpretation of Statutes
2. Vepa P. Sarathi, Interpretation of Statutes
3. G.P. Singh, Principles of Statutory Interpretation
Recommended Books:
1. S.G.G. Edgar, Craies on Statute Law
2. Swarup Jagdish, Legislation and Interpretation
3. P. St. Langan (Ed.). Maxwell on The Interpretation of Statutes
4. K.Shanmukham, N.S.Bindras's Interpretation of Statutes
5. V.Sarathi, Interpretation of Statutes
6. M.P.Jain, Constitutional Law of India
7. M.P.Singh, (Ed.) V.N.Sukla's Constitution of India
8. U.Baxi, Introduction to Justice K.K.Mathew's, Democracy Equality and Freedom

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