NO IDC NY Letter To Senate Democrats Re Carlucci, Savino and Felder

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To: Majority Leader-Elect Stewart-Cousins and Deputy Majority Leader-Elect Gianaris From: The Steering Committee of No IDC NY Date: November 28, 2018 Subject: Plans for the NYS Democratic Senate Conference come January Progressives across New York are thrilled about what we have all been able to achieve this fall Dismantling the IDC, successfully primarying out six of its eight members, and then flipping eight red to blue seats, has resulted in the largest Democratic majority the NYS Senate since 1912. But while the election results are in, there is still an open question as to just how many Senators will be sitting in the Democratic Conference and under what terms. For decades Albany has been riddled with corrupt and unethical behavior. We at No IDC NY feel itis of utmost importance that, should you allow Simcha Felder, David Carlucci, and Diane Savino back into the Democratic Conference, there be ramifications for their political misdeeds. If we fail to act now, nothing will prevent future Senators from repeating the same unethical behavior that has held our state hostage for too long. Therefore, both to demonstrate a commitment to cleaning up Albany and to encourage the Democratic Conference to be home to true Democrats, we urge you to do the following: 41. Should you allow Felder, Carlucci and Savino re-admittance into the Democratic Conference, they should be formally added after all 15 new Democratic Senators have been sworn in, The 15 should be given seniority (and all it entails) before them, including priority in terms of Committees, offices, etc. 2. Neither Felder, Carlucci nor Savino should be given a Committee chair, major or minor. 3. If any Republican Senators decide to flip to the Democratic Conference, they must re-register as Democrats, and then be placed behind the 15 new Democratic members in seniority. 4, Censure Carlucci for his violations of campaign finance laws with respect to SICC. We are ecstatic about the historic Majority Leadership of Senator Stewart-Cousins and what the Senate will now be able to achieve. The Democratic Conference will only be strengthened by discouraging Senators from turing against their own party, and their voters, ever again. Rewarding and encouraging Democratic Senators who stand true will benefit all New Yorkers. Most Sincerely, No IDC NY

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