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Sa8 Cooperating Teacher Lesson Feedback Form ‘Note: A complete lesson plan should be provided by the teacher candidate prior to observation. To be completed by the teacher candidate prior to observation Preservice Teacher: @b&UA D&A Observer: WYS. HN PAY EY Date: 4] || School: (4x Mill Clewurirary Time: jp. Grade:3"4 1. What are your goals and objectives for this lesson? Trvougn the Lesson | hope AML Children howe a uttey Under rtandnay ot Sotial Uneenshie 2. What are some specific things you would like observed? : : “VE tHove 1 evidewte tate children ave leaning — student input / ~ it te ctudentts are engaged — ues Shorirgs g “If 1 am Vetny tovd enovgn - ‘orally, youre a litle canter tae Lam, To be completed by the Observer: which Flen hadps “the class qui ler gyeral). 3. Strengths to continue to build on: — Asking questions at kay points like tre other degs gettingtadopted” — dating purpose Le ceding, (Socios Citizenship) = Accepting multiple answers to questions Br Modakag, ootes and page transiven on board o Ask 0 a. se este for Student input & 4. Suggestions for future lessons: YS - Connect ctudorts - Hane any oF you eer done somethic 23 ty make your community @ better place? Have : = ypu ewer SLaM anne else BE - Check Gr understanding, of Point of Views since it is 23 the dog's — Who is telline she story? Horo do 26 eo % Bo yeu Know) i oS - SHI take time to Talk about unknown words — $ 2 did address “peund” from your ekplanadtian > > = nel - "Mey heart was a cold, Sarless aight." ~ Could address, 4 ist ' Rouratve lamquaay jaetaphors - Encourage betectransitions 9 ye! r T Knew Bal is coady Ble of Tike Now Bob vs ready...

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