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Curriculum extra Unit 1

Focus on Biology: Vertebrates and 2 Discuss the questions in groups.

1 What animals do you think are in the pictures in
exercise 1? Label the pictures. Use a dictionary
1 Label the photos with the words. to help you.
2 Are the animals in exercise 1 vertebrates (V) or
beak feather fin gills hair/fur scales
invertebrates (I)? Label the pictures.
shell tail tentacles wing
3 Read the text. Which animal 1–3 is it?
1 2 3

1 fin 2 ________________
dolphin (V) ________________ It's a vertebrate. It uses lungs to breathe. It has a
long beak to eat its food. Its skin is covered with
feathers, and it uses its wings to fly. It has long legs,
and a short tail.

4 Choose the correct option.

A snake is (1) a vertebrate / an invertebrate, with
3 ________________ 4 ________________ a long skeleton inside its body. It has (2) scales /
________________ ________________ feathers on its skin. It hasn't got (3) lungs / legs for
running, but it moves fast along the ground with its
long (4) tail / beak. It's (5) cold- / warm-blooded,
so it usually lives in hot countries.

5 Complete the text with words from exercises 1–4.

The crab is a / an (1) ________ , because it has no
5 ________________ 6 ________________ skeleton. Instead it has a hard (2) ________ that
________________ ________________ covers its body. It doesn’t have (3) ________ like an
octopus, but it has got eight legs and two pincers.
Crabs, similar to fish, have (4) ________ so that
they can breathe in water.

6 In your notebook, draw an animal and label its

body parts. Write a paragraph about it. Use
exercises 1–5 to help you.
7 ________________ 8 ________________
________________ ________________ 7 Quick Quiz. Give the names of:
1 three popular pet mammals
2 an invertebrate without a shell
3 an invertebrate with tentacles
9 ________________ 10 ________________ 4 a warm-blooded vertebrate
________________ ________________ ______________________________________
5 an animal with gills
6 two animals with scales

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