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A Way In Ambushed!

Knock 1 Edge 1

A chink in the armor ... a gap in the bone. This is the second time today you’ve been ambushed
Parted sinew, split tendons... a way in. by someone from hiding. Maybe next time *you*
should do the ambushing, or at least watch for
You have seen, or *felt*, a grievous injury.
But you have seen beyond the bite of a blade or
the puncture of an arrow. All of these part the
veil of the flesh and cleave open the body.

Perhaps other things can be parted like flesh?

Knock, and the way shall be opened...

(All attacks against you have +1 threat range. Expend this card
to reroll a crit confirmation. Expires at dawn tomorrow.) (Expend to reroll an initative roll.)

Stories Bones Tell Waste Nothing

Quill 1 Winter 1 Lantern 1

Forge 1

People are dead. This isn’t unusual, but the circumstances of their deaths
You have a remarkable knack for forging the things around you into useful
might have something interesting to reveal. How did they die?
tools – spider-silk, giant crabs, and even your own peculiar mental state.

Why did they die?

Perhaps you can apply this to the winds of magic as well?

(+10 to any check to determine the circumstances of a creature’s

death.) (Expend to reroll a Craft or Profession check.)

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