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One morning, an impending storm looms over the village.

A little beggar girl, Fyokla, scurries to find

Terenty. She must find him to rescue her brother, Danilka, who has his hand stuck to a thicket. "Have
you seen Terenty?" she asks every one she meets. Eventually, Silanty Slitch directs her to where Terenty
is, behind the huts, in the kitchen-gardens. Fyokla tells Terenty what happened, and they head to where
Danilka is. They tread through mud and braved the storm. Successfully, they detach Danilka's hand from
the tree. Then, the three of them head to a river bank where the children took a rest. They asks Terenty
questions about nature. He delivers as he is able to answer every one of them. At the end of the day, the
children take refuge in an abandoned barn while Terenty goes to a tavern. While the children sleep, he
provides the children bread and makes the sign of the the cross. It was truly a day of learning and
appreciating nature for the three.

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