About Hussar

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About The Naming of Oblique weights:

The Numbers are used to denote how angular an oblique or opposite oblique (Leftalic
Oblique) is.

The only variant to have all seven angles is Hussar Bold, all other variants have
at least one angle of oblique, and some have Opposite Oblique (Leftalic).

Oblique One is Least Angled, Two is more Angled, and so on. The Most angled version
is Hussar Bold Wodka, which has been named such for a while, and I did not want to
change it's name for this.

List of Oblique styles:

Oblique One (Shallow Oblique)

Oblique Two (Semi-Shallow Oblique)

Oblique Three (Oblique)

Oblique Four (Extra Oblique)

Oblique Five (Super Oblique)

Oblique Six (Ultra Oblique)

Oblique Seven/Wodka (Ultimate Oblique)

Opposite Obliques use the same system.

Info for some of the other weights:

Wodka is Polish for Vodka (Indicating the font is drunk)

The Reversed weights are for both a mirrored effect and for reverse printing onto

The Simple Ghost weights were made because certain characters in the main fonts do
not work properly when attempts were made to make outlined versions of them.

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