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The Implementation of Mix-Pair-Quiz-Trade to Improve Speaking

skill to The Students of Twelfth Grade of Islamic Vocational High

School AL Madina Paguyangan

A Report

Submitted as The Final Assignment of Teaching English as Foreign Language


Lecturer. Yuniar Fatmasari, M.A

Name: I’I Atikasari

NIM: 40114014







A. Definition of Cooperative Learning

According to Roger, dkk. (1992) “cooperative learning is group learning

activity organized in such a way that learning is based on the socially
structured change of information between learners in group in which each
learner is held accountable for his or her own learning and is motivated to
increase the learning of others”. Based on his opinion this concept is known
well to increase teamwork to be active learning group.

It has little bit different definition with Johnson and Johnson (1998), they
definite it hat “cooperative learning is working together to accomplish shared
goals”. Every member in a group have to work together to achieve the goals
that the achievement can be gotten by all members. Based on Artz and
Newman (1990) “cooperative learning is small group of learners working
together as a team to solve a problem, complete a task, or accomplish a
common goal”. The definition according to those experts they have the same
meaning that cooperative learning is mount number of students that work
together to solve the problem.

I can conclude those definition based on my opinion that cooperative

learning is an organized activity of group of the students that work together to
achieve the goals and to increase the learning of every members of the group.
B. The Definition of the structure
1. Mix –Pair-Share

Class mixes, teacher calls ‘pair’, Students find new partner to discuss
(Kagan: 36). The function are: can be used in all classes and subjects. It’s
possible to work individually or in with others. It can optimal student’s
activeness and participation. Giving the student chance as many as possible.

2. Quiz-Quiz-Trade

Students quiz a partner, get quizzed by a partner, and then trade cards to
repeat the process with a new partner (Kagan: 43). The function to improve
student’s activeness. There are some rules of this learning model such as: No
running, No refusing to partner with someone and treat partners with

3. Mix-Pair-Quiz-Trade

Class mixes, teacher stop the music or call ‘pair’. Students get the partner
and quiz him/her then trade the card. It’s fun teaching technique because
students not only learn but also can enjoy the learning process. It’s possible to
use in all subjects.

C. Technique of the structure

1. Mix-Pair-Share
First, students mix around the class. Second, teacher calls ‘freeze’,
‘pair’ or teacher can use the music to make the students find their partner
when the music is stopped. Freeze or pair means students have to find the
partner who are closest with them. Then, teacher asks the question or gives
the topic that should be discuss by them in a group. After that, students share
the answer or the opinion with their partner (using timed-pair-share, rally
robin or rally coach) and the other partner has to coach or give praise to their
partner (Kagan: 36).
2. Quiz-Quiz-Trade

Firstly, teacher gives the student a card that has been written some
question on it or teacher gives a blank card then the student has to write the
question about the topic that will be given by the teacher. Secondly, students
stand up, hand up and pair up. Thirdly, partner A quizzes and partner B has to
answer the question. Then partner A coaches or praises. Then, switch roles
and partners tread the cards. Finally, every student has to make the report of
the answer of those questions that have been got from others student (Kagan:

3. Mix-Pair-Quiz-Trade
First, teacher give each students one card that has some different questions
on it (among cards have different question). Second students mix around the
class. Then teacher plays the music and stop it. It means students should find
the partner who is closest with them. Then, partner A quizzes the question on
the card to partner B until those questions are answered. Next, partner B
answers and partner A coaches and praises and then switch the role so every
student will get many information. Sixth, students have to paraphrase their
partner’s answer and write it on the paper. The last, teacher evaluates the
students’ writing by ask those questions that have been answered by the
students. Teacher read the question one by one. Then, students who hold that
question have to answer together with another students who get the sam
D. Reason
I choose those learning and teaching models because they have the same
techniques and only have little differences so those are able to be combined
and developed. Besides, they have a fun teaching and learning process. It can
support the learners to learn the lesson and make them enjoy the lesson. It can
encourage the teaching and learning process to achieve the goal. Those
models have some movements and music so the students will not feel bored
to follow the teaching and learning process.

The Implementation of The Structure

A. The Starter
Teacher uses the empty class (no seat to make class empty and the process
can be run well). Provide some blank card or questions that have been written
on those cards. Teacher explains the topic or lesson will be taught begin with
introduction the topic with a simple question to build the knowledge which
has been had in students. Teacher explains the technique that will be used in
teaching and learning process. Explain the roles of applying this technique.
B. The Main Activities
First, teacher give each students one card that has some different questions
on it (among cards have different question). Second students mix around the
class. Then teacher plays the music and stop it. It means students should find
the partner who is closest with them. Then, partner A quizzes the question on
the card. Next, partner B answer and partner A coaches and praises and
switch the role so every student will get many information. Sixth, students
have to paraphrase their partner’s answer and write it on the paper.

C. Closing
Teacher evaluates the material that was taught by asking the question that
has been discussed and answered. And then the students who hold that
question have to answer with mention or explain it orally together with the
other students who has the same question, read it based on the answers that
have been got and paraphrased by the student.
Analysis of The Implementation of The Structure

A. The positive things during the implementation of the structure

This teaching and learning model can make the students more active. It
Can develop students’ social skill. It makes students more satisfied to follow
the teaching and learning process. Make students more understand the lesson.
Develop teamwork. Make most of the students contribute the process.
Develop the knowledge because teacher can use more than one topic.
B. The lack during the implementation of the structure
Students lack of the knowledge of the topic that had been discussed. Some
of the students didn’t follow the rules. Limit time. Students have lack of the
vocabulary. Students are difficult to paraphrase their partner’s opinion. It’s
difficult to control the students during learning process.
Conclusion and Suggestion
A. Conclusion

On the observation that Mix-Pair-Quiz-Trade is an effective teaching and

learning model that can make students more active to improve social skill. It
can be used in all subjects. It makes students interested in doing the learning
process. Teacher as the facilitator and the students as the center of the
learning process. It means students more active than the teacher but it means
teacher doesn’t do nothing. Teacher has to coach the students who don’t
understand the lesson.

B. Suggestion

Teacher should understand well the technique of Mix-Pair-Quiz-Trade so

the learning process will run well. Teacher should manage the time well.
Teacher should monitor and coach the students who doesn’t understand well
about the material.

Huda, Miftahul. 2012. Cooperative Learning. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar

Kagan, Dr. Spancer. Kagan Cooperative Leraning.


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