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Jonathan Khan September 28, 2010

Ms. Crowley Bio Essay

Scientists recently have proposed a reorganization of the phylogenic system of

classification to include the domain, a new taxonomic category higher (more inclusive) than the

kingdom category, as shown in the diagram. This classification system scheme presents a

different conclusion about the relationships amongst living organisms than that drawn from a

traditional five kingdom system in the way that it classifies organisms based on how they

evolved rather than how similar they are when compared to a group of organisms which may or

may not exhibit the same characteristics. This classification scheme presents conclusions about

the possible evolutionary path(s) of an organism. Three kinds of evidence that were used to

develop this new taxonomic scheme, are the types of membrane lipids, what the initiator T-RNA

is, and whether or not the organism is capable of nitrogen fixing. In eubacteria, the membrane

lipids contain the ester functional group, which is a carbon with a double bonded oxygen

attached, and a single bonded oxygen attached to it. In archaebacteria, and in eukaryotes, the

membrane lipids contain the ether functional group, which is a non-terminal oxygen atom

bonded to at least one carbon atom. This was used to separate organism into two groups at that

time, eubacteria, and other. Another piece of evidence that was used, was what was the initiator

T-RNA for these three domains. For the eubacteria, the initiator T-RNA was formyl methionine.

On the other hand, archaebacteria, and eukaryotes have the initiator T-RNA of just methionine.

This reinforces the original split of eubacteria, and other. The other group was broken into

archaebacteria, and eukaryotes by analyzint the nitrogen fixing capacity of each organism. In the

domains of eubacteria, and archaebacteria, both of these domains have the capacity for nitrogen

fixing. The domain of eukaryotes does not have the capacity for nitrogen fixing. This splits the

“other” category into archaebacteria, and eukaryotes. Though all three of these domains are
distingtly different from each other, they all share a common ancestor. For characteristics of this

ancestor are glycolosis, semiconservative replication, DNA encodes polypeptides that are

produced by transcription and translation, and possess a plasma membrane and ribosomes.

Glycolosis is the starting of the process for using glucose as a source of energy.

Semiconservative replication is the process of reproduction through which some traits are kept,

and others are changed. The process of DNA encoding polypeptides that are produced by

transcription and translation is the way in which organisms carry out life functions. The

possession of a plasma membrane and ribosomes simply means that the organism’s genetic is

held inside of a structure called a nucleus, and this structure is bound by a special membrane

which has pores so that mRNA can leave and travel to the ribosomes. Ribosomes are small

organelles found inside eukaryotic cells which have the specific job of assembling the amino

acid sequence of proteins.

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