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Jonathan Khan October 14, 2010

Ms. Crowley AP Bio

Pg. 50

1. Oxidation reduction otherwise known as redox is the term used to identify a specific

series of chemical reactions in which not only are elements rearranged into new

compound simply via single or double replacement reactions, but electrons are also

stripped from one reactant, and transferred to an end product. The reactant(s) that loses

the electron(s) is called the reducing agent, because it provides the electrons needed to

“reduce” another atom. While the product(s) which accepts the electron(s), are called the

oxidizing agent because it/they accept the electron(s), allowing the donor

compound/element to be “oxidized”. Reduction can also be classified not only as the

acceptance of electrons, but also as the loss of oxygen atoms from compounds. While its

opposite oxidation is exactly what the name implies, it is the addition of oxygen atoms to

a compound. Redox reactions are also used in the transfer of protons (positive hydrogen

ion) from a high energy compound to a lower energy compound. Thus allowing

organisms to tap the energy that is released from the highly exergonic redox reactions.

4. Coupled reactions is the term used to describe pairs of chemical reactions in which the

reaction on one side cannot occur without its corresponding opposite. An example of this

is the redox reactions which take place during cellular respiration. An exergonic reaction

is a reaction which releases more energy upon completion than what is required to start

the reaction. An endergonic reaction is a reaction which takes more energy to start the

reaction, than what is released upon completion of the reaction. Exergonic reactions
possess the capacity to push or pull (start) endergonic reactions by providing the energy

needed to start these reactions. Some of the energy which is released upon the completion

of an exergonic reaction is used in the start of the endergonic reaction.

5. NADox must be regenerated from NADre in order for glycolysis to continue due to the fact

that NAD transports the positive hydrogen ions which are generated in glycolysis when

the oxidized form of NAD picks up hydrogen ions, and then becomes reduced. If the

NAD molecules are not then reverted back to their reduced form, glycolysis would stop

due to a lack of NAD molecules to transport the positive hydrogen ions. NADox is

regenerated back into its original reduced form in the absence of oxygen by a process

known as anaerobic respiration. This process of anaerobic respiration contains the

process of fermentation which is the conversion of converting private into ethanol and

carbon dioxide. The end product of fermentation in the human body in the absence of

oxygen would be a buildup of ethanol, with the carbon dioxide being removed by

diffusion, and exhalation.

Pg. 58

1. ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is the high energy molecule used by all cells to carry out

metabolic activities. This molecule is able to store large quantities of energy by having

three negatively charged phosphate groups held closely to each other. This is similar to a

coiled spring which holds potential energy when it is pushed together, and the instant that
it is released, the potential energy is released. ATP releases its stored energy by being

converted to ADP + Pi (Adenosine Diphosphate + Inorganic Phosphate). This conversion

releases large amounts of energy that were stored previously by having three negatively

charged phosphate groups in close proximity to one another. All of the ATP that we

possess, we degrade to ADP +Pi, use the energy that is released to carry out metabolism,

and then rebuild the ADP + Pi back into ATP.

4. Glycolysis must take place in all cells because it is the first step to making the energy

located inside of the glucose molecule available to organisms by converting glucose into

pyruvate. Pyruvate can then be utilized by either organisms which perform anaerobic

respiration in which oxygen is not utilized in the breakdown of pyruvate to produce

energy. Or by organisms which perform aerobic respiration in which oxygen is utilized in

the breakdown of pyruvate to produce energy

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