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Books Treasure, Inc.

Qty sold Qty sold

Serial No. Book Name Book Catagory Week 1 Week 2
1 Prisoner of Azkaban Fiction 600 400
2 Sanjeev's Kapoor's Chinese Cookbook Cookery 400 300
3 Lord of the Rings Fiction 500 300
4 Gone with the wind Classics 100 50
5 Grain of Sand Fiction 100 150
6 Mill on the floss Classics 50 22
7 Learning Java Computers 200 100
8 Excel 2000 Computers 500 155
9 Chocolate Dessert Cookery 300 160
10 Woman of Substance Fiction 100 75
11 Thai Recipe Cookery 150 200
12 MIS- A Concise Study Computers 300 97
13 Business Applications Computers 450 255
14 Five Have a Wonderful Time Fiction 110 25

Total Incentive Paid = 1080

Total Sales For 2 Weeks = 4525075

Sales Price For Sales Price Sales Person Sales /Day Incentive Incentive
Week 1 For Week 2 @ 2% @5%
459 459 Linda Young 4000 80 N.A.
550 550 Joe Martin 6000 120 300
600 600 Don Allen 8000 160 400
650 650 Richard 2000 40 N.A.
200 200 Faye 9000 180 450
500 500 Donna 1000 20 N.A.
1500 1500 Linda Young 4000 80 N.A.
600 600 Faye 9000 180 450
770 770 Don Allen 8000 160 400
600 600 Richard 2000 40 N.A.
1300 1300 Don Allen 8000 160 400
1500 1500 Richard 2000 40 N.A.
900 900 Joe Martin 6000 120 300
225 225 Donna 1000 20 N.A.


Nestedif And or NOT
Computer book n Sales Incentive
Discount sales>3000 qty>300 Due
55.08 0 1 0
66 0 1 1
72 0 1 1
32.5 0 0 0
10 0 0 1
0 0 0 0
105 1 0 0
72 1 1 1
77 0 0 1
30 0 0 0
65 0 0 1
150 0 0 0
108 1 1 1
11.25 0 0 0
Books Treasure, Inc.

Qty sold Qty sold

Serial No. Book Name Book Catagory Week 1 Week 2
1 Prisoner of Azkaban Fiction 600 400
2 Sanjeev's Kapoor's Chinese Cookbook Cookery 400 300
3 Lord of the Rings Fiction 500 300
4 Gone with the wind Classics 0 50
5 Grain of Sand Fiction 100 150
6 Mill on the floss Classics 50 22
7 Learning Java Computers 200 100
8 Excel 2000 Computers 500 155
9 Chocolate Dessert Cookery 300 160
10 Woman of Substance Fiction 0 75
11 Thai Recipe Cookery 150 200
12 MIS- A Concise Study Computers 300 97
13 Business Applications Computers 450 255
14 Five Have a Wonderful Time Fiction 110 25

Total Sales for the Month of July:- 7689775

Total Sales for the Month of July(With cost price):- 4991634

Total Sales for the Month of July of Fiction cat. (With cost price):-

Category Total Qty sold cost price Sales Price

Fiction 3433 1700 2084
Cookery 2770 2120 2620
Classics 349 1134 1150
Computers 3661 1480 4500

Total Sales for Year 01' $55,577,500.00

Total Sales for Year 02' $41,465,625.00
Total Sales for Year 03' $26,862,725.00
Total Sales for Year 04' 12587175
Total Sales for Year 05' -1770212.5
Qty sold Week Qty sold Total Qty Sold Cost Price Sales Price Total Sales
3 Week 4
200 50 1250 400 459 275400
150 300 1150 450 550 220000
200 350 1350 400 600 300000
20 45 215 678 650 0
97 68 415 200 200 20000
10 52 134 456 500 25000
32 200 532 100 1500 300000
44 455 1154 500 600 300000
275 335 1070 670 770 231000
35 25 235 500 600 0
90 110 550 1000 1300 195000
129 132 658 100 1500 450000
290 322 1317 780 900 405000
33 15 183 200 225 24750

Total Sales Price Total cost price PROFIT

7154372 5836100 1318272
7257400 5872400 1385000
401350 395766 5584
16474500 5418280 11056220
Discount Sales /Day Incentive
27540 Linda Young 4000 80
22000 Joe Martin 6000 120
30000 Don Allen 8000 160
No Sales Richard 2000 40
2000 Faye 9000 180
2500 Donna 1000 20
30000 Linda Young 4000 80
30000 Faye 9000 180
23100 Don Allen 8000 160
No Sales Richard 2000 40
19500 Don Allen 8000 160
45000 Richard 2000 40
40500 Joe Martin 6000 120
2475 Donna 1000 20
Estimated Sales Projection Example of Trend Function

Year Month Sales

2004 January 40,000
February 45,000
March 55,000
April 58,000
May 61,000
June 65,000
July 70,000
August 70,000
September 69,000
October 68,000
November 71,000
December 71,000
2005 Trend for January 79030.30303
Trend for February 81663.170163
Trend for March 84296.037296
Trend for April 86928.904429
nd Function
Book Treasure, Inc.
Outlet Book Category # of copies Week#
Morris town Romance 20 20
Newark Cooking 21 19
Madison Romance 22 16
Morris town Cooking 20 14
Morris town Romance 21 21
Madison Fiction 22 14
Morris town Cooking 20 21
Newark Romance 21 17
Madison Romance 22 21
Morris town Fiction 20 22
Morris town Romance 21 18
Newark Cooking 22 14
Newark Romance 20 18
Morris town Cooking 21 19
Morris town Romance 22 16
Madison Fiction 20 21
Morris town Cooking 21 19
Newark Romance 22 22
Madison Cooking 20 20
Morris town Romance 21 16
Morris town Cooking 22 14
Madison Romance 20 20
Madison Fiction 21 19
Madison Cooking 22 14
Morris town Computers 20 19
Madison Computers 21 14

EmpCode Employee Name Designation Basic Salary

101 Don Allen Marketing Executive $5,000
102 Adam Bach Marketing Executive $5,000
103 Tim Allen Marketing Executive $5,500
104 Faye Tuesday Marketing Executive $5,700
105 Richard Becher Marketing Executive $6,000
106 Dubble Hows Marketing Executive $5,000
107 Jim Lewis Marketing Executive $4,800
108 Donna Bard Marketing Executive $4,900
109 Larry Williams Marketing Executive $5,100
110 Ed young Marketing Executive $5,100

Average Salary $5,210

Standard Deviation 390.0142447541

Rate 10%
year 1 2700
year 2 4200
year 3 5600

npv $10,132.98

Investment Options Machine 1

Initial Investment $75,000
Cash Flows year 1 : 78000
year 2: 10,000
year 3 : -10000
Rate of Return 15%
Machine 2
Year 1 : 11,5000
Year 2 : 12,000
Year 3 : -30,000
Serial Book Qty sold Qty sold Price
Book Name
No. Catagory Week 1 Week 2 For
Week 1

1 Prisoner of Azkaban Fiction 600 400 459

2 Sanjeev's Kapoor's Chinese Cookbook Cookery 400 300 550
3 Lord of the Rings Fiction 500 300 600
4 Gone with the wind Classics 100 50 650
5 Grain of Sand Fiction 100 150 200
6 Mill on the floss Classics 50 22 500
7 Learning Java Computers 200 100 1500
8 Excel 2000 Computers 500 155 600
9 Chocolate Dessert Cookery 300 160 770
10 Woman of Substance Fiction 100 75 600
11 Thai Recipe Cookery 150 200 1300
12 MIS- A Concise Study Computers 300 97 1500
13 Business Applications Computers 450 255 900
14 Five Have a Wonderful Time Fiction 110 25 225

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