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Name of Student: ​Donald J.

Grade: ​2016th
School: ​Electoral College Prep
Principal: ​Samantha Liberty Eagle
GPA: ​trust me you don’t want to know

Subject Instructor Grade Instructor Comments

Economics Dee Posit B+ Donald often produced effective work; his

administration lowered unemployment rates by
.8% and boosted the stock market, raising the
GDP from 1.8% to 2.3%. However, he lagged on
group projects, letting more proactive classmates
complete much of his work for him.

Foreign Policy Warren D- On our “diplomacy in action” field trips to Korea,

Peace Russia, and other Asian countries, Donald often
acted stiffly or inappropriately in meetings with
influential world leaders. He also withdrew from
international pacts and treaties, most recently the
Paris climate accord. Lastly, Donald exhibited
poor decision-making when he recognized
Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, potentially
making further diplomatic efforts with that
country difficult.

Health and Dr. Patience D Much of Donald’s work in this class was founded
Wellness First on unravelling the project of my former student,
Barak. By eliminating the penalty for lacking
medical insurance, Donald benefitted wealthier
patients while destroying a main facet of
Obamacare, which benefitted middle- and
lower-class citizens.

Domestic Ian Ternal F Donald was constantly a disruption in class. He

Affairs (Guest was disrespectful to female students and
teacher: minorities, fired members of group projects that
Polly See) disputed his (often misguided) whims and
demands, and appointed members to executive
positions that have also demonstrated poor
leadership skills. Furthermore, he endorsed
candidates in the midterm elections whose
platforms echoed his discriminatory agenda. More
often than not, Donald appeared to have no idea
what we were covering in class and consistently
flunked exams. I would recommend that he be
held back, but will hold my tongue because I do
not wish to be featured in an angry tweet.

Running Nations Re Fu-Gee F Under Donald’s administration, refugee

Immigration admissions to America have decreased by over
30,000, even as the number of forcibly displaced
people worldwide rose by .3 million. Though
apprehension of illegal immigrants decreased by
100,000, Donald achieved this by pouring obscene
amounts of financial and military resources into
patrolling the America-Mexico border and
detaining the people he labeled “criminal aliens”
in inhumane facilities, wrenching families apart
and traumatizing innocent children. He also ended
DACA, which protected “dreamers” who came to
the United States as children. Donald has not
demonstrated the fundamental knowledge of
human rights required to pass this class.

Defense Against Professor F Mr. Trump is a disgrace to this class, as he is

Corruption Snape constantly surrounded by scandal. In just over a
(formerly titled: year, he has fired those responsible for
Defense Against investigating potential election fraud with Russia,
the Dark Arts) been accused of affairs with various women,
tweeted racist slurs repeatedly, etc. etc. etc. I
recommend explusion.

Social Media Tweet T. A+ Wonderful, just wonderful. An excellent class,

Skills for Bird with some really fine people. We are setting the
Political (Student example for generations of leaders for this truly
Novices teacher: remarkable country. Just excellent. Donald did
Donald J. very well in this class, or maybe not so well at all.
Trump) We will have to see. Truly astonishing work.

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