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Copy/paste one LTG and the matching STG from your evaluation SOAP note. This will be the goal set around which you design your treatment session.
For this and all subsequent weeks, please answer the following questions before designing your treatment plan for the next week. If you were unable to see
your client the past week, you do not need to answer these questions. Answer the questions based on the treatment that you implemented:

What went well with your treatment? Did things go as you planned or not? Explain. What will you do differently with this next treatment plan?

Our last treatment went well in that we were able to get through all of the tasks we had planned. I think we did a good job giving cues and helping our client
position her body for optimal performance. While she was doing a dough-kneading task, she suddenly became emotional and said that she was mad at her left
arm. This was a bit of surprise for us because until that point things had been going well. We were able to talk to her for a bit about how she was feeling and
she gained control of her emotions, but for the rest of the session she seemed more distant than usual and eager to leave. Aside from that emotional moment, I
thought the session went well, but I’ve realized that I have a hard time not internalizing the feelings that the client exhibits during sessions. When she’s happy,
I’m happy, but when she is frustrated and upset, I get frustrated and upset (with myself after the session). This is something I really need to work on moving
forward so that I can maintain a healthy therapeutic relationship with future clients. Also, next time a client gets emotional, I might spend more time talking to
her to really get to the root of the problem and making sure she’s okay to continue.

Long-Term Goal: Within 6 weeks, client will use LUE 75% of opportunities during multi-step meal prep tasks.

Short-Term Goal: Within 4 weeks, client will use LUE 50% of opportunities during multi-step meal prep tasks.

PERFORMANCE PROBLEM AND RATIONALE Provide details of how you will set up the activity Choose one client factor or
Specifically identify only the client Identify your OPM and all and how your intervention addresses the performance skill that you
factors and/or performance skills relevant CPM’s that best performance problem. Your description should address in your treatment
that are barriers to the addresses the performance detail how the activity will be set up to make it session. Describe one way
achievement of this goal. This problem and describe how therapeutic. (only one) that you can grade
should not be a bullet list, rather each will be used to design the activity up and one way
you should describe how the client treatment for this client’s (only one) to grade the activity
factor impacts this client’s specific problems. down based on that one
performance of the occupation in factor or skill.
the goal.
LUE Hemiparesis OPM: PEO Treatment Activity: Making Fruit Salad Grip (specifically pinch and
PEO is relevant for this client release)
Client factors that are barriers in because in order to optimize During this session we will be making fruit salad
the client using her LUE for meal- her performance, we need to with grapes, clementines, canned pineapple and Grade up: Have her pull the
prep tasks include lack of muscle consider the client as a canned fruit cocktail (in pull-tab cans), with grapes off stems with her L
coordination and muscle person, her personality, and all homemade whipped cream made from hand for more or all of the
endurance, and client tires easily of her strengths and powdered sugar and whipping cream. task.
and has poor coordination when weaknesses; her
doing kitchen tasks like mixing environment—which is For this activity we will be in the client’s home, Grade down: Allow her to
ingredients, chopping vegetables, primarily her home and as far so we will be using her kitchen tools and stabilize the stems with her L
and opening cans and jars. Even a as we know has not been equipment. In order to help client stay in a calm hand and pull the grapes off
task as simple as opening the adapted; and the occupations flow state during session, we will experiment with R for the whole task.
refrigerator with her LUE is tiring in which she wishes to with playing music of her choice as she
and requires a lot of her strength. engage—mainly kitchen tasks completes the activity.
Hypertonicity is also a problem— and typing. Planning
client has difficulty releasing her treatments that consider the Client will begin the activity in seated position.
grip on items (oven handle, compensatory strategies she With her L elbow and forearm resting on the
refrigerator door, utensils, jars). already uses, her home table, she will first open the two cans of fruit
When she does release, it requires environment, and the tasks (pineapple and cocktail)—she will stabilize the
a lot of time and concentration and that she needs to do will be can with her L hand and pull the tab with her R
she becomes frustrated. Presence important as we plan hand. She will use her LUE to dump contents of
of tone prevents her from flexing treatments. can into a bowl.
and extending her shoulder as far
as she would like (past 20 degrees CPM: Motor Learning For the grapes, client will maintain the same
for flexion, past 10 degrees for Motor Control/Motor Learning seated position and, for the first half of the
extension), especially when is the best complementary grapes, will stabilize the stems with her L hand
reaching for items, and from model to use with this client and pull the grapes off with her R hand. For the
gripping and releasing her grip. because repetition to restore second half, she will switch hands so that she is
neural pathways will be key in stabilizing the stems with her R hand and pulling
Because of her deficits in the helping client to regain the grapes off with her L hand. During this
above mentioned client factors, function. This model is based portion of the activity, we will emphasize that
client has difficulty stabilizing items on the idea that through she can go as slow as she needs to, and it’s
(a bowl when stirring, vegetable functional repetition of activity, okay if she squishes the grapes between her
when chopping), reaching (for the body’s CNS can fingers, we just want her to be using it. Using
needed kitchen items in high or reorganize and motor skills her L hand for this portion will also help work on
low cupboards), gripping and can be re-learned and then the grip and release, and this task will also
releasing grip, manipulating small generalized. provide some proprioceptive input, since the
items (jar, eggs, stirring spoon, Practicing tasks that require grapes require some force to pull off the stem.
cookie dough), and coordinating functional movement of the For the clementines, we would like to see how
her L arm with her R during LUE (in this treatment-- client normally peels them before we intervene.
bimanual meal-prep tasks. opening cans, pulling grapes Depending on her performance, we may
off stems, stabilizing bowl incorporate backward chaining by starting the
while mixing) will strengthen peel for her and then have her hold the
those same neural-motor clementine with her L hand and finish the peel
pathways and help client with her right.
develop patterns/routines of
incorporating her LUE into To make the whipped topping we will have client
kitchen tasks and recognizing move to standing (over the lower kitchen table)
that she has more function in order for her to keep her arm in extension,
than she might think. thus eliminating the need to control shoulder
and elbow. Client will hold measuring cup with L
hand and pour whipping cream with R hand,
and then supinate with L hand to dump
whipping cream into bowl (this is a planned
success, as we know client can perform this
task with her L hand). The same process will be
used for the powdered sugar.

To combine ingredients, client will remain in

standing and use LUE to dump bowl of fruit into
bowl of whipped topping. Using a piece of
dysem to help stabilize, client will hold bowl with
L hand (focusing on stabilizing the shoulder)
and mix with R hand.

Home Program:

The home program we will be leaving with our client is a challenge that we called the “Love Your Left” challenge. During our session this week we will
collobarate with CC to come up with 9 tasks that she does at least one time every day that she can do with her left hand (feeding the dog, grabbing the mail,
etc). We will leave a calendar with the tasks clearly outlined and hang it up in a visible spot in the house. CC will do 3 tasks for each of the 3 weeks we’ll be
gone (3 tasks the first week, 3 the second week, 3 the third week) and will take pictures of herself doing them. At the end of the 3 weeks, if she completed the
challenge we will have some kind of reward (probably a certificate) and we will use the pictures she took to create a collage of her using her left hand to
encourage her to “love her left.”

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