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Roll Number:

Thapar University, Patiala

Department of Chemical Engineering
E To D (February 2018)
B.E (Chemical), 3rd year, VI semester UCH506: Process Instrumentation & Control
Date: 21" February 2018 Day: Wednesday
Time: 03 Hours; MM: 100 Name of Faculty: Parminder Singh

Q.1 A thermometer having a time constant of 0.1 min is at steady state temperature of 10
90°C. At time t=0, the thermometer is placed in a temperature bath maintained at
100°C. Determine the time needed for the thermometer to read 98°C.
Q.2 The transfer function of a unity feedback control system is given by: 15
G (s) =
s (s+ 2)(s+ 4)

Plot the root locus and determine the value of K for the sustained oscillations in

Q.3 For the control system whose characteristic equation is 10

s4 + 4s3 + 6s2 + 4s + (1+ K) = 0

(a) Determine the value of K above which the system is unstable.
(b) Determine the value of K for which two of the roots are on the imaginary axis,
and determine the value of these imaginary roots and the remaining two roots.
Q.4 Consider a second - order system with the following transfer function. 18
G(s) = s2 +0 8s+1

Introduce a step change of magnitude 5 into the system and find

(a) percent over shoot
(b) decay ratio
(c) maximum value of Y(t)
(d) rise time
(e) ultimate value of Y(t)
(f) Period of oscillation.
5 1 15
Consider a feedback control system with G(p) — , G(v) = 1 and
= -0.5s.
Find the Ziegler — Nichols controller settings for P, PI and PID controller.

Q.6 Differentiate between: 10

(a) Closed loop system and open loop system
(b) Feed forward system and feed backward system.

Q.7 12
(a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of P. PI, PD and PID controller.

(b) Explain the Ratio control by taking one example and its industrial applications.

Q.8 Determine the value of the transfer function C/R for the block diagram as shown 10

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The End
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