First Term Exam of English: Part One: Reading

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Class: 2nd LLE. Allotted Time:2 hrs

First Term Exam of English

African Union (AU), formerly (1963–2002) Organization of African Unity, intergovernmental

organization, established in 2002, to promote unity and solidarity of African states, to spur economic
development, and to promote international cooperation. The African Union (AU) replaced the Organization of
African Unity (OAU). The AU’s headquarters are in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The OAU was established on May 25, 1963, and its activities included diplomacy (especially in support
of African liberation movements), mediation of boundary conflicts and regional and civil wars, and research in
economics and communications. The OAU maintained the “Africa group” at the United Nations (UN) through
which many of its efforts at international coordination were channelled. The OAU was instrumental in bringing
about the joint cooperation of African states in the work of the Group of 77, which acts as a caucus of
developing nations within the UN Conference on Trade and Development. The principal organ of the OAU was
the annual assembly of heads of state and government. Between these summit conferences, policy decisions were
in the hands of a council of ministers, composed of foreign ministers of member states.
The major practical achievements of the OAU were mediations in several border disputes, including that
of Kenya and Somalia (1965–67). It monitored events in South Africa and advocated international economic
sanctions against that country as long as the official policy of apartheid was in place. In 1993 the OAU created a
mechanism to engage in peace-making and peacekeeping on the continent. In 1998 the OAU sponsored an
international panel headed by former Botswanan president Ketumile Masire to investigate the genocide that took
place in Rwanda in 1994; its report was released in 2000.

Part one: Reading

A) Comprehension: (7pts)
1) The text is: a) newspaper article b) website article c) email

2) Are the following statements true or false, according to the text?

a) The African Union was founded in 1998.
b) The AU has no achievements.
c) The headquarters of the AU is set in Ethiopia.

3)Answer the following questions according to the text.

a) When was the AU established?
b) What was the predecessor of the AU?
c) Name two (2) achievements of the OAU?

4) In which paragraph are the roles of the AU mentioned?

5) who or what do the underlined words in the text refer to?

a) which §2 b) that §3
B) Text exploration: (7 pts)
1) find in the text words or phrases that are closest in meaning to the following:
a) disputes §2 b) yearly §2 c) massacre §3

2) Divide the following words into roots and affixes:

Intergovernmental - organization - economic - summit

Prefix Root Suffix

3) Complete sentence ‘B’ so that it the same as sentence ‘a’.

a-1- The African Union replaced the Organization of African Unity.

a-2- The Organization of African Unity……………………………..

b-1- The AU may promote unity and solidarity of African states.

b-2- Unity and solidarity of African states…………………………..

4) Classify the following words in the table according to the pronunciation of the final ‘ed’.

Included - channelled – monitored – headed

/t/ /d/ /id/

5) Fill in the blanks using (4) four appropriate words from the list.

promote - strong - Organization - women - headed – countries

AU is the Africa's premier institution and principal ……1…..for the promotion of accelerated socio-
economic integration of the continent, which will lead to greater unity and solidarity between African
……2…….and peoples. It is based on the common vision of a united and ……3…….Africa and on the need to
build a partnership between governments and all segments of civil society, in particular……4……., youth and
the private sector.

Part two: Writing (6 pts)

Choose either of the following topics.
Topic one:
Peace is a period of harmony between different social groups or countries. Write an essay in which
you talk about the importance of peace in the world. Use the notes provided.

-Well-being/ live blissfully, -harmony between people, -grant happiness and freedom, -conflict shatters
lives and stunts development.

Topic two:
Deforestation is a big challenge to humanity and the other species (plants and animals). Write an essay
in which you mention its causes and consequences.

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