Ministry of Education & Higher Education Grade: 9 - (A B) Directorate of Education-Southern Hebron English Daily 2 Exam

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State of Palestinian DIR Samit Secondary School

Ministry of Education & Higher Education : Name

Directorate of Education–Southern Hebron Grade: 9 th.( A B)

English Daily 2nd Exam

1. Read the passage again and do these tasks.(10 points)

After Salah Al-Din had brought together large parts of the Muslim World, he turned to Jerusalem.
The city had been in crusader hands all his life, and from1182 he started preparing to free it from
them. As a strong believer in God and the Prophet, he believed that he must do this.
He prepared well, and in summer 1187, he defeated them at the Battle of Hittin.Weeks later,
Jerusalem fell. For Muslims everywhere, this was a great moment.
It was the opposite in Europe, and a new crusade began in 1189. But things went badly for the
crusaders: by summer1192, most had died or left Palestine.
A. Answer these questions:(3 points)
1. When and in which battle did Salah Al-Din defeat the crusaders?
2. What was the worst moment for Europeans? ……………………………………………………
B. Extract from the text the following :(3 points)
1. past perfect and past simple:…………………/………………….. .
2. A verb followed by a gerund:…………………………
C. mark the statements true ( ✔ ) or false ( ✘ ).(2 points)
1. A new crusade began after Jerusalem had fallen. ( )
2. Salah Al-Din wasn't a strong believer in God and the Prophet. ( )
D. Say what the underlined words refer to/mean:(2 points)
1. This (line 3) … ……………………………………………
2. In crusaders hands: ……………………………………………
2. Complete the following sentences from the list. Make the changes needed. (4 points)
peace died coin a few change
1. I need a ……………………… for this vending machine. Have you got any?
2. Yes, I've got …………………. What do you need? A cent?
3. So after that, Palestinians are yearning for …………… to live without a war?
4. Sadly Salah Al-Din did not live for too long. He ………… the next year.
3. Complete the following sentences from the list. Make the changes needed.(4 points)
a lot many much a little few
1. How …………………apples are there in this box? How …………….. money do you have?
2. There are ………………..oil bottles . I only have …………………….. money.
4. Ask and answer questions. Use {How many / How much } (2 points)
1. money / Hadeel and Rami have …………………………………………………………………..
2. Hadeel / a lot / Rami / not much / only little ……………………………………………………..

Writing (2 points)

5. Write a short anecdote of your life.






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