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Oxygen enrichment in desulphurisation

Oxygen enrichment technology is a viable and a cost-effective solution for

significantly increasing sulphur treatment capacity

Shivan Ahamparam and Stephen Harrison Linde

s a primary source of sulphur emissions, However, the more stringent the desulphurisation
the refining segment of the petrochemical process becomes, increasing Claus plant loadings
industry has found itself juggling fears with hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and ammonia, the
around energy insecurity with concerns about more frequently bottlenecks in the production
climate change. Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is one of process also become. Claus plants operating in
the major air pollutants that impact our climate refineries process concentrated H2S fractions,
and is a key focus for the United Nations and converting them into elemental sulphur. The tech-
environmental activists. It can be harmful to nology is also able to destroy pollutants,
health, as it is a potent asthma trigger and can particularly ammonia.
cause other potentially damaging respiratory
health effects. When sulphur combines with Increased capacity
oxygen to create SO2, it is defined as a critical air Although not new, oxygen enrichment technol-
pollutant by the US Environmental Protection ogy has now come to the fore as a viable and
Agency (EPA) and can form dangerous sulphates, cost-effective solution for significantly increasing
which can be breathed deep into the lungs. Once a plant’s sulphur handling capacity, as well as
oxidised by air, it also forms sulphuric acid, the addressing problems associated with contami-
major component of acid rain. Acid rain harms nants such as ammonia and hydrocarbons.
fish, damages forests and plants, and can erode Oxygen enrichment of the combustion air
buildings. significantly increases sulphur handling capacity.
SO2 is formed when sulphur-containing fuels, Associated benefits include increased productiv-
such as coal and oil, are burned. The primary ity achieved without changing the pressure drop,
sources of SO2 emissions are power plants, refin- more effective treatment of ammonia-containing
eries and smelting facilities. SO2 is also found in feeds and less effort required for tail gas purifi-
the exhaust of diesel fuel and gasoline. Despite cation (reduced nitrogen flow). Oxygen
technological advances, controlling sulphur enrichment is also a highly customisable
remains a technical challenge for the petrochem- approach to improving Claus plant yield, with
ical industry, as the sulphur content of the options varying from low-level oxygen enrich-
world’s dwindling crude oil resources is ment to employing advanced proprietary
increasing. technology to bring about capacity increases of
Almost every oil field produces crude with a up to around 150%.
unique mixture of characteristics, which presents In practical terms, this means that refineries
distinct challenges to oil companies involved in can delay new Claus investment decisions as they
separating crude into different products. In addi- can extend their existing Claus plant capacity.
tion to sulphur content, refineries are being This is a particular advantage to those refineries
challenged to manage increased levels of acid gas whose plant footprints cannot accommodate the
or sour water stripper gas and the occasional lean introduction of additional Claus plants.
acid gas feed. Low-level enrichment is achieved by injecting
For refiners, throughput can be limited by the oxygen via a diffuser into the process air to the
speed at which plants can desulphurise crude. sulphur recovery unit. The maximum oxygen PTQ Q1 2012 1

enrichment level that can be accommodated via first waste heat boiler (WHB) and the second
this method is 28% and provides a capacity reaction furnace. Also, there is no burner in the
increase of approximately 30% when processing second reaction furnace. By design, the gases
acid gas rich in H2S, as is the case in most oil exiting the first WHB and entering the second
refineries. reaction furnace are substantially above the
Generally, the sulphur plant will require no auto-ignition temperature of H2S and sulphur
equipment modification other than the provision vapour, under all normal and turn-down opera-
of a tie-in point for oxygen injection into the tion conditions. This system allows for a low
combustion airline.1 However, when even greater pressure drop, which is easy to control and easy
capacity is needed and increased levels of oxygen to install.
beyond 28% are required, it is necessary to
introduce the oxygen into the reaction furnace Temperature profile
separately from the air supply, as the combus- The result of this type of control is a temperature
tion air piping in conventional sulphur plants profile suited to the Claus process. Operating
and air-only burners is unsuitable for use with temperatures in the first reaction furnace are
highly oxygenated air. high enough to destroy ammonia and hydrocar-
bons, but remain well below refractory
Self-cooled burner limitations. KOA Oil in Japan has successfully
Addressing this challenge, a new type of burner, harnessed Linde’s double combustion process
Sure, developed by Linde Gas, has been specifi- since 1990.
cally designed for this purpose — a self-cooled A novel approach has used the benefits of a
tip-mix burner with separate ports for acid gas, multi-pass WHB for plants with a restricted foot-
oxygen and air supply. The burner can be used print. The zone between the first and second
in both end- and tangential-fired furnace designs. passes of the boiler is utilised as the second reac-
The burner achieves effective mixing of H2S and tion furnace of the double combustion process. In
oxygen-enriched air over a wide load range. this situation, lances are installed in the channel
The intensive mixing characteristics of these head connecting the first and second pass of the
burners have been developed through test work at WHB tube sheets (where the remaining oxygen
Linde’s own pilot plant, a commercial-scale sulphur can be added). For the optimum design and loca-
recovery unit, harnessing computational fluid tion of the burner and oxygen lances, Linde uses
dynamics (CFD) modelling to achieve effective a validated CFD model. This particular approach
contaminant destruction and significantly increased has been operational at API Falconara, Italy, since
tonnage output. 1996 and at Shell Puget Sound refinery and
For operation with high levels of oxygen General Chemical’s Anacortes site.
enrichment, greater than 45%, methods must be The change-out of the WHB can improve
employed to mitigate a high flame temperature energy efficiency at a plant through the genera-
in the reaction furnace. The Sure double combus- tion of valuable high-pressure steam. Other
tion process provides full capability at up to energy efficiency benefits arise from the much-
100% oxygen in an uncomplicated process that reduced process gas flow through the plant. This
is easy to install, operate and maintain. reduces the converter reheat and incinerator fuel
gas requirements to a minimum — and reduced
Double combustion energy requirements mean significantly reduced
Double combustion, as the name implies, splits carbon dioxide emissions.
the heat release into two separate reaction
furnaces with cooling between. In the first reac- Measuring sulphur levels
tion furnace, all amine gas, sour water stripper Inseparable from the crude oil refining process is
gas and, if required, air are fed to the Sure burner the measurement of sulphur levels present in
together with the supplied oxygen, the level of raw materials during the process, in finished
which depends on plant throughput. The tip-mix products and being emitted to the atmosphere.
burner allows for thorough mixing, giving effec- In refining process control, or for determination
tive contaminant destruction efficiencies. of incoming crude oil composition, sulphur is
There is no sulphur condenser between the often measured quantitatively in percentages,

2 PTQ Q1 2012

guided by documented standards of measurement identify some of the sulphur-containing mole-
and recommended analytical methods such as cules, such as carbonyl sulphide, methyl
various ASTM methods. Similar procedures are mercaptan or ethyl mercaptan, in order to
used to determine total sulphur content in incom- understand where the various sulphur
ing natural gas feedstocks. The analytical compounds originate from. This is useful for
technique most commonly used for this purpose crude oil refining and equally relevant to natural
in modern refineries and LNG processing termi- gas processing.
nals involves chemiluminescence. These In addition to sulphuric acid as the key compo-
instruments use a two-stage method, where the nent of acid rain, other environmentally
sample is first pyrolised in a flame of purified or hazardous sulphur components produced as a
synthetic air and high-purity hydrogen under result of crude oil processing include H2S and
vacuum to generate sulphur monoxide. This is carbonyl sulphide, both highly corrosive and
then transported by a carrier gas, typically argon toxic chemical compounds.
or nitrogen at a purity of 99.999%, to a chamber, Environmental authorities such as the EPA
where it reacts with ozone to generate SO2 and have applied stringent regulations governing
UV light. The light generated is measured by a hazardous emissions from industries such as oil
photomultiplier tube to determine the total quan- refineries and this, in turn, has placed a heavy
tity of sulphur in the sample. emphasis on accurately measuring the sulphur
Another technique is atomic emissions spec- content of emissions.
troscopy (AES), a method of chemical analysis To this end, among other measurement tech-
that uses the intensity of light emitted from a niques, refineries have installed continuous
flame or plasma to determine the quantity of emission monitoring systems (CEMS) in plant
sulphur in the sample. The wavelength of the stacks to measure emissions from exhaust
atomic spectral line identifies the element, while streams on a continuous basis.
the intensity of the emitted light is proportional To be able to trust the values of these analys-
to the quantity of atoms present. AES is a sensi- ers, very accurate calibration gas mixtures are
tive technology, capable of measuring down to required. In this realm, Linde supplies traceable
levels of parts per million (ppm) and also of calibration mixtures for measuring sulphur
identifying actual molecules, therefore providing compounds in petrochemical refinery stacks.
both qualitative and quantitative information at
these low levels. It is suitable for measuring Verification programme
sulphur levels as part of process control, final In 2010, the EPA, in cooperation with the
product quality control and for environmental National Institute of Standards and Technology
emissions monitoring applications. (NIST), conducted a blind audit of EPA Protocol
AES can also be combined with inductively gases used to calibrate CEMS and the instru-
coupled plasma (ICP) — a technique that is ments used in EPA reference methods. These
highly sensitive and can quantify concentrations gases and the associated quality assurance/qual-
in the range of parts per million, or even billion ity control checks help to ensure the quality of
— which would require high-purity argon. the emission data the EPA uses to assess achieve-
Alternatively, AES can be combined with gas ment of emission reductions required under the
chromatography, where the technique would be Clean Air Act.
referred to as GC-AED. The chromatography This verification programme evaluated Linde
would consume a carrier gas, such as high-purity in regard to how accurately its products meas-
helium, to drive the sample through the column ured SO2, nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide.
and separate the various components, to allow Linde’s US production site, at Alpha New Jersey,
species identification in the atomic emission passed the audit with zero failures and, in 2011,
detector. The system would also require the company was granted continued approval to
periodic calibration with appropriate calibration produce EPA protocol gas standards both at this
gas mixtures. site in the US and at an additional site near
Toronto, Canada.
Sulphur-containing molecules As in other parts of the world, the European
The benefit of these techniques is that they can Union is introducing stricter limits on pollutant PTQ Q1 2012 3

emissions from light road vehicles, particularly is an option to reduce loadings for Claus plants, Hydrocarbon
for emissions of nitrogen particulates and oxides. Processing, Feb 2007.
Since 2009, it has been mandatory to have ultra-
low-sulphur petrol and diesel; that is, fuels Shivan Ahamparam leads Linde’s global marketing programme
in chemistry and energy from Murray Hill, New Jersey. She
containing less than 10 ppm of sulphur.
has over 15 years’ experience in petrochemicals, speciality
Analysis of sulphur compounds in fuels has
chemicals and industrial gases, and has a masters in mechanical
therefore not only become a critical requirement, engineering from Auckland University, New Zealand, and a degree
but so has the need to measure for lower and in engineering from Canterbury University, Christchurch, New
lower levels of sulphur compounds. It is now Zealand .
vital to be able to detect extremely low levels of Stephen Harrison leads Linde’s global Specialty Gases & Specialty
sulphur, down to parts per billion, and a range Equipment business from Munich, Germany. He has 20 years’
of instrumentation techniques and detectors are experience in industrial gases and holds a master’s in chemical
required to meet these requirements. One of the engineering from Imperial College, London, UK.
typical methods used for the determination of
sulphur species in fuel samples is GC separation Links
followed by sulphur chemiluminescence detec-
tion (SCD). More articles from: Linde HiQ
More articles from the following category:
Desulphurisation & Sulphur Handling
1 Heisel M, Schreiner B, De Lourdes Coude M, Oxygen enrichment

4 PTQ Q1 2012

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