Dark Heresy - Null Hound

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Ordoo He reti cus

Miserere mei, Imperator: secundum magnam misericordiam tuam.

Rest ri cte d Fi
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Et secundum multitudinem miserationum tuarum, dele iniquit
Amplius lava me ab iniquit
atem meam.
ate mea: et peccato meo munda me.
Quoniam iniquit
atem meam ego cognosco: et peccatum meum contra me est semper.
Restricted Access Level: IOTA 2034D
Tibi soli peccavi, etWARNING:
malum Reading
coram te feci: ut justificeris in sermonibus tuis, et vincas
cum judicaris.
this document without Ordo Sanction will
result in immediate Level 3c mindscrubbing.

Ecce enim in inquit

atibus conceptus sum: et in peccatis concepit me mater mea.
Ecce enim verit
atem dilexisti: incert
a et occult
a sapientiae tuae manifest
asti mihi.
Asperges me, Domine, hyssopo, et mundabor: lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor.
Auditui meo dabis gaudium et laetitiam: et exsult
abunt ossa humiliat
Averte faciem tuam a peccatis meis: et omnes iniquit
ates meas dele.
Cor mundum crea in me, Imperator: et spiritum rectum innova in visceribus meis.
Ne projicias me a facie tua: et spiritum sanctum tuum ne auferas a me.
“Take a man’s life, and he
will live on at the side of the

Redde mihi laetitiam salut

aris tui: et spiritu principali confirma me.
Emperor. Take a man’s soul
and his damnation will be

Docebo iniquos vias tuas: et impii ad te convertentur.

— Dictatus Abominatus

Libera me de sanguinibus, Imperator, Imperator salutis meae: et exsult

abit lingua
mea justitiam tuam.
Domine, labia mea aperies: et os meum annuntiabit laudem tuam.
Quoniam si voluisses sacrificium, dedissem utique: holocaustis non delect
Sacrificium Deo spiritus contribulatus: cor contritum, et humiliatum, Imperator, non
Benigne fac, Domine, in bona volunt
ate tua Sol: ut aedificentur muri Terra.
Tunc accept
abis sacrificium justitiae, oblationes, et holocaust
a: tunc imponent super
are tuum vitulos.
Compiled and Illuminated by Heretic Doug Newton-Walters
Parchement procured from Adept Andreas Blicher at
Graphic Design by Sister Jenni Creagh & Doug Newton-Walters
Heretica Inquisitor by Doug Newton-Walters (inspired by requiem inquisitor)
Fanatica by Jenni Creagh and Doug Newton-Walters
— N ull H ounds —
“Sinister they are, emotionless and heavy with fear. A sense of wrongness emanates from

Miserere mei, Imperator: secundum magnam misericordiam tuam.

them, as if all the joy of the world was snuffed out and only gnawing despair remained. Pray
their shadow never falls upon you.”

n allsecundum
the Imperiummul
udinem miserat ionumas tuarum, dele alive
em meam.
— Psi Primus Dloriaj
are as maligned and feared to be captured intact. Their limbs are generally

Amplius lava me ab iniquit
ate mea: et peccato meo munda me.
the Pariah. Born without a soul, their very presence
can cause uncontrollable panic and discord amongst
grafted with shock weapons designed to subdue the target,
and Diapsyk injectors to render the target’s psychic powers

Quoniam iniquit
atem meam ego cognosco: et peccatum meum contra me est semper.
the populace. Despite this the Inquisition makes heavy use inoperable.
of these abominations, whether through the Untouchables The complicated nature of these devices and implants

Tibi soli peccavi, et malum coram te feci: ut justificeris in sermonibus tuis, et vincas
seconded to their command or the sanctioning of the means that only a well connected Inquisitor will usually have
dreaded Culexus assassins of the Assassinorum Temples. access to a Null Hound, and their use is closely monitored

cum judicaris.
One of the most unusual applications of the Untouchable by the Ordo Hereticus and the Divisio Abominatus of the
is in the construction of Null Hounds. These are generally Adeptus Mechanicus. One of the reasons for this security

Ecce enim in inquit

atibus conceptus sum: et in peccatis concepit me mater mea.
heretics sentenced to arcoflagellation that also happen was the events of the Firolle Discourse where a strike
to be Pariahs. Their soullessness combined with the team of Logician Agents assaulted and destroyed a Divisio

Ecce enim verit

atem dilexisti: incert
a et occult
a sapientiae tuae manifest
asti mihi.
augmentations of arcoflagellation, lends them to the hunt compound, capturing no fewer than five Null Hounds.
for rogue psykers and wyrds in the confines of Imperial What they plan to use them for is a pressing concern of the
Hives and cities. Ordos Calixis.

Asperges me, Domine, hyssopo, et mundabor:

Urilavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor.
Equipped with a version of the horrific animus speculum
Uriusus Exeter,
Exete r the
and sophisticated aethyr-wave detection augers normally the Psy
Psy Sco urg e
Auditui meo dabis gaudium et laetitiam: et
of Urius ossa humiliat a. discovered,
used to navigate through the warp, Null Hounds can detect of Corana
of Co rana
and track psychic emanations with unerring accuracy.

Averte faciem tuam a peccatis meis: et omnes iniquit ates ‘Spinward’

meas dele.
Exter has never been
They are normally set on search and retrieve missions but his exploits are infamous. His known affiliates were
where the target needs
the Anarchus group whose stated aim was the
[Null HouCor mundum crea inSub
rius spiritum rectum innova inor visceribus meis. to
complete deconstruction of Imperial Law to allow the
nd : 3294-x Galactic consciousness, ‘Galactatus Cogitarum’

Ne projicias me a facie t ua: et spirit um sanc

, um t tuumwithne this auferas
group aheme.
apture of subject 3294-x um
'' reassert its dynamic evolution.
ma fo
gn re
am mi se ric or di Cr
am im
tuesam :. H
Et er se
esycu nd
, Te rr or ism Working orchestrated and
te peauragetorr: arseracuy ndatum poster
Redde mihi laet it iam salut aris t ui: et spirit u principali confirma me.
i,NoIm 50
ioriniquitatem meam. counts of Murder, Am pl ius la va me personally performed over two hundred acts of
ulmiusseba nu m
tioe helm.
rattl tu ar um , de le am terrorism on Imperial Administratum offices. He used
e mea: et peccDocebo iniquos vias tuas: et impii ad te convert these ent ur. using it to bypass psi scanners in sensitive
ato meo mund a me . Q uo nia m an
ini d
qu ita In ec tioi, n. his Untouchable nature to devastating advantage during
se mp er . Tib iRe so li
triev pe
ed cc av raids,
es t fro m
Libera me ris de in sesanguinibus, Imperat or,epitImperat or salutis meae: etduring
exsul tabit
me um co nt ra me tax file librarii and avoid detection from the Sanctioned
co: et peccatum rm on ib us tu is, Aret
co vin
-fl ag ca
el cum
slation Psykers used by the Arbites their
raaim l te feci: ut justifice
minacetionsenimare fit-mea just itiam tuam. ta et occulta sapientiae
coFl co nc
in inq uit at ib us co nc ep tus sum: et in peAbccomatinaistus project; M39. name It wasn’t until he targeted the Astra Telepathica that his
became infamous. Somehow Spinward had acquired
these weapons toDomine, labia mea ssoaperies:
po, et mundet os meum annunt iabit laudem tuam.
xis ti: inc er a null limiter, or at least a remarkable simulacrum of one.
me a. Ec ce en im veritatem dile ab or : la va bi s With this, Exeter was able to enter heavily guarded psyker
mi ne , hy
Quoniam si voluisses
dabis gaudsacrificium, dedissem utique: holocaus tis non delect aberis.
i mi hi . As pe rg es me , Do enclaves without disrupting them and thus remain hidden.
ees foe. st ium et laetitiam: et One such incident saw Exeter penetrate deep into the
al ba bo r. Au di tu i me o
per nivem de Astropathic Choir of Corana, positioning himself directly

t ossa humiliataSacrificium Deo spirit us cont ribulat us: m cor position

cont rit um, et humiliat um, Imperat or, non
pe cc at is me is: et om ne s
. Aver te fa ci em tu am a below the central communications chamber. When in
pe ra to r: et sp iri tu he deactivated his limiter cutting off all astropaths

mu nd um cr ea in me , Im
meas dele. Cor a fa ci
within range from the warp. The sudden shock of dissection
e tua: et spiritum from the warp killed several astropaths instantly as their
Ne pr oj ic ia s me

tuum ne auferaBenig s a mene. fac, Domine, in bona volunt at

ade t teua Sol: uthadaedificent ur muri Terra.
nnova in visceribus meis. hi la et iti am salutaris tui: et souls were adrift in mid transmission. Others were driven
R ed de mi insane and to be destroyed by their handlers.

principali confirmTunc a me. accept abis sacrificium jus t it iae, oblat : iones , etthanholocaus ta: tunc imponent
and causedsuper
os via s tu as : et im pii
Docebo iniqu me ae
All in all, Exeter was directly responsible for the deaths
Im pe ra to r sa lu tis of more twenty Imperial Servants, untold
us, Imperator,
al t are t uum vit ulos.
ib er a me de sa ng uin ib chaos throughout the sub-sector as the central hub of
ntur. L ne , la bi a me a aperies: et os communications suddenly disappeared from the astropathic
am tu am . Do mi DImiapepsyraktor:Injesectcundorum map.
ltabit lingua mea justiti re re me i,
m Mi se
uo nia
tiabit laudem tuam. Q itu di ne m
Enough tio
mi se ra dosenusm totuarum, Exeter utilised this ploy to great success several times
cundum mu lt keep the taetrgetpeccato before he was captured by a joint Telepathica-Inquisition kill
l . Et se
s miresecericiveordiadamditiotunaam
ini quitainetert mea: team. The severity of his crimes warranted arco-flagellation
inc remase methameir. Am pl ius la va me ab for atet lepeascct atum but the Ordo Hereticus persuaded the Telepathica envoys
ini te o co gn os co : that conversion to a Null Hound would be a more fitting
chasing me pr ey
. Q uo nia m ini qu ita tem meam eg 24 hours. fe ci : punishment for such a murderous heretic.
munda ram te
ly populated esart eases mper. Tibi soli peccavi, et malum co
contra me
um. tu is, et vin ca s cu m judicaris. Ecce enim in
stificeris in sermonibus ater mea. Ecce
Hits (except those that cause death or limb destruction).
Null Hound 3294-X “Urius” However they must make a Toughness test at the beginning
WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel of every turn (ignoring Unnatural Toughness) and for every
42 — 43 45 33 12 46 41 — Degree of Failure they lose two wounds. A character may

Miserere mei, Imperator: secundum magnam misericordiam tuam.

use Barrage for a number of rounds up to their TB without
Movement: 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 13 incurring any permanent damage, but every round thereafter
Skills: Awareness (Per) +10, Climb (S) +10. will lose 1% permanently from their Toughness, Strength,

Et secundum multitudinem miserationum tuarum, dele iniquit

atem meam.
Talents: Berserk Charge, Fearless, Heightened Senses and Agility for every Degree they fail the Toughness test
(All), Iron Jaw, Melee Weapon Training (Chain, Primitive, by (in addition to the wounds loss). The only way recoup

Amplius lava me ab iniquit

ate mea: et peccato meo munda me.
Power, Shock), Swift Attack. this loss is extensive muscle regrowth treatments or clone

Quoniam iniquit
atem meam ego cognosco: Sym-Cogitator
et peccatum meum contra me est semper.
Traits: Dark Sight, Machine (2), Trigger Word, Seek and
Capture, Untouchable

Tibi soli peccavi, et malum coram te feci: utaugers

just ificeris in these
possess thet
uis, Use
et skill
Blessed machine spirits capable of running the null hound’s
Trigger Word: Null hounds are equipped with a pacifier
automatically Tech and

cum judicaris.
helm that keeps them in a docile state and can only follow
have an Int of 40. Any tests required to use the speculus
their master’s basic instructions (such as Seek and Stay).
auger (or open a locked door etc) are made by the cogitator

Ecce enim in inquit

atibus conceptus sum: et in peccatis concepit me mater mea.
They count as Helpless in combat and won’t defend
and the results relayed to the null hound.
themselves. Once a null hound acknowledges the trigger
word, its helm deactivates and auto-injectors flood its

Ecce enim verit

atem dilexisti: incert
a etTheocculta sapient iae tuae manifes
of at
asti mihi.
system with potent combat drugs. Only the deactivation
Speculus Auger
code reverts them to passive mode. An active null hound is auger combines the power sophisticated

Asperges me, Domine, hyssopo, et mundabor: lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor.
a scary prospect, and has a Fear rating of 1 (Disturbing). sensor suite with the technologies used in the Culexus
An active null hound must always Charge if possible and Animus Speculum. The null hound counts as being

Auditui meo dabis gaudium et laetitiam: et exsult

abunt ossa humiliat
move closer to its target if not. equipped with an auspex, signal booster, infragoggles, and
psi-scanner. A null hound may use their speculus to fire
Seek and Capture: Generally null hounds are far from

Averte faciem tuam a peccat

is meis: et1d10;
Pen 0; iniquit
–; Rld –)at
es meas dele.
potent anti-psychic energy:
their master when they corner their prey and thus out of
range of their trigger word. To compensate for this, their
(WP m; S/–/10;

Cor mundum crea in me, Imperator: et within

spirit um rec tum
+10 innova intestvisceribus meis.
sym-cogitator will correlate multiple variables with psy- Use WP instead of BS to make the attack; for every psyker
auger readings to activate them independently. If a null
range add to the WP (no other modifiers

Ne projicias me a facie tua: et spiritum sanctum tuum ne auferas a me.

hound perceives a target psyker they will activate as if their apply). The attack ignores armour, TB, and fields and is
trigger word had been registered, attempting to Grapple Toxic against warp entities and anyone with a psi rating.

Redde mihi laetitiam salut

aris tui:Booster
et spiritu principali confirma me.
them and use their psy-catcher rather than lethal force.
Only when they have taken heavy damage (or are attacked
by others) will they use deadly force. Once the target is

Docebo iniquos vias tuas: et impii ad te convertentur.

dead or incapacitated they will Return with the target. These are used to increase the range of sensors and augers
in combat zones or infiltration missions. Each Degree of
Untouchable: An untouchable is completely immune to

Libera me de sanguinibus, Imperator, Imperator salutis meae: et exsult

abit lingua
Success made on an auger/sensor test used in conjunction
psychic powers (including attacks), possession, Corruption with a signal booster increases its range by 1 kilometre.
from daemonic aura (but not warp intrusion) etc. Powers

mea justitiam tuam.

increase their Threshold by 10 and suffer -20 to associated
tests when used within the null’s WP in metres. They

Domine, labia mea aperies: et os meum annuntiabit laudem tuam.

automatically fail to work (or successfully test) when With these a null hound can unerringly track a psyker
within WPB metres of an Untouchable. through even the densest Imperial Hive via ripples in Warp

Quoniam si voluisses sacrificium, dedissem utique: holocaustis non delect

space. Treat as an auspex that only allows the character to
Weapons: Implanted electrol-flail (1d10+2I; Pen 0;
detect anyone with a psi rating. You receive a +10 bonus
Flexible, Shocking), implanted psy-catcher (1d10+1R; Pen

Sacrificium Deo spiritus contribulatus: cor contritum, et humiliatum, Imperator, non

to tests made to detect someone with Psi Rating 2-3, +20
0; Unwieldy).
for someone with a Psi Rating of 4-5, and +30 for someone
Armour: Cybernetics and dermal inserts (Head 3, Arms 2, with a Psi Rating of 6 or more.

Body 2, Legs 3)
Gear: Sym-cogitator, speculus auger, pacifier helm, Dia-Psyk (Drug)
Benigne fac, Domine, in bona voluntate tua Sol: ut aedificentur muri Terra.
internal micro-bead (to receive/relay instructions only), (Instant/-20/Sedative)
dia-psyk injector, auto-injector (Barrage), good quality

Tunc accept
abis sacrificium justitiae, oblationes , etAnyone
a psit
rating imponent super
bionic legs. Developed from the exotic by-products of the Golden
Throne, dia-psyk is a potent anti-psychic substance and
soporific. injected by dia-psyk

are tuum vitulos.
New Equipment (but not necessarily affected) also loses access to their
psychic powers for 1d5 days and loses 1d5 Fatigue levels.
Barrage (Drug)
This is one of the most potent (and lethal) combat drugs Psy-Catcher
known to the Imperium. Anyone affected by Barrage This weapon is designed to incapacitate the target and
receives Unnatural Strength (x2), Toughness (x2), Agility deliver a high powered injection (usually of dia-psyk). It
(x2), and Speed. They double their current wounds total and may be used in a Grapple action and a successful grapple
are immune to the effects of Stunning, Fatigue, and Critical increases its penetration to 6.

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