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Final Group Presentation

Anna Crow, Kenton Westerfield, Huyen Nguyen, & Edgar M. Rodriguez

Navigating Multiple Identities- All

- Intersection of social and personal acts/behaviors responding to social contexts

- The ways identities overlap and impact students' lived experiences

-Barriers for students may look very different; solutions can be inclusive

- The unique ways in which our identities, and therefore our oppressions, interlock to impact
our social opportunity
Campus Collaboration Profile- Edgar

š Outreach center
š Working with first-generation students
š College access for first-gen, low income, and students of color

š Community Service Leave Policy

š Community Service Leave for FTE of .75 or higher = 3 days and for FTE that is less that .75 = 1.5 days
š We would like to double this

š Continue to live up to and embody our Jesuit Catholic values

Lit Review- Anna

1) Salient Identities- specifically racial, ethnic, and immigration status

-Community Cultural Wealth (Yosso, 2005)
(Cates & Schaefle, 2011) (Crosnoe & Turley, 2011) (Gildersleeve & Ranero, 2010)
(Murillo, Quartz, & Del Razo, 2017) (An, 2013)
2) Involvement and exposure- mentors, material, enrichment programs
-Theory of Involvement (Astin, 1999)
(Curtin, Kende, & Kende, 2016) (Delgado & Stefancic, 2001) (Leonard, 2014)
3) Multicultural Competence- Professional development, relationship building
-Multicultural Competence (Pope, Reynolds, & Mueller, 2004)
(Thompson, 2011) (Donato, Marschall, & Shah, 2012) (Kim, & Schneider, 2005) (Curtin, Kende, & Kende, 2016)
(Delgado & Stefancic, 2001)
Promising Practices Synthesis- Kenton

š University of Washington – Dream Project
š Class credit for UW students
š In-school mentorship for students in King county
š University of Michigan – Wolverine Pathways
š Full-tuition scholarship for students who attend University of Michigan
š Parent/Guardian workshop component
š Highline College – TRiO Program
š Increase degree completion and baccalaureate transfer for HC students
š Strong academic intervention components
Recommendations- Huyen

1. Parent Engagement Program

a. Workshop
b. Community resources

2. Mentorship Program
a. Developing an identity mentorship program
b. Collaborating with existing resources at SU
Recommendations (cont.)

3. Service Learning: juniors and seniors

a. TA/GAship lecture teaching
b. Liaison: SU, students, and parents

š Highlights:
1. K-Getting to know the campus and community in a deeper way (logistics, especially for those
who don't work on campus)
2. E-Being able to see the great work that is being done through promising practices
š Challenges:
1. A-Trying to navigate and gain institutional knowledge (how do we find out what we don't
2. H- Not having a full understanding of the SUYI program (how do we give recommendations with
feeling that we don’t have a full understanding of the work they do)

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