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MVI Middle School Mr.


Name: ………………………... Class: …………... Number: ………….

I-Complete the dialogue:3 points

Laura: Hi! What’s your name?
You: ………………………………………….
Laura: ………………………………………....
You: I am fourteen years old.
Laura: ………………………………………...?
You: I am from Morocco.

II- Complete the sentences:3 points

1. Tomorrow will be……………………...
2. Keiko is from Japan, she is…………....
3. Paris is the capital city of……………...

III- complete with: he’s/it’s/we’re/they’re:3 points

1. This is Mr. Tijani; ……… a doctor.
2. Leila and I are students; ………… students in class 3/5.
3. ……….. an animal.

IV- Write examples of the chosen letters:4 points

e.g. A: Apple
G: ………………... S: ………………
B: ………………... T: ………………

V- Write the total in letters:3 points

e.g. 2 + 3= five
1 + 7 = …………… 12 – 2 = ……….
10 + 9 = …………………

VI- Introduce yourself in few lines:4 points

 Name
 Age
 School name

Hello, …………………………………………………………………

 Good Luck 

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