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wea018 CCrats Council Of naa | Cane & Barboo Furniture co (RAFTS COUNCIL OF INDIA Cane & Bamboo Furniture eu sehee: Home / Ci prcene Cane Banboe Fumie Bambco grows all ver the country and cane ane barbos have been used by societies fora variety af uses: carrying winnowing, as containers, for Fencing, footing. as fshing traps ete ‘Cane isa creeper that groms in ropeal forests. Cane s most used in furniture making and in binding and securing bamboo products Overview of Techniques involved 1. Sourcing and Transporting raw materials and creation of wax medel i = hips iam.cratscouncilofinda crgicrat-processicane-bamboo-uritualoggle- i 48 wez018 CCrats Council Ofna | Cane & Barboo Furniture + Bamboo + Trims and accessories 2 Preparing the woos step tis process i to prepare the bamboo/cane. + Simultaneously the tinal design erawign is also prepared + Once the gold or sive is melted, hiss poured into a sheet meld so that this ean be molded inte a smal bar. 3. Structuring and Framework *+ The second step involes working onthe frame werk and fnaising the sare hips iam.crascouncilofinda crgicrat-processicane-bamboo-urituralogglei- 6 wez018 CCrats Council Ofna | Cane & Barboo Furniture 1+ The edges and corners ofthe completed furniture is now finished and secured 6 finishing + The surface of the polish is stained, varnished and finshed. oop eats our ns. ARES Reseed | Pometedby iti hips tam.crascouncilofinda crgicrat-processicane-bamboo-uritualogglei- 6

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