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Name: __________________


“Follow This: Tech Addict” Documentary

How many times a day do you look at or use your cell phone? (Circle one.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 more than 10

Important Vocabulary:

Social Stigma: disapproval of a person or activity based on society’s opinions

Addiction: dependence on a drug or activity
Buzzfeed: A news and entertainment company based out of New York City, New York.
Epidemic: a widespread occurrence or problem
Physiological: having to do with the body
Dopamine: a chemical in the brain that that makes you feel happy
Cortisol: a chemical in the brain that makes you feel stress

1. How many hours a day did people spend on their cell phones in 2008? ___________
2. How many hours a day did people spend on their cell phones in 2017? ___________

Discuss: Why do you think this change occurred?

3. If you had a tech addiction, what would you be addicted to? (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Texting,
YouTube, Spotify, something else?)

4. How many teenagers die per day from texting while driving? ________________________
5. What other technology has been linked to teen deaths around the world?

6. What is the experimenter testing for? What physiological response is she measuring in Charlie?

Discuss: How would you feel if you did not have your phone for 10 minutes?

7. How do app designers “reward” cell phone users? What substance does this release in the brain?
8. What long-term, physical effects can stress caused by smart phones have on the body?

9. What is the name of the rehabilitation facility in the documentary? _______________

10. Where is this facility located? _______________________________

11. What happens at a technology addiction rehab facility? How do residents regain their health?

12. What has Google created to help people use their phones less?

Reflection: Now it’s your turn. What do you believe about technology usage in the United States? Is
technology an opportunity, or an addiction? How do you think people can live better, healthier lives? (3-
4 sentences)

Discuss: Before you go…

Documentaries are opinion pieces. Like nonfiction articles, documentaries exist to support a specific
point of view. Based on what you saw in the documentary, were the documentarians in favor of or
against technology use in the United States? Use specific information from the documentary to support
your claim.

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