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Student Teacher: _____________Catherine Li_________________

ESL CYCLE 2 & 3 Daily lesson plan

Group: All groups Grade level /Program: Grade 4 Period length: 60 mins
Goals for the period (what do you want students to “walk away with”?)
o By the end of the class I want the students to be able to learn or review vocabulary related to school staff
o I will know they can do this when they finished their drawing paper of school staff and participated in the review game by the end of the period.
Competencies to be developed Evaluation criteria (What will you EVALUATE today?)
o C1: Interacts orally in English C1: __ Use of functional language __Use of strategies__Participation in exchanges

o C2: Reinvests understanding of texts C2: __ Use of strategies __Carrying out tasks __Demonstration of understanding of key elements and overall meaning

Functional Language for speaking & writing o Instructions and classroom routines (e.g. Open your binder. Let’s write the date.)
(CHOOSE 2-3 FOCUS expressions) o Expressions of courtesy, social conventions and gestures: greetings, introducing, leave-
taking, thanking, apologizing (e.g. Hi! Good morning! So long!)

Learning strategy – Self-evaluation (reflection on what has been learned)

Vocabulary Focus: Vocabulary Focus:
(Up to 8 words you want students to learn (Up to 8 words you want students to learn today)
today) o Theme-related vocabulary ( e. g. sports, recreation, pastimes, food, animals, clothing,
WRITE THEM HERE: special events)
Homeroom teacher
English teacher
Dance teacher
Music teacher
Art teacher
Drama teacher

Language Conventions (Grammar,

Spelling, punctuation…) o Spelling words found in explicit models and resources targeted for carrying out tasks

Teacher-centred techniques: Cooperative learning techniques: Other Techniques

[ ] Teacher-led discussion [ ] Think-Pair-Share [ ] Graffiti [ ] Reader’s Theatre [ ] Competition [ ] Scaffolding
[ ] Individual Work [ ] Pair work [ ] Learning groups [ ] Jigsaw [ ] Choral Reading [ ] Gaming [ ] Storytelling [ ] Puppets /
[ ] Cold calling Realia [ ] Music

Period Start-up Routines (Attendance, Menu on board, collecting homework, handing out materials, silent reading etc.)
­Settling down
­Menu on board

2014-2015 Daily lesson planning template

1. Activity Teaching techniques Rationale Min.
 Break it down into point form ‘steps’ for students Individual / paired / groups – (Your pedagogical reasons / Goals
 Write the instructions you will give students cooperative learning structure?) What teaching STEP is this?)
knowledge)(Activate prior Intro

Scishow Kids (How Do Computers Work?) Teacher-led BUILD 10
Integrating a science video
1. Show a video from Scishow Kids into the lesson can help
2. Talk about who works with computers (Elicit students to engage into
answers like teachers, secretary…) another subject area while
using English. It allows them
Before showing the next video, I would like to do a review to make connections and
on words like where, who, why and what. learn about things that they
see in their everyday lives.
Explain that when we ask a question with “where”, we are Also, it can be used to
asking about a place. introduce the topic of the
Explain the rest:
Who = person
Why = reason
What = a thing or an action
Development (activities. of 5-10 minutes)

The Incredibles video Individual ASSESS + WHY 15
Students’ competency 1 and
1. Show a scene from the movie “The Incredibles”. 2 are assessed during this
 The scene shows Dash, a little boy, being sent to activity.
the principal’s office.
2.Ask questions to students: Guided questions are used
 Where is Dash? to promote and reinforce
 Why is he sent to the principal’s office? students’ comprehension
 Do you think he was guilty? and to help them make
 What other characters do you see in the video? connections with situations
 The principal and the teacher are people who work that could happen at school.
at school… There are many other people who work The teacher will assess
at school, but they are not present in the video. whether students have
Who are they? appropriately understood the
(Elicit answers such as secretary, homeroom elements in the video.
teacher, etc)

Daily lesson planning template 2014-2015

1. Activity Teaching techniques Rationale Min.
 Break it down into point form ‘steps’ for students Individual / paired / groups – (Your pedagogical reasons / Goals
 Write the instructions you will give students cooperative learning structure?) What teaching STEP is this?)
People at School Flashcards Teacher-led MODEL 10

1. Ask students to look at each flashcard Teacher will model the

2. Ask question for each flashcard: What does…do? vocabulary words.
 Example: What does a principal do?
 What does a homeroom teacher do? BUILD + PRACTICE
 Who is the principal at our school? Students will learn new
 Why does he do that? vocabulary words related to
school staff and their
function and their
PowerPoint: People at School Flashcards importance at school. They
will also practice their
People at School Association Game Pairs PRACTICE 10

Students are going to play a game in pairs Students will practice using
Instructions: the vocabulary words
1. Pick a card learned in the lesson in
2. Say which person working at school is associated order to find the answer.
to the object on the card They could also practice the
3. Each card can have more than one answer words on the cards.

PowerPoint: People at School Game

Bubbletime Individual PRACTICE 5

Students will finish their English handouts from previous Students who finish the
classes. game before others can
finish their English papers
from previous class.
Ask students what new word they learned during this lesson Teacher-led ASSESS 5
Goal? Closure:

and whether they liked the activities or not.

Teacher can assess
students’ knowledge after
the lesson and their liking of
the activities.

End of class reminders / routines ... hook them for the next class
­ Put the English handout in the folder
­ Put the folder away
­ Push your chair
­ Line up 

Daily lesson planning template 2014-2015

Anticipated problems Solutions/Plan B
 Students are chattering during the activities.  Use class management technique to get
 Students are not practicing the functional students’ attention before continuing the
language during the game. activity.
 The stronger students finish the game faster  Stop students during the activity and remind
than others. them to practice the functional language.
 Have a plan B activity for those who finish

Materials to prepare Homework (to assign and collect)

­ People at School Flashcards ­ No homework

­ People at School Cards for the game
­ Computer for the videos

Daily lesson planning template 2014-2015


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