Sci Sept

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Grade: Social Studies 10 Activity: Universalizing Culture

Unit: Globalization & Identity Inquiry Q: To what extent should we embrace globalization?
Monday, September 17, 2018 // Day 1
Goals/Key questions
Students will understand the effects of globalization on culture.

Objective (connected to PofS):


Pre lesson Considerations

Lesson overview of main ideas to be learned:
 Matter in Space.
pre-learning required:

Materials needed/pre-set up required/logistical considerations needed (seating

 SS Slides
~1 hour Lesson Description:
p6: 2:31-3:26

Introduction Students will be given a work period for their posters.

5-10 minutes
Remind students of the requirements:
 Need an image
 Need to tell me what it’s made out of (its composition).
o Are there different types
o Give me at least 3 different things
 Where can I find it in space (is it in the solar system, is it millions of
light years away?)
 Tell me how we know it’s there!
You can make your poster digitally or on poster paper:
 Canva is a good website to use, or find a template for google docs.
 Friday I saw some of you had moving backgrounds on google slides,
which is a neat idea, but when I print your poster it won’t move.

 I’m looking for you to include everything I asked for
 Do you know what your topic is about? Is your information accurate?
 Are there spelling mistakes?
 Is your poster neatly done?


Transition Have students get their notebooks out.

Activity 1 Give students time to work on their poster project.

40-45 minutes
Walk around and help students as required.

Conclusion Remind students of due date. Tomorrow we’re moving on. Homework p.

 Summative
 Written instructions for the activities will be given to students to accompany verbal
 Group work
Extension and extra time activity:


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