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Coaching on the Dark Side

Eric Nelson & Robert Hogan

Dysfunctional personality characteristics can derail the career of an otherwise competent executive.
Personality predicts both leadership effectiveness and derailment, and assessment of these characteristics is
critical for effective coaching and leader development. This paper reviews the relationship between
personality and leadership and offers a taxonomy of flawed interpersonal strategies that can degrade a
leader’s capacity to build and maintain high-performing teams. Assessment of these dysfunctional
dispositions facilitates the coach’s ability to build an effective coaching relationship, enhance the executive’s
strategic self-awareness, and identify appropriate targets and strategies for intervention.

Keywords: Executive coaching, leaders, leadership, personality, derailers, dark side.

RGANIZATIONS AND INDIVID- impressionistic, based on interviews with the

O UALS seek executive coaching to

enhance the effectiveness of leaders
and, by extension, to improve the perform-
executive and others in his or her work envi-
ronment (peers, superiors, etc.). Filtered
through the coach’s expertise, and adapted
ance of organizations. Depending upon to the context in which coaching occurs,
their own theoretical orientation and the these impressions form the basis for the
context in which coaching takes place, prac- coaching relationship and its goals. Struc-
titioners can offer interventions ranging tured assessment (e.g. through personality
from strengths-based to solution-focused to testing, 360-degree feedback, etc.) offers a
narrative to developmental coaching (see more systematic strategy for identifying a
Cavanagh, Grant & Kemp, 2005; Peltier, leader’s strengths and developmental oppor-
2001; Stober & Grant, 2006; for excellent tunities (cf. Cronbach, 1960). Standardized
summaries of the range of strategies avail- measures are becoming more widely used in
able to executive coaches). Coaching is a coaching (Alworth & Griffin, 2005; Pass-
relatively young field. As a result, some more, 2008), and we believe that psycho-
suggest that the rationale for executive metrically sound, well validated measures
coaching is poorly specified and that can enhance and accelerate the coaching
coaching lacks a cohesive conceptual foun- process.
dation and firm research base to guide Assessment in executive coaching is not
practice (Barner & Higgins, 2007; Berman & merely an intellectual exercise; rather, valid
Bradt, 2006; Feldman & Lankau, 2005; assessment will provide the coach useful
Kilburg, 1996; MacKie, 2007; Passmore, information on which an intervention can
2007; Passmore & Gibbes, 2007). Still, Grant be based. Personality characteristics predict
(2005) documents the exponential increase leadership effectiveness and, by extension,
in scholarly papers devoted to executive organizational outcomes. In this paper we
coaching in recent years. The outcome data review briefly the literature linking person-
collected to date reveal that coaching gener- ality to occupational performance, focusing
ally does help executives become more effec- on characteristics that can degrade executive
tive leaders (Dagley, 2006; Kampa-Kokesch & effectiveness – the ‘dark side’ of personality
Anderson, 2001) and can offer a substantial (R. Hogan & Hogan, 2001). These are
return on an organization’s investment in dysfunctional interpersonal and self-regula-
the coaching effort (McGovern et al., 2001). tory patterns that interfere with the leader’s
All coaches assess those with whom they capacity to build and maintain high-
work. At times, assessment is primarily performing teams. Awareness of these ‘dark

International Coaching Psychology Review ● Vol. 4 No. 1 March 2009 7

© The British Psychological Society – ISSN: 1750-2764
Eric Nelson & Robert Hogan

side’ tendencies, and the underlying ‘mental Bad management exists at all levels of
models’ with which they are associated, most organizations. Hogan (2007) estimates
allows the coach to design interventions that that the base rate for bad managers may
will mitigate their impact on leadership and, range from 65 per cent to 75 per cent, and
indeed, on the coaching relationship itself. one recent survey of managers and execu-
tives suggests that as many as 27 per cent of
Personality and Leadership their subordinates who have been rated as
Competent leaders build and maintain effec- high potential are at risk for ‘derailment’
tive teams that compete successfully with (i.e. being either demoted or fired) for
others (R. Hogan, Curphy & Hogan, 1994). performing below the level expected of
Research indicates that effective leaders them. Such findings are consistent with the
understand their subordinates’ needs, abili- results of earlier reviews (e.g. Bentz, 1985;
ties, and aspirations, and can persuade them Dotlich & Cairo, 2003, Leslie & VanVelsor,
to share the leader’s vision for the organiza- 1996; McCall & Lombardo, 1983) which
tion as a whole. This is, of course, the essence identified insensitivity, abrasiveness, micro-
of the ‘transformational’ leadership style management, and other dysfunctional inter-
(Avolio & Bass, 1995; Avolio et al., 1996; Bass, personal behaviours as the primary causes of
1985) that complements the equally impor- managerial failure. Bad leadership is both
tant focus on ‘taking charge,’ communicating common and highly consequential for the
clear expectations, and maintaining account- productivity of organizations, and the resolu-
ability. Indeed, the capacity to move seam- tion of flawed interpersonal strategies is
lessly between ‘enabling’ and ‘forceful’ styles another important goal of executive
– without overdoing either – appears to be coaching and leadership development.
critical for effective leadership (Kaplan & An executive may seek out or be referred
Kaiser, 2006). Coaching and leadership devel- for coaching for many reasons (Giglio,
opment help executives remain versatile in Diamante & Urban, 1998; Stern, 2004). In
their leadership style, and resolve flawed some cases, superiors may identify an execu-
interpersonal strategies that impede their tive as being at risk for derailment; in these
ability to motivate subordinates effectively. cases the organization may provide the
Poor leadership is not simply an absence opportunity for coaching. In other cases, an
of technical, cognitive, and strategic skills. organization may create a programme for all
Rather, dysfunctional dispositions (and the of their senior leaders, ‘high potential’
flawed interpersonal strategies associated middle managers, or others to enhance their
with them) can degrade whatever skills and personal development as leaders. In either
competencies a leader might otherwise instance, knowledge of potential dysfunc-
possess. At their worst, such leaders may be tional interpersonal patterns is critical for
experienced as ‘destructive’ (e.g. Einarsen, coaching success. In the case of the
Aasland & Skotgstad, 2007; Tepper, 2000; ‘derailing executive,’ the flawed interper-
Tierney & Tepper, 2007) or even ‘toxic’ sonal style may itself be the reason for
(Frost, 2004; Padilla, Hogan & Kaiser, 2007) referral. For those referred for assistance in
by their subordinates and the organization enhancing existing skills (in order to help
as a whole. Managerial incompetence the high potential manager move more
creates great misery for those associated with effectively up the corporate hierarchy),
the dysfunctional leader (R. Hogan & Kaiser, assessment of potential derailing characteris-
2005). Thus, recognizing and modifying the tics allows the coach to offer ‘preventive
destructive interpersonal strategies of maintenance’ that will reduce the likelihood
leaders will improve the competitive advan- of problems emerging in the future.
tage of the team and the satisfaction and
well-being of the executive’s subordinates.

8 International Coaching Psychology Review ● Vol. 4 No. 1 March 2009

Coaching on the Dark Side

The nature of dysfunctional dispositions Instead, managerial incompetence is prima-

Dysfunctional dispositions are part of rily associated with ‘personality defects,’ trou-
everyone’s personality. We prefer to think of bled interpersonal relationships, inability to
‘personality’ in terms of a person’s ‘reputa- build a team, lack of follow-through, and
tion’ among those in his or her social envi- difficulty making strategic transitions (cf.
ronment. Personality trait descriptors (e.g. Lombardo, Ruderman & McCauley, 1988;
conscientious, flamboyant, volatile, confi- McCauley & Lombardo, 1990).
dent, etc.) summarize how a person is seen Flawed interpersonal behaviours reflect
by others. The ‘strength’ of any personality the influence of underlying mental models
characteristic reflects the likelihood that a or ‘schemas.’ Schemas are organized knowl-
person will behave (and be perceived) in a edge structures through which we encode
certain way during social interaction. The our perceptions of social interaction,
widely accepted ‘Five-Factor Model’ (FFM) allowing us to make sense of our own
of personality (Goldberg, 1981; John, 1990; behaviour and the behaviour of others
McCrae & Costa, 1987; Wiggins, 1979) iden- (Fong & Markus, 1982; Kihlstrom & Klein,
tifies primarily positive characteristics, and 1994; Markus, 1977; Sedikides, 1993; Young,
assessments based on this model predict Klosko & Weishaar, 2003). Personal schemas
success in a wide variety of employment reflect our basic beliefs about ourselves and
contexts (Barrick & Mount, 1991; Bono & the world – beliefs that are based on early life
Judge, 2004; Hogan & Holland, 2003; experiences. Schemas function automati-
R. Hogan, 2007; R. Hogan & Hogan, 2007; cally outside conscious awareness, serving as
R. Hogan, Hogan & Roberts, 1996; Judge et perceptual ‘filters’ that cause individuals to
al., 2002; Mount, Barrick & Stewart, 1998; interpret social information in ways that fit
Tett, Jackson & Rothstein, 1991). The predic- schema-relevant expectations (Baldwin,
tion of occupational performance improves 1992). Thus, schemas tend to be self-perpet-
when the dimensions of the FFM are aligned uating. For example, individuals who were
with the competencies judged to be impor- frequently criticized early in life may develop
tant for a specific job (Anderson et al., 2006; belief structures – schemas – that they are
Campbell, 1990; J. Hogan & Holland, 2003; likely to be criticized in current interper-
Hough, 1992; Hurtz & Donovan, 2000). sonal encounters. These people may even
Assessments derived from the FFM reveal interpret innocuous feedback as critical, and
what might be described as the ‘bright side’ they may become overly perfectionistic or
of personality. Dysfunctional dispositions, in accommodating to minimize the risk of
contrast, reflect the ‘dark side’ (cf. Conger, anything they might construe as criticism
1990; R. Hogan & Hogan, 2001). These from others.
behavioural characteristics degrade executive Several variables affect the likelihood
performance and interfere with the indi- that dysfunctional behaviour will emerge in
vidual’s capacity to capitalize on the strengths any given social or leadership context. First,
revealed through FFM assessments. The past the probability of dysfunctional behaviour
20 years have produced a growing interest in reflects the strength of the relevant under-
these dark side characteristics, particularly lying schema; certain ineffective interper-
for people in leadership roles (Furnham & sonal patterns are simply more likely for
Taylor, 2004; Goldman, 2006; Judge, LePine some people than for others because the
& Rich, 2006; Khoo & Burch, 2008; relevant underlying schema exerts a more
McCartney & Campbell, 2005; Moscoso & pervasive influence on overt behaviour.
Salgado, 2004; Najar, Holland & Van Second, situational factors will affect the
Landuyt, 2004). These studies have repeat- emergence of dysfunctional behaviour. Most
edly found that managers who derail are as people can manage dysfunctional tenden-
technically skilled as those who do not. cies most of the time. But stress, work over-

International Coaching Psychology Review ● Vol. 4 No. 1 March 2009 9

Eric Nelson & Robert Hogan

load, fatigue, high emotion, and lack of HDS and a brief description of the schemas
social vigilance can increase the probability associated with each pattern of dysfunctional
of maladaptive behaviour. Furthermore, interpersonal behaviour:
dysfunctional behaviour is more likely to Excitable. High Excitable individuals are
appear in situations that are ambiguous emotionally volatile and easily disappointed
(Green & Sedikides, 2001; Koch, 2003), in projects, people, or organizations. They
where leaders have too little structure and alienate employees through unpredictable
too much discretion (Kaiser & Hogan, displays of anger or frustration. These exec-
2007), or that resemble the situations that utives seek understanding and respect, but
produced the relevant schema in the first conditions early in life led them to believe
place. Finally, organizational culture can that others will ultimately disappoint or
potentiate dysfunctional behaviour (Balt- exploit them. As a result, they are constantly
hazard, Cooke & Potter, 2006; VanFleet & vigilant for signs of possible rejection, giving
Griffin, 2006). Thus, personality, situational, up easily and ready to strike out emotionally
and organizational influences interact to or withdraw from those whom they expect
influence the emergence of dysfunctional will let them down. Strong displays of
behaviour in any given performance or emotion allow the person an illusion of
interpersonal context (cf. Tett & Barnett, control while simultaneously keeping others
2003; Tett & Guterman, 2000). at an emotional distance where they are ulti-
Assessment of the dysfunctional disposi- mately less threatening.
tions that commonly appear in interpersonal Skeptical. High Skeptical executives
relationships – performance risks – allows us mistrust others’ motives and doubt their
to predict the likelihood that such risks will intentions. They expect mistreatment; as a
impair an executive’s success. To facilitate result, they are quick to find it. In such situa-
such predictions R. Hogan and Hogan tions, they may recoil in an angry or
(1997; see also R. Hogan & Hogan, 2001) combative manner to gain control and
created an inventory (the Hogan Develop- distance themselves from others. In the
ment Survey; HDS) that assesses 11 of these workplace, they are often shrewd, politically
characteristics. Constructs included in the sensitive, and difficult to fool. However, their
HDS were identified through an exhaustive cynicism leads them to distrust authority and
review of material ranging from research on to fear that subordinates will attempt to
managerial derailment to the ‘personality circumvent them. These beliefs underlie a
disorders’ section of the Diagnostic and contentious interpersonal style character-
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, ized by irritability, argumentativeness, and
fourth edition (American Psychiatric Associ- insensitivity to criticism.
ation, 1994; see Hogan & Hogan, 1997, 2001, Cautious. High Cautious individuals fear
for a description of the links between certain criticism and are quick to feel rejected. They
personality disorders and the scales are careful, conservative, and worried about
comprising the HDS). Hogan and Hogan making mistakes. They attribute unsuc-
(1997) designed the HDS to address cessful experiences to an inherent defect
common interpersonal themes in the work that sets them apart from others. They avoid
context that can undermine an individual’s giving other people the opportunity to see
effectiveness. Each theme is associated with their deficiencies. Even positive feedback
an underlying cognitive schema that facili- can be distorted or discounted. While no
tates understanding of the expectations, one enjoys criticism, these individuals
attributions, and mental models that cannot tolerate the unpleasant feelings asso-
underlie interpersonal strategies that ulti- ciated with making a mistake; as a result,
mately prove counterproductive. Listed they seek to avoid unpredictable events such
below are the 11 constructs comprising the as social interactions and decision making.

10 International Coaching Psychology Review ● Vol. 4 No. 1 March 2009

Coaching on the Dark Side

Reserved. High Reserved leaders prefer uals covertly doubt their real abilities and
social isolation. They dislike working in fear that others will notice their ‘weak-
teams or meeting new people. Others find nesses.’ Under stress, the high need for
them difficult because they tend to be with- approval leads to exhibitionistic and ‘enter-
drawn and uncommunicative. They lack taining’ behaviours in place of real produc-
social sensitivity – the capacity to notice and tivity.
respond effectively to the needs and feelings Imaginative. The high Imaginative person
of others. They believe that life is best lived shares with the high Reserved individual an
on a purely rational basis. As a result, they insensitivity to social cues. As the Reserved
are typically impervious to both praise and person withdraws, however, the high Imagi-
criticism and rarely offer such feedback to native leader relishes social interaction as an
others. They prefer that others perceive arena for sharing novel ideas, opinions, and
them as tough, resilient, and self-sufficient. styles. High Imaginative individuals believe
Leisurely. As a result of early socialization in their own uniqueness and a need to
experiences, the high Leisurely leader avoids emphasize creativity over practicality. They
direct expressions of annoyance and frustra- value inner experience to define reality, not
tion. He or she expresses such feelings in what others might consider rational or objec-
indirect ways. Persons in positions of tive. Viewing themselves as special, they are
authority are typically perceived as either typically immune to criticism and rejection.
incompetent or unfair. In reaction, the high Diligent. High Diligent individuals grew
Leisurely person believes in the right to up in environments that valued high levels of
pursue a personal agenda at his or her own performance, criticizing work that was
pace. He or she envies those who are judged to be substandard in some way. As a
successful but at the same time resents them result, these individuals believe that only two
and maintains an illusion of self-sufficiency options are possible in any performance situ-
and self-respect by covertly resisting expecta- ation: perfection and failure. There is no
tions. room for ‘shades of gray.’ Indeed, they often
Bold. High Bold individuals believe they have difficulty judging the realistic impor-
are unique or exceptional in some way. The tance of any given task. They distrust
high Bold executive was often the ‘golden autonomous thinking; as a result, they value
child’ of the family, lacking the boundaries rules, standards, and social custom to define
and discipline that help children learn and the appropriate response in a performance
respect their own and others’ limits. This situation.
individual believes that he or she should not Dutiful. High Dutiful leaders enjoyed a
have to accept subordinate positions and nurturant environment early in life;
should be exempt from difficult or dull tasks. however, caregivers failed to ‘pull back’ as
The high Bold leader is sublimely insensitive the child became more capable of self-suffi-
to the impact of his or her behaviour on ciency. Lacking mastery experiences, this
others, believing that subordinates should individual did not develop a sense of compe-
eagerly contribute to the leader’s personal tence and self-efficacy, continuing to believe
progress. that he or she must rely on others for impor-
Colourful. High Colourful persons are tant decisions. The unpredictable or
naturally extraverted and gregarious. unknown is avoided, as the high Dutiful
However, they often mistake attention for person doubts his or her capacity to cope
accomplishment. Historically, attention and successfully with novel challenges or situa-
affirmation were predicated upon charm, tions. Belief in the self as ‘weak’ impairs this
appearance, and the capacity to entertain. executive’s capacity to think independently.
Far less attention was paid to competence,
persistence, and achievement. These individ-

International Coaching Psychology Review ● Vol. 4 No. 1 March 2009 11

Eric Nelson & Robert Hogan

‘Dark Side’ characteristics and coaching concept of ‘emotional intelligence’ assumes

Personality predicts leadership effectiveness. that effective coaching allows executives to
Knowledge of an executive’s personality transcend flawed views of the self and others
should facilitate coaching efforts and the to create a management style marked by self-
ultimate success of a leadership develop- awareness, empathy, and interpersonal sensi-
ment programme. It is somewhat surprising, tivity (Salovey & Mayer, 1990; Goleman,
therefore, that very little attention has been 1998).
given to the links between personality and Assessment of dysfunctional dispositions
coaching. Two recent papers are exceptions. enhances the precision and potential effec-
Stewart et al. (2008) assessed the relation- tiveness of coaching in at least three ways.
ship between an executive’s scores on a five- First, the relationship between the coach
factor personality measure and ‘transfer of and the executive is an interpersonal rela-
learning’ from the coaching environment to tionship that the coachee is likely to find
the workplace. Coaching appeared to be somewhat stressful. As such, dysfunctional
most effective for executives scoring high in interpersonal strategies tend to emerge in
emotional stability, conscientiousness, and the relationship. Knowledge of the execu-
openness to experience, and conscientious- tive’s potential responses allows the coach to
ness was a robust predictor of the executive’s anticipate problems and craft the relation-
use of newly developed skills in his or her ship accordingly. Second, enhanced ‘self-
day-to-day managerial activities. In a similar awareness’ is an essential precursor to
vein, McCormick and Burch (2008) offered meaningful change. The results of a ‘dark
a taxonomy of coaching targets linked specif- side’ assessment can help the executive
ically to the executive’s scores on assessments make sense of any negative feedback
derived from the five-factor model. For received from others (e.g. the results of a
example, McCormick and Burch (2008) 360-degree assessment). Third, being aware
recommend that executives scoring low on of the executive’s typical dysfunctional inter-
Extraversion be encouraged to work to personal patterns will allow the coach to
remember people’s names, learn conversa- choose specific targets for developmental
tion skills, create enthusiasm and excitement intervention and identify the intervention
within their teams, etc. strategies most likely to be effective. We
Many authors have suggested that a examine each of these domains in more
variety of ‘intrapersonal’ factors may detail.
degrade managerial performance and
should, therefore, be addressed in the Crafting the coaching relationship
context of executive coaching. Kaiser and The quality of the relationship between the
Kaplan (2006) and Johnson (2008), for coach and the executive is critical for the
example, argue that dysfunctional interper- ultimate success of the coaching effort. First
sonal behaviours frequently reflect distorted and foremost, the coach must create an
beliefs and flawed ‘mental models’ that an atmosphere of trust so that the executive can
executive may have about the self and others risk being honest about his or her concerns,
in the environment. Kaiser and Kaplan perceptions of others in the organization,
(2006) suggest that effective coaches must be and expectations for coaching itself. Second,
prepared to confront the subtle fears of the coach must be perceived as an expert in
failure, inadequacy, and rejection that can facilitating change and knowledgeable about
cloud the executive’s judgment and impair business processes, the status of the execu-
interactions with subordinates and peers. tive’s organization, and the nature of effec-
This viewpoint echoes Kilburg’s (2000, 2004) tive leadership. Finally, the coach must be
emphasis on the value of psychodynamic able to respond empathically to coachees,
constructs in coaching. Indeed, the popular allowing them to feel respected and under-

12 International Coaching Psychology Review ● Vol. 4 No. 1 March 2009

Coaching on the Dark Side

stood even as they develop new self-percep- Hogan Development Survey, a ‘dark side’
tions, understand how others perceive them, measure. This executive seeks affirmation
and learn how to lead more effectively. but expects disappointment, and occasion-
Kemp (2008) notes that, although the ally uses emotional displays to create
coaching relationship is important for the distance from others. He or she may initially
success of developmental efforts, little atten- respond to coaching with enthusiasm,
tion has been directed to this aspect of leading the coach to be optimistic about
coaching. The relationship between the his/her readiness for change. But the execu-
coach and the executive is a ‘real relation- tive is also likely to be easily discouraged with
ship.’ If the effectiveness of coaching is influ- coaching, perhaps even responding angrily
enced by the quality of the relationship, then to negative feedback or to the coaching
it is important to consider the qualities that process itself. In contrast, an executive
the coach and the executive bring to the scoring high on the HDS Mischievous scale is
interaction. likely to be charming and overtly responsive
As we suggested above, people organize to the coach’s efforts. But high Mischievous
their interpersonal experiences in terms of individuals have difficulty taking responsi-
schemas. These schemas influence percep- bility for their behaviour and tend to ignore
tions, information processing, attributions the expectations that others hold for them.
about the causes of events, etc. It makes Such people often perceive coaching as irrel-
sense, then, to assume that the executive will evant and show little follow-through or
bring to the coaching process a set of beliefs ‘transfer of learning’ into the day-to-day
and expectations that will influence his or work environment. In both examples, knowl-
her reactions to the coach and, ultimately, edge of the executive’s scores on scales
readiness for change. These expectations tapping ‘flawed interpersonal strategies’ will
may be shaped by a number of factors: the allow the coach to predict problems and
context in which the executive was referred plan the coaching effort accordingly. For the
for coaching, the attitudes communicated high Excitable individual, the coach could
(either implicitly or explicitly) by senior predict disillusionment early in the relation-
management about the value of coaching, ship, offer heightened empathy in
and the extent to which others in the organ- presenting feedback, and take steps to
ization are concurrently receiving coaching ensure that commitment to the process is
(Gilpin-Jackson & Bushe, 2006; Ruvolo, maintained. For the high Mischievous
Petersen & LeBoeuf, 2004). But the execu- coachee, the coach could remain construc-
tive also brings to coaching the same tively skeptical of the executive’s expressed
schemas and interpersonal strategies that enthusiasm, building into the coaching
influence his or her other relationships. To process multiple ‘accountability checks.’
the extent that these schemas are associated The flawed interpersonal strategies that
with dysfunctional interpersonal strategies, may be problematic (or potentially problem-
these strategies are likely to emerge in the atic) in the executive’s work environment
coaching relationship as well. Awareness of are likely to recapitulate in the coaching
this allows the coach to anticipate road- relationship. As the old saying goes, ‘fore-
blocks to the development of a productive warned is forearmed.’ Assessment of ‘dark
relationship and ways the executive is likely side’ characteristics prior to or early in the
to ‘push back’ against developmental recom- coaching process allows the coach to be
mendations. The coach can then craft the sensitive to these self-defeating behaviours
relationship to reduce the influence of these and plan accordingly to minimize the extent
factors. to which they can interfere with effective
Consider, for example, an executive with coaching.
a high score on the Excitable scale of the

International Coaching Psychology Review ● Vol. 4 No. 1 March 2009 13

Eric Nelson & Robert Hogan

Enhancing strategic self-awareness motivate lasting change in leader behaviour

Much of our behaviour is automatic and (Craig & Hannum, 2006; Gregory, Levy &
repetitive: we tend to do what has seemed to Jeffers, 2008; Kluger & DeNisi, 1996; London
work in the past. It is the novel, the unex- & Smither, 2002). Executives at risk for
pected, and the discomforting that motivate derailment are unlikely to benefit from feed-
self-reflection and change. Correspondingly, back alone, as they are typically self-
expanded self-awareness is a cornerstone of absorbed, unwilling to take responsibility,
most coaching interventions. R. Hogan and and reluctant to learn from their mistakes
Benson (in press) argue that meaningful (J. Hogan, Hogan & Kaiser, in press).
self-awareness (which they label ‘strategic’ This, of course, is where coaching can be
self-awareness) requires, first, understanding particularly important. Armed with both
one’s strengths and limitations and, second, multirater and personality assessment data,
understanding how they compare with those the coach can assist the executive in making
of others. Hogan and Benson note that sense of the perceptions of both subordi-
introspection alone cannot meaningfully nates and others. Consider, for example, an
enhance strategic self-awareness; rather, executive who is referred for coaching
such awareness requires performance-based because the team’s productivity is declining
feedback derived from structured assess- and staff morale is low. Multirater assessment
ment. In other words, executives need feed- reveals that subordinates view the executive
back on their habitual ways of dealing with as too forceful and inadequately facilitative.
people. Armed with this information, leaders Assessment of ‘dark side’ characteristics can
can devise plans to expand their capabilities help pinpoint the behaviours that contribute
(add new skills), expand their capacity to negative staff perceptions. For example, if
(improve existing skills), or compensate for the leader scores high on the Reserved scale
shortcomings. Information that focuses only of the HDS, we can conclude that the execu-
on the positive fails to address genuine limi- tive tends to withdraw, to appear tough and
tations – performance improves only when cold, and to lack empathy for staff concerns.
people know what they are doing wrong, and In contrast, if the executive scores high on
even strengths can turn into problems after a the Bold scale, it is likely that he or she is self-
point (Kaplan & Kaiser, in press). centered, fails to accept responsibility for
Most coaching includes some type of mistakes, and sees staff as a tool to further his
performance evaluation highlighting the or her career progress. To the degree that
executive’s strengths and weaknesses. Often the coach can help the executive make sense
these evaluations are in the form of of the subordinates’ ratings, this will increase
360-degree ratings derived from assessments the client’s strategic self-awareness.
offered by higher-level executives, peers, and
subordinates. Multisource feedback ratings Identifying targets and strategies for
correlate well with other measures of leader- development
ship effectiveness (Smither, London & Reilly, A cursory review of the executive coaching
2005); indeed, Shipper and Wilson (1991) literature reveals a wide variety of develop-
found that subordinate’s ratings of a leader’s mental interventions. Coaching strategies
performance are more highly associated range from deep-muscle relaxation to asking
with team effectiveness than either peer or colleagues for ongoing feedback to assertive-
superior ratings. Thus, ratings offered by ness training to instruction in strategic
those who work for the executive may be crit- problem solving. Riggio and Lee (2007)
ically important in facilitating strategic self- provide an extensive review of techniques to
awareness and identifying areas for potential help executives develop the competencies
change. But feedback derived from others’ critical for effective leadership. The ques-
perceptions is typically insufficient in itself to tions, of course, are what techniques to

14 International Coaching Psychology Review ● Vol. 4 No. 1 March 2009

Coaching on the Dark Side

employ, where to begin, and how. In many The coach might design a programme of
cases, the answers to these questions will be role-playing, behaviour rehearsal, and grad-
shaped by the context of coaching, the uated practice to help the executive become
agreements reached between the client more appropriately assertive. This is a well
organization and the coach, etc. In other researched and widely accepted behavioural
cases, the coach will have more latitude in intervention for unassertive individuals. But
identifying both the targets for coaching and what if assessment of dysfunctional interper-
the intervention strategies employed. sonal dispositions reveals this executive be
There is considerable debate in the liter- highly Cautious? In this case the executive
ature on the difference between coaching would be influenced by fear of failure, aver-
and psychotherapy: is the coach a counsellor sion to risk, and expectations of criticism.
or a technical consultant on matters of Although behavioural techniques can some-
behaviour change (Hart, Blattner & Leipsic, times ‘work backward’ to modify existing
2001; Joo, 2005; Witherspoon & White, schemas, it is usually more effective to
1996)? Although there are differences address the schema directly using well estab-
between coaching and therapy (Gray, 2006; lished cognitive techniques (cf. Ducharme,
Levinson, 1996), effective coaches move 2004; Grieger & Fralick, 2007; Young et al.,
along the continuum between them to deal 2003). When the executive becomes aware of
with the needs of the executive and his/her his/her possible mistakes and flawed
organization. Further, the coach has a behaviour, behavioural interventions are
responsibility to identify and intervene with likely to be significantly more effective.
the factors most likely to enhance the execu- Thus, if a ‘dark side’ assessment indicates
tive’s leadership – despite what he, she, or that potential derailing patterns are ‘within
the organization think the executive’s needs normal limits’ a coach may use directive inter-
are. Any development target will be the ventions targeted to improving existing skills
product of several different causal processes. or the acquisition of new ones. In this case,
Coaching tends to emphasize proximal the coach may be functioning as a ‘technical
rather than distal causes (which are often consultant.’ But if the assessment reveals the
the focus of traditional psychotherapy). Even influence of distorted cognitive schemas,
so, a development issue can be cased by these will need to be addressed before
factors ranging from insufficient social skills behavioural interventions will be productive.
to faulty cognitive schemas. The distinction In this case, the distinction between coach
is important: skills development approaches and counselor blurs considerably.
will fail if the problems are a result of deficits
in intrapersonal self-regulation or flawed Conclusion
interpersonal strategies. Coaching is not Coaching is intended to help executives
simply ‘a technology followed by a formula’ become more effective leaders. Ineffective
(Schein, 2003, p.80). leadership is more common than many
Assessment provides the key for deciding believe, and bad leaders not only reduce the
between the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of executive productivity and profitability of the business
development. Consider an executive whose units for which they are responsible, they
multirater feedback indicates insufficient also create misery, anxiety, and hostility
‘forceful’ leadership. This person has diffi- among those who report to them. Person-
culty being appropriately assertive, setting ality predicts both effective and ineffective
clear expectations, and holding staff leadership. Dysfunctional characteristics –
accountable for their performance. Senior flawed interpersonal strategies that can
management fears that this talented execu- derail an executive’s career – are associated
tive may derail if she cannot find a balance with specific cognitive schemas that cause
between enabling and forceful leadership. the behaviour of self and others to be

International Coaching Psychology Review ● Vol. 4 No. 1 March 2009 15

Eric Nelson & Robert Hogan

perceived in maladaptive and unrealistic Correspondence

ways. Assessment of these ‘dark side’ charac- Eric Nelson & Robert Hogan
teristics facilitates coaching by enhancing Hogan Assessment Systems,
the coach’s ability to develop the coaching 2622 East 21st Street,
relationship according to the personality of Tulsa, OK 74114,
the executive, help the leader make sense of USA.
interpersonal experiences and multirater E-mail:
feedback, and target developmental inter- E-mail:
ventions to the specific needs and character-
istics of the executive.

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