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Chapter 8 (Page 396)

1. P8. 1
An automobile travels at 30 mph, which is also the speed of the center C of the tire (Figure P8.1). If the outer
radius of the tire is 15 in., determine the rotational velocity of the tire in the units of rad/s, deg/s, rps, and rpm.

Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 6

Draw the figure representing the automobile travelling at

2. Step 2 of 6
Convert of radius of tire in to SI system,

Convert speed of the vehicle in to SI units

Thus the speed of automobile is,

3. Step 3 of 6
Calculate the rotational velocity ω using the following relation.

Here, is the rotational velocity, is the speed of automobile, and is radius of tire.

Substitute for and for .

Therefore, rotational velocity of the automobile tire is .

4. Step 4 of 6

Convert the units of rotational velocity into .

From conversion factors between various units from angular velocity table,

The rotational velocity of the automobile is,

Therefore, the rotational velocity of the automobile tire is .

5. Step 5 of 6
Convert the rotational velocity units into .
From conversion factors between various units from angular velocity table,

The rotational velocity of the automobile is,

Therefore, rotational velocity of the automobile tire is .

6. Step 6 of 6
Convert the rotational velocity units into rpm.
From conversion factors between various units from angular velocity table,
The rotational velocity of the automobile is,

Therefore, the rotational velocity of the automobile tire is .

2. P8. 2
Assume that the tire in Problem P8.1 is now sitting on ice spinning with the same rotational velocity, but not
translating forward. Determine the velocities of points at the top of the tire and at the bottom of the tire where
it contacts the ice. Also, identify the direction of these velocities.
Reference: Problem P8.1
An automobile travels at 30 mph, which is also the speed of the center C of the tire (Figure P8.1). If the outer
radius of the tire is 15 in., determine the rotational velocity of the tire in the units of rad/s, deg/s, rps, and rpm.

Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 4

Draw the figure representing an automobile travelling at

2. Step 2 of 4
Convert radius of tire in to SI system using the factor,

Thus radius of tire in meters is,

Radius of the tire is

3. Step 3 of 4
Velocity at top and bottom of the tire is same, but in opposite direction. Velocity at top of the
tire is forward and velocity at bottom of the tire is in backward direction.
Calculate the velocity at top of the tire using the relation:

Here, is the rotational velocity, is velocity at top of the tire and is radius of tire

Substitute for and for in the above relation

Therefore velocity at top of the tire is

4. Step 4 of 4
Calculate the velocity at bottom of the tire using the relation:

Therefore the velocity at top of the tire is

3. P8. 3
The disk in a computer hard drive spins at 7200 rpm (Figure P8.3). At the radius of 30 mm, a stream of data is
magnetically written on the disk, and the spacing between data bits is 25 ??m. Determine the number of bits
per second that pass by the read/write head.
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 2
Convert rotational velocity units in to rad/s using conversion factors between various units for
angular velocity table,

Thus speed of the disk is,

Linear velocity of the disk at radius, v is given by

Here, is the rotational velocity, is the speed of the automobile and is radius of tire

Substitute for and for in the above relation

2. Step 2 of 2
Space between data bits is,

Calculate the number of bits per second using the relation:

Here, is the number of bits per second

Therefore the number of bits that pass by read/write head is

4. P8. 4
The lengths of the two links in the industrial robot are AB= 22 in. and BC = 18 in. (Figure P8.4). The angle
between the two links is held constant at 40o as the robot’s arm rotates about base A at 300 o /s. Calculate the
velocity of the center C of the robot’s gripper.

Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 4
Draw the figure representing the robot arm:

2. Step 2 of 4
Convert the units of speed in to rad/s using conversion factors between various units for
angular velocity table,
Thus the robot arm speed is,

3. Step 3 of 4
The angle between the two links is,

While rotating, angle between two links is fixed and effective arm length of point C about
rotating center point A is

Apply the law of cosines to calculate the length


Here , and are length of the links , and respectively.

Substitute for , for and for in equation (1)

4. Step 4 of 4
Calculate the velocity of center C of robot gripper using the relation:

Substitute for and for

Therefore velocity of the center C of the robot’s gripper is

5. P8. 5
For the industrial robot in Problem P8.4, assume that the robot arm stops rotating about base A. However, the
link BC begins to rotate about joint B. If link BC rotates 90o in 0.2 s, calculate the velocity of point C.
Reference: Problem P8.4
The lengths of the two links in the industrial robot are AB= 22 in. and BC = 18 in. (Figure P8.4). The angle
between the two links is held constant at 40o as the robot’s arm rotates about base A at 300 o /s. Calculate the
velocity of the center C of the robot’s gripper.

Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 4
Draw the free body diagram of the industrial robot

2. Step 2 of 4
Calculate the Speed of link BC about B,

Angle rotated by link BC about point B,

Time taken to rotate angle ,

Substitute and

3. Step 3 of 4
Conversion of speed units in to rad/s
From conversion factors between various units for angular velocity table,

Robot arm speed,

4. Step 4 of 4
When the link BC is rotating about B, calculate the Velocity of the center C,

Length of link BC,

Substitute and

Velocity of the center C of the robot’s gripper is

6. P8. 6
Problem P8.6
The driving disk spins at a constant 280 rpm clockwise (Figure P8.6). Determine the velocity of the connecting
pin at A. Also, does the collar at B move with constant velocity? Explain your answer.
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 3
Obtain the following conversion factor from Table 8.1, “Conversion factors between
various units for angular velocity table” in the text book.

Convert the speed of the disk from rpm to rad/s.

2. Step 2 of 3
Calculate the velocity of the connecting pin using equation (8.2) in the text book.

Here, is radius of the disk at which connecting pin is attached.

Substitute and .

Therefore, velocity of the connecting pin at A is .

3. Step 3 of 3
Velocity of point B (collar):
When point A moves down the right hand side of the disk, the collar B moves to the right
When point A moves from the bottom of the disk to the left hand side, the collar starts to
move back to the left. For changing directions, the collar must come to a stop always.
Suppose if the collar changes direction, it accelerates in the opposite direction until it slows
down to an instantaneous stop and then changes direction again.
Therefore, the collar doesn’t move with constant velocity.
7. P8. 7
A gasoline-powered engine produces 15 hp as it drives a water pump at a construction site. If the engine’s
speed is 450 rpm, determine the torque T that is transmitted from the output shaft of the engine to the pump.
Express your answer in the units of .
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 4
Conversion of engine power in to SI system.

Engine power, P

2. Step 2 of 4
Conversion of speed units in to rad/s
From conversion factors between various units for angular velocity table,

Engine speed, ?

3. Step 3 of 4
Torque transmitted from the output shaft of the engine to the pump, T is given by

Substitute and

Therefore, Torque transmitted to pump is

4. Step 4 of 4
Conversion of torque in to FPS unit system
Torque in FPS system,

Therefore, Torque transmitted to pump is

8. P8. 8

A small automobile engine produces of torque at 2100 rpm. Determine the engine’s power
output in the units of kW and hp.
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 2
Conversion of speed units rpm into rad/s
From conversion factors between various units for angular velocity table,

Engine speed, ?

2. Step 2 of 2
Calculate the engine output power,

Torque, T

Substitute and

Therefore, Engine output power is

Convert of engine power units in to FPS system

Conversion factor
Engine power, P
Therefore, Engine output power is

9. P8. 9
A diesel engine for marine propulsion applications produces a maximum power of 900 hp and torque of
5300 . Determine the engine speed necessary for this production in rpm.
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 3
Conversion of engine power in to SI system

Conversion factor

2. Step 2 of 3
Calculate the engine speed,

Substitute and

Therefore, Engine speed necessary for developing required power is

3. Step 3 of 3
Conversion of rotational velocity unit’s rad/s in to rpm
From conversion factors between various units for angular velocity table,
Therefore, engine speed necessary for developing required power is

10. P8. 10
A diesel engine for on-highway construction applications produces 350 hp at 1800 rpm. Determine the torque
produced by the engine at this speed in
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 4
Conversion of engine power units in to SI system

Conversion factor
Engine power, P

2. Step 2 of 4
Conversion of speed units in to rad/s
From conversion factors between various units for angular velocity table,

Engine speed, ?

3. Step 3 of 4
Calculate the torque produced by the engine,

Therefore, Torque produced by the engine is

4. Step 4 of 4
Conversion of torque in to FPS unit system

Convert Torque in FPS system,

Therefore, Torque produced by the engine is

11. P8. 11
A child pushes a merry-go-round by applying a force tangential to the platform (Figure P8.11). To maintain a
constant rotational speed of 40 rpm, the child must exert a constant force of 90 N to overcome the slowing
effects of friction in the bearings and platform. Calculate the power exerted by the child in horsepower to
operate the merry-go-round. The diameter of the platform is 8 ft.

Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 3
Conversion of speed unit’s rpm in to rad/s
From conversion factors between various units for angular velocity table,

Rotational speed of the platform, ?

2. Step 2 of 3
Calculate radius of the platform, r

Diameter of the platform,

Conversion of radius units in to SI system

Radius of the platform, r is given by

3. Step 3 of 3
Calculate the Power exerted by the child,


Force at circumference of the platform,

Substitute , ,

Therefore, Power exerted by the child on platform is

12. P8. 12
The torque produced by a 2.5-L automobile engine operating at full throttle was measured over a range of
speeds (Figure P8.12). By using this graph of torque as a function of the engine’s speed, prepare a second
graph to show how the power output of the engine (in the units of hp) changes with speed (in rpm).
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 5
Extract data from graph is tabulated below.

Speed, rpm Torque, ft·lb

2000 130

2500 135

3000 135

3500 135

4000 130

4500 130

5000 130

5500 123

6000 105

2. Step 2 of 5
Conversion of speed units in to rad/s
From conversion factors between various units for angular velocity table,

Conversion factor
Engine speed, ?

3. Step 3 of 5
Calculate the Engine power,

Substitute and

Conversion of power units in to hp

Conversion factor
Engine power, P

4. Step 4 of 5
Performing similar calculations at remaining speeds, results are tabulated below.

Speed, rpm Torque, ft·lb Speed, rad/s Power, ft·lb/s Power, hp

2000 130 209.40 27222.00 49.49

2500 135 261.75 35336.25 64.24

3000 135 314.10 42403.50 77.09

3500 135 366.45 49470.75 89.94

4000 130 418.80 54444.00 98.98

4500 130 471.15 61249.50 111.35

5000 130 523.50 68055.00 123.72

5500 123 575.85 70829.55 128.77

6000 105 628.20 65961.00 119.92

5. Step 5 of 5
From the results of above table, plot graph between output power in hp and engine speed in

13. P8. 13
A spur gearset has been designed with the following specifications:
Pinion gear: number of teeth = 32, diameter = 3.2 in.
Output gear: number of teeth = 96, diameter = 8.0 in.
Determine whether this gearset will operate smoothly.
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 2
For smooth running of gear set module on both gears must be same
Check whether the module of pinion gear and module of output gear are same or not
Calculate the module of pinion gear,


Number of teeth on pinion gear,

Diameter of pinion gear,

Substitute and

Therefore, the module of pinion gear is

2. Step 2 of 2

Calculate the Module of output gear,


Number of teeth on output gear,

Diameter of output gear,

Substitute and

Module of pinion gear is

Hence modules on both gears are not same. So, gear set will not run smoothly.

14. P8. 14
The radius of an input pinion is 3.8 cm, and the radius of an output gear is 11.4 cm. Calculate the velocity and
torque ratios of the gearset.
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 2
Calculate the velocity ratio of gear set,


Radius of pinion gear,

Radius of output gear,

Substitute and

Therefore, the velocity ratio of gear set is

2. Step 2 of 2
Calculate the Torque ratio


Therefore, the Torque ratio of gear set is

15. P8. 15
The torque ratio of a gearset is 0.75. The pinion gear has 36 teeth and a diametral pitch of 8. Determine the
number of teeth on the output gear and the radii of both gears.
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 3
Find the diameter of pinion gear by using the equation

Here, Number of teeth on pinion gear is and diametral pitch of the gear is p
Substitute and in the above equation

Find the radius of the pinion gear

Therefore, the radius of pinion gear is

2. Step 2 of 3
Output gear diameter dg can be expressed in terms of torque ratio and pinion gear diameter as

Here, Torque ratio is TR

Substitute and in the above equation to obtain diameter of output


Find the radius of the output gear

Therefore, the radius of output gear is

3. Step 3 of 3
Find the number of teeth on output gear

Substitute and in the above equation

Therefore, the number of teeth on output gear is

16. P8. 16
You are designing a geartrain with three spur gears: one input gear, one idler gear, and one output gear. The
diametral pitch for the geartrain is 16. The diameter of the input gear needs to be twice the diameter of the idler
gear and three times the diameter of the output gear. The entire geartrain needs to fit into a rectangular
footprint of no larger than 16 in. high and 24 in. long. Determine an appropriate number of teeth and diameter
of each gear.
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 5
Draw the diagram of gear arrangement:

2. Step 2 of 5
Find the diameter of pinion by using the following equation:
The sum of 3 gears diameters must be less than 24 in.

Here, Diameter of idler gear is , Diameter of output gear is and pinion gear diameter

Substitute and in the equation

Diameter of the pinion (input) gear must be less than 13.1 in. So, take the diameter of pinion
gear is 12 in.
Maximum height of gear train footprint is diameter of input gear and it is less than 16 in.
3. Step 3 of 5
Find the number of teeth on pinion gear by using the following equation:

Here, diametral pitch of the gear train is p

Substitute and in the equation

Therefore, the number of teeth on pinion gear is .

4. Step 4 of 5
Find the diameter of idler gear by using the following equation:

Substitute in the equation

Therefore, the diameter of idler gear is

Find the number of teeth on idler gear by using the following equation:

Substitute and in the equation

Therefore, the number of teeth on idler gear is .

5. Step 5 of 5
Find the diameter of output gear by using the following equation:

Substitute in the equation

Therefore, the diameter of output gear is
Find the number of teeth on output gear by using the following equation:

Substitute and in the equation

Therefore, the number of teeth on output gear is

17. P8. 17
The helical gears in the simple geartrain have teeth numbers as labeled (Figure P8.17). The central gear rotates
at 125 rpm and drives the two output shafts. Determine the speeds and rotation directions of each shaft.

Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 6
Draw the diagrams of gear arrangement:

2. Step 2 of 6
3. Step 3 of 6
Find the speed of idler gear 1 by using the equation

Here, Number of teeth on input gear is , Number of teeth on output gear 1is and

Speed of input gear is

Substitute 60 for , 70 for and in the equation

Therefore, the speed of idler gear1 is and it rotates in anticlockwise direction.

4. Step 4 of 6
Find the speed of output gear 1 by using the equation

Here, Number of teeth on output gear 1 is

Substitute 45 for , 70 for and in the equation

Therefore, the speed of output gear 1 is and it rotates in clockwise direction.

5. Step 5 of 6
Find the speed of idler gear 2 by using the equation
Here, Number of teeth on idler gear 2 is

Substitute 60 for , 35 for and in the equation

Therefore, the speed of idler gear2 is and it rotates in anticlockwise direction.

6. Step 6 of 6
Find the speed of output gear 2 by using the equation

Here, Number of teeth on output gear 2 is

Substitute 85 for , 35 for and in the equation

Therefore, the speed of output gear 2 is and it rotates in clockwise direction.

18. P8. 18
The spur gears in the compound geartrain have teeth numbers as labeled
(Figure P8.18).
(a) Determine the speed and rotation direction of the output shaft.
(b) If the geartrain transfers 4 hp of power, calculate the torques applied to the input and output shafts.
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 5
Draw the diagrams of gear arrangement:

2. Step 2 of 5
Find the speed of compound gear 1 by using the equation

Here, Number of teeth on input gear is , number of teeth on compound gear 1 is and
Speed of input gear,

Substitute 50 for , 30 for and in the equation

Therefore, the speed of the compound gear 1 is and its direction is clockwise.
Compound gear 1 and compound gear 2 are mounted on same shaft and hence speeds of both
gears are equal
The speed of compound gear 2 is

3. Step 3 of 5
Find the speed of output shaft by using the equation

Here, number of teeth on compound gear 2 is and number of teeth on output gear is

Substitute 40 for , 25 for and in the equation

Therefore, the speed of output gear is and rotates in clockwise direction.

4. Step 4 of 5
Convert the units power form hp to kW
Conversion of engine power in to SI system

Engine power of the gear train is

Convert units input shaft speed rmp to rad/s

From conversion factors between various units for angular velocity table,

Input shaft speed is

5. Step 5 of 5
Find the torque applied at input shaft by using the equation

Substitute for P and in the equation

Therefore, the torque applied at input shaft is

Convert units output shaft speed rmp to rad/s
From conversion factors between various units for angular velocity table,

Output shaft speed is

Find the torque applied at output shaft by using the equation

Substitute for P and in the equation

Therefore, the torque applied at output shaft is

19. P8. 19
The disk in a computer’s magnetic hard drive spins about its center spindle while the recording head C reads
and writes data (Figure P8.19). The head is positioned above a specific data track by the arm, which pivots
about its bearing at B. As the actuator motor A turns through a limited angle of rotation, its 6-mm-radius pinion
rotates along the arc-shaped segment, which has a radius of 52 mm about B. If the actuator motor turns at 3000
deg/s over a small range of motion during a track-to-track seek operation, calculate the speed of the read/write
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 3
Convert units the pinion speed rmp to rad/s
From conversion factors between various units for angular velocity table,

Actuator pinion speed is

2. Step 2 of 3
Find the speed of arc-shaped segment by using the equation

Here, radius of actuator motor pinion is and radius of arc-shaped segment is

Substitute and in the equation

Arc shaped segment and reading head are mounted on same part and hence speeds of both are
Therefore, the speed of the recording head is
3. Step 3 of 3
Find the velocity of recording head by using the equation

Here, Length of recording head is

Substitute and in the equation

Therefore, the velocity of recording head is

20. P8. 20
For the compound geartrain, obtain an equation for the velocity and torque ratios in terms of the numbers of
teeth labeled in Figure P8.20.

Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 5
Draw the arrangement compound gear train having 8 gears:
2. Step 2 of 5
Consider the gear 1 and gear 2 and apply gear ratio equation

Here, number of teeth of gear 1 is , number of teeth of gear 2 is , speed of the gear 1
is and speed of the gear 2 is

Re-write the above equation for

Gear 2 and 3 are mounted on same shaft and hence the speeds of both gears are equal.
Speed of the gear 3 is

3. Step 3 of 5
Consider the gear 3 and gear 4 and apply gear ratio equation

Here, number of teeth of gear 3 is , number of teeth of gear 4 is , speed of the gear 3
is and speed of the gear 4 is

Re-write the above equation for

Substitute in the equation

Gear 4 and 5 are mounted on same shaft and hence the speeds of both gears are equal.
Speed of the gear 5 is

4. Step 4 of 5
Consider the gear 5 and gear 6 and apply gear ratio equation

Here, number of teeth of gear 5 is , number of teeth of gear 6 is , speed of the gear 5
is and speed of the gear 6 is

Re-write the above equation for

Substitute in the equation

Gear 6 and 7 are mounted on same shaft and hence the speeds of both gears are equal.
Speed of the gear 7 is

Consider the gear 7 and gear 8 and apply gear ratio equation

Here, number of teeth of gear 7 is , number of teeth of gear 8 is , speed of the gear 7
is and speed of the gear 8 is
Re-write the above equation for

Substitute in the equation

5. Step 5 of 5
Find the velocity ratio by using the ratio of output speed to input speed.


Therefore, the velocity ratio of gear train is

Find the torque ratio (TR) is inverse of velocity ratio.

Therefore, the Torque ratio of the gear train is t

21. P8. 21
In the motorized rack-and-pinion system in a milling machine, the pinion has 50 teeth and a pitch radius of
0.75 in. (Figure P8.21). Over a certain range of its motion, the motor turns at 800 rpm.
(a) Determine the horizontal velocity of the rack.

(b) If a peak torque of is supplied by the motor, determine the pulling force that is produced in the
rack and transferred to the milling machine
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 5
Draw the gear and pinion mechanism.
2. Step 2 of 5

3. Step 3 of 5
Convert units of speed from rpm in to rad/s.
From conversion factors between various units for angular velocity table:

Find the engine speed.

Convert the units of radius inches to meters.

Find the radius of the pinion.

4. Step 4 of 5
Find the horizontal velocity of rack.

Substitute and .

Therefore, the velocity of rack is

5. Step 5 of 5

Convert the units of torque to

Torque of the pinion is

Find the pulling force produced in the rack.

Substitute and

Therefore, the pulling force produced in the rack is

22. P8. 22
Two gears, whose centers are 1.5 m apart, are connected by a belt. Thesmaller 0.40-m diameter gear is rotating
with an angular velocity of 50 rad/s.Calculate the angular velocity of the larger 1.1-m diameter gear.
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 1
Find the angular velocity of larger gear by using the equation

Here, Diameter of smaller gear is , diameter of larger gear is and Angular velocity of
smaller gear is

Substitute and in the equation

Therefore, the angular velocity of larger gear is

23. P8. 23
The world distance record for riding a standard bicycle in 1 h is 49.70 km, set in 2005 in Russia (Figure
P8.23). A fixed-gear bike was used, which means that the bike effectively had only one gear. Assuming that
the rider pedaled at a constant speed, how fast did the rider pedal the front gear/sprocket in rpm to achieve this

Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 3

Convert the unit’s speed of bicycle to m/s

Conversion factor is

Speed of bicycle is
Therefore, the speed of the bicycle is
2. Step 2 of 3
Find the rotational velocity of Rear wheel by using the equation

Here, Radius of rear wheel is and Speed of the standard bicycle is v

Substitute and in the equation

Speed of rear gear is same as rear wheel because rear gear is fixed to rear wheel

3. Step 3 of 3
Find the rotational velocity of front gear by using the equation

Here, number of teeth on rear gear is and number of teeth on front gear is

Convert the units of rotational velocity in to rpm

From conversion factors between various units for angular velocity table

Speed of front gear is

Therefore, the speed of front gear is

24. P8. 24
A motor running at 3000 rpm is connected to an output sheave through aV-belt. The output sheave drives a
separate conveyer belt at 1000 rpm. Thedistance between the centers of the motor and output sheaves should
be atleast 12 in. but no more than 24 in. There should be at least 4 in. of clearancebetween the sheaves as well.
Determine appropriate diameters for the motorand output sheaves.
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 3
Find the expression for radius of output sheave by using ratio of output to input sheave radius

Here, speed of input sheave is , speed of output sheave is ,radius of output sheave
is and radius of input sheave is

Substitute and in the equation

…… (1)
2. Step 2 of 3
Center distance between two sheaves is sum of input sheave radius, output sheave radius and
clearance between sheaves.

Here, center distance between two sheaves is C and clearance between sheaves is

Substitute and

For satisfying center distance and clearance conditions radius of input sheave is 2 in
Find the diameter of input sheave
Therefore, the diameter of input sheave is
3. Step 3 of 3

Substitute in the equation (1)

Find the diameter of input sheave

Therefore, the diameter of output sheave is

25. P8. 25
(a) By directly examining sprockets and counting their numbers of teeth,determine the velocity ratio between
the (input) pedal crank andthe (output) rear wheel for your multiple-speed bicycle, a friend’s,or a family
member’s. Make a table to show how the velocity ratiochanges depending on which sprocket is selected in the
front andback of the chain drive. Tabulate the velocity ratio for each speedsetting.
(b) For a bicycle speed of 15 mph, determine the rotational speeds of thesprockets and the speed of the chain
for one of the chain drive’s speedsettings. Show in your calculations how the units of the various termsare
converted to obtain a dimensionally consistent result.
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 6
Following data obtained from multiple speed cycle.

Number of teeth on front sprocket,

Number of teeth on rear sprocket 1,

Number of teeth on rear sprocket 2,

Number of teeth on rear sprocket 3,

Number of teeth on rear sprocket 4,

Radius of Rear wheel,

2. Step 2 of 6
(a) Calculate the Velocity ratio for initial speed setting by using the following equation

For cycle, front sprocket as input and rear sprocket as output

Substitute, 53 for , 23 for

Tabulate calculated Velocity ratios for remaining speed settings as shown below:

Speed setting No of teeth on front sprocket No of teeth on rear sprocket Velocity ratio

1 53 23 0.434

2 53 19 0.358

3 53 14 0.264

4 53 11 0.208

3. Step 3 of 6

(b) Velocity of the cycle,

Convert the units of Speed of cycle from to ,v

Speed of the cycle is 6.705 m/s

4. Step 4 of 6
Calculate the Speed of the wheel, ?w by using the following equation:

Substitute, for v, for

Since, rear sprockets are fixed to rear wheel, speed of rear wheel and rear sprocket will be
5. Step 5 of 6
Assume cycle is running with speed setting 1; calculate speed of front sprocket by using the
following equation

Substitute, 53 for , 23 for , for

For cycle speed of 15 mph, speed of the front sprocket (in ) with speed setting 1
6. Step 6 of 6
From conversion factors between various units for angular velocity table,

Convert the units of rotational velocity from to rpm

For cycle speed of 15 mph, speed of the front sprocket (in rpm) with speed setting 1


26. P8. 26
Estimate the velocity ratio between the (input) engine and the (output)drive wheels for your automobile (or a
friend’s or a family member’s) inseveral different transmission settings. You will need to know the
engine’sspeed (as read on the tachometer), the vehicle’s speed (on the speedometer),and the outer diameter of
the wheels. Show in your calculations how theunits of the various terms are converted to obtain a
dimensionally consistentresult.
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 5
Data obtained from a car:

Radius of the outer wheel,

Speed of the engine,

Velocity of a car at gear setting 1,

Velocity of a car at gear setting 2,

Velocity of a car at gear setting 3,

Velocity of a car at gear setting 4,

Velocity of a car at gear setting 5,

Velocity of a car at gear setting 6,

2. Step 2 of 5

Convert the units of Speed of cycle from to ,

Speed of the car with gear setting 1 is 3.444 m/s

3. Step 3 of 5
Calculate Speed of the outer wheel ?1 by using the following equation

Substitute, for , for r

From conversion factors between various units for angular velocity table,

Convert the units of rotational velocity from to rpm

At engine speed 1000 rpm, with gear setting 1, wheel rotates at 99 rpm.
4. Step 4 of 5
Calculate the Velocity ratio, VR1 by using the following equation

Substitute, for , for

Velocity ratio at gear setting 1 is 0.099
5. Step 5 of 5
Tabulate calculated Velocity ratio for remaining gear settings as shown below.

Gear Engine Car velocity, Speed of Speed of Velocity
setting speed, rpm kmph wheel, rad/s wheel, rpm ratio

1 1000 12.4 3.444 10.37 99.07 0.099

2 1000 17.7 4.917 14.81 141.41 0.141

3 1000 25.6 7.111 21.42 204.53 0.205

4 1000 36.5 10.139 30.54 291.62 0.292

5 1000 43.6 12.111 36.48 348.34 0.348

6 1000 65.3 18.139 54.64 521.71 0.522

27. P8. 27
In a two-speed gearbox (Figure P8.27, see on page 404), the lower shaft has splines, and it can slide
horizontally as an operator moves the shift fork. Design the transmission and choose the number of teeth on
each gear to produce velocity ratios of approximately 0.8 (in first gear) and 1.2 (in second gear). Select gears
having only even numbers of teeth between 40 and 80. Note that a constraint exists on the sizes of the gears so
that the locations of the shaft’s centers are the same in the first and second gears.
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 3
In first gear, gear 1 and gear 2 meshes, and velocity ratio is

Here, Number of teeth on gear 1 is , Number of teeth on gear 1 is

Number of teeth must be even number, should be in between 40 and 80. Assume N2 as 50,
Number of teeth on gear 1 is

Number of teeth on gear 1 is

2. Step 2 of 3
In second gear, gear 3 and gear 4 meshes, and velocity ratio is
Here, Number of teeth on gear 3 is , Number of teeth on gear 4 is
Number of teeth must be even number, should be in between 40 and 80. Assuming N4 as 40,
Number of teeth on gear 3 is

Number of teeth on gear 3 is 48

3. Step 3 of 3
Centre distance between gear 1 and 2 (C12) and Gear 3 and 4 (C34) are same. Module, ma of
gear 1 and 2 must be same. Module, mb of gear 3 and 4 must be same.

28. P8. 28
The geartrain in the transmission for the Segway® Personal Transporter uses helical gears to reduce noise and
vibration (Figure P8.28). The vehicle’s wheels have a diameter of 48 cm, and it has a top speed of 12.5 mph.
a) Each gearset was designed to have a noninteger gear ratio so that the teeth mesh at different points from
revolution to revolution, therefore reducing wear and extending the transmission’s life. What is the velocity
ratio at each mesh point?
(b) What is the velocity ratio for the entire geartrain?
(c) In the units of rpm, how fast does the motor’s shaft turn at top speed?
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 6
(a) Velocity ratio at mesh point
Calculate Velocity ratio at mesh point 1 (where, input gear and compound gear 1 are
meshing) by using the following equation

Here, Number of teeth on input gear is , Number of teeth on input gear is

Substitute, 15 for , 68 for

Therefore, Velocity ratio at mesh point 1 is

2. Step 2 of 6
Calculate Velocity ratio at mesh point 2 (where, compound gear 2 and output gear are
meshing) by using the following equation

Here, Number of teeth on output , Number of teeth on compound gear 2 is

Substitute, 17 for , 91 for

Therefore, Velocity ratio at mesh point 2 is

3. Step 3 of 6
(b) Calculate Velocity ratio of compound gear train VR by using the following equation

Substitute, for , for

Therefore, Velocity ratio of entire gear train is

4. Step 4 of 6

Convert the units of Speed of vehicle from to ,

Therefore, Speed of the vehicle is

5. Step 5 of 6
Calculate Rotational speed of wheel ?w by using the following equation

Here, Diameter of wheel is d

Substitute, for , for d

Since, wheel is fixed to output gear shaft, speed of the wheel and output gear will be same.

6. Step 6 of 6
Calculate Speed of input shaft ?i by using the following equation

Substitute, for , 0.041 for VR

From conversion factors between various units for angular velocity table,
Convert the units of rotational velocity from to rpm

Rotational velocity (?) of the input shaft is.

29. P8. 29
The mechanism that operates the load/unload tray for holding the disk in a tabletop Blu-rayTMplayer uses nylon
spur gears, a rack, and a belt drive (Figure P8.29). The gear that meshes with the rack has a module of 2.5 mm.
The gears have the numbers of teeth indicated, and the two sheaves have diameters of 7 mm and 17 mm. The
rack is connected to the tray that holds the disk. For the tray to move at 0.1 m/s, how fast must the motor turn?

Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 5
Draw the gear and motor assembly as shown below:

2. Step 2 of 5
Calculate Radius of pinion in terms of module and number of teeth by using the following

Here, Module of rack is m, Number of teeth on pinion is

Substitute, for m, 14 for

Velocity of pinion gear at mesh point is same as velocity of rack.

Calculate the Angular velocity of pinion with respect to velocity of tray (rack) by using the
following equation

Here, Velocity of rack is v

Substitute, for v, for

Therefore, the Speed of pinion gear is

3. Step 3 of 5
Gear 2 and pinion are mounted on same shaft; both will rotate at same speed.

Gear 1 and gear 2 are meshing; calculate speed of gear 1 by using the following equation

Here, Number of teeth on gear 1 is , Number of teeth on gear 2 is

Gear 1 and output sheave are mounted on same shaft; speeds of both will be same.

4. Step 4 of 5
Motor sheave and output sheave are connected by belt; calculate the speed of motor sheave
by using the following equation

Here, Diameter of output sheave is , Diameter of input sheave is

Substitute, for , for

For the tray to move at 0.1 m/s, motor should rotate with a speed ( )of
5. Step 5 of 5
Conversion of rotational velocity units in to rpm
From conversion factors between various units for angular velocity table,

Convert the units of rotational velocity from to rpm

For the tray to move at 0.1 m/s, motor should rotate with a speed (rpm) of

30. P8. 30
Explain why the number of teeth on the ring gear in a planetary geartrain is related to the sizes of the sun and
planet gears by the equation Nr = Ns + 2Np.
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 3
Draw the gear train as shown below:
2. Step 2 of 3
Sun gear and planet are meshing, so module of both gears must be same. Similarly planet gear
and ring gear are meshing; module of both gears must be same. Hence all three gears must
have same module.
Module, m is

Here, Number of teeth on gear is N, Radius of ring gear is , Number of teeth on Sun gear is
, Radius of sun gear is , Number of teeth on planet gear is , Radius of planet gear
3. Step 3 of 3
From above gear train diagram, radius of ring gear is sum of radius of sun gear and two times
the radius of planet gear

Here, Number of teeth on ring gear is ,

Therefore, Relationship between number of teeth on ring gear, sun gear and planet gear

31. P8. 31
A planetary geartrain with Ns = 48 and Np = 30 uses the carrier and ring gear as inputs and the sun gear as
output. When viewed from the right-hand side in Figure 8.36, the hollow carrier shaft is driven at 1200 rpm
clockwise, and the shaft for the ring gear is driven at 1000 rpm counterclockwise.
(a) Determine the speed and rotation direction of the sun gear.
(b) Repeat the calculation for the case in which the carrier is instead driven counterclockwise at 2400 rpm.
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 4
Draw the gear train arrangement as shown below:

2. Step 2 of 4
(a) Relationship between number of teeth on ring gear, sun gear and planet gear is

Substitute, 48 for , 30 for

Number of teeth on ring gear is

3. Step 3 of 4
Calculate Form factor by using following equation

Substitute, 108 for , 48 for

Relationship between speeds of sun gear, carrier and ring gear is:

Substitute, 2.25 for n, for , for

Therefore, Speed of sun gear, is and rotates in clockwise direction.

4. Step 4 of 4

(b) Speed of carrier shaft,

Relationship between speeds of sun gear, carrier and ring gear is :

Substitute, 2.25 for n, for , for

Therefore, Speed of sun gear, is and rotates in counterclockwise direction.

32. P8. 32
Rolling element bearings (Section 4.6) are analogous to the layout of a balanced planetary geartrain (Figure
P8.32, see on page 406). The rotations of the rollers, separator, inner race, and outer race are similar to those of
the planets, carrier, sun gear, and ring gear, respectively, in a planetary geartrain. The outer race of the straight
roller bearing shown is held by a pillow-block mount. The inner race supports a shaft that rotates at 1800 rpm.
The radii of the inner and outer races are Ri = 0.625 in. and Ro = 0.875 in. In the units of ms, how long does it
take for roller 1 to orbit the shaft and return to the topmost position in the bearing? Does the roller orbit in a
clockwise or counterclockwise direction?
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 4

Relationship between inner race, outer race and roller ( ) radius is

Substitute, for , for

Radius of roller is
2. Step 2 of 4
Calculate Form factor, n by using the following equation

Substitute, for , for

Relationship between speeds of inner race (?i), outer race (?o) and separator (?se) is given by

Substitute, -1800 rpm for , 0 for , 1.4 for n

Speed of the separator is in same direction in which inner race rotates.
3. Step 3 of 4
Time taken t, for 1 orbit of roller about shaft is,

Time take for 1 orbit of roller about shaft is

4. Step 4 of 4
Roller will rotate in the direction of opposite to the inner race i.e.., in clockwise direction.
Because there is no slip between inner race and both external surfaces are in mesh.

33. P8. 33
The ring gear on a planetary geartrain similar to Figure 8.38 has 60 teeth and is rotating clockwise at 120 rpm.
The planet and sun gears are identically sized. The sun gear is rotating clockwise at 150 rpm. Calculate the
speed and rotation direction of the carrier.

Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 4
Draw the gear train arrangement as shown below:
2. Step 2 of 4
Relationship between number of teeth on ring gear, sun gear and planet gear

Number of teeth on planet gear and sun gear are same,

Calculate the Number of teeth on sun gear, Ns

Therefore, the Number of teeth on sun gear is

3. Step 3 of 4
Calculate Form factor by using the equation

Substitute, 60 for , 20 for

4. Step 4 of 4
Calculate Speed of the carrier, (?c) by using the following equation

Substitute, for , 3 for n, for

Therefore, Speed of the carrier is and rotates in clockwise direction.

34. P8. 34
(a) The shaft of the sun gear in the planetary geartrain is held stationary by a brake (Figure P8.34). Determine
the relationship between the rotational speeds of the shafts for the ring gear and carrier. Do those shafts rotate
in the same direction or opposite directions?
(b) Repeat the exercise for the case in which the ring gear shaft is instead held stationary.
(c) Repeat the exercise for the case in which the carrier shaft is instead held stationary.

Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 4
Draw the gear train as shown below:

Relationship between speeds of sun gear ?s, carrier ?c and ring gear ?r is given by,

2. Step 2 of 4

a) Sun gear is fixed,

Relationship between speeds of sun gear, carrier and ring gear is,

Here, speed of sun gear is , speed of ring gear is , speed of carrier gear is
Therefore, Ratio of speed of ring gear to carrier in terms of form factor n is and both
rotate in same direction.
3. Step 3 of 4

b) Ring gear is fixed,

Relationship between speeds of sun gear, carrier and ring gear is given by,

Therefore, Ratio of speed of Sun gear to carrier in terms of form factor n is and both
rotate in same direction.
4. Step 4 of 4

c) Carrier shaft is fixed,

Relationship between speeds of sun gear, carrier and ring gear is,

Therefore, Ratio of speed of Sun gear to ring gear in terms of form factor n is and both
rotates in opposite direction.

35. P8. 35
In one of the planetary geartrain configurations used in automotive automatic transmissions, the shafts for the
sun gear and carrier are connected and turn at the same speed (Figure P8.35). In terms of the geartrain’s
form factor n, determine the speed of the ring gear’s shaft for this configuration.
Step-by-step solution
1. Step 1 of 2
Draw the diagram representation of planetary gear train:

2. Step 2 of 2

The speed of the sun gear is

The speed of the carrier is

Speed of ring gear is

The speed of the sun gear is equal to the speed of the carrier

Find the speed of ring gear by using the expression is

Here, geartrain’s form factor is

Substitute in the equation

Therefore, the speed of ring gear is and rotate in same direction.

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