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Yasmin Sophia Lomboy

BSEd 4-1 English

Detailed Lesson Plan
The world is an apple
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
1. Analyze the characters in the play
2. Discuss the key points in the play The world is an apple
3. Relate the play in the social context
4. II. Subject Matter
Topic: The world is an apple
Materials: Textbook, Visual aid, Powerpoint presentation and Marker

III. Teaching Strategies

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preparation
I. Routinary Activities
I.1 Greetings
Good Morning Class!
Good Morning Ma’am!
1.2 Prayer
May I request everyone to stand?
Marie joy, will you to lead the
(Marie Joy will go in front and lead the prayer)

Thank you Marie joy,

Before you sit kindly pick up the
pieces of papers under your chair.
(The students will pick up the pieces of papers)
I.3 Checking of Attendance
You may now take your seat. Let us
Check who are the absents today.
Whose absent on the first row?
Ma’am none
How about on the second row?
Ma’am none
On the last row?
Ma’am none
Very good, it is good to know that all of you
are present today.

2. Review
Class, do you still remember the story last meeting?
Yes Ma’am
Very good!
Will you tell me what is the title of the story
last meeting?
Ma’am the title of the story last meeting was
New Yorker in Tondo.
Very good!
Who is the author of the story?
Ma’am the author of the story is _______ .
That’s correct!
Who are the main characters of the story?
Ma’am the main characters of the story are
Very good!
It is good to know that you still remember
the story last meeting.

3. Motivation
As we go to our main topic today. I
want you to take a look in this picture. Will
you describe what is this photo?

Ma’am the photo is Adam and Eve in the

Very good!
Who are Adam and Eve?
Ma’am they are the first man and woman that
God created.
Very good!
Now tell me what are Adam and Eve doing
in this picture?
Ma’am they are eating fruit.

Very good!
What is that tree?
It is the forbidden tree. They can eat every
fruits around except that tree.
But what did they do?
Ma’am they still ate the fruit because the snake
tempted Eve.
Very good!
After eating the fruit, what God did?
Ma’am God sent them out.
Very good!
So class that is what happened
to Adam and Eve after they violated the order.

B. Lesson Proper

The reason I showed you that picture

is that, because there is a connection
with our story today. Here are the guide questions
that we’ll be answering later on.

1. What are the conflicts found in the story?

2. What do apple symbolizes in the
story? Justify your answer.
3. What do you think is the theme of the story?
Justify your answer.
4. Why do you think that the story is entitled
“The world is an apple”?
Have you read the
reading assignment that your teacher gave
you last meeting?
Yes ma’am.
What is the title of the play?
Ma’am the title of the play is The world is an
Very good!
So class the story was written by Alberto S. Florentino.
Before we proceed to our lesson let us start to
discuss the characters and how they play. Who
are the characters of the story?
Ma’am the characters of the story are Mario,
Gloria, Tita and Pablo.
So who is Mario in the story?
He is the father in the play, the husband of
Gloria. He is known to be bad before but he
changed for his family but eventually he went
back to his bad deeds.
Thank you! Next is Gloria, who is Gloria
in the story?
Gloria is the wife of Mario, she is kind and
lovable. She wants a simple life yet decent.
Very good!
So, next one is Tita. Who is Tita in the play?
Ma’am she is the daughter of Mario and Gloria
in the play, she is ill because she barely eats
nutritious foods.
Very good!
And the last one is Mario. Who is Mario in the play?
Ma’am Mario in the play is an evil man. He
wants easy and dishonest money.
Thank you.
So basically class the play talks about Mario
who kicked out in his job because when Mario took
Tita out for a walk on their way home they
passed a grocery that sold “delicious”
apples at seventy centavos each. Tita wanted
Mario to buy one for her but Mario did not
have seventy centavos. Mario bought her one
of those small green apples they sell on the
sidewalk, but she just threw it away, saying
it was not a real apple. Can you blame
him for what he did?
No ma’am because he only did it for his
daughter who is sick.
Thank you.
Yes we can’t blame him because he only wants to
give an apple to his sick daughter.
But do you think what Mario did is okay because
according to him he only takes one
single apple Not a dozen, not a crate ?
No ma’am
What happened to Mario after the incident?
Ma’am he was kicked out in his job.
What do you think he should’ve done instead of
stealing the apple?
Ma’am he should wait for his salary if he really
want to give an apple for his sick daughter.
Very good!
Is Gloria happy for what he did?
No ma’am because of what he did he lost his
That right!
Gloria is upset because Mario is not thinking
before he do something.
Did he beg to get him back in his job?
No ma’am because according to him they had
been waiting for Mario to make a slip like that
They’ve wanted to throw Mario out for any
reason so that they may bring their own men
And if she complain they would dig up his
police record.
Very good!
According to him they had been waiting for
Mario to make slip like that.
And if he complains they would dig up
his police record. How did Mario find a job?
Ma’am Mario finds a job because of Pablo.
Very good!
So, Mario went to Pablo’s house. And
Pablo showed up to Mario’s house because
Pablo can’t wait anymore for Mario.
Is Gloria happy because Pablo showed up?
No ma’am
Why do you think Gloria is not happy?
Ma’am it is because Mario and Pablo are
already pal before Gloria met Mario, and they
are doing bad deeds together before.
Very good!
What kind of job do you think is that?

Ma’am it’s not a decent job.

How do you say so?
Ma’am because of the line of Pablo saying that
“He said he would be back this noon. But he
didn‟t show up. I came because I was afraid
his conscience was bothering him”
Very good!
Does Gloria able to stop Mario?
No ma’am because Mario already made up his
Very good!
So do you understand the story?
Yes ma’am!
Very good!
Now tell me what is the conflict in the play?
The conflict in the story is Man vs. Himself
How do you say so?
Ma’am because Mario needs to dwell with
himself of what he is going to follow if it’s his
wife or his friend Pablo. So there is an internal
conflict because he needs to choose.
Very good!
How about the others? What conflict is
there in the story?
Ma’am it is Man vs. Society
How do you say so?
It is man vs. society because in the story,
Mario’s family is said to be in the lower
bracket of the society and because of it, the
society pushes him to do a crime just to
provide for his family.
Very good, it is considered as man vs. society.
Another scene that justifies this is the scene
where Mario was accused of stealing the
apple and got fired by the company even
though that apple just roll out form the broken
crate they were hauling.
Relating this in our life, one Filipino negative
characteristic is nepotism or favoritism such
as in appointing a job to a person close to you.
From the dialogue of the characters,
which line shows nepotism?
Ma’am in the line, “They won't do that. Can't
you see they had waiting for me to make a slip
like that? They've wanted to throw me out for
any reason, so that they may bring their men
Very good!
What is the symbolism of the play?
Ma’am it is the apple itself.
How do you say so?
Ma’am because the apple symbolizes
temptation especially to Mario not only
because he was tempted to put the apple inside
his bag and also because of the apple he was
tempted to go to Pablo to find a job that is not

Very good!
So which line can we say that saying Mario
tempted by an apple?
Ma’am in Mario’s dialogue, “I saw one, roll
out of a broken crate. It was that big
(demonstrates). It looked so delicious.
Suddenly I found myself putting it in my lunch
So class what do you think is the theme of the play?
Ma’am the theme of the play is that “that in
this world there are many temptations, and
man tend to be carried away by the temptation
for survival but in everything we do there is
always a consequence.

Very good!
In the story Mario wants to provide for his family
but life is playful to him. Mario tried to change the
way of his living but because of poverty they are
experiencing He goes back to his old self. He was
tempted. How are you going to relate the play to our society?
I can relate the play to those kinds of things in
the news like robbery, other people are doing it
to make a living and because of poverty they
are tempted to such thing.
Very good!
Do you have any question?
None Ma’am

Bring out ½ sheet of paper and answer this three

1. If you were Gloria, are you going to let Mario

to go with Pablo and do bad things just to earn
money or you will not let him go and both of
you will find a good and honest job even you
know that you need urgently the money for
your sick daughter? Why?

2. If you were Mario, are you going to come back

with your old job where did you make sins or
you will borrow money from your relatives then
pay them as soon as you find a new decent job?

3. If you were Pablo, are you going to persuade

Mario to go back with sinful way of job or are
you going to lend them money without telling
them that money came from you. Why?

D. Generalization

Today you’ve learned The world is an apple why do

you think the story is the world is an apple? Why not
the world is an onion because it makes us cry, why not
Tamarind because world is sour. Why do you think
Ma’am because going to your motivation apple is the
fruit that Adam and Eve were tempted. World is full of
temptation that is why the apple is the fruit that being
Very good!
What do you think is the message of the play?
Ma’am the message of the story is that life is full of
temptation and everyone is prone to this.
What is significance of this in our society?
Ma’am the significance of this in our society is that think
before we do something, we should think before we
choose what action we are going to do.
Very good!
It is entitled the world is an apple because in the
characters situation, life is full of temptations and
even us has almost same situations that we
encounter. Let’s all remember that in every deeds
there is a consequence

IV. Evaluation

1. Give a short description to the characters

of the play The world is an apple. (2 points each)

 Gloria
 Mario
 Pablo

2. What do you think happen next when Mario left

the house? (2-3 sentences) 5pts.

V. Assignment
Read the story New Yorker in Tondo.

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