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Jl. Raya Situbondo No. 96 A Tenggarang



Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Good morning every body…

The honorable the committee or the competition, judges, teachers and all of may beloved friends.
First of all, thanks to Almighty God, Allah SWT for this blessing and grace, so we can attend and
gather here in healthy condition. And I also want to deliver greeting to my prophet Muhammad SAW,
who has brought us from the dark age to the bright age now. So we are always on the right path until
the end of this world.
Brother and Sisters…..
In this occasion, I would like to deliver my speech entitled “THE UNIQUNESS OF ORGANIC
Brother and sisters…..
Organic tourism village in lombok kulon, do you know this place? It is located in Lombok Kulon
Village, Wonosari subdistrict, Bondowoso regency. This place organized by Mr. Baidawi. Uniquely
since 2009, this village has applaid Organic Village Concept in which most of its horticultural products
use organic pattern, there are alson many kinds of organic product. All of them are cultivated
organically. Because of this organic concept, the regional government decided Lombok Kulon as
organic village ini Bondowoso.
Brother and sisters…..
If you visit this place you will see various of organic farming, for example planting and cropping the
rice. Tjis place offers some organic products. This place also provides some home stay which are
built from bamboo. The guests who stay here will be able to see the view of rice fields in front of the
home stays. Besides, this destination also provides an interesting show like river tubing Lombok
Kulon, it is the action of sliding freely in the river by using a float. The can enjoy the stream of
Wonosroyo river using the float, its really interesting activity.
Brother and sisters…..
One of places which interst many people to come is organic house. All visitors can see the cultivation
process of organic vegetables, they can buy all products directly. The organic vegetables in this
village is not only as the consumption of the villagers, but it is also sold to the visitors. The visitors can
also practice to cultivate the organic vegetables. Hopefully, the visitors can practice by themselves at
home. Another interesting think in Lombok Kulon tourism village is organic rice farming. Now, the
farmers in Lombok Kulon are the olnly pure organic farmers. In 2013, their rice production has got
organic sertificate from Seloliman Organic Certification Agency. The visitors can also taste the organic
farming and fishery culinary there. They can directly go to the Laranta Warung in the corner of
Lombok Kulon village. This stall becomes one of the main proponent in developing Lombok Kulon
tourism village.
Brothers and sisters….
I think that’s all my speech today. I hope my speech can give you the view about the beauty, the
uniqueness and the comfort of Lombok Kulon tourism village. Thank you for your attention…

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
Jl. Raya Situbondo No. 96 A Tenggarang



Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Good morning every body…

The honorable comitee , judges, teachers, and all my beloved friends…

First of all, let us say thanks to Allah SWT who has given us guidance and blessing. Therefore we can
gather here in a good condition. Then, let us greet and pray to our prophet Muhammad SAW who
brings us the path of leave the darkness in this live.
Well …. Ladies and gentleman ………
In this good moment, I would like to deliver my speech entitled “STONEHENGE VAN JAVA AS A
Ladies and gentleman …
As we know there some tourism places in Bondowoso. One of them is Stonehenge van Java.
Stonehenge van Java which has a popular name Batu Solor is one of the most beautiful tourism
places in Bondowoso. It becomes one of the most desirable tourist destinations for some recent
years. When you come to this place, you will find the real twin of the authentic stonehenge. It is not
the artificial stone. It is truly originated from the ancient age. And the question now, do all of you here
know about Stonehenge van Java or Batu Solor?... What do you know about this?
Well Batu Solor or Stonehenge van Java is apile of gigantic stone from the megalithic times. It is
located in the middle of the hilly village of Solor, subdistrict of Cermee Bondowoso. In this site the
travelers will find the stones wich are pilled up one another in a fantastic height. Not only having its
uniqueness, there is also a mystical legend thre. Some people say that there is a stone wich shapes
like a sparwling human. This site is sacred for the locals. Howewer the fact is this place interests
many travelers to come. Altough they must pass very difficult track, it is not comparable to the
scenery we see and enjoy a long the trip.
Ladies and gentlemen…
I Think, if we talk about the beauty of this place, it will never end or perhaps, some of you will be
bored because you have been there before. The important thing is how is the way to introduce this
beautiful and unique place to people all over Indonesia and even the world? How is the way to
maintan this place stay clean and beautiful? The answer is on ourselves. That is our duty and
responsibility as the natives of Bondowoso.
Ladies and gentleman ….
Stonehenge van Java or Batu Aolor is one tourism place who has a good prospect to make all people
aout there know about Bondowoso, how come? At this time we can feel the impact of tourism for the
city it self. The more the city has many beautiful place the more they know this city well and now, how
is the way to do it? We can invite people to come to Bondowoso to enjoy this place. We just need to
use media social we know life facebook, instagram, path, and others. By using those social media we
can introduce the beauty of Stonehenge van Java or may be other tourism places in Bondowoso to
other people tell them what we can see there, what we can enjoy there. We also need to post the
photo or the picture of the scenery of the place. We can tag the pictures we post to our friends in
other city, and don’t forget to write an important message for all the readers or the travelers that it is
important to keep the cleanliness of this beautiful place. It is also important for us to have self
awareness about the cleanliness or environtmental hygiene. Don’t throw our rubbish carelessly, don’t
make any scratches ther. Especially on the stones, trees, or any places there. One more, we must
maintain and keep this tourism place stay beautiful and clean. If it is not, it means we have become a
dangerous destroyer.
Ladies and gentleman …..
I think that’s all my speech. I do hope my speech can open our mind the importance of introducing the
Stonehenge van Java in Bondowoso to all people and keeping that beauty. As the closing lets come
to the Stonehenge van Java.

Thank you for attention…

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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