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Course Syllabus

ENC 1102 Writing and Rhetoric II Spring 2019

Instructors:​​ Jean-Paul Russo (

Camila Saavedra (
Michael Sheriff (
Office Hours:​​ Monday & Friday 10:00-1:45, AC1 370 (BBC)

As instructors, we are here to guide and facilitate your success in this course, and to provide a
safe classroom environment where ideas can be exchanged through academic discourse and
productive conversation. As students, you are here to keep an open mind, engage with
complicated and critical thinking, and express your ideas in a collegial manner.

Feel free to contact us about any questions the syllabus may not answer, or any issues you may
be having in this course by coming to our office hours or sending us an email. If you want to
meet in person but cannot come to our office hours, email us to schedule another time to meet.

Course Description and Purpose:

Welcome to ENC 1102!
In this course we will focus on reviewing previously learned rhetorical concepts as well as
further developing our rhetorical skills from ENC 1101. We will use key rhetorical concepts to
analyze and compose a variety of multimodal and multimedia texts. A central focus of this
course will be towards performing research of materials such as journal articles, essays, books,
databases, and informal Internet sources. We will work on understanding and using a variety of
technologies to address a range of audiences.

The assignments for this course are structured in a way that will direct you towards formulating
and responding to a research question. Throughout the semester we will work on addressing
this research question through various multimodal assignments. The major assignments consist
of a response towards research done into a problematic issue, two proposals and peer-reviews.
In completing these assignments effectively, we will develop our critical thinking, reading and
writing skills in preparation for upper level courses. We hope that this course will prepare you to
be confident in your writing skills and will give you the rhetorical skills required for all of your
University and professional career needs.

Learning Outcomes
Throughout this semester, you will:
● Interpret and evaluate how information is produced and consumed in specific contexts,
including networked environments
● Explore and create critical questions to drive meaningful inquiry
● Develop critical knowledge of primary and secondary research methods
● Examine the power and limits of writing as social and public action
● Compose rhetorically effective media for different audiences
● Deepen reflective and metacognitive thinking strategies
● Use intellectual property responsibly
● Develop and use effective invention, composing, and revision processes
● Demonstrate awareness and use of strategic rhetorical and stylistic techniques within
multilingual and diverse linguistic contexts

Course Materials:
● Taylor, Todd. ​Becoming a College Writer: A Multimedia Text​. Bedford Bks/St. Martin’s,
○ You will need to bring your copy with you in class and prepared to discuss any
assigned readings
● Computer & internet access
○ This class will have an online component via Canvas. You will need access to
Canvas in order to turn in assignments and participate in the Discussion Boards
○ The library offers computer access to all students. You may access the FIU
library hours ​here
● Notebook/Paper
○ In case you need to take notes or complete a free write exercise. We recommend
a notebook so that you have everything in one place, but loose leaf paper works

● Lunsford, Andrea. ​The Everyday Writer with Exercises​. Customized for FIU. 6​th​ Edition.
Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2016
○ This is a basic style guide that is good to have on hand
○ OR here are some online sources:
■ Grammar Girl
■ OWL Purdue
■ Lousy Writer​ (not knowing grammar doesn’t make you one!)
■ English Grammar 101​ (essentially an online textbook)
● MLA Handbook​. 8th Edition. Modern Language Association of America, 2016.
○ This is an additional source which is a comprehensive guide to MLA format
written by the Modern Language Association. It is a full book which focuses only
on MLA format.
● Strunk, William. ​The Elements of Style​. Ithaca, NY, W.F. Humphrey, 1918.
○ A classic reference book for students and writers. Contains basic principles of
composition such as the common academic writing rules of how a paragraph
should start with a topic sentence, each paragraph should be one unified unit
which focuses on one topic per paragraph, etc.
Grades & Assignments:
In order to pass this class, your final grade must be a C or higher. Your final grade will be
broken down as follows:

Unit 1: Exploring the Power of Rhetoric & Information 20%

Unit 2: Finding a Research Question 25%

Unit 3: Putting Research Into Action 25%

● Campaign Proposal -- 5%
● Website -- 10%
● Interactive Text -- 10%

Canvas Assignments 15%

● Discussion Boards
● Peer Reviews
● Any other homework assignments
● Lowest two grades will be dropped

Participation 15%
● Any in-class assignments that are collected
● Lowest two grades will be dropped

The overall grading scale for this class is as follows:

A -- 90.0% +
B -- 80.0 - 89.9%
C -- 70.0 - 79.9%
D -- 60.0 - 69.9%
F -- 59% or less

Major Projects:
Unit 1: Exploring the Power of Rhetoric & Information
In this project, students will examine the ways in which rhetoric and information can affect
change. In this module, students will begin to recognize the ways in which rhetoric, writing, and
language can influence change in beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and/or actions. For example,
students may be asked to explore this in social movements, as they have experienced it in their
own lives, and/or within specific community organizations.

Unit 2: Finding a Research Question

In this project or series of assignments, students will illustrate awareness of responsible
research methods, and they will explore possible genres in which they could communicate their
own research. In this module, students will learn and begin to apply responsible research
practices. For example, students may explore the differences between primary and secondary
sources, the issue of fake news, and the ways in which genres communicate research. Through
the process and product of this module, students will gather sources and reflect on the ways in
which sources and researchers function in specific networked environments. Students are
encouraged to begin work for their final project, using scaffolded activities to gather and
evaluate information and to analyze genres and sources relevant to their research.
Unit 3: Putting Research Into Action
For this assignment, students will be presenting an active response to their chosen research
question. The assignments for this unit will include a proposal, a functioning website, a
Campaign Plan, and two mockups of their chosen texts. The proposal will be a brief (1-2 page)
description of the students intentions for their campaign. It should include an explanation of the
research problem and purpose for their campaign (ie. present a possible solution, raise
awareness, encourage action, etc.). The website will be a public facing text that defines the
problem and presents the research students conducted during Unit 2. The Campaign Plan will
be designed to have a long-term objective that aims to reach multiple audiences. The mockups
will be samples of two texts found in the Campaign Plan. Students will also be asked to prepare
a 5 minute presentation demonstrating how they interacted with the public.

What is the attendance policy?
Attendance is required for this course. We will take attendance at the beginning of each class
session. Attendance will be worth a total of 100 participation points. You are allowed to miss
three class meetings if our class meets Monday, Wednesday, Friday. These days which you are
allowed to miss should be used in case any personal occurrences should happen, or in the case
of an emergency. Missing anymore class meetings than what is allowed will result in points
being deducted from the final overall participation grade. Should you miss due to health
concerns and/or family emergencies, please contact us directly so we can work something out.

Do we have a midterm or final exam?

We will not have any exams in this course. However, we will have major projects that will take
the place of a midterm and a final exam.

Can I submit assignments late?

Yes, you may! However, there will be a 5% deduction for every day that it is submitted late up to
a maximum 20% deduction. That being said, we encourage everyone to submit their
assignments in on the day it is due in order to receive the maximum amount of points. When
submitting assignments on Canvas, make sure that your documents are uploaded before you
log off.

We understand that working with Canvas can present technical issues. Please keep us
informed of any issues you may have logging into or submitting assignments through Canvas.
We have included several emails at the top of the syllabus so that you have other means of
reaching us outside of Canvas.

If you have a personal matter that will present a problem in submitting an assignment on time,
please let us know as soon as possible. We are happy to work with you around emergency
situations! You can reach us at the emails listed on this syllabus or directly through Canvas.

Are we required to purchase all of the books for this course?

You are required to purchase the main textbooks for this course. There are suggested readings
and additional resources which you will not be required to purchase but we do recommend
should you want for extra reference materials.
Are we allowed to bring laptops to class?
You can use your laptops in class to take notes on what is being discussed and to do any
additional research on the topics we are discussing. There will be certain class dates where we
will ask students in advance to bring a laptop or tablet to do online research during class time.

Are we allowed to resubmit assignments for a better grade?

You will be allowed to resubmit major writing projects for a better grade if you wish to do so. All
resubmissions must include a 1 page reflection explaining the purpose of the modifications that
you have made to your project. Your reflection is an informal essay that allows you to justify
your edits and reflect on the revision process. ​Your resubmission will not be accepted without
the reflection essay. ​The due dates for resubmissions of major projects will be decided on a
case by case basis in conference, via email, or during office hours meetings.

Minor assignments (class reflections, peer reviews, online class discussions) will not be eligible
for resubmission. However, your two lowest grades will be dropped at the end of the semester.

What Is The Policy For Academic Misconduct And Plagiarism?

Florida International University is a community dedicated to generating and imparting
knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of
ideas, and community service. All students should respect the right of others to have an
equitable opportunity to learn and honestly demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore,
all students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates
respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of the University. All
students are deemed by the University to understand that if they are found responsible for
academic misconduct, they will be subject to the Academic Misconduct procedures and
sanctions, as outlined in the ​Student Handbook​.

Disability Resource Center
● The Disability Resource Center works with students, teachers and faculty to ensure a
learning environment that is inclusive and supportable for all. The DRC provides
students with disabilities the necessary support to complete their courses. Please feel
free to contact the center for more information: 305-348-3532, Graham Center GC 190,

Center for Excellence in Writing

● The Center for Excellence in Writing assists the FIU community in all stages of the
writing process through face-to-face and online tutoring, workshops, and community
engagement. Our multilingual staff is dedicated to creating a welcoming, respectful, and
collaborative environment to help all writers succeed in the classroom and in their

Victim Empowerment Program

● The Victim Empowerment Program (VEP) provides free confidential assistance to FIU
students who have experienced threats or actual violence in order to support the healing
process. Please feel free to contact the Victim Empowerment Program for more
information: 305-348-2277, SHC 270

Counseling and Psychological Services

● Counseling and Psychological Services’ mission is to provide mental health services to
students that will facilitate and enhance their personal learning, emotional well-being and
academic skills development. ​Please feel free to contact the Victim Empowerment
Program for more information: 305-348-2277, SHC 270

Student Food Pantry

● The purpose of the food pantries is to serve FIU students in need. The pantries are
available to students on both campuses. The BBC Student Food Pantry, located in WUC
307 is run by the department of Healthy Living Program. The MMC Food Pantry, located
in GC 319 is run by the Center for Leadership & Service. Both pantries are donations
based, which means that all the food distributed comes from donations made by staff,
faculty, members of the community, and student groups.
MMC: 305-348-6995, BBC: 305-919-5307

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