HTML Tags and Attributes

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Category: HTML Tags

<video> HTML The <video> element, which adds native video playback support to the HTML
Tag specification in HTML5, can be used to embed a video in an HTML document.
Add the video URL to the element by using either the src attribute of the <video>
element or by nesting one or more <source> elements between the opening and
closing <video> tags.
<track> HTML The <track> element is used as a child of an <audio> or <video> element and adds
Tag a time-based data source to the parent media element. For example, the <track>
element can be used to add timed subtitles to a video and closed captions to audio
<time> HTML Defines a datetime. The content of a time element is typically a human-readable
Tag date and time, and a machine-readable version of the same time is placed in the
datetime attribute.
<tfoot> HTML The <tfoot> element identifies one or more <tr> elements as containing summary
Tag contents of a table's columns. The <tfoot> element must be the direct descendant
of a <table> element. In HTML5, <tfoot> can be placed either before or after
<tbody> and <tr> elements, but must appear after any <caption>, <colgroup>, and
<thead> elements.
<tbody> HTML The <tbody> element must be a direct descendant of a <table> element and is used
Tag to identify <tr> elements that comprise the body of the table. The <tbody> element
should always come after a <thead> element and may come before or after a <tfoot>
<summary> The <summary> element is used as a child of <details> element to provide a
HTML Tag summary of the contents of the <details> element. At this time, <summary> is not
well supported across browsers.
<source> HTML The <source> element is used as a child of a <picture>, <audio>, or <video>
Tag element, and identifies the URL of one or more media resources. The <source>
element is commonly used to add media resources in multiple formats for the best
possible cross-browser compatibility.
<section> HTML The <section> element is a structural HTML element used to group together related
Tag elements. Each <section> typically includes one or more heading elements and
additional elements presenting related content.
<ruby> HTML The <ruby> element is used pair characters of certain Asian languages with
Tag pronunciation information. The <ruby> element is used in conjunction with the
<rp> and <rt> elements.
<rt> HTML Tag Defines explanations and pronunciations of characters in ruby language annotations
(a system for displaying certain characters in several Asian languages).
<rp> HTML Tag Defines content which is to be shown in browsers that do not support ruby language
annotations (a system for displaying certain characters in several Asian languages).
<q> HTML Tag The <q> element is used to identify and inline quote that does not require paragraph
breaks. Longer quotations that do require paragraph breaks should use the
<blockquote> element.
<progress> The <progress> element is used to create a progress bar to serve as a visual
HTML Tag demonstration of progress towards the completion of task or goal. The max and
value attributes are used to define how much progress (value) has been made
towards task completion (max).
<output> HTML The <output> element is used to display the result of a calculation. The <output>
Tag element is typically used in conjunction with a parent <form> and sibling <input>
elements to perform a calculation. The actual calculation is typically completed
using JavaScript.
<optgroup> The <optgroup> element is used to group together related <option> elements within
HTML Tag a parent <select> drop-down list.
<object> HTML The <object> element is used to embed an object in an HTML document. It is
Tag commonly used to embed webpage elements such as Flash and Java items that are
handled by browser plugins.
<nav> HTML The <nav> element identifies a group of navigation links. Links in a <nav> element
Tag may point to other webpages or to different sections of the same webpage.
<meter> HTML The <meter> element is used to create a visual representation of a gauge that
Tag demonstrates the relationship of a value to established minimum and maximum
<menuitem> The <menuitem> element is used to add menu items and commands to contextual
HTML Tag pop-up menus (the menus that appear when you right-click in a web browser).
<mark> HTML The <mark> element is used to highlight text inside of another element such as a
Tag paragraph, list, or table. Text to which the <mark> element has been added is
considered to be particularly relevant in a specific context.
<main> HTML The <main> element is used to denote the content of a webpage that relates to the
Tag central topic of that page or application. It should include content that is unique to
that page and should not include content that is duplicated across multiple
webpages, such as headers, footers, and primary navigation elements.
<keygen> HTML The <keygen> element generates a public-private key pair and sends the public key
Tag to the server with form submission. The element is expected to be deprecated and
does not have broad browser support.
<header> HTML The <header> element is used to identify content that precedes the primary content
Tag of the web page and often contains website branding, navigation elements, search
forms, and similar content that is duplicated across all or most pages of a website.
<footer> HTML The <footer> element is a structural element used to identify the footer of a page,
Tag document, article, or section. A <footer> typically contains copyright and
authorship information or navigational elements pertaining to the contents of the
parent element.
<figure> HTML The <figure> element identifies self-contained content related to the main content,
Tag such as an image, table, or chart. The <figcaption> element is often nested within a
<figure> element to add a caption to the content identified by the <figure> tags.
<figcaption> The <figcaption> element is used as a child of a parent <figure> element to attach
HTML Tag a caption to the image, table, or chart contained in the <figure> element.
<dialog> HTML The <dialog> element is used to create a dialog box such as a popup or modal
Tag window that is rendered within the active browser window. Defining the behavior
of a <dialog> element typically requires the use of JavaScript.
<details> HTML The <details> element is used to pair a <summary> statement with additional
Tag related details. The <summary> is displayed, and a user can view or hide additional
details by clicking on the summary.
<datalist> The <datalist> element is used to define autocompletion values for an associated
HTML Tag <input> element. Suggested autocompletion values are added to a datalist by
nesting one or more <option> elements between the opening and closing <datalist>
<canvas> HTML The <canvas> element creates a rectangular pane of arbitrary size which can be
Tag used for drawing graphics, manipulating photos, and creating animations with
<bdo> HTML The <bdo> element is used override the default directionality of text. It is used to
Tag display characters from languages that are read from right-to-left, such as Hebrew
and Arabic.
<bdi> HTML The <bdi> element is used to isolate a small section of text which may be formatted
Tag to run in the opposite direction than the text around it (such as right-to-left in a left-
to-right context). This is useful when a language with right-to-left directionality,
such as Arabic or Hebrew, is used inline with left-to-right languages.
<audio> HTML The <audio> element is used to add audio media resources to an HTML document
Tag that will be played by native support for audio playback built into the browser rather
than a browser plugin.
<aside> HTML The <aside> element is used to identify content that is related to the primary content
Tag of the webpage, but does not constitute the primary content of the page. Author
information, related links, related content, and advertisements are exampes of
content that may be found in an aside element.
<article> HTML The <article> element identifies a self-contained piece of content which could
Tag theoretically be distributed to other websites and platforms as a stand-alone unit.
The <article> element is a good choice to contain entire blog posts, news articles,
and similar content.
<acronym> The <acronym> element and title attribute was used to associate a full-text
HTML Tag explanation with an acronym. The <acronym> element has been deprecated in
HTML5 and <abbr> should be used instead.
<abbr> HTML The <abbr> element is used along with a title attribute to associate a full-text
Tag explanation with an abbreviation or acronym. Website visitors do not see the text
in the title attribute, but browsers, search engines, and assistive technologies do use
this information.
<sup> HTML The <sup> script is used to identify text that should appear in a superscript position
Tag relative to the surrounding text. Use the element for it's semantic meaning, rather
than for it's styling. If all you want to do is make a character appear superscript for
stylistic purposes, CSS is the right tool for the job. Let's take a look at how we
might do that using this CSS snippet created by Ruthie BenDor with some light
<del> HTML Tag The <del> tag is used to identify text that has been deleted from a document but
retained to show the history of modifications made to the document. Pair a <del>
element with an <ins> element to identify the inserted text that replaced the deleted
<textarea> The <textarea> element is used to create a text input area of unlimited length. By
HTML Tag default, text in a <textarea> is rendered in a monospace or fixed-width font, and
text areas are most often used within a parent <form> element.
<th> HTML Tag The <th> element is used to identify table cells that contain column header values
rather than table data. A row of table heading values is created by nesting multiple
<th> values in a parent <tr> element.
<title> HTML The <title> element is a required HTML element used to assign a title to an HTML
Tag document. Page titles are not displayed in the browser window, but they are used
as the page name by search engines and displayed by browsers in the title bar, on
the page tab, and as the page name of bookmarked webpages.
<tr> HTML Tag The <tr> element is used to group together <th> or <td> values into a single row of
table heading or data values. The <tr> element may be a direct child of a <table>
element or nested within a parent <thead>, <tfoot>, or <tbody> element.
<tt> HTML Tag The <tt> element was used to identify text to be displayed using the browser's
default monospace or fixed-width font as it would appear on a fixed-width device
such as a teletype. This element has been deprecated and the <code> element is an
appropriate modern replacement for <tt>.
<u> HTML Tag The <u> element was originally used to identify text that should be underlined. The
element was deprecated in HTML 4.01, but in HTML5 it was redefined to represent
text that should be displayed in a way that is an unarticulated but stylistically
distinct from the surrounding text. For example, one proper use of the <u> element
is to identify misspelled terms.
<ul> HTML Tag The <ul> element is used to define an unordered list of items. Use an unordered list
to contain <li> elements that do not need to be presented in numerical order and
can be rearranged without changing the meaning of the list.
<var> HTML The <var> element is used to identify a variable in a mathematical equation or
Tag computer program. Text marked with <var> tags is displayed in an italics font style
by most browsers.
<wbr> HTML The <wbr> element is used to define a word break opportunity in a string of text. It
Tag is particularly useful when you wish to define word break opportunities in a long
unbroken string of text that might otherwise break improperly.
<xmp> HTML The <xmp> element was used to surround HTML example text that should be
Tag rendered without interpreting any HTML elements between the opening and
closing <xmp> tags. The element was deprecated in HTML 3.2 and is now obsolete.
<input> HTML The <input> element is used to create form fields that accept user input. Form
Tag <input> elements can be presented many different ways, including simple text
fields, buttons, checkboxes, drop-down menus, and more, by setting the type
attribute of the input element to the appropriate value.
<isindex> HTML The <isindex> element was used to create a single line search prompt for querying
Tag the contents of the document. Implementation of the element was inconsistent and
the functionality duplicated by the <form> and <input> elements. As a result,
<isindex> was deprecated in HTML 4.01.
<kbd> HTML The <kbd> element is used to identify text that represents user keyboard input. Text
Tag surrounded by <kbd> tags is typically displayed in the browser's default monospace
<label> HTML The <label> element is used to associate a text label with a form <input> field. The
Tag label is used to tell users the value that should be entered in the associated input
<legend> HTML The <legend> element is used to add a caption to a group of related form <input>
Tag elements that have been grouped together into a <fieldset>.
<li> HTML Tag The <li> element defines a list item that is part of an ordered and unordered list of
<link> HTML The <link> element is used to define a relationship between an HTML document
Tag and an external resource. This element is most commonly used to define the
relationship between a document and one or more external CSS stylesheets.
<listing> HTML The <listing> element was intended as a way to render HTML code on a page. It
Tag was never properly supported, and is now deprecated. Using <listing> will almost
certainly result in unexpected results. Instead, use <code>, or place the content in a
<div> with the appropriate CSS styling.
<map> HTML The <map> element is used in conjunction with one or more <area> elements to
Tag define hyperlinked regions of an image map.
Marquee Tag The <marquee> element was used to identify text that should move across a defined
section of a webpage in a horizontal or vertical direction. The element has been
deprecated and should no longer be used. CSS or JavaScript can be used to create
similar effects.
<menu> HTML The <menu> element defines an instance of a menu. This experimental HTML
Tag feature has very limited browser support, but may soon be an effective way to add
menu items to context menus and to create interactive web application menus.
<meta> HTML The <meta> element is used to add machine-readable information to an HTML
Tag document. Information added with the <meta> tag is not displayed to website
visitors but is provided for use by browsers and web crawlers.
<multicol> The <multicol> element was an experimental feature, now deprecated, that was
HTML Tag used to create a newspaper-style layout for text content. The modern CSS columns
property can be used to create the same effect.
<nobr> HTML The <nobr> element identifies text that should not be allowed to break into multiple
Tag lines which can force users to scroll horizontally to view the content. This element
is obsolete and should be used.
<noembed> The <noembed> element was conceived as a way to provide fallback content to
HTML Tag users whose browsers did not support the <embed> element. In HTML 4.02
<noembed> was deprecated in favor of <object> to provide fallback content.
<noframes> The <noframes> element was used within a parent <frameset> to provide fallback
HTML Tag content for users whose browsers did not support <frame> content. Frames have
been deprecated, so the <noframes> element should not be in use on modern
<noscript> The <noscript> element contains HTML content that will be rendered if a user
HTML Tag viewing the webpage does so using a browser that does not support scripts or has
disabled scripts.
<ol> HTML Tag The <ol> element is used to create an ordered list. An ordered list is created by
nesting one or more <li> elements between the opening and closing <ol> tags.
<option> HTML The <option> element is used in conjunction with the <select> element to create a
Tag drop-down menu in a web form. Each <option> element is displayed as an available
option in the resulting drop-down menu.
<p> HTML Tag The <p> element is used to identify blocks of paragraph text. The closing <p> tag
is optional and is implied by the opening tag of the next HTML element
encountered in an HTML document after an opening <p> tag.
<param> HTML The <param> element is used to specify the parameters that apply to plugin-
Tag powered content embedded with an <object> element.
<plaintext> The <plaintext> element was used to render HTML code as plain text. Since
HTML Tag everything after the opening tag was rendered as plain text, there was no closing
<plaintext> tag. This element is obsolete and should not be used. Instead, use the
<code> or <pre> elements.
<pre> HTML The <pre> element is used to identify text that should be rendered with all line
Tag breaks and spaces intact. It is often used to preserve indenting and line breaks when
displaying code blocks.
<s> HTML Tag The <s> element is used to identify text that is no longer accurate or relevant. It is
similar to, but semantically distinct from, the <del> element which is used to
identify document edits. By default, browsers render the contents of an <s> element
with a strikethrough.
<samp> HTML The <samp> element is used to identify text that should be interpreted as sample
Tag output from a computer program. By default, browser render <samp> element
contents in a monospace font.
<script> HTML The <script> element contains code written in a programming language other than
Tag HTML or specifies the location of an external script resource. It is most commonly
used to add JavaScript and jQuery to webpages either directly or by linking to
external .js files.
<select> HTML The <select> element, used along with one or more <option> elements, creates a
Tag drop-down list of options for a web form. The <select> element creates the list and
each <option> element is displayed as an available option in the list.
<small> HTML The <small> element identifies text to display one size smaller than the surrounding
Tag text. In HTML5 the element is intended to be used to identify items of secondary
importance such as copyright notices, side comments, and legal notices.
<sound> HTML The <sound> element was used in the Mosaic browser to add sound files to HTML
Tag documents. It was never formally adopted in an HTML standard and has no support
among modern browsers. Instead, use the modern HTML5 element <audio>.
<spacer> HTML The <spacer> element was used to add whitespace to web pages by replicating the
Tag effect of adding a small image to web page of the same color as the background
color of the web page. This element is obsolete. Use modern CSS equivalents to
add space between elements of a web page.
<span> HTML The <span> element is the inline equivalent to the block-level <div> element. It is
Tag used to select inline content for purely stylistic purposes.
<strong> HTML The <strong> element is used to identify text that is of greater importance than the
Tag surrounding text. By default, all browsers render <strong> text in a bold typeface.
<style> HTML The <style> element is used to add CSS style rules to an HTML document. The
Tag element is expected to appear in the document <head>, but will also render
acceptably when used in the <body> of the document.
<sub> HTML The <sub> element is used to identify characters that should be rendered in a
Tag subscript position. The element should be used mark text according to
typographical conventions and not stylistic purposes. Text that is to appear
subscript for purely stylistic purposes should be styled with CSS.
<table> HTML The <table> element is used in conjunction with child elements such as <tr>, <td>,
Tag <th>, and others to add tabular data to an HTML document.
<thead> HTML The <thead> element is used to identify one or more rows of a table that contain
Tag column labels rather than table data.
<td> HTML Tag The <td> element creates a single data cell in an HTML <table>. Data cells must
be used as child elements of a parent <tr>, and the resulting group of <td> elements
will be rendered as a single table row in a <table>.
HTML This element is used to add a comment to an HTML document. An HTML comment
Comments: How begins with <!–– and the comment closes with ––>. HTML comments are visible
To Use Them In to anyone that views the page source code, but are not rendered when the HTML
Your Code (AKA document is rendered by a browser.
<!– –> )
<!DOCTYPE The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration is used to inform a website visitor's browser
…> HTML Tag that the document being rendered is an HTML document. While not actually an
HTML element itself, every HTML document should being with a DOCTYPE
declaration to be compliant with HTML standards.
<a> HTML Tag The <a> element, or anchor element, it used to create a hyperlink to another
webpage or another location within the same webpage. The hyperlink created by
an anchor element is applied to the text, image, or other HTML content nested
between the opening and closing <a> tags.
<address> The <address> element identifies contact information relevant to the current site,
HTML Tag page, document, section, or article. It should not be used to identify addresses in
any other context.
<app> HTML The <app> element was a predecessor of the <applet> element which was
Tag deprecated in HTML 4.01 and removed from the specification entirely in HTML5.
Modern equivalents include <object> and <embed>.
<applet> HTML The <applet> element was used to add Java applets to an HTML document. This
Tag element was deprecated in HTML 4.01 and removed from the HTML specification
entirely with the release of HTML5. Modern equivalents inlcude <object> and
<area> HTML The <area> element is used as a child of a <map> element to define clickable a
Tag region on an image map. Different regions of an image map can be hyperlinked to
different locations by nesting multiple <area> elements in a single <map> element.
<b> HTML Tag The <b> element is used to draw attention to enclosed text without implying any
added importance or emphasis. Text surrounded by <b> tags is displayed with a
bold typeface.
<base> HTML The <base> element is used to identify a base URL upon which to build all relative
Tag URLs that appear on a webpage. In addition, if the <base> element has a target
attribute, the target attribute will be used as the default attribute for all hyperlinks
appearing in the document.
<basefont> The <basefont> element was used to set the default font size for an HTML
HTML Tag document. Deprecated in HTML 4.01 and removed entirely from HTML5,
<basefont> is not supported by modern browsers and font styling should be
controlled with CSS.
<bgsound> The <bgsound> element was used to embed a background audio track in an HTML
HTML Tag document. It was only ever properly implemented in Internet Explorer and is no
longer supported. The <audio> element can now be used to add background sounds,
but audio tracks that autoplay and cannot be disabled by the user are strongly
discouraged in modern web design.
<big> HTML The <big> element was used to cause the selected text to appear one size larger than
Tag the surrounding text. This purely presentational tag was removed from HTML5 and
should not be used. Instead, use CSS to control font size.
<blink> HTML The <blink> element was an experimental feature that could be used to cause
Tag enclosed text to blink. It was never added to the HTML specification and should
not be used by modern websites.
<blockquote> The <blockquote> element defines a block of text that is a direct quotation. The
HTML Tag <quote> element should be used when a quotation is presented inline with the
surrounding text, but when the quotation is presented as a separate paragraph,
<blockquote> is the appropriate element to use to identify the quotation.
<body> HTML The <body> element contains the entire content of a webpage. It must be the second
Tag element inside of the parent <html> element, following only the <head> element.
<br> HTML Tag The <br> element is used to insert a line break or carriage-return within a parent
element such as a paragraph without breaking out of the parent container.
<button> HTML The <button> element is used to create an HTML button. Any text appearing
Tag between the opening and closing tags will appear as text on the button. No action
takes place by default when a button is clicked. Actions must be added to buttons
using JavaScript or by associating the button with a form.
<caption> The <caption> element is used to add a caption to an HTML table. A <caption>
HTML Tag must appear in an HTML document as the first descendant of a parent <table>, but
it may be positioned visually at the bottom of the table with CSS.
<center> HTML The <center> element was used to identify text that should be centered when
Tag rendered by a browser. However, the element has been deprecated, and the correct
and modern way to center-align text is with CSS.
<cite> HTML The <cite> element identifies the source of a quotation or creative work. Use the
Tag element to identify the name rather than the author or creator of a referenced
creative work.
<code> HTML The <code> element is used to define enclosed text as computer code. It is often
Tag paired with the <pre> element to preserve line breaks and indentation when
presenting blocks of computer code.
<col> HTML Tag The <col> element, typically implemented as a child element of a parent
<colgroup>, can be used to target a column in an HTML table.
<colgroup> The <colgroup> element is used a parent container for one or more <col> elements
HTML Tag which are used to target columns in an HTML table.
<comment> The <comment> element was an experimental way of adding comments to HTML
HTML Tag code that would not be rendered by the browser. It was never added to the HTML
specification and is not supported by modern browsers.
<dd> HTML Tag The <dd> element is used to pair a definition description with a sibling definition
term enclosed in <dt> tags within a parent definition list.
<ins> HTML Tag The <ins> element is used to identify text that has been inserted into a document.
It is often paired with a <del> element which identifies deleted text replaced by the
text contained in the <ins> element.
<dfn> HTML The <dfn> element is used to identify the defining instance of a term in an HTML
Tag document. When a term is wrapped in <dfn> tags, browsers and web crawlers will
understand that nearby text contains a definition of the term.
<dir> HTML Tag The <dir> element, deprecated beginning in HTML 4.01, was used to create a list
of file names or the contents of a directory. An unordered list, created with the <ul>
element, is the appropriate modern replacement for the <dir> element.
<div> HTML The <div> element defines an arbitrary block of content which can be placed and
Tag styled as a single unit.
<dl> HTML Tag The <dl> element defines a description list.
<dt> HTML Tag The <dt> element defines a term in a description list.
<em> HTML Tag The <em> element is used to indicate text that should receive greater emphasis than
the surrounding text.
<embed> HTML The <embed> element creates an embedded panel in which a third-party
Tag application, such as a Flash-based object, can run.
<fieldset> HTML The <fieldset> element may be optionally used to group together related fields in
Tag an HTML form.
<font> HTML The <font> element was used to specify typographical display styles. It has been
Tag deprecated and fonts should be styled with CSS instead.
<form> HTML The <form> element is used to create an HTML form. The <form> element does
Tag not actually create form fields, but is used as a parent container to hold form fields
such as <input> and <textarea> elements.
How to Use The <frame> element was used to break a single browser window into multiple
<frame> Tags in independent browsing contexts. Frames have been deprecated and should not used
Your HTML by modern websites.
<frameset> The <frameset> element was used to create a group of frames which could be styled
HTML Tag and controlled as a unit. Frames have been deprecated and should no longer be used.
<h1>, <h2>, The <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, and <h6> elements are used to create headings
<h3>, <h4>, in descending order of importance where <h1> is the most important and <h6> the
<h5>, <h6> least.
<head> HTML The <head> element contains information about an HTML document that is used
Tag by browsers and web crawlers but is not displayed to website visitors.
<hr> HTML Tag The <hr> element is used to represent a thematic break between paragraph-level
elements. It is typically rendered as a horizontal line.
<html> HTML The <html> element is used as a container for all of the HTML of an entire
Tag document.
<hype> HTML The <hype> element was used to create a browser-specific "Easter Egg" effect. It
Tag was never added to the official HTML specification and is no longer supported by
any browser. Do not use it.
<i> HTML Tag The <i> element is used to differentiate words from the surrounding text by styling
the marked text in italics without implying any added emphasis to the italicized
<iframe> HTML The <iframe> creates an inline frame, which embeds an independent HTML
Tag document into the current document.
<img> HTML The <img> tag is used to insert an image into a document.
Category: HTML Attributes
<input step=””> Specifies the interval between valid values in a number-based input.
<input required> Specifies that the input field is required; disallows form submission and alerts
the user if the required field is empty.
<input readonly> Disallows the user from editing the value of the input.
<input Specifies placeholder text in a text-based input.
<input pattern=””> Specifies a regular expression against which to validate the value of the input.
<input multiple> Allows the user to enter multiple values into a file upload or email input.
<input min=””> Specifies a minimum value for number and date input fields.
<input max=””> Specifies a maximum value for number and date input fields.
<input list=””> Specifies the id of a <datalist> element which provides a list of autocomplete
suggestions for the input field.
<input height=””> Specifies the height of an image input.
<input Specifies the browsing context in which to open the response from the server
formtarget=””> after form submission. For use only on input types of "submit" or "image".
<input Specifies the HTTP method (GET or POST) to be used when the form data is
formmethod=” submitted to the server. Only for use on input types of "submit" or "image".
<input Specifies the URL for form submission. Can only be used for type="submit"
formaction=””> and type="image".
<input autofocus> Specifies that the input field should be in focus immediately upon page load.
<iframe Places a set of security and usability restrictions on the iframe.
<audio volume=””> Specifies the initial volume setting of the audio element, in a range from 0.0 to
HTML Attribute 1.0.
<audio preload=””> Requests a particular preload behavior to the browser, which the browser may
HTML Attribute or may not follow.
<audio muted> Specifies that the volume on the audio player should initially be muted.
HTML Attribute
<audio loop> HTML Specifies that the audio content should loop indefinitely once playback has
Attribute begun.
<audio controls> Toggles the display of audio playback controls.
HTML Attribute
<audio autoplay> Specifies that the audio playback should begin immediately on page load.
HTML Attribute
<audio src=””> Specifies the source file for an audio element.
HTML Attribute
<abbr title=””> Provides the meaning or explanation of an abbreviation or acronym.
HTML Attribute
<a hreflang=””> Specifies the language of the linked resource.
HTML Attribute
<a download> HTML Directs the browser to download the linked resource rather than opening it.
<img crossorigin=””> Indicates that CORS headers should be used in the HTTP request, and specifies
whether or not to use credentials.
<img height=””> Identifies the intrinsic height of an image file, in CSS pixels.
<img srcset=””> Defines multiple sizes of the same image, allowing the browser to select the
appropriate image source.
<td nowrap> NOWRAP indicates that text should not wrap in the cell.
<td bgcolor=””> Sets the background color of a single cell in a table.
<td bordercolor=””> Sets the color of the entire border around a cell.
<td background=””> Specifies the URL of an image file to be used as the <td> element background
<textarea name=””> Adds a name attribute to a <textarea> element and associates the name with
the text added to the text area.
<textarea cols=””> Specifies the visible width of a <textarea> element in average character widths.
Defaults to 20 if not specified.
<textarea wrap=””> Determines whether or not submitted text wraps when a <textarea> is included
in a form submission.
<textarea disabled> Disables the entry of text into a <textarea> element.
<textarea Sets the position of a <textarea> element in the tab order.

<textarea Adds an event listener to a <textarea> which executes JavaScript scripting

onChange=””> when an onchange event occurs.
<textarea Adds an event listener to a <textarea> element which executes JavaScript
onKeyPress=””> scripting when an onKeyPress event occurs.
<tr align=””> Sets the horizontal alignment for the contents of each <td> element in a table
<tr valign=””> Sets the vertical alignment of all content in a table row.
<tr bgcolor=””> Sets the background color for a single table row in an HTML table.
<tr background=””> Identifies the URL of a file to be used as a background image for a table row.
<tr bordercolor=””> Sets the border color for all inside borders of a table row.
<ul type=””> Was used to set list types.
<img alt=””> Defines alternate text, which may be presented in place of the image.
<img name=””> Identified the image or provided additional information about it. Deprecated in
HTML 4.0 in favor of other attributes.
<img longdesc=””> Defines a URL at which can be found more information about the image. It
was written out of the HTML5 specification, but its status is not quite so clear
as other deprecated features.
<img width=””> Indicates the intrinsic width of the image, in CSS pixels.
<img align=””> Was previously used to specify the alignment and placement of an image
relative to the surrounding text. It has been deprecated and should not be used.
<img border=””> Previously used to define a border on an image element. It has been deprecated
and should no longer be used.
<img hspace=””> Previously used to add horizontal space on both side of an image. It is now
<img ismap> Identifies an image as a server-side image map. When the containing anchor
link is clicked, the coordinates of the mouse will be included in the request.
<img usemap=””> Specifies a client-side image map to be used with the image.
<img lowsrc=””> Specified a smaller or lower-quality version of an image.
<img This attribute does nothing. It was once used by a proprietary software system.
<img nosave> Was intended to prevent users from downloading an image. Was never a part
of the HTML specification, and not widely implemented.
<img dynsrc=””> An early failed attempt to include native video playback in HTML.
<img controls> Toggled media player controls when used in conjunction with the dynsrc
attribute. Both attributes are now deprecated.
<img loop=””> Previously used to specify the number of times a video should play, when used
Attribute: Make in conjunction with the dynsource attribute. Both attributes have been
Videos Loop In Your deprecated.
<img start=””> Was used in conjunction with the dynsrc attribute to add a video that would
load in supported browsers in the place of the image that would otherwise be
<img suppress=””> Used by the now-defunct Netscape browser to suppress the display of image
prior to image download completion.
<input type=””> Defines the input type.
<input name=””> Specifies the name of an input element. The name and value of each input
element are included in the HTTP request when the form is submitted.
<input value=””> Defines an initial value or default selection for an input field.
<input size=””> Specifies the width of the input in characters.
<input Specifies the maximum number of characters that can be entered in a text-type
maxlength=””> input.
<input checked> Specifies whether a checkbox or radio button form input should be checked by
<input border=””> Was used to specify a border on an input. Deprecated. Use CSS instead.
<input src=””> Defines the source URL for an image input.
<input disabled> Disables the input field.
<input Defines a keyboard shortcut for the element.
<input language=””> Was used to indicate the scripting language used for events triggered by the
<input Specifies whether the browser should attempt to automatically complete the
autocomplete=””> input based on user inputs to similar fields.
<isindex prompt=””> Specifies a label or prompt text for the document search form.
<isindex action=””> Specifies a URL to search, instead of the current document.
<label for=””> Specifies the ID of the associated form field element.
<legend align=””> Was used to specify the placement of the legend element. Deprecated. Use CSS
<li type=””> Specifies the bullet or numbering style for an individual list item.
<li value=””> Specifies the counter value for a list item within a numbered list.
<link rel=””> Specifies the relationship between two linked documents.
<link href=””> Describes the relationship between the source file and an external file, such as
a script.
<link title=””> Assigns a name to different linked resources so that users can choose between
<link media=””> Tells the browser what type of device a resource is designed for.
<link type=””> Describes the linked resource's media type (MIME type).
<map name=””> Assigns a name to an image map.
<meta name=””> Provides a context for the value in the contents attribute of a <meta> element.
<meta http- Defines document header information.
<meta content=””> Defines the values for the meta element.
<ol type=””> Specifies the type of list marker that should be used on each item of an
unordered list.
<ol start=””> Defines the starting number in an ordered list.
<option value=””> Defines the data sent to the server when a form option item is selected.
<option selected> Defines the default selection in a drop-down list.
<p clear=””> Was used to force a paragraph to appear below sibling elements rather than
next to sibling elements within a parent element.
<param name=””> Specifies the parameter name.
<param value=””> Specifies the parameter value.
<script type=””> Specifies the media type of the script.
<script src=””> Specifies the URL of an external script.
<script defer> The defer element of <script> allows a script to load, but pauses the execution
of the script until the page has loaded.
<script language=””> The language attribute of <script> was intended as a way to define the scripting
language in use. This was never implemented correctly, as developers did not
have a standard list of acceptable values for language. In HTML 5, you should
specify this information using the type attribute instead.
<script for=””> The for attribute of <script> was only supported by Internet Explorer, and is
therefore non-standard. We do not recommend its use, because your code will
not validate and likely will not function as you intended.
<select name=””> The name attribute of <select> means you can easily use your selection field
with JavaScript. For more details on the name attribute, see the name attribute
of the <input> element.
<select multiple> Lets the user select more than one option in the list
<select size=””> Specifies the size of a select item.
<select disabled> Disables a drop-down list.
<select language=””> The language attribute of <select> is not valid HTML. Instead, use <script>
with a valid type attribute.
<select Triggers an event when the selection is changed.
<select tabindex=””> Defines the order of selection when the tab key is pressed.
<select onFocus=””> Triggers an event when a select item receives focus.
<spacer type=””> Do not use. The <spacer> element is obsolete in HTML 5.
TYPE sets the type of spacer to use. TYPE is a required attribute. TYPE itself
requires one of three values, so we'll go straight to the value explanations.
HORIZONTAL inserts an inline empty space into the text. When you use
HORIZONTAL you must also use the SIZE attribute, not WIDTH.
VERTICAL inserts vertical space between lines of text. VERTICAL makes
the space look like a really big paragraph break. When you use VERTICAL,
you must also use the SIZE attribute, not HEIGHT.
BLOCK is a combination of VERTICAL and VERTICAL. When you use
BLOCK, you must also use WIDTH and HEIGHT.
<style type=””> Identifies the type of media contained within a <style> element. However, the
only supported value is text/css, so the attribute is not needed.
<style media=””> Identifies the device or media that the styles contained in a <style> are designed
to be applied to. Allows CSS styles to be optimized for a variety of devices and
media formats.
<table border=””> Was used to specify whether or not borders should be applied to all table cells.
This attribute has been deprecated in favor of CSS.
<table Was used to add padding between the contents of each table cell and the border
cellpadding=””> or edge of the cell. This attribute has been deprecated and CSS should be used
<table Was used to specify the distance between the individual cells of an HTML
cellspacing=””> table. This element has been deprecated and CSS should be used to control
table layout.
<table width=””> The width attribute of <table> is not supported in HTML. Use CSS to control
the appearance of tables.
<table bgcolor=””> Was used to set the background color of an HTML table. This attribute has
been deprecated. Use CSS to style tables.
<table Was used to specify the URL of an image to be set as the background for an
background=””> HTML table. This element has been deprecated. Use CSS to style HTML
<table align=””> Was used to align an HTML table to the left, right, or centered relative to the
parent element. This attribute has been deprecated and CSS should be used to
control the position of a table.
<table hspace=””> hspace is not a valid attribute of <table>. Use CSS instead.
<table height=””> The height attribute of <table> is not valid in any version of HTML. Use CSS
<table frame=””> The frame attribute was used to define the visible borders of a table. It is now
deprecated and should no longer be used.
<table rules=””> Was used to specify the display of internal borders between rows and colums.
This attribute has been deprecated. Use CSS to style table borders instead.
How to Use the <table Was used to specify the color of table borders. This attribute has been
bordercolor=””> deprecated. Use CSS to style table borders.
<table summary=””> The summary attribute of <table> was designed to support non-visual HTML
readers, such as screen readers. It is deprecated in HTML 5.
<td align=””> Was used to specify the alignment of the contents of a single table data cell.
This attribute has been deprecated. Use CSS to control alignment of the
contents of a table data cell.
<td width=””> Was used to set the width of a table data cell to a value that would override the
default width. This attribute has been deprecated. Use CSS to control layout of
data cells in HTML tables.
<td colspan=””> Indicates how many columns a cell should take up.
<a href=””> HTML Specifies the linked document, resource, or location.
<a name=””> HTML Depreciated - do not use.
<a target="" > Specifies the context in which the linked resource will open.
HTML Attribute
<a title=””> HTML Defines the title of a link, which appears to the user as a tooltip.
<applet code=””> Specified the URL of an application code file to be used in an applet. The applet
HTML Attribute element has been deprecated.
<applet Specified the location of a directory contain application code to be used in an
codebase=”””> applet element. The applet element has been deprecated.
HTML Attribute
<applet width=””> Specified the display width of an applet panel. The applet has been deprecated.
HTML Attribute
<applet height=””> Specified the display height of an applet panel. The applet element has been
HTML Attribute deprecated.
<applet align=””> Was used to specify the alignment of an applet relative to the surrounding
HTML Attribute content. The applet element has been deprecated.
<applet vspace=””> Was used to specify the amount of whitespace that should appear above and
HTML Attribute below an embedded <applet> element. Applets and the vspace attribute have
been deprecated.
<applet hspace=””> Specified the amount of horizontal space (margin) on both sides of an applet
HTML Attribute element. The applet element has been deprecated.
<applet border=””> Specified the border around the applet panel. The applet element has been
HTML Attribute deprecated.
<applet name=””> Defined the name of an applet. The applet element has been deprecated.
HTML Attribute
<applet archive=””> Specified the URL of a JAR (Java Archive) file containing the application code
HTML Attribute for the applet. The applet element has been deprecated.
<applet Indicated whether an applet may access on-page JavaScript objects. The applet
mayscript=””> element has been deprecated.
HTML Attribute
<area href=””> Defines the URL of the linked document or resource.
HTML Attribute
<area alt=””> HTML Specifies alternative text for a clickable area in an image map.
<area shape=””> In conjunction with the coords attribute, specifies the shape, size, and
HTML Attribute placement of a clickable area in an image map.
<area coords=””> Defines the shape and size of a clickable area in an image map.
HTML Attribute
<area title=””> Defines the title text of the clickable area. The title text will appear as a tooltip
HTML Attribute in most browsers.
<area target=””> Specifies the context in which to open the linked resource.
HTML Attribute
<area nohref> Specified that an area of an image map did not link to another resource.
HTML Attribute
<base href=””> Specifies the base URL which will be used for all relative links in the current
HTML Attribute document.
<base target=””> Specifies the default target value for all anchor links in the current document.
HTML Attribute
<basefont size=””> Was used to set the base font size for a whole document. Deprecated. Use CSS
HTML Attribute instead.
<basefont color=””> Used to set the text color for a whole document. Deprecated. Use CSS instead.
HTML Attribute
<basefont face=””> Was used to set the base font face for a document. Deprecated. Use CSS
HTML Attribute instead.
<bgsound src=””> Specified the URL of the audio source file for the deprecated <bgsound>
HTML Attribute element.
<bgsound loop=””> Specified whether the audio track defined in the deprecated <bgsound>
HTML Attribute element should loop.
<body bgcolor=””> Was used to set the background color on a document. Deprecated. Use CSS
<body Was used to set the background color and image for the document. Deprecated.
background=””> Use CSS instead.
HTML Attribute
<body text=””> Was used to style the text inside the body of the document. Deprecated. Use
<body Was used to style the background of a document. Deprecated. Use CSS instead.
<body Was used to set a margin above the body of a document. Deprecated. Use CSS.
<body onLoad=””> Fires a script when the page has finished loading.
<body onUnload=””> Fires a script when the visitor leaves the page.
<body onFocus=””> Fires a script when the visitor focuses on the current page.
<body stylesrc=””> Was a proprietary attribute for the Frontpage system. Do not use.
<body scroll=””> Was used to toggle the display of scroll bars on a page, disabling the user's
ability to scroll. Deprecated. You could use CSS to accomplish this, but you
should not because it is a bad idea.
<br clear=”””> Was used to ensure that line breaks "cleared" floated or aligned elements above
them. Deprecated.
<button type=””> Specifies the type of the button.
<button onClick=””> Runs a script when a button is clicked.
<button name=””> Defines the name of the button, which is used for form inputs and labels.
<button value=””> Sets the initial value of the button element.
<button disabled> Disables the button. It cannot be clicked and usually appears gray.
<button Defines an keyboard shortcut for the button. As of HTML5, this is a global
accesskey=””> attribute that can be used on any element.
<button Determines the order of selection when the tab key is used.
<caption align=””> Was used to control the horizontal alignment of a table caption. Deprecated.
Use CSS instead.
<caption valign=””> Was used to control the vertical alignment of a table caption. Deprecated. Use
<col span=””> Specifies the number of natural vertical columns to be included in the <col>
<col align=””> Was used to control the alignment of text within table columns. Deprecated.
Use CSS instead.
<col width=””> Was used to control the width of table columns. Deprecated. Use CSS instead.
<col bgcolor=””> Was used to control the background color of table columns. Deprecated. Use
CSS instead.
<colgroup span=””> Specifies the number of vertical table columns to be included in a column
<colgroup align=””> Was used to control the text alignment within a column group in a table.
Deprecated. Use CSS.
<colgroup width=””> Was used to specify the width of a group of table columns. Deprecated. Use
CSS instead.
<div align=””> Was used to specify the alignment of a div element. Deprecated. Use CSS
<dl compact> Was used to specify a compact display style for a description list. Deprecated.
Use CSS instead.
<embed src=””> Specifies the URL of an application to be embedded.
<embed width=””> Specifies the width of an embedded application panel.
<embed align=””> Was used to control the alignment of an embedded application. Not a part of
the HTML specification.
<embed name=””> Was used to define the name of an embedded application. Not a part of the
HTML specification.
<embed Was used to indicate a download source for a plugin required in order to run
pluginspage=””> the embedded application. Not a part of the HTML specification.
<embed Was used as part of a proprietary specification for embedded applications. Not
pluginurl=””> a part of the HTML specification.
<embed hidden> Hides the element from view.
<embed href=””> Was used to define a link resource for an embedded application. Not a part of
the HTML specification.
<embed Was used to start embedded audio playback immediately. Not a part of the
autostart=””> HTML specification.
<embed loop=””> Was used to loop playback of embedded media. Not part of the HTML
<embed Was used to specify the number of times an embedded media file should play.
playcount=””> Not a part of the HTML specification.
<embed volume=””> Was used to specify the playback volume of an embedded application. Not a
part of the HTML specification.
<embed controls=””> Was used to toggle the display of playback controls in embedded media. Not a
part of the HTML specification.
<embed Was used to toggle display of playback controls. Not a part of the HTML
controller=””> specification.
<embed Was used to control sound in embedded media. Not part of the HTML
mastersound> specification.
<embed Was used to indicate the starting playback position for embedded media. Not a
starttime=””> part of the HTML specification.
<font size=””> Was used to specify the size of text. Deprecated. Use CSS instead.
<font color=””> Was used to specify font color. Deprecated. Use CSS instead.
<font face=””> Was used to specify a typeface. Deprecated. Use CSS instead.
<font point-size=””> Was used to specify the size of text. Deprecated. Use CSS instead.
<font weight=””> Was used to indicate the weight (boldness) of text. Deprecated. Use CSS
<form action=”””> Specifies a URL to which the form's data is sent when submitted.
<form method=””> Tells the browser how to send form data to a web server.
<form name=””> The `name` attribute is deprecated when used with the `form` element. Use `id`
<form enctype=””> The enctype attribute lets you specify an encoding type for your form.
<form target=””> Specifies the browser context in which the form's response should be displayed.
<form onSubmit=””> Runs a script when the Submit button is clicked.
<form onReset=””> Runs a script when the Reset button is clicked.
<frame src=””> Defined the source URL for a frame. Frames are deprecated in HTML5.
<frame name=””> Defined the name of a frame. Frames are deprecated in HTML5.
<frame scrolling=””> Was used to control scrolling behavior inside frames. Frames are deprecated in
<frame noresize=””> Was used to stop users from resizing frames within a browser window. Frames
are deprecated in HTML5.
<frame Was used to control the borders around frames. Frames are deprecated in
frameborder=””> HTML5.
<frame Specified the color of a frame border. Frames are deprecated in HTML5.
<frame Was used to control the margins of a frame. Frames are deprecated in HTML5.
<frameset cols=””> Was used to control display columns in a frameset. Frames and framesets are
deprecated in HTML5.
<frameset Was used to control borders between frames in a frameset. Frames are
frameborder=””> deprecated in HTML5.
<frameset Was used to specify the color of borders between frames in a frameset. Frames
bordercolor=””> and framesets are deprecated in HTML5.
<h* align=””> Was used to specify text alignment (justification) on headline elements.
Deprecated in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
<hr noshade> Was used to change the display of a horizontal rule form the default 3D style
to a flatter 2D style. Deprecated. Use CSS to control the display of an element.
<hr size=””> Was used to specify the height (thickness) of a horizontal rule. Deprecated. Use
CSS instead.
<hr width=””> Was used to specify the width of a horizontal rule. Deprecated in HTML5. Use
CSS instead.
<hr align=””> Was used to control the horizontal alignment of a horizontal rule. Deprecated.
Use CSS instead.
<hr color=””> Was used to control the display color of a horizontal rule. Deprecated. Use CSS
<iframe src=””> Specifies the URL of a document to display in an iframe.
<iframe width=””> Specifies the width of an iframe.
<iframe name=””> Specifies the name of an iframe.
<iframe Was used to specify URL containing a long description of an iframe.
longdesc=””> Deprecated in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
<iframe Was used to toggle the display of a border around an iframe. Deprecated in
frameborder=””> HTML5. Use CSS instead.
<iframe Was used to control the width of margins around an iframe. Deprecated in
marginwidth=””> HTML5. Use CSS instead.
<iframe Was used to toggle scrolling on iframes. Deprecated in HTML5. Use CSS
scrolling=””> instead.
<iframe align=”””> Was used to set the alignment of an inline frame relative to surrounding
elements. Deprecated. Use CSS instead.
<iframe vspace=””> Was used to control the vertical spacing around an iframe. Deprecated in
HTML5. Use CSS instead.
The <IMG SRC=””> Specifies the URL of an image to be displayed.

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