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Gehman Mennonite Church NEWBORN KITS. Items needed are: 2 gowns/sleepers (lightweight cotton).

Physical address: 127 Witmer Road, Reinholds, PA 17569 onesies (sleeveless or short or long sleeves), 4 cloth diapers (flat-fold preferred), 1
Mailing address: PO Box 842, Adamstown, PA 19501
receiving blanket (medium weight cotton or flannel; minimum 36 inches), 4 (2
inch) safety pins, 1 bar mild soap ((Ivory is good) 4-5 oz weight); one pr socks.
Caps are provided by Sewing Circle. Also cartons of bar soap are welcomed.
Please bring new items only, sizes three to nine months. THANK YOU!
Ministry Team
Oct. 25, Mon.-Everyone is invited to the Intercessors’ Gathering, at the
Phil Horning – Lead Pastor – (church: 717-484-4548) (home: 717-484-0998)
Conference Center, 2160 Lincoln Hwy East, Lancaster, Pa. The purpose of this
Glen Martin – Associate Pastor – 717-484-2162
gathering: To raise prayer to a new level in our congregations. To learn what others
Steve McCosby – Deacon – 717-336-8275
congregations have found helpful. To empower each other to be a catalyst in our
congregations for a powerful prayer ministry. Come and bring your friends. For
October 17, 2010
more info call Dave Eshleman at 717-665-0569 or email:
Prayer 8:15 A.M.
Sunday School 9:00 A.M.
Oct 28, Thurs.- Jr. Youth, for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders, will meet here at the church
Worship Service 10:00 A.M.
from 7-8:30 p.m.. If you have any questions please talk to Todd and Heidi Carvell.
Oct. 30, Sat.- Lancaster Conference Women's Fall Fellowship will be held at Mt
Prelude Heidi Carvell
Joy Mennonite. We will carpool to the church and also go out for lunch afterwards.
Call to Worship Lena Brown
To help us make these plans, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board.
Hymn of Praise James Martin
Contact Dianne with any questions.
Dec. 4, Sat.- Senior Link Christmas Dinner here at Gehman Church. Please mark
Worship in Song Worship Team
your calendars in advance; more details to follow,
Bible Presentation
Message: Acts 4:24-31 "The Power of 'One Accord' Prayer"
-Church facility use questions and reservations will now be handled by Phil &
Ken Eberly
Kelly Horning. You can contact them at or 717-484-
Hymn of Response James Martin
0998. You can also check facility availability on our website at
Sharing Time/Pastoral Prayer Phil Horning
-Anyone wishing to have their name added or deleted from the Missionary
Messenger subscription list, please let Darlene know by TODAY! Thank you!
Greeters Darrell & Loretta Gockley
Sunday School Nursery Roxanne & Tamarah
Happy Birthday Olivia Good and William Horning on Wed., and Lillian Weber
Church Nursery Roxanne & Mary
on Thurs.
Next Week:
Greeters Tom & Tamarah Martin
Song Leader Sylvia Eberly
Scripture Reading Tamarah Martin
Message James Martin
Sunday School Nursery Kelly & Sylvia
Church Nursery Tamarah & Falicia

Offerings: The offering for October is for Friendship Community, Landis Homes,
Philhaven, Released Time and budgeted items.
Offering last week was $2,526.07.
Attendance last week was 101.

Oct. 20, Wed.- Youth Group Bible Study at Travis Carolyn’s, 7 p.m.
Oct. 20, Wed.- Sewing Circle will be held again at the Bowmansville Church;
meeting at 8:45-3 p.m. This is the month for a carry-in meal so please remember to
bring a hot or cold dish to share with everyone. Project for this month is

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